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There's a bar in Whole Foods!

There's a bar in Whole Foods!

Just stopped by at the new whole foods on the way home tonight.

They've got a bar! Think of the possibilities...

Swooping a fly girl by the cheese counter, followed by an effortless segue to the bar to seal the deal.

Now that's one stop shopping!

There's a bar in Whole Foods!

Quote: (08-28-2009 07:50 PM)traveling boho Wrote:  

Just stopped by at the new whole foods on the way home tonight.

They've got a bar! Think of the possibilities...

Swooping a fly girl by the cheese counter, followed by an effortless segue to the bar to seal the deal.

Now that's one stop shopping!

Which Whole foods?

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

There's a bar in Whole Foods!

"Which Whole foods?"

Waialae Ave in Kahala.


There's a bar in Whole Foods!

Which Whole foods?

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Chicago in Lincoln Park

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