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Helsinki for 2 days. What to do?

Helsinki for 2 days. What to do?

Hey guys,

just arrived in Helsinki for 2 nights and was wondering, besides milliklubi on tuesdays if there's any venue that will be doing well on a monday night. Any input would be appreciated.


Helsinki for 2 days. What to do?

How was Stockholm, champ! Tell us!

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Helsinki for 2 days. What to do?

Haha, was amazing. Stayed with some good friends and went out with them. Ended up hooking up with the first set that I opened on saturday night. Plays pro sports, piercing blue eyes and actually a very sweet girl. This week has been fun for sure...

Thanks for showing us around in CPH! Hope you closed that girl on day 2.

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