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Will Kavanaugh prove to be a tipping point against feminism and #MeToo?

Will Kavanaugh prove to be a tipping point against feminism and #MeToo?

Most of this will be US-specific so apologies in advance to forum members in other countries.

Over the last few weeks Americans, who for the most part don't closely follow this stuff, have seen a real-life example play out of the left attempting to assassinate a man's character using sexual assault allegations that ranged from uncorroborated to outright ludicrous (the Avenatti rape train accusation). Not only did they see the left do this to Kavanaugh as an indivudal, but a large percentage of the population can see the reasoning behind and the fact that the left attempted to use unfounded sexual assault allegations as a political weapon.

There have been other high-profile false rape claim cases (Duke lacrosse and Clarence Thomas come to mind), but Duke didn't have the wider political implications and neither came during a time of social media, with the MSM telling us that any woman claiming to have been raped or assaulted must be absolutely believed no matter what (unless the attacker is himself a leftist of course).

Decades from now, if we are able to defeat this cancer eating away at western civilization, will we look back on the last few weeks as the tipping point?

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