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What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Hi guys, I took a break from social media and traveled a bit, in Sweden and Norway. Not for the women. I made a deal with my myself, that I would travel to do sightseeing and enjoy the natural beauty and history of a country. Not for easy sex, as I used to.
I did enjoy it, at least in the beginning, but I ended up having depression. I could not do any more sightseeing or enjoy the the natural beauty and history of a country.
I did not respect the deal I made with myself, I said ''fuck the monuments, the mountains, the fjords and the rich history' and started chasing tail again.
I made some approaches in Stockholm clubs and streets and ended up banging two drunk 3s. I know, shame on me. Not even 5s. But I was drunk, too.
But seeing all these hot women around with high bitch shields, I was wondering, what it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

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