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Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

I find it weird that you have to hate on a guy when it doesn't matter one bit. I'm not a great person but still it doesn't sit right with me.

It seems like jealousy on your part due to the shit he managed to get during his short life for minimal work. While you haven't gotten what he has and probably worked harder and more for less while having more time. And now when he's down you can brag about you being on "top" . Like when nerds daydream about sticking it up to the jocks and stunting on them when they become older.

Haha I don't sit around and cry and think about all people that have died i know about. But at the same time you shouldn't try to put a negative spin on someones death. He's a human being after all. We will all die one day don't you wan't people to remember the good shit you done instead of the negative shit?

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