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Logistics: what would you do?

Logistics: what would you do?

I live in the DMV (DC, MD, VA).

Whenever I go out, it's usually to DC but I live 30 mins outside of DC in the suburbs of northern VA. I do this because my job is here and I live literally 5 mins from my job.

However, the benefits of being able to go home for lunch, save money on gas during the week, not having to fight horrible traffic etc, come at a cost.

Since I live so far from the city, it's hard to be spontaneous with a girl that I meet in the city and just have her come to my place. A girl has to be comfortable as hell and really like me to want to drive 30 mins just to kick it at my house. Not to mention having to drive home drunk from the city when I go out.

Generally speaking, if I lived closer to the city or actually in the city, id probably be able to meet even more girls and have more action cause my logistics would be better.

The only thing that's holding me back is the fact that I pay $1100 for 650 sq ft in rent for a pretty nice place and more than likely wont be able to find that anywhere the closer I get to the city. I'd be paying at least 1300 on the low end. Also, my gas bill would definitely go up since I wouldn't be 5 mins from my job anymore.

What would you do?

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