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where did i fuck up?

where did i fuck up?

This was so easy approach it happnes very rarely. I approached girl standing with her friends with generic comment: "thats a interesting style." Girl immadiately introduce herself to me. I start talking to her and she suggested to go in some more quite place away from dancefloor. Perfect!

We had some nice conversation and finally exchanged number. Then we went back to ourfriends. Later on we met again and i took her at dancefloor. I started to escalate and finally I touched her cheek with my mouth. She "sorry" and left me on the dancefloor right away. WTF?

I found her later and told her she shouldnt left me at the dancefloor like that.
She replied she didnt like guys making out with her at dancefloor. I replied: "i am sorry that I am not a gay" She started to argue and eventually I apologized her for being too sexual. i made it in humorous manner but still. I said that i will make sure we keep distance and wont invade her personal space even if she begs me to do it.

I texed and called her next day and she didnt answer the phone.

I think that i made a mistake of apologizing her for being too sexual. I should stick to my guns no matter what.

Do you think is it a case?

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