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I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

I know DC is a complete shit hole, but after trying all of the tricks in the book to improve myself (losing 60 lbs of fat and gaining lean muscle, minimizing the time playing video games, going to "social events," traveling and being well-rounded about the world, etc, etc, etc), my patience has ran out for this place. The over-entitled broads who would be begging for some Average Joe dick if elsewhere, the excessive racial attitudes that make the Deep South more appealing (I'm into dating exotic chicks "outside"), and even the guys that are so toolish and betafied, I can't even find male friends to watch a game or wingman with.

Actually, as a DC native, my patience ran out for this place a long time ago, but especially since my mid-teens (circa 2003) when "the thug" became the only thing broads in my neighborhood were attracted to. Before then, I don't remember one chick I went after that I didn't at least get to third base with.

But my question is how the hell do I get out of what seems like a black hole, thanks to the Bush and 'Bama economic plan of only making jobs in and around the beltway. And it seems like the easiest way of gaining the ability to leave DC for good without some major sacrifice (a Ron Paul presidency) is slipping away. Here's what I'm working with:

-I'm 24 but I feel like I'm in my forties. I feel every day in DC is a day in my life wasted where I could've been somewhere else living it up.
-I'm currently working in the Federal Gov't and have no interesting in continuing doing so. In fact, I'm sick of the corporate cubicle world altogether, and if I really had money, I'd go back and get a CompSci or CompEng degree.
-Despite that, I do have a job, budget analyst, that I know can be done in the private sector and doesn't require me to be anywhere near a city like DC to do
-I do have a few thousand dollars of student loans (less the $10K) that is making me unable to just save up and make my move when I save enough.
-My connections outside of the beltway are very limited, and close to nil except for a few friends I have scattered in other states, but none of them live in cities where I'm taking a hard look at.
-I have no personal reasons to remain here since I don't really talk with anyone, family and others, in the area. This especially holds after passively being declared a "sell out" by attending college and not being a typical go-go loving gangsta (i.o.w., a bama).

As for the cities, I've narrowed it to Seattle, San Diego, Denver, Houston, and Vancouver (yes, I have a passport). From experience and word of mouth, these cities resemble Washington DC the least (decent ratio, chilled out women, work to live mentality, great weather, reasonable COL, white/asian/latina/non-ghetto black chicks who are down with the swirl), so that right there are good indicators.

I know that this forum is about getting the most enjoyment out of live by slaying pussy, and that's my goal. And I know the challenge of DC can make one more prepared for gaming chicks elsewhere, but the mental strain on me has reached the point where I just can't step outside to even enjoy the cultural events and offerings DC has. And it's beyond the entitled power-trip bitches. It's the high COL, the (overall) shitty childhood, the schizophrenic weather, the live-to-work structure, the snobbishness and prejudice, being economically forced here due to the national economic market, and the density of douchebags per square mile (FYI, NYC has less D-bags per square mile compared to DC). In order for me to start gaming to my potential, I need to clear my mind, and I can't do that until I can get the hell out of dodge AND assure myself I'll never have to come back.

Any suggestions on how the GTFO of here, mainly the amount of money I would have to save up to survive a move, what jobs/industries/websites should I look to apply for in order to relocate with a guaranteed job, or any additional cities I should look into where someone in their mid-twenties can live life to the full, hooking up and beyond.

Any suggestions would be real helpful.

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