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How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Printable Version

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How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Hencredible Casanova - 01-18-2012


How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - scotian - 01-18-2012

Interesting topic and nowhere is this more evident than the town of Fort McMurray, Canada, where I've been working for the past couple of years. I don't know the exact demographics, but over the past 5-10 years, a disproportionate amount of young single men have moved there for work in the oil industry.

The town if fucked, I've never been around so many high school dropouts who make 150-250K/year, they literally have more money than brains, most are terrible at gaming women and they think nothing of spending a couple grand for a weekend of fun. Many are your Ed Hardy/tribal tattoo/jacked on roids types, the percentage of douche bags here is off the charts and most do coke on the weekends so they won't fail a piss test if they fuck up at work.

Of course, this has attracted many gold digging whores (some are quite attractive) from every buttfuck town in Canada (we have lots of them), but the ratio is still terrible, the market is a tough! Good times can be had here but almost every time I go out I end up in some kind of scrap at the bars, its not really worth it, I just make my money and bounce.

I could write a book on how fucked that town is, I'm glad I got out!

For a laugh and a lesson on how to pick up women in Fort Mac, Youtube: "Fort Mac dating scene"

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Excelsior - 01-19-2012

Great article, Hencredible. I believe Roissy has written on the subject of ratios as well. I've seen first hand what a bad ratio does to guys on my college campus (and those of some of my peers), and it isn't pretty.

Quote: (01-18-2012 10:44 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I could write a book on how fucked that town is, I'm glad I got out!

For a laugh and a lesson on how to pick up women in Fort Mac, Youtube: "Fort Mac dating scene"

Actually, could you go ahead and break it down more? I've seen some discussions about life up there on reddit and some other places and they were "colorful" to say the least. I think it'd make a great read.

I hear that the place is a veritable STD petri dish as well.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - kosko - 01-19-2012

Pimps make a killing up there. Those dudes throw money at whores constantly. Just booking the shit would get you cake. Fort Mac is a complete dump where trailers cost as much as a house to buy. I make a part time career of fuking women who's men are rig-pigs.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Only One Man - 01-19-2012

Ha this reminds me of my freshman year in college when I lived up in a ski town. The ratio of guys to girls in the dorms was literally like 8 to 1. Granted, it wasn't the end of the world because we lived 5 minutes away from the mountain and all anyone really wanted to do was ski, but it still sucked.

I think there were three girls that were 7+ but two of them came up there with their boyfriends. There were several 6.s and the rest were 5 or below. Up there though, that scale was shoved to the right about 3 points, so a 7 was pretty much looked at as a 10. You were really excited if you hooked up with a 6.

It was crazy to see a lot of these girls, who would be considered around a 5 by most people, walking around like they were hot shit and acting stuck up. The funny thing was that up there, they were hot shit, they knew it, and they took full advantage.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - scotian - 01-19-2012

OK for shits and giggles I will bust out a Fort Mac AKA Pussy Purgatory datasheet sometime soon just so other people can appreciate how fucked up that place is and how tough it is to game there.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Lumiere - 01-19-2012

A study revealed that, when its scarce, men compete for a survival resource (mating opportunities with women).

Erm, they needed a study to reveal this? Are they fucking serious?

I look forward to their next study, maybe it will reveal that water is wet.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - UgSlayer - 01-19-2012

Quote: (01-19-2012 07:10 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

A study revealed that, when its scarce, men compete for a survival resource (mating opportunities with women).

Erm, they needed a study to reveal this? Are they fucking serious?

I look forward to their next study, maybe it will reveal that water is wet.

It's still early, but [Image: potd.gif]
had me LOLing

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Dolmance - 01-19-2012

Quote: (01-19-2012 07:10 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

I look forward to their next study, maybe it will reveal that water is wet.

Funnily enough, it's already been done (the conclusion was rather surprising):


How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Mujeriego - 01-20-2012

I see this all the time in Silicon Valley. Dudes breaking the bank on first dates and ending the night with a tepid kiss on the cheek. My personal favorite is the trend of women here expecting a 1 carat or larger rock because "they deserve it."

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Cincinnatus - 01-21-2012

Any city with an excess of guys making bank is ripe for setting up as a pimp. Places like Ft. McMurray are a gold mine, and not just for the mining workers.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - misterstir - 01-21-2012

You know, I won't become a pimp because I don't like prison. However I keep thinking of opening a strip club up there. Bring in a 6-7 or so east european strippers, bring 2 or 3 black chicks, maybe 3 dark brown and black hair chicks, at least 1 or 2 asian, 5 latinas, you know the spicy type, and at least 2 tall American women, you know the tall blonde mid western type - not really my type, but I know some men can't get enough of this stuff and the point of a strip club is to get men to spend money on your strippers. Damn I wonder how much I could make in opening a strip club up there. I'd make sure to open it up near the biggest cock fest place in town. I wonder whats the legal requirement to open up a strip club

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Saladin - 01-22-2012

Beta males are pathetic....
Most men have zero game which is why when women take them to the cleaners if they have the chance.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Chad Daring - 01-22-2012

Ah so THATS whats wrong with DC [Image: lol.gif]

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Deluge - 01-22-2012

Quote: (01-22-2012 12:23 AM)torontokid Wrote:  

Beta males are pathetic....
Most men have zero game which is why when women take them to the cleaners if they have the chance.

Reminds me of HH's post on Russian women. They'll fuck you over if they detect you're weak.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - Screwston - 01-29-2012

This quote made me laugh.


A new report from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management finds that men are prone to spend more, save less, and even be willing to go into debt when they believe women are scarce in their neck of the woods:

“What we see in other animals is that when females are scarce, males become more competitive. They compete more for access to mates,” says Vladas Griskevicius, an assistant professor of marketing at the Carlson School and lead author of the study. “How do humans compete for access to mates? What you find across cultures is that men often do it through money, through status and through products.”

scotian - you like fighting or do guys just like starting shit up there? be honest haha.

How Gender Ratios Are Affecting the Spending Behavior of (Beta) Males - phoenix101 - 02-01-2012

Scotian, someone asked me about Fort McMurray demographics on another board and this is what I found. This is actually data for Wood Buffalo, the regional municipality that Fort Mac is in. I projected the data to 2011 assuming nothing changed (actual 2011 demographics should be ready sometime this year).

Never legally married + not in a common law relationship
Age in 2006_______15-19_____20-24_____25-29_____30-34_____35-39
Age in 2011_______20-24_____25-29_____30-34_____35-39_____40-44

Excess single men___150_______770_____640_______435________240

Including common law relationships softens the excess men a bit but not by much.