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Is it premature to text this girl late at night? - Printable Version

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Is it premature to text this girl late at night? - 5K2D - 01-13-2012

Position so far - girl sits across from me in cafeteria yesterday, starts talking to me/seems interested, I don't find her too attractive so I talk for a few minutes and leave. She later goes out of her way to add and message me on Facebook, even though we've talked for only a few minutes and all she knows is my first name/class year/the dorm I live in. Looking through her pictures, it seems like she just didn't put too much effort into her appearance when I met her, so I decided to go for the bang without putting in too much effort (I'm giving myself one bar/cafe situation to close, maximum).
She was willing to meet me tonight at a cafe/bar even if it required ditching an event she previously planned to attend, but I'm going to be unavoidably busy until later tonight. Here's the question - is it a bad idea to text her around midnight or so asking if she wants to come over? On one hand, I'm as sure as I'll ever be that she's attracted to me, but on the other, I'm not sure if that's a premature maneuver and I should attempt to meet her at a cafe/bar on another day to build emotional momentum before attempting to take her home.

TL;DR: Girl seems very interested in me despite 5 minutes of conversation. Should I ask her to come over later tonight or instead attempt a standard cafe/bar meeting and take her home on some other night? . I'm fairly sure she finds me attractive, but I'm concerned that I might run into LMR of the "I barely know you" type. What do you think is the best course of action?

Is it premature to text this girl late at night? - gringochileno - 01-13-2012

If you don't really give a fuck then just go for it and see if she bites. If she goes for it it could be a nice, easy minimal-effort bang, if she doesn't you can take her out another night or just say fuck it since you seem pretty ambivalent about it anyway. If she comes over and you're worried about LMR, I'd wait a little longer than usual to let her get comfortable before you escalate (without looking like a pussy). Pour some drinks, put on some music, put on a movie and actually watch a good part of it before you make a move.

Is it premature to text this girl late at night? - 5K2D - 01-14-2012

Result: either I didn't have the necessary momentum, or she was just going to waste my time from the start. Long story short, she brought a (male) friend with her and called me out as a player. Friggin' waste of time. Oh well, live and learn and all that.

Is it premature to text this girl late at night? - 5K2D - 01-14-2012

I was also pretty clumsy about trying to get rid of the person I perceived to be a hanger-on.

Is it premature to text this girl late at night? - gringochileno - 01-14-2012

Wait I don't get it, so she brings a friend over and you try and get the friend to leave? That's not the right move--the girl is disrespecting you by bringing another dude along and the last thing you want to do is reward that by continuing to push for her undivided attention. You could have either quickly kicked them both out by making up some bullshit about needing to get up early or whatever, or you could have used the opportunity to win over her beta friend and build comfort while setting yourself for the bang on the next meet. The best possible scenario would be that you hit it off with her friend, he figures out what's up, and leaves you two alone of his own accord, but that depends on how much patience you have with that kind of shit. When a girl tries to bring a friend (male or female) along on a date, I either straight up call her out on it or ditch them both. Life's too short, sometimes you need to have a little self-respect and "NEXT" a bitch.

Is it premature to text this girl late at night? - 5K2D - 01-14-2012

No, at first I thought it was just some guy who followed her from whatever party she was at and couldn't shake off, but turns out she was just trying to "test" me for being a player or some bullshit like that and brought a male friend so I wouldn't be able to do attempt anything with her or something. The encounter took about 3 minutes total - once it became clear that she brought him intentionally and didn't actually intend to spend time with me alone, they left/I asked them to leave (they were on their way out anyhow). Kind of a waste of time, given that I told her to show up alone in the first place, but I didn't spend much time on it.