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Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - scotian - 12-30-2011

Ah yes, "La Belle Province" home to La Cirque de Soleil, the Montreal Canadiens, poutine and the Quebecois Ballet (AKA stripping). My absolute favorite place in Canada and home to IMHO, Canada's premiere city, Montreal.

In light of Hencredible Casanova's awesome Montreal data sheet, I wanted to post some information here regarding the French speaking people of this wonderful province, les Quebecois. I won't write too much about the partying scene in Montreal because HC nailed it well in his sheet, but I will say this about the city, Montreal is the ONLY city in Canada where'd I'd actually encourage someone from far away to come visit, it really is worth it.

There is more to this place then just partying your ass off on Ste Catherines street and chasing hot women, there's some VERY interesting culture and history here too! This isn't so much a data sheet as it is a cultural analysis and history lesson that will allow the reader to have a better appreciation and understanding of the unique Quebecois people and to score points with chicks for your solid knowledge of their society and get your Fleur-de-Lis! I go into detail about their history describe their society today, finally I'll get to the part you all want to hear about, the hot Quebecois women!

First of all, you probably have heard them referred to as "French Canadians" STOP using this term to describe French speaking peple who live in Quebec, yes they are Canadian, yes they speak French but they are QUEBECOIS or if you don't want to say it in French, they are Quebecers! the only French Canadians are French speaking people from outside the province of Quebec (Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, etc) even those frogs in New Brunswick call themselves Acadians (we'll get to them another time, nothing too special).

Some of you, especially Americans are going to have a hard time wrapping your head around the things I'm going to write about Quebec, but bare with me, this long winded post will make some sense eventually and allow you to understand what I'm writing about!

Like any self respecting Anglo-Canadian (or any Anglophone in the world!), I grew up HATING French people, I suppouse it didn't help that back in 1995, when I was 13, those treacherous bastards in Quebec tried to break up my beautiful country and separate from Canada! Of course, they didn't then, nor did they in 1980, but those pricks use the threat as a trick up their sleeve to get more money from the federal government, and it works! Man those were VERY dark days of English/French relations, as I"m sure other Canadian forum members can attest.

However, I always knew there was something cool about those crazy French bastards because they had; the Montreal Canadiens, the Montreal Expos (RIP!) and Bleue Nuit (a show that came on the French channel TQS every Saturday night, soft core porn, like Emanuelle, remember this was the early-mid 90's before we had internet porn!). They were always partying and never seemed to work too hard, and they were loud as fuck, even though I didn't understand them, they seemed cool! Of course, my up tight Scottish descent parents couldn't stand "those damn French"

If you don't give a shit about history and culture of Quebec, scroll down to the section entitles "women".

History: I'm no expert so, history guys, correct me if I'm wrong. Basically the French were in North America first, back in around 1604 they founded NEW FRANCE in what is today, Quebec City. They were a bunch of religious zealot uber-Catholic Jesuits who founded the town and mingled with the local natives.

Side note: the English, and even the Spanish (I think) mostly just killed off the local natives with disease and superior arms, not the French, what did those horn dogs do, they bred with the local women! They even spawned an entire race of half breeds in western Canada called the Metis people.

Well these Jesuits built their little town and imported a bunch of frontier, adventurer type men from France to populate it. However there was a serious lack of women, so what did King Louis XIV do? He gathered up a few hundred scallywags and undesireable women, put em on a boat and sent them to New France to populate the new town. There you have it folks, Australia was populated by criminals, Quebec was populated by WHORES! Sounds like my kind of place!

So for the next couple hundred of years these French horn dogs left foot prints ALL OVER North America, portaging through the woods in their canoes wearing funky beaver skin hats and deer pelt mocassins. Thats why so many town names in Canada and USA have French names: Detroit, Fond du Lac, Coeur d'Helene, etc.

From the early 1600's up until the 1750's, the French were kicking ass and runnin' shit in North America! Well of course, major things were happening over in Europe between France, Britain and the Spanish and all hell broke loose, the French didn't fare too well!

The going got tough, the British and French went to war on the Plains of Abraham and of course, the French got their asses handed to them, that wanker Napolean said "fuck that frozen dump up north" and he basically traded it all in for two shitty little islands in the Caribbean (Martinique et Guadeloupe, still owned by France, and not really shitty, I wanna go there, bad!). He also gave Louisiana away, what a dolt!

The population of French country bumpkins blossomed and spread further down the St Lawrence river into and around Montreal, these people were deeply Catholic farmers who kept to themselves and stayed that way basically up until the 1960's.

This is where the history of Quebec gets really interesting: before the 1960's, Quebecois society was one of the most isolated, backward intensely Catholic places IN THE WORLD! It was truly bizarre considering what was going on around them in the rest of NA, they call this time "la grand noiceur" or, the Great Darkness! This place was so Catholic, the women had no rights (last place in NA to grant women the vote!) and were basically stay-at-home baby factories! Ask any Quebecor how many kids were in his grand parents family and answers of 15-22 kids will not be uncommon, they called this the "Revenge of the Cradle".

Anyway, I'm getting a bit carried away with the ancient history, if you're that interested, look it up, lets just say that Quebec society was VERY different than anything else in NA, at the time.

Then something happened, the Quebecois said a big, giant collective FUCK YOU to the Catholic church and these crazy politicians, it was the swinging 60's, they started smoking dope, doing acid and protesting social injustices, they had a civil rights movement called "the Quiet Revolution". Now Quebecors and especially the nationalists (seperatists) like to play the part of the down trodden victim, a famous book by Pierre Vallieres called les negres blancs d'amerique, or "the white ni**ers of America" is part of the propaganda. They took major pointers from the civil rights movements of the blacks in the USA, including the Black Panthers.

These crazy Quebecois fuckers started some political parties that called for the seperation of Quebec from Canada, on the grounds that they could never live free under the dominance of English Canada and would lose their culture and language, they had a radical group called the FLQ who kidnapped some politicians and killed poor old Pierre Laporte (then got on planes and sought asylum in Cuba and Algeria,which they got!).

In the 1970's MONTREAL was really cool, they hosted the Olympics and a big Expo, Then the seperatist pricks got ELECTED!!! Well their leader Rene Levesque was a pretty cool guy anyway, and since then they've been trying to seperate and destroy Canada. In 1980, they passed Law 101 requiring all work places to operate in French and all employees to work in French, which resulted in the largest mass exodus of people in Canadian history, over 100,000 english speaking Montrealers LEFT and moved away! Its a bit more complicated than that but their departure kinda fucked MOntreal and it lost its prestige as being Canada's financial capital, a title Toronto gladly assumed!

So one thing I want to emphasize is how much the Quebecois people did a complete 180 and totally rejected EVERYTHING about the Catholic church. They became uber-liberals, super socialists, they love their big government (especially since other Canadians pay for it!).

I cannot emphasize how much Quebecers are open (sicne the 60's) about everything that has to do with sex, they are very sexual people and Montreal in particular has a very seedy reputation (a well deserved one IMHO), there so many strippers, hookers and escorts in that town its insane and the public doesn't give a shit! Its also home to a pretty big swinger scene and home grown porn industry!!1

Seriously, look up the Quebec city high school secretary who starred in a porn movie, only to be called out by one of the kids, who tried to black mail her into fucking him (atta boy!) Now onto what matters most:


As I've alluded to in other posts, Quebecois women are hot and horny! All us Canuck guys know this, they are very sexual and take pride in their appearance.

Quebecors don't give a shit about things like the sexualization of pre-teens, if you were to object to a 12 year old girl dressing like a fucking prostitue at the mall, these frogs would accuse you of being some lame ass uptight Anglo square head (thats how they refer to English speakers, tete carrees, square heads!).

I've been to bars outside of Montreal where I felt uncomfortable because there were so many drunk as fuck 12 to 15 year old puking everywhere and making out with dudes in their 20's, it made me sick!

Seriously, I read an article in the Journal de Montreal once where the liquor inspector (didn't know they existed in Quebec) shut down a bar in Shawinigan because it was packed with under age kids getting hammered, seriously, there was somethign like five 12 year olds, ten 13 year olds and twenty 14 year olds there, WTF??? But before any of you creeps with pedophile tendencies think about gaming young teens in Quebec, the locals won't take lightly to some Anglo creep square head trolling their bars, you may be attacked by a gang of George St Pierres, I just threw that in there to give you an idea of how laissez faire this culture is!

Cougars, if you like cougars, this is the place to be! Back in 05' I was living and working in Sherbrooke Quebec, a cool little city about 1.5 hours east of Montreal, close to Vermont. My mom and sister drove up from Halifax to visit me and we stayed in Quebec City (love that place) and they were blown away by the amount of yummy mommies! We did a "Quebec City Cougar Census" something like 60 in one afternoon, lol! This just goes to show how much they value looks here, you gotta look good and dress smart!

Unlike Anlgo women in say, Nova Scotia or Manitoba, even in small towns, you go into a bar and the women LOOK GOOD, they dress well and just OOZE sex appeal. Its the Gallic blood, they are just better looking people over all than their Anglo neighbours, I'll say with the utmost confidence, these white women are the hottest, sexiest most beautiful of ALL in North America that I have seen so far.

Now one thing must be said here before you guys get too excited, outside of Montreal, the majority of people in Quebec DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH (about 85%), especially in smaller towns! Its fucked but northern Europeans like Swedes and Germans speak waaaay better English than les Quebecois, fuck, even Filipinos speak better English, I'm NOT exaggerating!!!

Anyway, I gotta take a break. I'll write more later. I hope this helps you get a better idea of what these folks are all about! I used to hate em (before I learned French), but now I love them! You guys should definitely take a trip to MOntreal but if you do, don't spend all of your time with other Anglos, seek out the Quebecois people (won't be too hard) or better yet, take a drive to a small Quebec City and party there (Sherbrooke, Trois Rivieres, Chichoutimi,etc). Bonne chance et a bientot!!

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - scotian - 12-30-2011

I just re-read this post lol a bit too long winded and heavy on the history, I just want to emphasize how different Quebecois people are than any other people in North America. I, as an Anglo Canadian have far much more in common with someone from say the New England states than I do with a Quebecois.

I"ll add more later, any questions just ask!

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - el mechanico - 12-30-2011

Quote: (12-30-2011 06:31 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I just re-read this post lol a bit too long winded and heavy on the history, I just want to emphasize how different Quebecois people are than any other people in North America. I, as an Anglo Canadian have far much more in common with someone from say the New England states than I do with a Quebecois.

I"ll add more later, any questions just ask!
I like it. Seriously thinking about becoming French Canadian again now.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - scotian - 12-30-2011

Quote: (12-30-2011 06:38 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2011 06:31 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I just re-read this post lol a bit too long winded and heavy on the history, I just want to emphasize how different Quebecois people are than any other people in North America. I, as an Anglo Canadian have far much more in common with someone from say the New England states than I do with a Quebecois.

I"ll add more later, any questions just ask!
I like it. Seriously thinking about becoming French Canadian again now.

LOL ya El Mechanico has Greek and Quebecois blood in him, no wonder he gets so much skin!

Are we going trolling for Pasco county skanks tonight or what?

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - Luckystar - 12-30-2011

I've always wondered about provincial Quebec. Some people say it's good, others say it's pretty redneck.

A road trip through these cities might be interesting.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - sine wave killer - 12-30-2011

I've always wanted to roam through Quebec, I have some family up there but they're all in Montreal. I gotta give you a plus 1 for this post.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - MiXX - 12-30-2011

Quote:scotian Wrote:

Cougars, if you like cougars, this is the place to be!

Cougars Rule!!

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - el mechanico - 12-30-2011

Rednecks up there? No way
I'm tellin you guys if you go in the winter rent some sleds. There's nothing like peeling pussy out of a snowsuit.

Mixx..First buttapost?

Scotian..Waiting for some married sluts give me a few. Payday gets ugly up there especially when the SS checks haven't shown up yet.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - scotian - 12-30-2011

Yes small town Quebec is "a little red necky", but these people are super friendly, just brush up on your French or get a French phrase book and go on an adventure!

My brother, a crusty hard core punk, hitch hikes to Montreal every other SUMMER (probably about 8 summers now) to hang out with the hundreds of other hard core punks who hitch hike there from across NA. They squegee cars for money, my bro got no shame, he'll sit on the street with a sign that reads "unemployed porn star" or "ninja killed my family", he also makes good coin selling pot to tourists. He gets drunk as fuck every night, gets in fights and hangs out at Foufounes Electriques, sleeps in parks and washes up (not often enough!) at a local shelter, then come September he hikes back home! What a life eh? Oh ya, he gets LOTS of tail, hot punk rocker chicks with low self esteem!!!

Also, Quebec is the safest province in Canada (which is a country so safe its lame!) back in 08' I think Quebec City was the only city in NA with a population of over 500K (its around 650K) to not record a single murder!

thats it, I've made up my mind......Scotian is moving back to QC next year!

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - pitt - 12-31-2011

I have a black friend from cali who visited Quebec and he said chicks were eye fucking him hard and approaching him all the time, he said he never had it that easy before in his life. Quebec is definetely on my list to visit. Damn talking about being easy, let me share a quick story with you guys:

Once i visited huddersfield ( a city in England), i arrived there at 10 in the morning, soon as i get there, i aproached this cute girl, two minutes of convo and i started kissing her right in front of everybody, she was with her other friend, now i move to her other friend and start kissing her right there too, then they tell me they are waiting for her other friend and when she arrives, i start kissing her too. So when we talking very easy, i am talking this kind of easy, where they dont give a fuck about what other people think, actually i was tempted to move there when i was still living in England.

Hopefully Quebec is that easy, Scotian thanks again for sharing all these datasheets, you have been giving massive contribution on here.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - kosko - 12-31-2011

You need French tho Don't get it twisted. This has been what has kept me away from the hinterlands of La Belle Provance. Montreal you can get away with it but my homie told me your pussy count goes up 300% if you can knock down some decent French.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - scotian - 12-31-2011

Quote: (12-31-2011 12:57 PM)kosko Wrote:  

You need French tho Don't get it twisted. This has been what has kept me away from the hinterlands of La Belle Provance. Montreal you can get away with it but my homie told me your pussy count goes up 300% if you can knock down some decent French.

Yep, your homie is right! Unless you're the kind of guy who gets approached by women in bars and don't have to chase pussy because you're just THAT good looking (hate you guys, lol!), you'll need at least BASIC French.

This is especially true for Canadians, who are forced to take something like 6-10 years of French in school, yet graduate without being able to have a basic conversation (they can count, name colours and all the animals en francais though!).

Americans will get a pass, but it will still be hard. Better to stay in Montreal for gaming, although there are some Quebecois hotties who can speak decent English, they are a minority (probably 15-20%).

Again, guys, make sure you dress up in Montreal if you're going to the classy clubs on St Laurent and Ste Catherine!

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - Alfonzo - 01-01-2012

I have read Your post , an interessant read from a different perspective. In general your on point in many things but, hehe the quiet revolution have been done mainly due to the enegality between french and english . I know you don't like the ''souvrainiste '' but, if they weren't there the beautiful place you just describe wouldn't exist anymore [Image: smile.gif] Ahh and if you speak french go outside from Montréal please . You will have way more fun . I just came back from Trois-Rivière Way to much pussies over there and guys are really cool . They accept me if I leaved there and present their entourage . I plan to return this week way too much potential .

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - Pilgrim37 - 01-01-2012

Rocco and Buttman like Montreal [Image: smile.gif]

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - scotian - 01-01-2012

Quote: (01-01-2012 07:17 PM)Alfonzo Wrote:  

I have read Your post , an interessant read from a different perspective. In general your on point in many things but, hehe the quiet revolution have been done mainly due to the enegality between french and english . I know you don't like the ''souvrainiste '' but, if they weren't there the beautiful place you just describe wouldn't exist anymore [Image: smile.gif] Ahh and if you speak french go outside from Montréal please . You will have way more fun . I just came back from Trois-Rivière Way to much pussies over there and guys are really cool . They accept me if I leaved there and present their entourage . I plan to return this week way too much potential .

Yes indeed there were many inequalities between the French and English and it wasn't right that the Quebecois people were treated as second class citizens in their own province/nation. However, I think that they went about it the wrong way and and its a pity that so many of the Anglo Montrealers left Quebec, they had a long, rich history in the province, but thats in the past now!

No I'm not a big fan of les souverainistes, I respect their opinions and can understand where they're are coming from but it is a vieux reve du passe now and the seperatist threat is now at an all time low. These referendums screws Quebec and Canada up as a whole, the international community sees us as "unstable" (imagine that, boring old Canada) and scares off investors.

All in all, I love Quebec and the people, they're my favorite in Canada, a country that would be extremely boring without the 8 million poutine eating, Fin du Monde drinking Frenchies there!

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - Alfonzo - 01-01-2012

Well I am souvreniste my self , it's true that at the moment it's on stand buy and we have more important things to do . I understand your opinion and the roc for this issue but, in my opinion it will be better for both sides .

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - l'etalon noir - 01-01-2012

Quote: (01-01-2012 07:27 PM)Pilgrim37 Wrote:  

Rocco and Buttman like Montreal [Image: smile.gif]

L'etalon italien got fingered right up in his ass..yeukk!!

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - kosko - 01-03-2012

You would hear a big sucking vacuum if Quebec did end up leaving. I am convinced aside from Atlantic Canada and Arctic North its the only place in Canada with a legitimate distinct culture. Everywhere else is bootlegged and or America Lite. We Canadians like to think we have culture but its sold to us by Americans lol. The cool, chic, Euro and mysterious factor that Quebec brings to the table would leave this great land a barren place. I hope we can all work something out lol.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - HotShit - 04-12-2012

Quote: (01-03-2012 03:33 AM)kosko Wrote:  

You would hear a big sucking vacuum if Quebec did end up leaving. I am convinced aside from Atlantic Canada and Arctic North its the only place in Canada with a legitimate distinct culture. Everywhere else is bootlegged and or America Lite. We Canadians like to think we have culture but its sold to us by Americans lol. The cool, chic, Euro and mysterious factor that Quebec brings to the table would leave this great land a barren place. I hope we can all work something out lol.

When you say "distinct Canadian culture" and not merely a bastardized America, does that extend to New Brunswick? I am wondering because I have the option of going to Fredricton, New Brunswick or Cape Breton Nova Scotia. I didn't get accepted into Bishop's in Sherbrooke.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - Bad Hussar - 04-13-2012

Great post Scotian. Do you have any info on Chichoutimi? A French Quebecois chick suggested to me a few years ago that I should head up there to "get out of my head" and go party. Yes, I know, Ouch. Apparently Chichoutimi is a bigger party town than Montreal.

On English/French and accents. How do you think provincial Quebecers would take to someone speaking either very bad French, or English in, lets say, a British accent. If they thought you were from Britain would you get more or less hassles than if they thought you were from the US?

On the politcal issues. I'm afraid I don't think I can ever forgive the seperatists. You know how everyone always talks about "synergy"? 1+1 = 3 and all that. Well, I think that the seperatists over the years have achived the opposite of synergy, whatever it's called. 1+1= 0.5. Just think. If they hadn't been so seperatist minded Montreal would still be Canada's numero uno prime city. Centre of Canadian Culture, the Arts and Business. Instead, we now have one of the lamest cites of all, Toronto, which has to try to fill that position. Not very succesfully.

I understand their concern over the English language. They have reason to be concerned that it will consume French if left unchecked, but I think there were, and are, better ways to protect their language and culture. As things stand now the ambitious Quebecer who wants to get ahead typically needs to move to Toronto. Unless he can find a position at one of the heavilly government suppported companies in Montreal (e.g. Air Canada, Bombardier). So how does seperatism help this guy? Now to get ahead he needs to move to an ENTIRELY English city.

As far as I'm concerned switching to TO as Canada's main city has harmed both Quebecers and other Canadians much more than any small temporary cultural gains seperatism has afforded French Quebecers.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - Alfonzo - 04-13-2012

Quote: (04-13-2012 06:16 AM)Bad Hussar Wrote:  

Great post Scotian. Do you have any info on Chichoutimi? A French Quebecois chick suggested to me a few years ago that I should head up there to "get out of my head" and go party. Yes, I know, Ouch. Apparently Chichoutimi is a bigger party town than Montreal.

On English/French and accents. How do you think provincial Quebecers would take to someone speaking either very bad French, or English in, lets say, a British accent. If they thought you were from Britain would you get more or less hassles than if they thought you were from the US?

On the politcal issues. I'm afraid I don't think I can ever forgive the seperatists. You know how everyone always talks about "synergy"? 1+1 = 3 and all that. Well, I think that the seperatists over the years have achived the opposite of synergy, whatever it's called. 1+1= 0.5. Just think. If they hadn't been so seperatist minded Montreal would still be Canada's numero uno prime city. Centre of Canadian Culture, the Arts and Business. Instead, we now have one of the lamest cites of all, Toronto, which has to try to fill that position. Not very succesfully.

I understand their concern over the English language. They have reason to be concerned that it will consume French if left unchecked, but I think there were, and are, better ways to protect their language and culture. As things stand now the ambitious Quebecer who wants to get ahead typically needs to move to Toronto. Unless he can find a position at one of the heavilly government suppported companies in Montreal (e.g. Air Canada, Bombardier). So how does seperatism help this guy? Now to get ahead he needs to move to an ENTIRELY English city.

As far as I'm concerned switching to TO as Canada's main city has harmed both Quebecers and other Canadians much more than any small temporary cultural gains seperatism has afforded French Quebecers.

As for Chicoutimi, the thing it's because the ratio in Saguenay is 3or4 women for 1 man and heavy drinker/party place . For your accent or language if you came with your english and you are a stubborn anglophone who don't want to say any word in french to respect the population and expect to be answer in english,well sorry you will be received really rude by separatist like me and even federalist .BTW that's a big mistake to think Quebec federalist like anglophone. I have a lot of friend who are federalist and they all dislike anglos and are more racist than me . They are federalist because they are scare about what can happen if Quebec would be a country . Don't blind your self . And to answer you what is the advantage of an ambitious seperatist to live in Quebec,well many of them are in really good shape financily and anyways they don't establish themselves in Toronto at least you want to work in the Canada finance . Montréal yes has lost a lot of people mainly anglophone to Toronto but, the city has reinvent his self . It's one of the most important city in Aerospace,It and communication industry,life science,festivals,etc .

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - Chunnel - 08-02-2015

Question(s) for the Quebecois pros out there. I'm looking to take 8-10 days end of September/early October to hit up some more off the radar areas of Quebec. Mostly to: relax and wind down, practice my French, do some hiking/fishing/other outdoor activities. Of course gaming too, but I am not going to make it a priority.

I would love to fly into Quebec City and spend a weekend there before going out into some more secluded areas. I wouldn't be opposed to using Montreal, and Ottawa/Gatineau as arrival destinations, though the capital is my top choice.

What areas should I look at to get more into the frontier of Quebec? Any national parks with great hikes worth checking out? I would probably rent a car, or could I get by on public transportation even into the suburbs? By late September early October I know its chilly, but would I be looking at freezing temperatures yet? Should I over-prepare for snow just in case?

Merci d'avance pour vos suggestions!

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - Jura - 08-03-2015

Quote: (08-02-2015 09:21 PM)Chunnel Wrote:  

Question(s) for the Quebecois pros out there. I'm looking to take 8-10 days end of September/early October to hit up some more off the radar areas of Quebec. Mostly to: relax and wind down, practice my French, do some hiking/fishing/other outdoor activities. Of course gaming too, but I am not going to make it a priority.

I would love to fly into Quebec City and spend a weekend there before going out into some more secluded areas. I wouldn't be opposed to using Montreal, and Ottawa/Gatineau as arrival destinations, though the capital is my top choice.

What areas should I look at to get more into the frontier of Quebec? Any national parks with great hikes worth checking out? I would probably rent a car, or could I get by on public transportation even into the suburbs? By late September early October I know its chilly, but would I be looking at freezing temperatures yet? Should I over-prepare for snow just in case?

Merci d'avance pour vos suggestions!

Great time to visit the province; foliage season, tourists are mostly gone and the weather is still nice (no need to worry about snow until November, although you may get some frost during the night).

As far as the outdoor near Quebec City, check out Parc national de la Jacques Cartier (some great hiking and fishing) and Mont-Sainte-Anne (hiking, mountain bike). You may also head East towards the Charlevoix region where you'll find Parc national des Hautes-Gorges; probably one of the most beautiful hiking spot in the province. Heck, drive all the way to Tadoussac for some sea kayaking and whale watching. Oh and rental car is a must for any of those places.

If you want to head toward Montreal after that, there's a few options along the way such as Trois-Rivières which has a decent nightlife for its size. I'm also a big fan of the Eastern Townships; great open countryside and you just drive from town to town. Anyway, let me know if you need more details.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - MrRoundtree - 08-03-2015

I am french canadian myself from the bordering sub urban towns of Montreal but moved to the city recently, I am now in France and was able to get a different perspective on french there.

Again, some of the history is simplified but basically, as soon as France lost the battle in 1760 we lost all our connections with France and became very isolated from them. Everything great (or not) that France instated in Europe (The Napoleonic code, the french language as it is today, the french education system which is pretty much army like but for that state) was never heard off in Quebec. Heck, before going to France myself 4 years ago and living there I didn't know we had such a fucking different education system, because we have many french people studying in Quebec that seemed to fare well.

I would say that we speak french from the 1600-1700, mixed with Patois of the different people of France of this time (Britons, Normands, Flemish, Picards and people from La Rochelle who moved to Quebec). If you guys have never heard of the word ''garrocher'' that we still use to throw an object from times to times, its because it comes from Normand language of the time which is completely extinct now in France. France manages to institute french Parisian language over the whole statebased on very strict coes and laws that still no other state in Europe managed to solidify, heck it was so rigid and strict that it even became the languages of Mnoarchy and nobles all the way to Russia. This rigid institution in France was to prevent the seperation and insurgions of the local people of different regions, the Bretons resisted the longest and I know some old people who can still speak Bretons.

However in Quebec this institution of French never happened as it became part of the kingdom of england and so our language evolved very differently, with many english twists there and there especially when the anglos started moving en masse to the Eastern Townships and Montreal. For French people, our language seem backward and retarded but it is part of our identity and a sign of the crucible defeat of France in north America.

There were plans for Napoleon to come back to Quebec (I think they all thought we were assimilated by then) and North America as I was able to see in an exposition, it was extremely interesting.

The anglos tried to assimilate us like they did in Manitoba and the New-Brunswick area. Luckily the Acadians resisted even after deportation and in Quebec we were such a high number that the Americans wanted to invade Canada at some point and asked us to rebel against the english mnoarchy. The anglos answered back by allowing us to keep our religion (catholic) and language if we helped them against the americans, which we did. This is why the citadel of Quebec was built, to resist an american invasion.

When France became a laic state, many priests and clergy members moved to Quebec, god knows why, to spread catholism there, this became especially true after the first world war, a massive influx of clergy members of France happened in Quebec...they brought french elements that we didn't have before and it helped improved the language to what modern french is today a bit more but the real impact was that these guys exerced control over the province and kept it really backward.

Scotian nailed what happened after during the quiet revolution. Essentially now we are anglo-saxons that speak french, our entire university system is based on the english system (albeit one difference which is CEGEP). We are way closer to the americans in mentality and even british people and anglo-canadians to some extent than with French people from France. Interestingly enough, 100,000 french people from France are living in Montreal now and many more are coming over for their studies or find a job there. Its going to be interesting in the next 20 years how things will unfold with them.
Our law system is a mix of the common and civil code though which is probably the only place in the world where it is the case. Why? Because french canadians got used to the civil code of France from the 1600 and the english never tried to establish a real code system that people would not understand here as they were not in bigger numbers.

My opinion about french canadian women is different than most, but I went to private school and most of my friends are from the bourgeois/rich class, most of them became doctors lawyers accountants and it is true that in cities outside Montreal the women are ridiculous and friendly. I don't find them ultra feminine though but maybe its just the language for me that I can't stand. Quebecois is basically the australian accentdialect version of french.

Another thing, due to the institution of catholism many catholic countries migrated to Quebec, we had a huge arrival of irish people and now I have many friends who have irish last names or who even look irish (ultra white with names like Devoy, I even have irish blood myself). The irish were the people who mixed the most and very well with the local population. Many italians migrated also, those who went to the regions and the suburbs mixed and are pretty much quebecois like while those who stayed in the italian community of Montreal mostly speak english and italian. We also have a small portuguese community.

To be noted, lot of jews (orthodox) arrived before the creation of the confedaration and stayed in Montreal before the creation of Canada, this orthodox community is huge and has a huge influence on the dynamics of the city. These guys are extremely scluded and many don't speak a word of french or english even. But they have a special status in the city since they were there before the creation of Canada. Basically original canadians or Montrealers will be considered the Quebecois of Montreal, the Jews and the anglo-montrealers who moved en masse there. Anyone that arrived after 1867 is considered an immigrant or has immigrant ancestry.It doesn't make a huge difference though because this is one of the most cosmopolitain and welcoming city in the world.

This diversification of latin people make Montreal a city with extremely beautiful women and now it is very easy to find Quebecers, french, anglos, persians, portuguese, greeks, italians, lebanese, syrians and many more nationalities all over the city.

Quebec: a must read for anyone going outside of Montreal - SnowHugger - 08-03-2015

I was just in Montreal for a bit this weekend.

It's different than Toronto and I fucking love it.
However, I found that if I talked with Montreal girls how I do with Toronto girls, it didn't work out well. I just needed to get used to the environment and culture.

Majority are friendly and are looking for adventures.