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Late age (18 and up) virgin success stories, known any? - Printable Version

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Late age (18 and up) virgin success stories, known any? - Onyxer - 11-19-2011

By success stories I mean guys who were virgins at a late age (18 or older) and ended up being players, dating and banging a lot of women, and basically turned into wild ones (like the guy who started this site).

Here I go, read my story if you want:

I am a 20 year old guy in my third yea of college. It is amazing how much my life has changed and here is my story.

When I was a little kid my family moved around, a lot. I never had childhood friends, whenever I would move to a new place I would make friends but then my family would have to move all over again. Basically I suffered from a low self esteem. When I turned 13 years or so my folks moved to a small city, people there complained all the time about how boring it was and how it was so dry with nothing to do. I ended up being subject to harsh parenting. Due to fears my folks would not let me go out much and they pushed academics to the point where I was punished for wanting to do any physical exercise. The food from my culture is really oily and high in carbs and fats so I was fat (nearly obese) from the ages 13-15.

At 16 I decided to man up against my parents, work out, and try my best to change myself. I started eating healthy, abandoned my mom's cooking, mom started cooking healthier foods and they let me go out more. High school I went to had around 300 total kids in it and most girls were 3/10s and 4/10s (compared to other high schools in the area). We had SOME 7s and 8s (friends from other schools considered them 5s) but I was not good looking at all, overweight throughout most of high school and subject to ridicule. Still some girls did playfully hit on me and flirt with me here but I was too dumb to pick up on it.

Did not get a prom date (did not even know what prom was, so unaware). I ended up graduating high school without ever kissing a girl or going out on a date.

My high school was also in a poor condition, parents did not let me take part in any activities and overall my academic performance my first two years was bad because they did not let me go to a library and did not give me a peaceful place to study at all. Also I was going through a lot of depression.

After I graduated high school I lost around 30 lbs before starting college. First two years of college I end up going to a university about 5 minutes from my house, did not have my own car and parents forcefully dropped me off until I stood up against it. Had one of the cars my parents had to myself and would spend most days on campus away from home because I considered the place hell.

AGAIN crap happens, parents pick my major for me against my own will, since they are paying for college I had no choice. Finish first year with a 3.4 GPA. I ended up shouting, yelling, telling them to piss off, and eventually they broke down. I had life all to myself at 19, parents cut all chains off, and I for the first time asked a girl out, got my first kiss, and lost my virginity to a girl at a party. I took bodybuilding seriously and was finally satisfied enough to take my shirt off at the beach. Stayed with the girl for about 5 months and then dated 4 more girls before turning 20.

At the age of 19 I was a sophomore in college who had a lot of things under his control. Good news came that a college I wanted to transfer to accepted me and that is where I am at now.

Currently I am a 20 year old guy, I have dated 8 girls total and have slept with around 4 more from parties (not that impressive compared to some of you) but majority of this has come from changing myself, manning up, and making myself more presentable. PUA did play a role in changing me but I found that I had some of this in me at the start and had I not moved around so much as a kid no wonder where I would be at now.

How does it feel like to be a late bloomer for me?

I still feel like I have missed out on some great times. In high school when people were busy in relationships I was a loner who did not have much going for him. Sometimes when people would talk about their relationships I would get out of the room and just flat out leave. There was this one girl I really liked but never had the guts to approach and she haunts my memory to this day.

How did it change me?

I am a hungry lion. I do not look to get married at an early age, I look to sleep with as many women as I can and being deprived of pussy most of my teenage years has turned me into this animal. Basically, I do not see myself ever getting married.

Late age (18 and up) virgin success stories, known any? - StraightMackin - 11-20-2011

although this shoulve been in the newbie forums, its a nice thread.

i wonder why he got banned. EDIT: he started a RACE thread.