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Woody Allen Sues Amazon - spydersuit - 02-08-2019

I could have posted this under the #MeToo thread or under the deplatforming thread. However, this news probably worth its own post. Woody Allen is suing Amazon for $68 million for removing his movie after old allegations of molestation re-emerged. My apologies if I missed a thread discussing it already.

Go get em Woody!

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - 911 - 02-08-2019

Woody and his wife:

[Image: ?]

[Image: ?]

[Image: 0504-woody-inset-810x960.jpg]

Guy who has his pick among hundreds of fawning 20yo 9/10 Manhattan shiksas marries the 4/10 stepdaughter he raised...

At least Bezos is not a pedophile.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Leonard D Neubache - 02-08-2019

You're gonna get it now, 911.

Some people 'round here don't take kindly to presumptions that Woody was obviously grooming the little girl prior to her 16th, if not outright fucking her.

Consensus is, their relationship was strictly platonic prior to her *ding* legally appropriate birthday, at which point true love simply blossomed.

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - John Dodds - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 12:03 PM)911 Wrote:  

Woody and his wife:

[Image: ?]

[Image: ?]

[Image: 0504-woody-inset-810x960.jpg]

Guy who has his pick among hundreds of fawning 20yo 9/10 Manhattan shiksas marries the 4/10 stepdaughter he raised...

At least Bezos is not a pedophile.

Of the five photos, two show him and their adopted daughter (wearing blue)
One shows him with his wife (right) and their adopted daughter (left)
the last two show him with his wife.

His wife was the adopted daughter of Andre Previn and Mai (Farrow) Previn.
Woody Allen should also be suing the people who keep mixing up photos of his wife and his adopted daughter.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - RIslander - 02-08-2019

I found some footage of (((Bezos))) and (((Allen))) training for the upcoming battle:

[Image: hqdefault.jpg] [Image: hqdefault.jpg]

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - 911 - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 12:32 PM)John Dodds Wrote:  


Of the five photos, two show him and their adopted daughter (wearing blue)
One shows him with his wife (right) and their adopted daughter (left)
the last two show him with his wife.

His wife was the adopted daughter of Andre Previn and Mai (Farrow) Previn.
Woody Allen should also be suing the people who keep mixing up photos of his wife and his adopted daughter.

My bad John, you've gotta admit, it's kind of hard to tell them apart.

Woody married his stepdaughter when she turned 19, here is a pic of the lovebirds on their honeymoon:

[Image: article-1170274-0008515E00000258-777_468x354.jpg]

And here's a pic of the couple two years earlier, when she was 17, and Woody was in a LTR with her mother:

[Image: MV5BMjg1MzczMjEzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMTY5NDc1._V1_.jpg]

Here's Woody and wife earlier than that, in their courtship years when she was 16:

[Image: 2267773--woody-allen-et-soon-yi-a-new-yo...50x0-2.jpg]

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Brodiaga - 02-08-2019

^Wait, something doesn't add up here. Dude looks much older in the last pic, when the chick was 16, compared to the first honeymoon pic by the river when she's 19. Or is that his granddaughter in the last pic?

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Leonard D Neubache - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 12:39 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

I found some footage of (((Bezos))) and (((Allen))) training for the upcoming battle:

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

Falling shekel snatching palm.


Woody Allen Sues Amazon - debeguiled - 02-08-2019

Sign of the times. Who do you root against?

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - spydersuit - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 01:50 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Sign of the times. Who do you root against?

Is that a rhetorical question?

If not, then Bezos. His company is firmly against men.

Woody Allen is probably a forum member.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - 911 - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 01:02 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

^Wait, something doesn't add up here. Dude looks much older in the last pic, when the chick was 16, compared to the first honeymoon pic by the river when she's 19. Or is that his granddaughter in the last pic?

I got my dates wrong, will sort it out after work.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Days of Broken Arrows - 02-08-2019

(Warning! This rant is going to get into an uncomfortable area.)

Allen marrying his step-daughter did breach social norms. And people like to talk about this because it's easy to look down on that.

But what people don't like to talk about is the other side of this coin. It's also not normal to put older men and teenage girls together under the same roof. Once upon a time, people knew this, which is why words like "step-dad" had such a negative connotation.

But sometime around 1980 when divorce became the norm, we as a society stopped admitting this to ourselves. We started to pretend it was normal to have an older man in the house while a 16-year-old who was NOT his daughter ran around in her nighties.

Similarly, we started to pretend it was normal for a teenage girl to get lots of attention from an older man in her house who was NOT her father. But this is asking for trouble. We are not more "open" as a society not, just because gay marriage and divorce are accepted. There are ideas that are still closeted. This is one of them since it's not allowed to be discussed in polite society.

Why does everyone assume he "groomed" her and that she had no part in this? That's assuming women (and girls) have no agency. Which is a feminist fantasy, not human nature.

She was a teenage girl in a house with a world-famous man, who likely showed her attention she wasn't getting anywhere else. She apparently had learning disabilities and didn't speak English at first. Kids at school probably teased her or ignored her.

World-famous millionaire Allen (considered a comic/cinematic genius at the time) gave her bit parts in movies like "Hannah And Her Sisters." Gee, wonder how that made her feel?

These kinds of feelings are not specific to Woody and Soon-Yi. If you're an older guy who has dated (or married) a single mom with a daughter, you've probably had the experience where the girls gets a crush on you. Why wouldn't she? You're NOT her dad, no matter how much people say you are.

The fact that this couple stayed together 25 years should be proof that not only was she a willing participant (and perhaps even the catalyst for them getting together), but this kind of pairing might be more natural than Woody and Mia's. Marriages last for a year in Hollywood and no one criticizes that. This one has gone on since the Bush I era, and people have a problem with it.

I think the reason for that is that this subject forces people to face their own perverse desires. That step-daughter looked awful nice in her bikini last week, didn't she, "dad?" And all the step-moms out there have probably looked at the hard biceps (and other things) on their step-son's bodies and gone reeling into fantasy-land.

Told you this would get uncomfortable. But when you "blend" families and pretend like it's the norm, it gets uncomfortable. Mia Farrow's patchwork "Brady Bunch"-like "family" was definitely not the norm. So it's not a surprise more weirdness grew out of it.

We like to imagine a situation like "The Brady Bunch" could result in one big happy family. But when actually discussing that show, what's the first thing people say? "Wonder if Greg f*cked Marcia?"

In Woody Allen's case, it was the step-dad and step-daughter who got together, not the brother and sister, but you all get the point. Bring non-bio people together of different genders and you don't get a "family." You get a dating pool.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - debeguiled - 02-08-2019

Careful DOBA, or a new forum rule will have to be made just for you.

I am still very thankful my stepdaughter was ugly inside and out.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Sp5 - 02-08-2019

When you consider that this is probably based on the same policy/ same people that took Roosh's books off Amazon, you have to root for Woody.
Roosh should read the complaint.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - John Dodds - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 05:33 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Allen marrying his step-daughter did breach social norms .........
She was a teenage girl in a house with a world-famous man, who likely showed her attention she wasn't getting anywhere else. She apparently had learning disabilities and didn't speak English at first. Kids at school probably teased her or ignored her.

Only he didn't, and she wasn't, Woody Allen and Mia Farrow never shared a home and never married.
Because Woody is a bit smarter than us, they only ever stayed in hotels together. He recognised her craziness and didn't ever want her to get 'entitlements' to his money or home, so he just rented hotel rooms to bang her for the night.

It was Andre Previn (Mia Farrow's husband) who lived in the house with the kid.
Woody married Andre Previn and Mia Farro's adopted daughter.

Please note 'step-daughter' is the term used when one spouse is the biological parent of the child, and the other spouse isn't)

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Caduceus - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 12:03 PM)911 Wrote:  

Guy who has his pick among hundreds of fawning 20yo 9/10 Manhattan shiksas marries the 4/10 stepdaughter he raised...


You can shit on woody for a lot of things, but not this.
They have been married for 32 years straight and counting and have children together.
Find me another celebrity couple that lasted this long.

He married Soon Yi because he knew she was a normal stable girl, and she'd make a good faithful mother.
Thats what he wanted and needed after the crazy wack jobs (like mia farrow) that he'd been with before.

If the girl felt he was a pervert, she would have left him a long time ago and gotten herself another man.
Instead she's fiercely loyal and has recently defended him publicaly against the bullshit allegations from farrow.
Some of us here would kill for such a loyal wife in today's day and age.
Woody made the right choice, his wife still loves and defends him 32 years later...fuck the haters.


Soon-Yi Previn gives rare interview to defend Woody Allen

Kate Lyons
Mon 17 Sep 2018

Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter accuses her of using #MeToo to resurface ‘unjust’ allegations Allen abused his daughter, Dylan Farrow

Soon-Yi Previn, the wife of Woody Allen, has spoken publicly for the first time in decades about her early life with adopted mother Mia Farrow, and allegations that Allen molested his daughter Dylan Farrow.

In an interview with New York Magazine, published on Sunday, Previn, 47, alleged that Farrow has been taking advantage of the current conversation about sexual harassment to spread lies about Allen.

Previn, who is famously private, told the magazine she wanted to speak out now because accusations that Allen had sexually abused Dylan when she was a child had resurfaced, claims that Allen denies.


Soon-Yi Previn Defends Woody Allen and Accuses Mia Farrow of Abuse

By Matt Stevens
Sept. 17, 2018

In her first extended comments on the fraught and tangled history between the director Woody Allen and the Farrow family, Soon-Yi Previn described her mother, Mia Farrow, as a demeaning and sometimes violent figure who exploded upon learning of her relationship with Mr. Allen — a man whom Ms. Farrow had worked with and dated for years.

The remarks, made in a lengthy New York magazine article published online on Sunday, represent the latest escalation in a decades-long dispute about allegations that Mr. Allen molested his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Days of Broken Arrows - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 07:39 PM)John Dodds Wrote:  

Quote: (02-08-2019 05:33 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Allen marrying his step-daughter did breach social norms .........
She was a teenage girl in a house with a world-famous man, who likely showed her attention she wasn't getting anywhere else. She apparently had learning disabilities and didn't speak English at first. Kids at school probably teased her or ignored her.

Only he didn't, and she wasn't, Woody Allen and Mia Farrow never shared a home and never married.
Because Woody is a bit smarter than us, they only ever stayed in hotels together. He recognised her craziness and didn't ever want her to get 'entitlements' to his money or home, so he just rented hotel rooms to bang her for the night.

It was Andre Previn (Mia Farrow's husband) who lived in the house with the kid.
Woody married Andre Previn and Mia Farro's adopted daughter.

Please note 'step-daughter' is the term used when one spouse is the biological parent of the child, and the other spouse isn't)

Thanks for the info. I didn't know all of this. The irony is that in her not growing up under his roof AND Woody and Mia never marrying, that makes her even less his step-daughter. In fact, technically she wasn't his step-daughter at all. So the "OMG! Step-daughter!" crowd is even more off-the-mark.

My point about parading nubile teenage girls around middle-aged step-dads still stands. A recipe for trouble.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - John Dodds - 02-08-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 12:56 PM)911 Wrote:  

Here's Woody and wife earlier than that, in their courtship years when she was 16:

[Image: 2267773--woody-allen-et-soon-yi-a-new-yo...50x0-2.jpg]

All three photos you posted were taken in 1997 when Soon-Yi was 27, the year they married.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Leonard D Neubache - 02-08-2019

Jesus, DOBA.

"A recipe for trouble"?

I'll remember that if I ever end up in front of an actual judge.

"Your honour, I'd like to plead 'recipe for trouble', thanks".

"Well, yes, this clearly was a 'recipe for trouble' type situation so it's hard to hold you to account on this, case dismissed."

Here's a craycray idea. If you're in a home with a step-daughter who's allowed to dress and act as a temptation then something has already gone wrong. God forbid I had a daughter. God forbid I ended up divorced. God forbid my ex remarried and God forbid her new spouse ended up fucking my daughter because he was trapped in a 'recipe for trouble'. I'd gut him like a fucking fish.

Dudes who think the step-daughter shit is somehow allowable under consideration deserve everything this sick society visits on them.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Days of Broken Arrows - 02-09-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 11:08 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Jesus, DOBA.

"A recipe for trouble"?

I'll remember that if I ever end up in front of an actual judge.

"Your honour, I'd like to plead 'recipe for trouble', thanks".

"Well, yes, this clearly was a 'recipe for trouble' type situation so it's hard to hold you to account on this, case dismissed."

Here's a craycray idea. If you're in a home with a step-daughter who's allowed to dress and act as a temptation then something has already gone wrong. God forbid I had a daughter. God forbid I ended up divorced. God forbid my ex remarried and God forbid her new spouse ended up fucking my daughter because he was trapped in a 'recipe for trouble'. I'd gut him like a fucking fish.

Dudes who think the step-daughter shit is somehow allowable under consideration deserve everything this sick society visits on them.

I stand by what I said. Did you read my original post? These mixed-family situations bring up attractions on both sides.

I think the Woody Allen situation is a one thing. But if you read my screed fully, you'll see that in the general sense, I'm criticizing these mixed-family situations.

The scenario you paint about some step-dad seducing your daughter is a straw man argument. The "trouble" I spoke of comes from FEELINGS not ACTIONS (see my examples).

In troubled mixed-family situations, there is usually no "touching" at all, much less full-blown relationships between step-dads and their step-daughters.

What happens is that attractions develop unexpectedly. This introduces a tension into the family dynamic.

For example, the daughter might not quite get why she feels jealous when her mom goes off with her step-dad (girls in college told me directly they had these feelings). The girl starts to flirt with him but doesn't quite realize it (ditto). Tension between the girl and her mom develop.

On the other side, you have the step dad who doesn't know how to deal with his feelings, so he gets weird around his step-daughter -- perhaps insulting her to cover his own feelings.

Not all step-families end up with unexpected sexual tension. But enough do that it's...a recipe for trouble. Which is what I said originally.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Leonard D Neubache - 02-09-2019

DOBA, my brother from another mother.


Why does everyone assume he "groomed" her and that she had no part in this? That's assuming women (and girls) have no agency. Which is a feminist fantasy, not human nature.

No. Women do not have agency. Certainly not 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 year old girls. I read your post, again, carefully and it reminded me of every equivocation the left ever made with their "what if" scenarios designed carefully and specifically for the purpose of shunting everyone onto that slippery slope of moral relativity.

Oh sure, Woody did the wrong thing, but was it really all that bad? Didn't it turn out OK this time? Can you really blame him?

Roosh noted that pornhub is now flooded with step-son step-daughter pornography. What degradation you want to promote you first equivocate into the realm of moral relativity. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Everyone has their perverted little fantasies, and if only they can just figure out a tricky series of rationalizations, justifications and self-exemptions then suddenly their perversions are not evil, they're just a natural expression of their "circumstances".

Pure hamsterism by definition. Skirts creeping an inch higher every year and before you know it some chick in yoga pants bends over in front of you and you're starting directly at her cunt, but it's OK because excuses excuses excuses.

Here it is straight. If you cannot commit to never fucking a child in your care no matter how old they inevitably get then REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE PRESENCE OF CHILDREN.

If it were up to me then the second it became clear Woody was fucking the girl he'd had a hand in raising from pre-pubescence then I would have detectives do a solid interview with the kid, establish the earliest point he'd been fucking her and if that was prior to legal age I'd have him publicly castrated, there to bleed to death. If it were post-legal age I'd simply toss him in jail as a sex offender. Get real. If this was some fat, balding dude running an orphanage instead of Woody then nobody would be coming out of the woodwork with rationalizations, justifications and exemptions for that perverted piece of shit, who every man on this forum would rightly be calling a pedophile with zero game and complete scarcity mentality.

"Guys, I met this girl and I really clicked with her. I think I'm in love. Trouble is she's 13."

With all due respect.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

Rationalizing, justifying and exempting this shit is satanism-lite. You want to leave the door open "just a little bit"? The ramifications are on you.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - 911 - 02-09-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 07:39 PM)John Dodds Wrote:  

Quote: (02-08-2019 05:33 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Allen marrying his step-daughter did breach social norms .........
She was a teenage girl in a house with a world-famous man, who likely showed her attention she wasn't getting anywhere else. She apparently had learning disabilities and didn't speak English at first. Kids at school probably teased her or ignored her.

Only he didn't, and she wasn't, Woody Allen and Mia Farrow never shared a home and never married.
Because Woody is a bit smarter than us, they only ever stayed in hotels together. He recognised her craziness and didn't ever want her to get 'entitlements' to his money or home, so he just rented hotel rooms to bang her for the night.

It was Andre Previn (Mia Farrow's husband) who lived in the house with the kid.
Woody married Andre Previn and Mia Farro's adopted daughter.

Please note 'step-daughter' is the term used when one spouse is the biological parent of the child, and the other spouse isn't)

I was wrong about her marriage age, I posted while working yesterday, but you are totally wrong and obfuscating about Allen's marital arrangement. He did bang his stepdaughter for all intents and purposes, and did that while being in a long-term marital relationship with her mother.

Allen was in a LTR with Farrow for 13 years, it started in 1979 when Soon Yi was 9yo. And yes, he was at the very least the father figure for Mia's children from 1979 on. Andre Previn, who you claim "lived in the house with the kid" was out of the picture after his divorce in 1979, he actually remarried in 1982, Farrow was the third of five Previn wives.

Allen lived in an Upper East Side apartment literally across the street from Farrow's, their pads faced each other, and they actually as a couple, legally adopted two of Mia's children, and they had a child together, he spent a lot of time in Mia's pad with her and the children. There is no debate about him being at the very least the defacto stepfather in that family, even though he's kept some kind of legal arm's length arrangement.

The more you peel the layers, the worse Allen looks. I delved into this several years ago and it was a pretty clear cut case. The accusation of their daughter Dylan that Allen molested her when she was 7yo holds a lot of water:

-Allen had been in therapy for alleged inappropriate behavior toward Dylan with a child psychologist before the abuse allegation was presented to the authorities or made public.

-Allen refused to take a polygraph administered by the Connecticut state police when he was being investigated for child abuse.

- Allen subsequently lost four exhaustive court battles—a lawsuit, a disciplinary charge against the prosecutor, and two appeals—and was made to pay more than $1 million in Mia’s legal fees. Judge Elliott Wilk, the presiding judge in Allen’s custody suit against Farrow, concluded that there is “no credible evidence to support Mr. Allen’s contention that Ms. Farrow coached Dylan or that Ms. Farrow acted upon a desire for revenge against him for seducing Soon-Yi.”

-In his 33-page decision, Judge Wilk found that Mr. Allen’s behavior toward Dylan was “grossly inappropriate and that measures must be taken to protect her.” The judge also recounts Farrow’s misgivings regarding Allen’s behavior toward Dylan from the time she was between two and three years old. According to the judge’s decision, Farrow told Allen, “You look at her [Dylan] in a sexual way. You fondled her . . . You don’t give her any breathing room. You look at her when she’s naked.”

- Dylan’s claim of abuse was consistent with the testimony of three adults who were present that day. On the day of the alleged assault, a babysitter of a friend told police and gave sworn testimony that Allen and Dylan went missing for 15 or 20 minutes, while she was at the house. Another babysitter told police and also swore in court that on that same day, she saw Allen with his head on Dylan’s lap facing her body, while Dylan sat on a couch “staring vacantly in the direction of a television set.” A French tutor for the family told police and testified that that day she found Dylan was not wearing underpants under her sundress. The first babysitter also testified she did not tell Farrow that Allen and Dylan had gone missing until after Dylan made her statements. These sworn accounts contradict Moses Farrow’s recollection of that day in People magazine.

-Allen changed his story about the attic where the abuse allegedly took place. First, Allen told investigators he had never been in the attic where the alleged abuse took place. After his hair was found on a painting in the attic, he admitted that he might have stuck his head in once or twice.

- The state attorney, Maco, said publicly he did have probable cause to press charges against Allen but declined, due to the fragility of the “child victim.” Maco told me that he refused to put Dylan through an exhausting trial, and without her on the stand, he could not prosecute Allen.

Allen's works are infused with the theme of incestuous pedophilia. This is very relevant because a lot of the content in his movie is very personal and practically autobiographical. For example his relationship with a teen Mariel Hemingway is based with one he's had with a high school girl while in his 40s. This is a good article about this recurring sordid aspect that emerged through a lot of his films:

Re-Watching Woody Allen - The newly-chilling themes that you can see throughout his movies

I guess the natural instinct on this forum is to side with the dude against the wife, especially given that she's somewhat unstable, but if you care to dig into the story setting that bias aside, the case against Allen is quite damning.

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - godfather dust - 02-09-2019

LDN I don't see much in the way of moral judgement from DOBAs posts just statements on human nature that to me have merit. He ultimately is arguing against step parenting entirely not saying "go ahead, fuck the step daughter."

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - 911 - 02-09-2019

Quote: (02-08-2019 09:34 PM)Caduceus Wrote:  

Quote: (02-08-2019 12:03 PM)911 Wrote:  

Guy who has his pick among hundreds of fawning 20yo 9/10 Manhattan shiksas marries the 4/10 stepdaughter he raised...


You can shit on woody for a lot of things, but not this.
They have been married for 32 years straight and counting and have children together.
Find me another celebrity couple that lasted this long.

He married Soon Yi because he knew she was a normal stable girl, and she'd make a good faithful mother.
Thats what he wanted and needed after the crazy wack jobs (like mia farrow) that he'd been with before.

If the girl felt he was a pervert, she would have left him a long time ago and gotten herself another man.
Instead she's fiercely loyal and has recently defended him publicaly against the bullshit allegations from farrow.
Some of us here would kill for such a loyal wife in today's day and age.
Woody made the right choice, his wife still loves and defends him 32 years later...fuck the haters.


In her first extended comments on the fraught and tangled history between the director Woody Allen and the Farrow family, Soon-Yi Previn described her mother, Mia Farrow, as a demeaning and sometimes violent figure who exploded upon learning of her relationship with Mr. Allen — a man whom Ms. Farrow had worked with and dated for years.

Macron's marriage is very stable too. A good part of the appeal to that union is the transgressive nature of that relationship, a 15yo boy screwing his middle aged teacher. That kind of crooked foundation serves to strengthen the marital bond in a very perverted way.

Macron's wife is an equally doting partner as Allen and his wife. Allen's current marriage is similarly transgressive, he groomed his stepdaughter and slept with her while he was with her mother. As I've shown above, he was the stepfather for all intents and purposes, they had three children together in a 13-year long relationship, he lived in a pad facing hers and spent a lot of time with them, acting as the father.

The fact that Farrow "exploded" and burned her bridges with Soon Yi is to be expected under the circumstances. I can't think of a more effed up and emotionally damaging thing that a partner of 13 years, with whom she shared her household, could do to his woman.

I would guess that a good part of the reason his marriage is stable is that they have recreated the situation he had with Farrow, with them adopting two daughters, white and asian, a smaller recreation of the household he had with Farrow.

[Image: Woody+Allen+Woody+Allen+Soon+Yi+Previn+s...D9tuPl.jpg]

Woody Allen Sues Amazon - Caduceus - 02-09-2019


New Die Hard movie starring Woody Allen saving a bunch of schoolgirls from terrorists.