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Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - firat113 - 01-04-2019

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]


A young girl who fell in love with a bus driver twenty-two-years older than her has been shunned by her family and cut her out for over a year.

Laura Kreuzter, 20, from Selm, Germany, first met 'the love of her life' three years ago on a bus that she took every day.

Kai Semmelmann, 43 was the bus driver and after locking eyes several times in the rear-view mirror, Laura plucked up the courage to speak to him.

She tracked him down on Facebook and a couple of days later, the pair met for a coffee and fell head-over-heals.

The 22-year age gap didn't worry Laura at all, but Kai was slightly apprehensive at first as he was worried about what people would think of them.

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]


Laura's parents were not impressed by her relationship and didn't talk to her for a year when they first got together and still refuse to speak to Kai today.

Despite this, the couple live together and have been through more than most after Kai suffered a heart attack in April last year.

Kai said: "My girlfriend Laura always had to travel by bus and she would always take my bus.

"She thought that I was really nice but she didn't care to talk to me very much.

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]


"But one day, she wrote to me on Facebook and we met a few days later for a coffee and then fell in love with each other.

"It was love at first sight. Laura loved my looks and personality right from the start and the same goes for me. We were attracted to each other from the start.

"Our age difference is twenty-two-years and for Laura, this was not a problem but I struggled because of what people might think of us.

"Laura's parents were so outraged and the contact between Laura and her parents was put on ice. After about a year, Laura's mother returned to Laura and started talking to her again.

"I still have no contact with Laura's family, because they do not want to accept me."

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]


Laura said: "For me, it was a very bad situation because parents should actually be happy if their daughter is happy and they are at their happiest when in a relationship.

"It was terrible because Kai is the love of my life. When Kai had his heart attack, I was with him for every second and I supported him wherever I could.

"I was scared to death that I would lose him and I wouldn't have been able to handle that so I helped him where I could."

Laura and Kai do receive funny looks when they are out and about in public but they are now looking forward to moving into a new apartment at the start of the year.

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]


"I suffered a heart attack in April 2017 and that was very bad for Laura because I could not work.

"I had to visit a rehab centre in Ennepetal so she was heavily burdened during this time and wasn't expecting something like this to happen because she was so young," said Kai.

"We have been living together for almost three years now and have finally found a new apartment and move into it at the beginning of the year.

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]


"There are people who say nothing but give us stupid and contemptuous looks when they see us out and about. There are also people who look the other way and there are the people who smile when they see us.

"Our message to the rest of the world and to the people who criticise us, we have love to give each other and no one in the world is going to stop that."

I wonder if this is how things would look like without social media. People would meet at grocery stores, public transport, parks and old school shit again. Interesting.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - firat113 - 01-04-2019

That face of confusion you make, when you still have no idea how you're smashing a cute girl half your age. As an out of shape bus driver in his 40s.

[Image: 30dk.png]

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Rakers - 01-04-2019


Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Atlanta Man - 01-04-2019

Victory! Gotta take better care of your body though....

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Caduceus - 01-04-2019

His body language in ALL those photos just screams 100% beta male.
Whole story smells fake...especially the part where she "tracks him down on facebook."

I'm all for healthy gaps between older men and younger girls....but this dude doesn't convey anything that would make a young girl chase after him.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Windom Earle - 01-04-2019


Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Trumpian - 01-04-2019

This isn't as unusual as you guys might think. When I lived in Vienna, I knew a hot 19 yr old Austrian/Japanese chick dating some ugly 40 yr old (and married) Filipino guy. By looks, age, and 3rd world status, it shouldn't have been possible.

What women are into is a lot harder to pin down than men.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 01-04-2019

I'd say that man looks younger and healthier than many of these 20-year-old guys today who are just lazy slobs.
So props to him.

I think old women know younger ones are more attractive to men, they have always tried to shame men and call them perverts for being attracted to young, hot and fertile girls while you would actually think it would be more perverted to want an old roastie.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - ed pluribus unum - 01-04-2019

Germany, eh? Her parents are probably haranguing her with "why can't you find one of those nice refugee boys that's more your age?!"

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - No More Mr. Soy Boy - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 07:31 AM)Caduceus Wrote:  

The body language in those photos screams beta.
Whole story smells fake...especially the part where she "tracks him down on facebook."

He might not have many alpha traits (selfies, poor body language etc). But I would consider him a contextual alpha in the sense of that particular environment, in the same way as a beta professor can come across as an alpha in a school class where he's the authority.

In a bus, the driver is the (contextual) alpha who is in charge of the bus, he will tell people the next bus stop he's going to and people will look at him when asking for directions, schedules and he can decide if someone has to be kicked off the bus and so forth.
Consider also a young girl who lives a pretty calm life and doesn't go out on weekends, she hasn't met many super confident guys with natural alpha traits and won't exactly require you to pin her up against walls and fuck her.

I have heard of many couples where the woman tracked down the guy on Facebook and started a conversation so I wouldn't say it's fake. I don't think it's that uncommon these days.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Borges - 01-04-2019

Adult woman dates adult man, but they have a large age gap. Somehow this is news worthy.

Is the media trying to normalise age gaps? If that's the case, I'm not complaining.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Malone - 01-04-2019

I think the parents have a point here. I'd be pretty upset if my young daughter started dating a fat, 22 year older loser.

Sure, date a fat, older guy if you want, but at least make sure he's high status - rich, powerful, whatever.

I expect this chick is broken in a very specific way that makes her love him. Bus driver fetish? He looks like the "uncle" that gave her her first orgasm?

Wouldn't disown my daughter for this, but I'd be tempted to pay some enrichers to solve the problem for me.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Green-On-GO - 01-04-2019


If it was a female bus driver in her 40s and a younger dude .This story would be all about love and "Yay you go girl"..what skill an older woman has and how young guys love it

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - firat113 - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 08:19 AM)Malone Wrote:  

I think the parents have a point here. I'd be pretty upset if my young daughter started dating a fat, 22 year older loser.

Sure, date a fat, older guy if you want, but at least make sure he's high status - rich, powerful, whatever.

I expect this chick is broken in a very specific way that makes her love him. Bus driver fetish? He looks like the "uncle" that gave her her first orgasm?

Wouldn't disown my daughter for this, but I'd be tempted to pay some enrichers to solve the problem for me.

Agreed. Makes you wonder how her relationship to her father was. Either she has daddy issues or it's her first time falling in love and it just happened to be with this guy that she saw nearly every single day. In the article, it says the mother reached out after a year and nothing about the father.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Barron - 01-04-2019

[Image: gamerecognized.gif]
No mention of the father... makes sense that she would seek out an older guy. Shame on the libtard family.

When I was a kid, a friend of our family was a philosophy professor and had decided to join the priesthood. Before making his final vows which include forsaking sex and having children, he went with some friends on one last trip to Italy. While staying in a hostel he met a chick twenty years younger than him that was from the same state. He was 40, she was 20.

They continued contact after getting back to the states and he decided to put the priesthood on hold. A few months later she was preggers. 5 years later, they had two more children and today remain happily married.

From would-be priest to expecting father over the course of a few months... amazing what a twenty year old hottie can do for a man.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - flyinghorse - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 07:55 AM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-04-2019 07:31 AM)Caduceus Wrote:  

The body language in those photos screams beta.
Whole story smells fake...especially the part where she "tracks him down on facebook."

He might not have many alpha traits (selfies, poor body language etc). But I would consider him a contextual alpha in the sense of that particular environment, in the same way as a beta professor can come across as an alpha in a school class where he's the authority.

In a bus, the driver is the (contextual) alpha who is in charge of the bus, he will tell people the next bus stop he's going to and people will look at him when asking for directions, schedules and he can decide if someone has to be kicked off the bus and so forth.
Consider also a young girl who lives a pretty calm life and doesn't go out on weekends, she hasn't met many super confident guys with natural alpha traits and won't exactly require you to pin her up against walls and fuck her.

I have heard of many couples where the woman tracked down the guy on Facebook and started a conversation so I wouldn't say it's fake. I don't think it's that uncommon these days.
Professor sounds like an alpha job In many ways because it means you are elite but I know most academics tend to be beta.

I know loads of women who develop crushes on their teachers who were halfway attractive.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Jetset - 01-04-2019

I'll bet this guy's pension has an excellent widow's benefit.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - eljeffster - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 09:04 AM)firat113 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-04-2019 08:19 AM)Malone Wrote:  

I think the parents have a point here. I'd be pretty upset if my young daughter started dating a fat, 22 year older loser.

Sure, date a fat, older guy if you want, but at least make sure he's high status - rich, powerful, whatever.

I expect this chick is broken in a very specific way that makes her love him. Bus driver fetish? He looks like the "uncle" that gave her her first orgasm?

Wouldn't disown my daughter for this, but I'd be tempted to pay some enrichers to solve the problem for me.

Agreed. Makes you wonder how her relationship to her father was. Either she has daddy issues or it's her first time falling in love and it just happened to be with this guy that she saw nearly every single day. In the article, it says the mother reached out after a year and nothing about the father.

The guy has a pension job and a ride. What's the problem? Its not like he is likely to two-step on your daughter and be smashing some other 20 yo skank he picked up on the bus.

When did being a regular guy with a decent job who can support a family not be enough for a perspective father in law? You want your daughter to be a spinning plate in a rich man's harem?

If I were the parents I would invite him over asap and lean on him to put a ring on the finger and a baby in the belly.

The point of having daughters is for them to find a good decent man who will marry them and have loads of grandchildren for you to enjoy.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Captain Gh - 01-04-2019

Damn a couple of you guys need to take a chill pill!) The only obvious flaw of this man is that he's a fat fuck. If Germany's the same as in Canada, his salary is structured with pay increases WHICH TAKE IN CONSIDERATION INFLATION. After a certain # of years (usually 20-25) Nice BulletProof pension like a cop or a teacher!

Now why anyone would call this being a loser I don't know! With tenure + overtime these guys can pull in 6 figures + have a second career funded on YOUR & MY tax dollars (at least in Canada)! Who's the loser again? Cutting ties with a daughter for being a Prostitute or dating a criminal I understand... but doing so for dating a middle class worker who's job you don't like? Fuck Outta Here!

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Captain Gh - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 07:31 AM)Caduceus Wrote:  

His body language in ALL those photos just screams 100% beta male.
Whole story smells fake...especially the part where she "tracks him down on facebook."

I'm all for healthy gaps between older men and younger girls....but this dude doesn't convey anything that would make a young girl chase after him.

On Craigslist's, there's an entire section dedicated to "Missed Connection" where it's about 30% women wanting to connect with a man they saw at X wearing This! People are still yearning to connect! However not sure the section is there anymore since Facebook Shut Down its personals a while back!

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Belgrano - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 10:35 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Now why anyone would call this being a loser I don't know! With tenure + overtime these guys can pull in 6 figures + have a second career funded on YOUR & MY tax dollars (at least in Canada)! Who's the loser again?

A bus driver in Germany earning 6 figures?

[Image: laugh3.gif]

A German bus driver gets about 27,000 € per year, before taxes.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Thot Leader - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 10:46 AM)Belgrano Wrote:  

Quote: (01-04-2019 10:35 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Now why anyone would call this being a loser I don't know! With tenure + overtime these guys can pull in 6 figures + have a second career funded on YOUR & MY tax dollars (at least in Canada)! Who's the loser again?

A bus driver in Germany earning 6 figures?

[Image: laugh3.gif]

A German bus driver gets about 27,000 € per year, before taxes.

Source? No idea how it works in Germany, but as Capt pointed out, there are bus drivers in Toronto making over $100K, although this is the exception and is based on overtime. Usually they earn around $70K. And German unions are even stronger than Canadian ones...

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Cr33pin - 01-04-2019

Daddy issues for the win

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - PapayaTapper - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 10:35 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Damn a couple of you guys need to take a chill pill!) The only obvious flaw of this man is that he's a fat fuck. If Germany's the same as in Canada, his salary is structured with pay increases WHICH TAKE IN CONSIDERATION INFLATION. After a certain # of years (usually 20-25) Nice BulletProof pension like a cop or a teacher!

Now why anyone would call this being a loser I don't know! With tenure + overtime these guys can pull in 6 figures + have a second career funded on YOUR & MY tax dollars (at least in Canada)! Who's the loser again? Cutting ties with a daughter for being a Prostitute or dating a criminal I understand... but doing so for dating a middle class worker who's job you don't like? Fuck Outta Here!

[Image: 0_PAY-Bus-to-Love-Age-Gap.jpg]

She's not exactly runway svelte either.

Woman, 20, shunned by family after falling for bus driver 22 years older - Thot Leader - 01-04-2019

Quote: (01-04-2019 11:08 AM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

She's not exactly runway svelte either.

True but she's still way, WAY hotter than what you'd expect him to pull based on his looks, status and game (at least what we are able to extrapolate about it).
