Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Adonis - 08-25-2018
BLUF: Trans people are mentally ill social rejects.
This study compares transgenderism to alcoholism and eating disorders, that it is being used as a coping mechanism. It blows the genderX narrative out of the water so I don't expect to see this in the MSM. It confirms what we already know, that it is either a mental disorder or trying to fit in with a peer group, or both. Very long and detailed (boring) study, Ive cut some of the most pertinent sections.
AYA = adolescent and young adult
A majority of the people in this study had pre-existing mental issues before rapidly identifying as trans.
Along with the sudden or rapid onset of gender dysphoria, the AYAs belonged to a friend group where one or multiple friends became gender dysphoric and came out as transgender during a similar time as they did (21.5%), exhibited an increase in their social media/internet use (19.9%), both (45.3%), neither (5.1%), and don’t know (8.2%).
It is important to note that none of the AYAs described in this study would have met diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria in childhood (Table 3). In fact, the vast majority (80.4%) had zero indicators from the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for childhood gender dysphoria with 12.2% possessing one indicator, 3.5% with two indicators, and 2.4% with three indicators.
The AYAs who were the focus of this study had many comorbidities and vulnerabilities predating the onset of their gender dysphoria, including psychiatric disorders, neurodevelopmental disabilites, trauma, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), and difficulties coping with strong or negative emotions (Table 4). The majority (62.5%) of AYAs had one or more diagnoses of a psychiatric disorder or neurodevelopmental disability preceding the onset of gender dysphoria (range of the number of pre-existing diagnoses 0–7). Many (48.4%) had experienced a traumatic or stressful event prior to the onset of their gender dysphoria.
It appears there is a social fitting in or popularity dynamic with identifying as trans.
The following case summaries were selected to illustrate peer, trauma, and psychiatric contexts that might indicate more complicated clinical pictures.
-A 12-year-old natal female was bullied specifically for going through early puberty and the responding parent wrote “as a result she said she felt fat and hated her breasts.” She learned online that hating your breasts is a sign of being transgender. She edited her diary (by crossing out existing text and writing in new text) to make it appear that she has always felt that she is transgender.
-A 14-year-old natal female and three of her natal female friends were taking group lessons together with a very popular coach. The coach came out as transgender, and, within one year, all four students announced they were also transgender.
A natal female was traumatized by a rape when she was 16 years of age. Before the rape, she was described as a happy girl; after the rape, she became withdrawn and fearful. Several months after the rape, she announced that she was transgender and told her parents that she needed to transition.
-A 21-year-old natal male who had been academically successful at a prestigious university seemed depressed for about six months. Since concluding that he was transgender, he went on to have a marked decline in his social functioning and has become increasingly angry and hostile to his family. He refuses to move out or look for a job. His entire family, including several members who are very supportive of the transgender community, believe that he is “suffering from a mental disorder which has nothing to do with gender.”
-A 14-year-old natal female and three of her natal female friends are part of a larger friend group that spends much of their time talking about gender and sexuality. The three natal female friends all announced they were trans boys and chose similar masculine names. After spending time with these three friends, the 14-year-old natal female announced that she was also a trans boy.
Parents think they're faking it to try and be the "cool kids", trans people further isolated themselves from normal people.
Parents described intense group dynamics where friend groups praised and supported people who were transgender-identified and ridiculed and maligned non-transgender people. Where popularity status and activities were known, 60.7% of the AYAs experienced an increased popularity within their friend group when they announced a transgender-identification and 60.0% of the friend groups were known to mock people who were not transgender or LGBTIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or asexual).
Parents identified the sources they thought were most influential for their child becoming gender dysphoric. The most frequently answered influences were: YouTube transition videos (63.6%); Tumblr (61.7%); a group of friends they know in person (44.5%); a community/group of people that they met online (42.9%); a person they know in-person (not online) 41.7%. In contrast to the majority of responses, two participants commented that they didn’t think the sources influenced their child to become gender dysphoric, rather they gave their child a name for their feelings or gave the child confidence to come out. The following quotes illustrate the dominant quantitative findings. One parent wrote, “We believe the biggest influence was the online pro-transition blogs and youtube videos. We feel she was highly influenced by the ‘if you are even questioning your gender-you are probably transgender’ philosophy…In the ‘real world’ her friends, other trans peers, and newfound popularity were additional areas of reinforcement.” Another respondent described the online influence as part of a different question, “I believe my child experienced what many kids experience on the cusp of puberty—uncomfortableness!—but there was an online world at the ready to tell her that those very normal feelings meant she's in the wrong body.”
The trajectories of the AYAs were not consistent with the narrative of discovering one’s authentic self and then thriving. Specifically, parents reported that, after “coming out,” their children exhibited a worsening of their mental well-being. Additionally, parents noted worsening of the parent-child relationship and observed that their children had narrowed their interests (Table 8). Although small numbers of AYAs had improvement in mental well-being (12.6%), parent-child relationship (7.4%), grades/academic performance (6.4%), and had broadened their interests and hobbies (5.1%); the most common outcomes were worsened mental well-being (47.2%); worsened parent child relationship (57.3%); unchanged or mixed grades/academic performance (59.1%); and a narrowed range of interests and hobbies (58.1%). One parent describing her child’s trajectory offered, “After announcing she was transgender, my daughter’s depression increased significantly. She became more withdrawn. She stopped participating in activities which she previously enjoyed, stopped participating in family activities, and significantly decreased her interaction with friends. Her symptoms became so severe that she was placed on medication by her physician.” Table 9 describes cumulative rates of mental illness and neurodevelopmental disability at the time of survey.
Western white girls, the most spoiled creature in existence.
This research sample of AYAs also differs from the general population in that it is predominantly natal female, white, and has an over-representation of individuals who are academically gifted, non-heterosexual, and are offspring of parents with high educational attainment [41–43].
Hypothesis 1: Social contagion is a key determinant of rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD).
It is unlikely that friends and the internet can make people transgender. However, it is plausible that the following can be initiated, magnified, spread, and maintained via the mechanisms of social and peer contagion: (1) the belief that non-specific symptoms (including the symptoms associated with trauma, symptoms of psychiatric problems, and symptoms that are part of normal puberty) should be perceived as gender dysphoria and their presence as proof of being transgender; 2) the belief that the only path to happiness is transition; and 3) the belief that anyone who disagrees with the self-assessment of being transgender or the plan for transition is transphobic, abusive, and should be cut out of one’s life. The spread of these beliefs could allow vulnerable AYAs to misinterpret their emotions, incorrectly believe themselves to be transgender and in need of transition, and then inappropriately reject all information that is contrary to these beliefs. In other words, “gender dysphoria” may be used as a catch-all explanation for any kind of distress, psychological pain, and discomfort that an AYA is feeling while transition is being promoted as a cure-all solution.
Hypothesis 2: ROGD is a maladaptive coping mechanism for AYAs.
For some individuals, the drive to transition may represent an ego-syntonic but maladaptive coping mechanism to avoid feeling strong or negative emotions similar to how the drive to extreme weight loss can serve as an ego-syntonic but maladaptive coping mechanism in anorexia nervosa [52–53]. A maladaptive coping mechanism is a response to a stressor that might relieve the symptoms temporarily but does not address the cause of the problem and may cause additional negative outcomes. Examples of maladaptive coping mechanisms include the use of alcohol, drugs, or self-harm to distract oneself from experiencing painful emotions. One reason that the treatment of anorexia nervosa is so challenging is that the drive for extreme weight loss and weight loss activities can become a maladaptive coping mechanism that allows the patient to avoid feeling and dealing with strong emotions [54]. In this context, dieting is not felt as distressing to the patient, because it is considered by the patient to be the solution to her problems, and not part of the problems. In other words, the dieting and weight loss activities are ego-syntonic to the patient. However, distress is felt by the patient when external actors (doctors, parents, hospital staff) try to interfere with her weight loss activities thus curtailing her maladaptive coping mechanism.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Dulceácido - 08-25-2018
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Garuda - 08-25-2018
Basically parents spent too much time chasing a career or whatever instead of watching their kids and then crap hit the fan.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Hypno - 08-26-2018
Homosexuality was a mental disorder until 1987, and then it was declared a healthy lifestyle.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
TigerMandingo - 08-26-2018
It's crazy that we have to do studies to understand that someone who wants to chop his dick off has mental issues.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Investment Bro - 08-26-2018
Quote: (08-26-2018 08:31 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:
It's crazy that we have to do studies to understand that someone who wants to chop his dick off has mental issues.
Even crazier to think that our society considers it OK, and even goes so far as to encourage it.
Where are the parents in all of this? They either must be willfully ignorant of what's going on with their children or deliberately ignoring them. I also wonder what the correlation is between single parents homes and instances of transgenderism. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a correlation.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Adonis - 08-26-2018
Quote: (08-26-2018 09:02 AM)Investment Bro Wrote:
Even crazier to think that our society considers it OK, and even goes so far as to encourage it.
Where are the parents in all of this? They either must be willfully ignorant of what's going on with their children or deliberately ignoring them. I also wonder what the correlation is between single parents homes and instances of transgenderism. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a correlation.
I wondered the same thing and I tried to find something in the study that would give objective data points in that area but came up short. Reading between the lines of data the participants parents were overwhelmingly highly educated (aka careerist) women (91.7%!), but Im not sure thats a smoking gun for a study of single moms. About half of those surveyed experienced some sort of "trauma" which included divorce prior to experiencing ROGD. Convenient how they break out many other factors such as 10 different psychological disorders but leave trauma types vague when half of the respondents had ROGD triggered (heh) by such.
During the recruitment period, 256 parents completed online surveys that met the study criteria. The sample of parents included more women (91.7%) than men (8.3%) and participants were predominantly between the ages of 45 and 60 (66.1%) (Table 1). Most respondents were White (91.4%), non-Hispanic (99.2%), and lived in the United States (71.7%). Most respondents had a Bachelor’s degree (37.8%) or graduate degree (33.1%). The adolescents and young adults (AYAs) described by their parents were predominantly female sex at birth (82.8%) with an average current age of 16.4 years (range, 11–27 years). See Table 2.
Many (48.4%) had experienced a traumatic or stressful event prior to the onset of their gender dysphoria. Open text descriptions of trauma were categorized as “family” (including parental divorce, death of a parent, mental disorder in a sibling or parent), “sex or gender related” (such as rape, attempted rape, sexual harassment, abusive dating relationship, break-up), “social” (such as bullying, social isolation), “moving” (family relocation or change of schools); “psychiatric” (such as psychiatric hospitalization), and medical (such as serious illness or medical hospitalization).
At the time the AYA announced they were transgender-identified (“came out”), most were living at home with one or both parents (88.3%)
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Aurini - 08-26-2018
Your average "normie" parent doesn't have time to deconstruct all of society like we do; they trust the experts. Self driving cars are good, carbon credits will save the planet, the female Hispanic politician will make sure the government works for "everyone", and psychiatry is a legitimate science.
So then their kid pops up, quoting all of these esoteric terms, and they've already lost the argument before it's begun. The grammar determines the reality; as soon as you allow that gender and sex are separate things, you've lost. The only person who can truly know your kid's "gender" is them, all you can do is to try and bribe them into not transitioning.
A corollary: look at how the ProLife movement refuses to acknowledge that the woman who acquires the abortion is a murderer. They blame the doctors and nurses, they blame poverty and divorce, they blame the bad boy Chads, but never the woman who intentionally goes out and hires a contract killer to eliminate her baby. Until they get their head on straight, they will continue to lose.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
asdfk - 08-26-2018
The conclusion makes me wonder. It sounds so familiar!
When a man struggles to find love and experiences uncomfortableness, there is an online world to tell him all women are sociopathic golddigging whores anyway.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Simeon_Strangelight - 08-26-2018
Quote: (08-26-2018 11:40 AM)Aurini Wrote:
Your average "normie" parent doesn't have time to deconstruct all of society like we do; they trust the experts. Self driving cars are good, carbon credits will save the planet, the female Hispanic politician will make sure the government works for "everyone", and psychiatry is a legitimate science.
So then their kid pops up, quoting all of these esoteric terms, and they've already lost the argument before it's begun. The grammar determines the reality; as soon as you allow that gender and sex are separate things, you've lost. The only person who can truly know your kid's "gender" is them, all you can do is to try and bribe them into not transitioning.
A corollary: look at how the ProLife movement refuses to acknowledge that the woman who acquires the abortion is a murderer. They blame the doctors and nurses, they blame poverty and divorce, they blame the bad boy Chads, but never the woman who intentionally goes out and hires a contract killer to eliminate her baby. Until they get their head on straight, they will continue to lose.
I agree - if you study the first case of a transgender operation, then the parents trusted a doctor who said that the only chance for a normal life would be to turn one of their twin-sons into a girl after a botched circumcision.
They honestly believed the "expert" when he told them that the boy would be a happy girl - gender is a social construct with the right hormones and early operation.
He committed suicide of course as most of them do.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
debeguiled - 08-26-2018
Quote: (08-26-2018 11:40 AM)Aurini Wrote:
So then their kid pops up, quoting all of these esoteric terms, and they've already lost the argument before it's begun. The grammar determines the reality; as soon as you allow that gender and sex are separate things, you've lost. The only person who can truly know your kid's "gender" is them, all you can do is to try and bribe them into not transitioning.
This is a great point. Remember when you were a kid, and you and your brother had a secret language you could use to fool your parents and send messages back and forth at the dinner table with no one being the wiser?
Shared secret gestures, phrases, even tones of voice that only the two of you understood? Just like private RVF jokes we have here.
That is what gender has become for young people. Not only do they get to imagine themselves on the cutting edge of empathy and morality, they get to befuddle and confuse the grownups. Both their light and dark natures appeased by the same act.
What got me onto this idea was when I was listening to one of the Boiler Room shows at the ACR network, and Jay Dyer's girlfriend, Jamie Hanshaw, was describing a party she had attended, and when the subject got around to gender, all the adults kind of just shut up and, she said, this one annoying young girl took on a didactic pedantic tone, lecturing her elders on all the differences between gender, sex, gender expression, and then enumerated the entire list of gender identities.
Hanshaw said that she was struck by the way the girl was getting off on being the expert and knowing that no one could keep up with what she was saying.
Teen agers and young adults are bad enough about feeling superior to their parents because of some stupid language they made up, but adding the emotional fillip of perceived moral superiority would make becoming a gender expert too hard to resist.
Check out this video from the ever condescending, ever morally superior Milo Stewart, where she unwittingly gives the game away.
She has nothing to say.
No statement to make.
She is trying to be confusing.
She is the perfect embodiment of the post-modernist.
All she knows how to do is tear down.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
debeguiled - 08-26-2018
Now imagine if you combined multiple ever changing gender with actual mulitple personality disorder, like this couple who have over 40 personalities between them.
Look at the twinkle in their eyes when they reveal this to the interviewer.
It is almost as if society is providing you with scientific sounding terminology, not to mention in many cases a government check, essentially all the the excuses and rewards you need to spend all your waking hours. . . .thinking about yourself.
And a couple like this could be their own Dunbar number, their own small community. Always meeting some new alternate personality of their own, or their partner's, cheating on their partner with an alternate personality they don't know about. Spending your whole day figuring out which of your partner's alters you were in a romantic relationship with, which were just friends, which it started as friendship but something *just happened.* You could spend half an hour just getting everyone's gender straight for the day. It would be like running a preschool.
Ah, the sweet mysteries of me!
How do I keep track of it all?
That's just me. Being me. As only me can be.
Hands in the air.
Big ups to me!
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Tiger Man - 08-26-2018
I know there are people on the forum who don't have a very high opinion of academic studies. As someone who used to run them, I somewhat sympathize.
But, to test this theory (and many others for that matter), try this. If you have access to a university campus (maybe you are a student or professor or maybe you are just gaming college girls), venture in to the sexual health center. This might not be called exactly that. Sometimes it is just a women's center. Sometimes it is an inclusive space. It can take many names, but you know what I am talking about.
Make up some bullshit excuse for being there. My personal favorite is asking about information on adult males getting vaccinated against HPV. Don't be more specific and they will, most likely, go grab some literature and tell you what a great idea it is and how great you are for considering it. This will give you a chance to conduct your own experiment. Look around. Look at the posters and pamphlets available. Listen to what the people who work there are saying. And, most importantly, just look at them.
You will never (outside of a specific LGBTQQIUONOMATOPOEIA&++ event) see more freaks conglomerated in one area. Yes, birds of a feather and all of that. But, this is more. They push. They proselytize. And, they indoctrinate. That's what this really is. And, it's right there for anyone who wants to look.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Simeon_Strangelight - 08-26-2018
Science is great, but people don't realize that science and academia can be easily manipulated with coordinated money and top-down agenda. The study here is a dissenting one and there might be consequences to the author.
Her name is Lisa Litman and she is even a member of the tribe - director of a Jewish foundation. Still - she speaks the truth or dares to publish real data - also calls the gender insanity for what it is - gender dysphoria - a mental illness.
Seems to be a positive ethical lady. Unfortunately her findings will be ignored - I understand that there are hundreds of studies against the gender madness while the supporting ones number into the dozens and are counted double and they even add a few into other meta-studies. Due to the globalist agenda they are pushing those while ignoring the more numerous ones. Talk about consensus eh?
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Days of Broken Arrows - 08-26-2018
Eating disorders are the perfect comparison.
I'm old enough to remember when the word of them exploded into the mainstream. All of a sudden, all the cool girls in high school had anorexia or bulimia.
I read somewhere that there was an Asian country (Hong Kong?) that had next to no incidences of eating disorders. Then a TV news show did a big feature on the subject. All of a sudden, the country had a mini-crisis on its hands with girl after girl seeking treatment.
My conclusion: People are sheep and will mindlessly follow whatever is trendy. Now that our society has PR people promoting things like being trans, this is going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. It was so much easier when PR people peddled things like grunge music, pet rocks, and aerobics (yes, I had to get my obligatory reference to the 1980s in).
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Sisyphus - 08-26-2018
Quote: (08-26-2018 01:19 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:
Quote: (08-26-2018 11:40 AM)Aurini Wrote:
Your average "normie" parent doesn't have time to deconstruct all of society like we do; they trust the experts. Self driving cars are good, carbon credits will save the planet, the female Hispanic politician will make sure the government works for "everyone", and psychiatry is a legitimate science.
So then their kid pops up, quoting all of these esoteric terms, and they've already lost the argument before it's begun. The grammar determines the reality; as soon as you allow that gender and sex are separate things, you've lost. The only person who can truly know your kid's "gender" is them, all you can do is to try and bribe them into not transitioning.
A corollary: look at how the ProLife movement refuses to acknowledge that the woman who acquires the abortion is a murderer. They blame the doctors and nurses, they blame poverty and divorce, they blame the bad boy Chads, but never the woman who intentionally goes out and hires a contract killer to eliminate her baby. Until they get their head on straight, they will continue to lose.
I agree - if you study the first case of a transgender operation, then the parents trusted a doctor who said that the only chance for a normal life would be to turn one of their twin-sons into a girl after a botched circumcision.
They honestly believed the "expert" when he told them that the boy would be a happy girl - gender is a social construct with the right hormones and early operation.
![[Image: reimer.jpg]](
He committed suicide of course as most of them do.
Dr. Money is a very appropriate name for the butcher who performed this operation. I don't think it's reasonable or fair to hate so-called transgendered individuals like many are inclined to do. As the thread title (and DSM) says, it's a mental disorder and therefore it makes no more sense than it would to hate an individual with paranoid schizophrenia, that is, someone who has something wrong with their brain and/or mind.
The people who deserve our hatred are the ones who profit from this craze knowing full well what they're doing. Imagine if instead of trying to treat a schizophrenic with anti-psychotics we forced everyone in society to pretend that the voices they were hearing belonged to real people and that it would be prejudiced to suggest otherwise. Now it's basically legally required to go along with these delusions.
The doctors who perform reassignment surgeries swore an oath to do no harm, yet here they are facilitating a mental illness which leads to an attempted suicide rate of 45% (!!!) for those who indulge it instead of trying to have it treated. Scum.
I wonder how many SJW's tout these doctors as heroes yet criticize plastic surgeons as being unscrupulous and promoting unrealistic standards of femininity. I also wonder how much medical waste is introduced into the system from all these unnecessary "medical" procedures and how much
carbon they generate.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
CynicalContrarian - 08-26-2018
Make mental asylums great again...
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Simeon_Strangelight - 08-27-2018
Even John Hopkins was pushed and bullied into doing surgeries again:
Johns Hopkins to resume gender-affirming surgeries after nearly 40 years
The prestigious school is finally distancing itself from its anti-trans reputation.
Remember gents - there is nothing that enough money cannot buy.
As for women jumping on various group fads - like anorexia in the past. That is certainly true. In the past women constantly accused men of promising marriage just as they make rape accusations now. In addition they had female diseases like hysteria and widespread fainting. This was a common trope during the romantic era and the European 19th century - women were reading about all those damsels fainting out of emotional distress, so they made sure that a man was behind them and then simply fainted. I am sure that if it become a trend on social media, then countless girls will do it again - faint into the arms of a hot guy - heh.
So many female transgenders are likely only larping. With men it's more complicated since the number of male to female transformations is 90%, so it's obviously men shifting into being a female, because it is infinitely easier in our world. They are right up to a degree, but only if YOU ARE A REAL WOMAN. So of course - since they are not, then they crack some day anyway. You won't be able to get 1000 likes on Tinder and have a guy over every day like a female 6. And you won't get your easy job at the office because you smile and look cute and proper in your little business outfit.
Plus - their entire being is still masculine, so that conflict will rip them apart. The results of doctors who treated gender dysphoria with therapy were much more successful. Most stopped considering themselves the other sex and lived normal lives. They did not have a suicide rate of 45% - and likely higher due to self-medication and accelerated death wish.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
RatInTheWoods - 08-27-2018
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Days of Broken Arrows - 08-27-2018
I want to point out a logical flaw inherent in the "choose your gender" crowd's thinking. Do NOT take this as an endorsement of anything illegal or unethical.
How does it make sense that children can consent to changing their sex which is permanent, but can't consent to sex itself, which is temporary?
Put aside your feelings and think in strictly logical and biological terms. It's less damaging to have an encounter with a person that lasts an hour than to have an encounter with a surgeon that has effects that last a lifetime.
My conclusion: Letting kids "choose" their gender is a prelude to letting kids choose to have sex per se. I think most of the hardcore advocates of this cause know this on a subconscious level -- since what they're doing is actually sexualizing kids.
Once again, I don't think the public sees this (see my comments above), because they're mindless sheep who go along with whatever the latest news programs say.
So, add this to yet another way the left is devolving the West into the Third World.
Study equates transgenderism to alcoholism and other mental disorders -
Simeon_Strangelight - 08-27-2018
Quote: (08-27-2018 07:54 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:
I want to point out a logical flaw inherent in the "choose your gender" crowd's thinking. Do NOT take this as an endorsement of anything illegal or unethical.
How does it make sense that children can consent to changing their sex which is permanent, but can't consent to sex itself, which is temporary?
Put aside your feelings and think in strictly logical and biological terms. It's less damaging to have an encounter with a person that lasts an hour than to have an encounter with a surgeon that has effects that last a lifetime.
My conclusion: Letting kids "choose" their gender is a prelude to letting kids choose to have sex per se. I think most of the hardcore advocates of this cause know this on a subconscious level -- since what they're doing is actually sexualizing kids.
Once again, I don't think the public sees this (see my comments above), because they're mindless sheep who go along with whatever the latest news programs say.
So, add this to yet another way the left is devolving the West into the Third World.
Don't you worry - they got ya - wheels are already in motion to close that logical gap. Little Susie will be able to consent to sex of course.