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Anthony Bourdain commits suicide at age 61 - Printable Version

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Anthony Bourdain commits suicide at age 61 - President of Switzerland - 06-08-2018

Perhaps this separate thread is needed.

Another one bites the dust.

Hiding behind his French dad, Bourdain was 100% Jewish (on his mother side). I mention that as a way of illustrating that he was bred to worship Satan. So it can't be a surprise that devil came to collect his debt. Make no mistake, somewhere in his last few years (coinciding with start of his Parts Unknown series) his public personae took a more dark, sinister turn. Not only was he promoting and gloryfing every checkpoint on his globohomo elite agenda with gusto, he was visually promoting the satanist iconography in his Parts Unknown series (EVERY episode contained the All-Seeing eye/Horned Deity symbolicism/Skull and Bones, etc. In that sense he was no different than Keesha, Rihanna or any other pop-culture slave.)

Also, that latest #metoo Italian gf of his was born into satanic ritual-owned family. They were quite match made in hell.

Perhaps he was of falling health and wanted to go down in a blaze of narcistic glory by offing himself...

or perhaps he was kiiled/sacrifed by the invisible hand of Illuminati. How about a false flag, because evreytime a big star meets untimely death - the reign of satanic elite is strengthened. Literally.

Hence, who will be next soon: Johnny Depp or Jim Carey?

You will not make much dough betting on either of their suicide.

RIP Anthony, you were a lost soul.