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Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Horus - 06-07-2018

If this had happened on the tube in 1950s London, during the height of patriachial oppression, I can 100% guarantee you that she would have an entire carriage of white men springing to her defence. Things have changed sweetheart, and those times ain't coming back any time soon.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Jetset - 06-07-2018

If we want to have a conversation about "what kind of society" we want to live in, seems like the first issue is how preposterous it is that we accept a scenario where ordinary people are relied upon to band together to control the mentally ill by gladiatorial combat, as if it's routine to re-enact Beowulf waiting for Grendel to storm the subway station.

Just as some people belong in prison, some people belong in a hospital - not just for everyone else's good, but for theirs, too.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Richard Turpin - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:50 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:47 AM)Horus Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

"One another" implies some level of reciprocity. The fact that she specifically targets and attacks white men as the guilty party in this attack shows that she doesn't deserve their protection. Remember that this is the tube in London, where finding a whitey is like playing Where's Waldo - she didn't mention any of the many other shades of men who would have witnessed the incident.

I would like to think that I would be the kind of man who would step up and put my body on the line to protect a woman being assaulted in public. I would also like to live in a world where I wasn't constantly attacked simply for who I am. As women withdraw their respect for men, they can expect men to withdraw their protection.

Fair points. I sing the same songs as the rest of the forum. I get that the woman in question sounds like a bit of a cunt, but I was more addressing the general principle of the situation.

It's that word 'community'. I'm very lucky to live in a safe, quiet and extremely homogeneous party of the UK. There's no underground public transport in my neck of the woods, but I've used public transport (bus) most of my life and would put my monthly pay on the fact that if this happened on a bus where I live the men on the bus (myself included) would intervene. In fairness, this is probably because the woman involved would be known to someone on the bus. I'd also bet that the intervention would be gratefully received and there'd be no repercussions from the authorities etc. You may even get your face in the local papers. Also, he very probably wouldn't be armed up here.

But London? Without the shared values, history and reciprocity that a community needs to just get by? Well, this is what happens, and nobody is sadder about it than I am, especially when I know it's just a matter of time before people on my bus also stop giving a fuck as demographics, politics and apathy exert more pressure.

But as a I said in an earlier post, when this happens to you, you'll just know whether you need to stand up and help (or not). I've re-read the article again and it looks increasingly like total bullshit anyway. She was kicked? Bet it was a tap. Or more likely he didn't touch her. If there were any marks on her, the Daily Mail would have photos in all their lurid glory. Also, the bit about where she was thankful for the 'Eastern European Man' who eventually tried to help! Why mention this? She sounds like a bitter Remainer who just wants to use any personal drama she can to bash white people and perceived Brexiteers.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - T and A Man - 06-07-2018

"Every time I stepped into the ring I was afraid" - Mike Tyson.

If you know violence, even if you're good at it, it takes something to summon up what it takes. Its very easy to summon it when its you or someone you care about.

Otherwise you have to value it a lot.

On one side, its an erosion of perceived value.

On the other, it's a sense of expectation unfulfilled. Privilege even.

To the woman, by intervening these men incur a threat to their wellbeing. You aren't entitled to their bodies.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Dalaran1991 - 06-07-2018

I don't get the arguments of people white knighting here. Weak women getting beaten up by men ==> bad ==> if you dont help her you're bad?

Why are we even taking this seriously? Is it any different than "he doesn't do enough chores!" shit?

So suddenly, a white woman, a white rich CEO woman, a white rich not ugly CEO woman, one of the most powerful political beings in our age, is suddenly "weak" when some refugees are "harassing" her?

You telling me that this creature, who has the power to accuse any man in any situation where he interacts with her (especially white men) of 1000+ imaginary transgression and ruin his life, his career, his future at the drop of her hat, is now suddenly "weak"?

This woman, whom society bend over backwards for (maybe that's how she got to be a CEO? I love women middle managers but CEO?), who receives special treatment over men everywhere she goes in the Western world, who (unconsciously) create the political climate that allows foreign barbarian to invade her country and harass her in the first place, is now suddenly just a weak woman needing help? Suddenly she is not a strong, physically equal of a man who can pass Army Ranger school if she wanted to?

Oh, that’s right, because when all the “social constructs” and the safe illusions of civilizations breakdown, we just realize that in the end women are just weak children need protection from men against predatory barbarians out there? I’m sorry but I think you miss the gender-positive memo from HR last week.

If you recognize the fact that, had this women wanted to, she could bring the judgement of God down on these offenders, then you realize that she is not a victim and she doesn't need your help. Even here in France where accusing people are a headache, if a women actually calls the police or scream help in public against you you spent the fucking night in jail before getting to see your lawyer.

This is typical behavior of keyboard warriors. Be my guests saving these women if you “happen” to be in the vicinity of the “crime scene”.

Shit, I can defend myself against some retarded rapefugees alright, but there's no fucking techniques Traveler Kai can give me that can protect me against this woman if ever she decides to come at me. The same people defending this woman would disappear into thin air if ever she decides to attack a man.

On a curious note, how many of you actually have passed by someone needing help? Did you or did you not act?

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - cascadecombo - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

If you're at the scene and see somebody weaker getting bullied by someone bigger for no reason, and you don't want to help, you are a coward. She's right in that regard.

Sure, you want to look after yourself and protect yourself. I get that. But you can't come on this forum and say "fuck that woman, she is nothing to me" and then also bemoan the state of the west and hold desires to move out east where people would stick up for her.

We live in communities. We protect one another in the face of danger, and we all want that for the communities we live in. We don't want thugs walking around threatening people and having the rest of the community cower in the face of danger. That's not a strong community.

Whatever her votes were in whatever elections, do you want to think of yourself as a man by watching some short middle aged woman get threatened physically by some 6 foot idiot whilst doing nothing?

My friend recently witnessed some woman who is selling the Big Issue magazine outside of a supermarket get physically threatened by a homeless guy who was literally frothing at the mouth in rage. She was looking around for help and everybody kept their heads down. It's sad and pathetic. Would you have stepped in there to help?

I feel you on what you say, but the world that is the one of today is not black and white anymore. Assuming he was Arab as the clues point to, they're a protected class there and are known to be violent and carry weapons.

If I were to KO the dude from behind I'd be worried for my legal safety, and don't tell me you think you could talk down a man who apparently was hostile from the get go attacking a woman in broad daylight, I doubt anyone on that train would have been able to handle that situation smoothly.

I don't wish harm on anyone however I can't help but be a bit amused at the complaints of men acting exactly how they wanted, in that men stop using their masculine side to defend.

I am very curious as to the whole story. I dont think it happened as simply as she makes it out to be.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Foolsgo1d - 06-07-2018

She must be colour blind or as we can see from her twitter, hates white men so much she is blinded to any sort of logic whatsoever.

The Tube is a transport hub for London. It has a more diverse pick of colours than the fucking rainbow and you're telling me only white men were on that train?

What a world class cunt she is.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Leonard D Neubache - 06-07-2018

Personally I think there will be a vast number of incidents like this going forward, and here's why.

These deranged social justice warriors truly believe their own bullshit when they suggest that immigrants like these "asians" only act out violently in rebellion against white male oppression. As such they actually feel a level of safety around these "asians" that is entirely unwarranted. White women in particular are seemingly convinced that there is a shield of brotherhood with these poor, downtrodden souls, as if said white women are members of a holy class of priestesses administering their dictates as spiritual leaders of the oppressed.

So when Mammood gets angry because this uppity cunt refuses to get off her seat for a more deserving man this priestess of the downtrodden can't seem to come to any conclusion other than the obvious.

This poor man is obviously confused.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Lotta white bitches gonna get the shit kicked out of them and they're never gonna see it comin'.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Renzy - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 08:02 AM)Matt3B Wrote:  

I've got to say, I'm despairing at some of the replies in this thread.

If you're at the scene and see somebody weaker getting bullied by someone bigger for no reason, and you don't want to help, you are a coward. She's right in that regard.

I am sick and tired of women having it both ways. Especially since the punishment for not publicly professing women to be the equals of men gets harsher every year. Judging by the responses on this thread, I'm not the only one.

We live in a society where you get fired from your job and hounded by the media for merely pointing out that there are differences between men and women.

You try telling women they can't be firefighters, can't be cops, can't be in the UFC, can't be in combat, blah blah blah because they're weaker and need male protection and you'll get shit-canned from your job so fast your head will spin. Then you'll be socially ostracized and the media will write articles about what a troglodyte piece of shit you are and how you embody everything wrong about men.

The message from women and feminists is real fucking clear. They know damn well you don't think men and women are equal. They know it's not true either. But you better fucking say it anyway or there'll be hell to pay. Women are like O'Brien in 1984 where they hold four fingers up and ask "'How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?". You better say five or the needle goes up to 60.

And yet as soon as a woman is in actual Real Life Danger all that shit flies out the window and these same bitches whine to high heaven No Real Men Came and Rescued Meeee? That's the final part of the humiliation. You better say that 2+2 equals 5 when you speak in public or it's your job and your reputation, but 2+2 still equals 4 when it comes to risking your life to save Mrs. Tinder Slut on the metro. In this case, rescuing her from the same damn people she condemned you for trying to keep out in the first fucking place.

And why'd you try to keep them out? To protect Wahmen!

Apparently God put men on this earth to create some sort of Politically Correct Westworld for women to act out their Grrrl Power fantasies. Us men are just here to be in the background to make sure the Ladies don't get hurt. So don't worry TradCucks, you still get to risk your life for them. In fact you're obligated to. Just don't expect them to make you a sandwich or have the laundry done when you get home from work because this isn't the 1950s anymore you asshole.

The West is like a cucked husband who keeps trying to defend his wife against the men she cheats on him with. That's not chivalry. That's just pathetic.

It's ironic to me that even on this forum, which many would decry as the apex of misogyny, we've still got guys ready to protect Western White Women from the consequences of their own choices. I'm sure that bitch in the news article expected those two Fucking White Males to rush in and sacrifice their lives as atonement for all their awful White male privilege.

Didn't happen. Atlas is shrugging.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Jetset - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 10:28 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Hear me, young pups, as I tell the tale of two guards. One as ugly as sin, the other an Adonissian vision of male charm. Several damsels found themselves under duress. A vicious, drunk cad was attacking their booth at their place of work. The ugly guard arrived first on scene and bore the lion's share of the peril in restraining the attacker. The gorgeous guard arrived second and merely provided support to finalise the matter.

Who got the credit from all these women? You guessed it. But worse. The women soon began to find agreement that the ugly guard who had long since been accepted as benign in his patrols suddenly took on an aura of creepiness, such that a request was made to management that the creepy guard should be left to patrol outside while the gorgeous guard patrol the booths.

That, gentlemen, is how female gratitude manifests itself.

Moving on...This is why police will save a woman from being stabbed by her deranged husband and she will provide a report mere minutes later that the police busted in and assaulted him for no reason. Not only will she says this but she will believe it down to her core.

I may have mentioned this before, but have you ever looked into Karpman's Drama Triangle?

It's a theoretical model often used to explain abusive relationships. Three positions exist in the triangle: victim, persecutor, and rescuer. Typically, all three are getting some kind of hidden payoff out of the situation that discourages them from actually leaving the triangle. Karpman chose to use the term 'drama' because he recognized that the roles were contrived and that the players were staging a scene.

However, the triangle is very unstable and will often start spinning like a roulette wheel when things get emotionally charged, with all the players finding themselves in new and unexpected positions. What you described at the end with police officers is literally the textbook case, and often the woman will be unwilling to exit the abusive relationship because she needs the steady supply of police officers showing up at her house to pay attention to her. 911 literally becomes a Dial-A-Rescuer whenever she's feeling unwanted and needs a new drama scene to masturbate to in the shower.

It's one of the key reasons that it's such an obvious red flag when a woman starts telling you about past abuse: she's likely trying to recruit a new Rescuer. Once this cycle begins, it is nearly impossible to stop unless one of the players is willing to exit the game, and often ends in violence.

I think this is also a partial explanation for what happened in your Tale of Two Guards. Once the Persecutor (drunk) was removed, they couldn't walk away from the thrill of being a Victim and needed to cast a new one or else the game would end.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - C-Note - 06-07-2018

After that incident on the Portland light rail in which two white knights got knifed and killed, I'm going to be extremely careful before coming to a woman's (or man's) defense on public transportation. I might do it, I might not, it depends on the situation and a lot of other factors. The thing is, many cities in the US have a special police force detailed just to police that city's public transportation system. If you hit the call button on the train car, the conductor/operator is supposed to have a police officer on his/her way to an upcoming station in an expeditious manner.

That being said, there is a problem on my city's train system with high school-aged urban youth playing the "knockout game" on unsuspecting, usually middle-aged white men. The incidents go almost completely unreported by the local newspaper, for some reason. I haven't witnessed it myself, but I've run several make-believe scenarios, based on incidents I've read about on local social media, through my head in preparation for what I would do if I ever encounter it. If I see it happening to someone else, I probably won't try to intervene, but I may try to follow and/or photograph the perpetrators so I can help identify them to law enforcement when they show up. And, I realize that doing so would put me at some risk.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Baphomet - 06-07-2018

I'm with the - zero response - group. Unless the "Asian" was assaulting me or mine, I would mind my own business. People work industriously building their own Hells, and then are "shocked" when they have to live in them.

This woman is receiving the bounty of the harvest from the seeds (pro-rapefugees, anti-white male, gurl-power) that she toiled to sow.

Then she's aghast that the white males (whom she admittedly loathes) did not leap to her defense from an attacking "Asian" (whom she looks upon with favor). Afterwards, she's back hard at work sowing more of the same seeds. Probably thinking something else will grow.

She richly deserves every scrap of that harvest that is showered upon her.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - armenia4ever - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 08:28 PM)Investment Bro Wrote:  

I'm going to get attacked for this, but honestly? If you saw someone, who was initially just minding their business getting attacked, man or woman, would you just stand there?

Who gives a shit if she's a female CEO or not? There's a such thing as human decency, and even if the favor is not returned, if you're witnessing an assault you do something about it. The woman in this case is right. If the man was mentally deranged, he needs to be locked up. He can't control himself. The people who shied away? They were in full control of their actions and chose to do nothing. This is the society we've devolved to.

How are we supposed to return the west to the way things are supposed to be if we can't stand up for an innocent person being assaulted? That's pretty sad.

On principle, you have a point. There is some nuance here and it depends on each man and his duties and responsibilities.

One big factor here is indeed safety and risk. If it were me, I take a pretty big risk of incurring some sort of bodily injury or even one that is fatal if I put myself on the line.

I personally have a responsibility to provide for my family specifically my wife and my two sons. I can't take that risk, especially financially if it could put me out of work or even kill me.

Another factor to consider is if this woman is worth it. Do I know her? Is she a friend? Do I owe her or her family a favor? You can put the same sort of questions toward a man as well in the same situation as her.

Britain isn't exactly a high trust Society anymore and it's a lot easier for someone to have their actions misinterpreted by a social media lynch mob if something goes wrong. That could have career and reputation implications.

Is it worth it?

I guess that's up for each man to decide.

In the age of equality, what is worthy of your time and safety?

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Belgrano - 06-07-2018

The funniest thing is that she only expects the White men to intervene and help her, and is now outraged that they didn't.

Why does the colour of their skin matter, are they supposed to care about her well-being more than other men might, just because they share her skin color?

Sounds pretty tribal to me, if not outright racist.

And, you know, I thought White people are not allowed to play identity politics?

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Thot Leader - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 01:27 PM)Belgrano Wrote:  

The funniest thing is that she only expects the White men to intervene and help her, and is now outraged that they didn't.

Why does the colour of their skin matter, are they supposed to care about her well-being more than other men might, just because they share her skin color?

Sounds pretty tribal to me, if not outright racist.

And, you know, I thought White people are not allowed to play identity politics?

She knows very well that only white men respond to social shaming; you can't control men of any other race (unless they have been thoroughly westernized/emasculated) by nagging and bitching at them. And yeah, you're only allowed to chastise people based on their race if their race is white. Definitely seems racist to me.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - eradicator - 06-07-2018

Size 8 uk is a size 4 in the USA... but still wnb and would not rescue from a crazy attacker. I’d call the cops and let them deal with it and it’s not my job to save a random ho.

You’ve seen the photos, wyb? Not now and not 20 years ago,

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - kaotic - 06-07-2018

Ya'll can save a woman regardless if she hates you or not.

Personally, I'm not bothering white knighting for a woman I don't know, and also have no idea who her attacker is.

It all depends on the man I guess.

In this case knowing her history, I could give a fuck less.

I don't wish harm on anyone, but odds are I'd rather call the cops than help someone out, especially if they aren't causing serious bodily harm.

It's like someone saying fuck the police, but when shit goes down they're calling for 911 and pissed they didn't arrive sooner.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Repo - 06-07-2018

Wonder why she didnt complain about her fellow women not helping!

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Rocha - 06-07-2018

Shareef don't like you! Rockin the CEO, Rockin the CEO!!

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Kona - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 03:55 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

I don't wish harm on anyone, but odds are I'd rather call the cops than help someone out, especially if they aren't causing serious bodily harm.

Kaotic knows what's up.

20 years as go I would have kicked the guy in the ballsack. Nowadays, I would call 911 (if they got that in england) or look for an authority figure to deal with the situation. Hopefully he'd look like this:

[Image: Lupinus_Beefeater_4_1024x1024.jpg?v=1455807956]

You just can't be too sure these days. Even if one person looks like!a bum and the other looks like Coco Chanel you could be stepping into the middle of something you have no clue about. Next thing you know youremthe one sitting in a jail cell, or the belltower, in this case.


Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Rocha - 06-07-2018

^^ Looks like a Swiss guard. Those guys are tough.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - godfather dust - 06-07-2018

Judging by her article she would have been giving out hard, hateful cunt vibes via body language to all the "evil white men."

Why help her?

If I saw a sweet, smily, feminine girl getting harrased by some Arab I may very well handle him (this is the US though, not Sharia Londinistan.)

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Geomann180 - 06-07-2018

There is no such thing as a Female CEO.

Only Thot Leaders.


Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-06-2018 10:07 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Good reaction to a bully in some russian tube.

Thruth be told is that many guys are devoid of masculinity nowadays, and are just fuckin drones looking at their cellphones, almost vegetative, they could do some shit to help, yell at the bully, call cops, stop the train, etc. She is right indeed on that, she is only wrong in excusing the "asian" of wrongdoing, instead of pointing out his criminal behaviour.

But...Women do what Men allow them to do... So it is also men's fault that she has this kind of thinking.

No - she is not correct.

This is an utterly different situation. You had a rude American being slightly aggressive towards a poor woman transporting things in the train. A Russian bloke slapped him. But he slapped him also because he knew that it was an American. That white American is not going to pull a knife on him, the Russian media and cops are not going to call that Russian man an Americaphobe, the Russian Twitter and social media are not going to descend on the Russian man like a ton of bricks and his company is not going to fire him.

In contrast the men saw an aggressive likely Muslim/Pakistani man kick a woman.

Now here are the options:

1) Muslim man reacts certainly more aggressive towards men challenging him. Muslim man may quickly draw a knife and kill or severely injure the two middle-aged office warriors whose workout probably consists of taking out their dog for a walk or having a run. Their families collect money for more rapefugees on their funeral after the guy used the knife on them.

2) The guys fully knowing that the Muslim is dangerous take down the man while risking their lives. One of them beats the "poor oppressed mentally challanged" man too much. The woman changes her story and calls the white men as unnecessarily brutal. She calls them the racist they are. Their careers are destroyed, even their wives are fired from their jobs. They collect unemployment checks in the same line as the rapefugee and their wives divorce them.

That is why they did not act and I cannot blame them.

Even I who is willing to risk my life for unknown people - I would probably not do much. I would instantly react in Eastern Europe, but there I know that the government is not as globalist controlled and there would be no repercussions.

In London saving a SJW while the situation is still unclear? You could even escalate the situation.

It's wonderful how karma works in this case. The bitch is for open borders, the bitch is against all white men, the bitch is for more Islam, the bitch is for more diversity. I think that the bitch has gotten enriched.

Female CEO attacked in subway by "Asian" man, complains white men refused to help - godfather dust - 06-07-2018

Quote: (06-07-2018 11:17 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2018 10:28 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Hear me, young pups, as I tell the tale of two guards. One as ugly as sin, the other an Adonissian vision of male charm. Several damsels found themselves under duress. A vicious, drunk cad was attacking their booth at their place of work. The ugly guard arrived first on scene and bore the lion's share of the peril in restraining the attacker. The gorgeous guard arrived second and merely provided support to finalise the matter.

Who got the credit from all these women? You guessed it. But worse. The women soon began to find agreement that the ugly guard who had long since been accepted as benign in his patrols suddenly took on an aura of creepiness, such that a request was made to management that the creepy guard should be left to patrol outside while the gorgeous guard patrol the booths.

That, gentlemen, is how female gratitude manifests itself.

Moving on...This is why police will save a woman from being stabbed by her deranged husband and she will provide a report mere minutes later that the police busted in and assaulted him for no reason. Not only will she says this but she will believe it down to her core.

I may have mentioned this before, but have you ever looked into Karpman's Drama Triangle?

It's a theoretical model often used to explain abusive relationships. Three positions exist in the triangle: victim, persecutor, and rescuer. Typically, all three are getting some kind of hidden payoff out of the situation that discourages them from actually leaving the triangle. Karpman chose to use the term 'drama' because he recognized that the roles were contrived and that the players were staging a scene.

However, the triangle is very unstable and will often start spinning like a roulette wheel when things get emotionally charged, with all the players finding themselves in new and unexpected positions. What you described at the end with police officers is literally the textbook case, and often the woman will be unwilling to exit the abusive relationship because she needs the steady supply of police officers showing up at her house to pay attention to her. 911 literally becomes a Dial-A-Rescuer whenever she's feeling unwanted and needs a new drama scene to masturbate to in the shower.

It's one of the key reasons that it's such an obvious red flag when a woman starts telling you about past abuse: she's likely trying to recruit a new Rescuer. Once this cycle begins, it is nearly impossible to stop unless one of the players is willing to exit the game, and often ends in violence.

I think this is also a partial explanation for what happened in your Tale of Two Guards. Once the Persecutor (drunk) was removed, they couldn't walk away from the thrill of being a Victim and needed to cast a new one or else the game would end.

If a girl mentions abuse in a past relationship, and especially more than one relationship, I take it as a sign that foreplay for her is getting beaten senseless and move on immediately.