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Best location for Redheads - Printable Version

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Best location for Redheads - scrambled - 04-27-2018

Maybe this is out of left field, but is there a good location for Redheads? I would first think Ireland, but the reviews there are quite horrid. Does Slovakia or Czech Rep. have many? I didn't see many at all in Ukraine.

Best location for Redheads - zatara - 04-27-2018

[Image: khJ6qqj.png]

Ireland, Scotland, Wales and to a lesser extent England are going to be your only really reliable bets.

Best location for Redheads - scrambled - 04-27-2018

The Dublin thread was horrific (fattitude), are the rural parts of Ireland better like the west and south?

Best location for Redheads - zatara - 04-27-2018

Dublin isn't particularly bad, I made a datasheet thread on it a few years ago: thread-48968.html

For Ireland Cork (200k population), Limerick (100k pop) and Galway (100k pop) are the only cities of any reasonable size worth trying in the South and West. They're pretty similar to Dublin, and the rest of the British Isles for that matter, in quality and game style though. Limerick would be the most industrial and grim of those, Galway probably the most tourist friendly in terms of things to do /general niceness. There are datasheets on them by other posters if you do a search, I think.

I wouldn't bother trying any smaller rural towns, they're pretty terrible for game anywhere in the UK or Ireland. No young people, no attractive women, and nowhere to socialize. Edinburgh or Dublin are your best bets if you want a reasonable sized, nice enough, city with a decent number of redheads. Second choice I'd say Galway/Cork/Cardiff. Failing those Limerick/Glasgow, but be prepared for the last two to be very ugly, post-industrial cities.

Best location for Redheads - Salvadore - 04-27-2018

Every schoolyard I saw growing up had a corner for gingers where you could go if you had a bad day and felt like you had to abuse and take it out on someone. But they might be too young.

To add to the map shown above I can say that I've seen quite a few redheads in South America, specifically in Brazil and Paraguay with german decent.

Best location for Redheads - JohnQPublic - 04-27-2018

Quote: (04-27-2018 10:24 AM)scrambled Wrote:  

Maybe this is out of left field, but is there a good location for Redheads? I would first think Ireland, but the reviews there are quite horrid. Does Slovakia or Czech Rep. have many? I didn't see many at all in Ukraine.

In Czech Republic there are enough so that a lot of Czechs automatically think a redhead is Czech. Maybe because they see it in life, but not much on TV. Who knows. That map you posted shows that the western part of Czech Republic (close to Germany) has a low frequency of redheads, but Eastern CZ and Slovakia show none.

Practically speaking, I don't know how much this will help. I knew a redhead American girl and people always spoke Czech to her even if she was speaking English to other people. If that happens to you, then it might make it easier to break the ice, but could also get you in situations where you get lots of non-English speakers.

Best location for Redheads - scrambled - 04-27-2018

Is the SW like Kenmare/Killarney worth it, or is that just a romance place for couples?

Best location for Redheads - zatara - 04-27-2018

Kenmare has a population of only 2.000 people, Killarney 14.000. And both being small rural towns would lose a large % of people at age 18 to university/jobs in bigger cities. Neither is going to have that many people in general in the 18-30 age demographic, never-mind attractive females, or redheads. Rural areas in almost any country just aren't good for gaming because of the demographic problems, Ireland is no different.

Best location for Redheads - scrambled - 04-27-2018

Does the average american white boy get any kind of "advantage" in Ireland? Or is it too easy to travel there? How difficult would the game be compared to large US cities?

Best location for Redheads - Tintin - 04-27-2018

I always thought scrambled was black

Best location for Redheads - kaotic - 04-27-2018

Quote: (04-27-2018 10:33 AM)scrambled Wrote:  

The Dublin thread was horrific (fattitude), are the rural parts of Ireland better like the west and south?

It'd be easy to find out, you can drive around the entire country in a day.

Best location for Redheads - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-27-2018

Best location for Redheads - Tintin - 04-27-2018

Quote: (04-27-2018 10:33 AM)scrambled Wrote:  

The Dublin thread was horrific (fattitude), are the rural parts of Ireland better like the west and south?

GWF Gingers With Fattitude, great name for a rap group

Best location for Redheads - [email protected] - 04-27-2018

In the not too distant future, red heads will become extinct - Europe has the highest concentration of gingers, but also has some of the worlds lowest birth rates. Fuck one while you still can

Best location for Redheads - MOVSM - 04-27-2018

Best location for Redheads - Jetset - 04-27-2018

My experience of Scottish and Irish cities is that Edinburgh is going to be your best bet for a civilized game trip. I might be getting a place down at Leith for a while soon myself, we'll see.

If you simply do not give a shit about getting stabbed, Glasgow supposedly has the blue collar nightlife, and you can easily do both cities in one stay. Ireland is beautiful but just too small outside of Dublin for a lot of local action, and Dublin felt extremely tourist-infested to me.

Best location for Redheads - Bluto - 04-27-2018

US Locals where you are likely to find redheads are Boston and Chicago. Both have large communities of Irish descendants, that don't intermingle as much as in places like NY. After that, it is kind of a crap shoot. Southeast has a lot of Scottish and Irish Descendants as well, some local and some are transplants.

However, given the genes that produce red heads are so recessive, it is just not that common in general. The above map says a lot as to how rare they are. For your fapping pleasure in the mean time check out the following link:


Best location for Redheads - Midnight Cowboy - 04-27-2018

I met a ginger girl from Russia once, she was from Kazan. She looked a lot better than average Euro gingers. There's an oblast (region) in Russia called Mari Ei where there's supposed to be lots of them. This oblast is next to Kazan.Must be cool if one of us would make it there and write a field report.

Best location for Redheads - Tintin - 04-28-2018

Gingers in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova can be very attractive