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Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - Mage - 03-29-2018

This topic is not really related to Game or masculinity, but the headline of this discovery sounds so amazing that I had to make a thread about it.

So here we are in 21st century - humans have existed for millenia and have precticed medicine for past few millenia, have practiced scientific method and only now in 2018 - scientists discover the biggest organ in a human body.

[Image: mindblown.gif]

A few links:

Aparently this organ was never discovered before because it collapses when a human dies and is not observable in sections of dead bodies.

The function of this organ is to absorb shock for the vital organs and it is spread trough the whole body, similarly how the previously thought biggest organ - skin encloses it.

I am just amazed how human paradigm can change unexpectedly and we can discover somethin new and large about something we thought was well known before.

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - MikeS - 03-29-2018

When I read the thread title I thought they had found one of my dick pics.

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - Bienvenuto - 03-29-2018

From the comments section below the Independent article:
The interstitium has been recognized by anatomists for more the hundred years.

>""The current paper describes some morphological features which have been recognized earlier, but so far have not attracted major interest .

Any considerations by the authors beyond what has already been described in the literature are mostly speculative and not supported by hard data (e.g. impact on cancer treatment). The findings are not likely to profoundly change our understanding of human physiology, disease or treatment in the foreseeabe future.

These may be the reasons why the article failed to be published in a regular peer-reviewed scientific journal. Instead it was published in an open access journal were authors can have their work published, if they pay a "processing fee".

This pay-per-publication business model has become a major source of income for publishers and has spread widely during the past decade. Regular peer-reviewed journals in contrast have to rely financially on an apparently dwindling advertisement market. Many believe that the quality of articles published in open access journals does not compare favourably with the quality of papers published in regular peer-reviewed journals.

The following are the charges levied by Scientific Reports:

The following APC (plus VAT or local taxes where applicable) will be applied to papers accepted for publication:

£1,165 (UK)
$1,760 (The Americas, China and Japan)
€1,370 (Europe and rest of the world)

context is purely speculative.

The authors in their paper never claimed to have detected a new organ. This apparently is pure conjecture by the INDEPENDENT, who has shown a tendency in the past to send a message in headlines, which are not reflected in the articles which follow.""<<

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - Richard Turpin - 03-29-2018

That is fucking amazing. To think that something like this could still be unknown to Science in this day and age! I too, expected to find a dick pick at the end of the link.

EDIT: Just read Bienvenuto's post above. The Independent are liars without a doubt, if this is yet more fake news, then I hate them even more.

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - not_dead_yet - 03-29-2018

Quote: (03-29-2018 05:35 AM)Mage Wrote:  

I am just amazed how human paradigm can change unexpectedly and we can discover somethin new and large about something we thought was well known before.

You're probably much younger than me, then. This sort of thing happens all the time -- H. pylori and ulcers, the ritualized Satanic abuse scandals of the 90s, etc.

I've been meaning to read Chuck Klosterman's "But What If We're Wrong?," which I understand explores this topic in more detail, but it's way deep in my pile.

It's one of the reasons I despise SJWs so much. All those cultural practices we've lived with for thousands of years? They're all bullshit. Turns out there really are 50+ genders or whatever.

Idiots. I wish I could live long enough to see these people put in the same category as the Khmer Rouge.

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 03-29-2018

Quote: (03-29-2018 06:05 AM)not_dead_yet Wrote:  

Quote: (03-29-2018 05:35 AM)Mage Wrote:  

I am just amazed how human paradigm can change unexpectedly and we can discover somethin new and large about something we thought was well known before.

You're probably much younger than me, then. This sort of thing happens all the time -- H. pylori and ulcers, the ritualized Satanic abuse scandals of the 90s, etc.

I've been meaning to read Chuck Klosterman's "But What If We're Wrong?," which I understand explores this topic in more detail, but it's way deep in my pile.

It's one of the reasons I despise SJWs so much. All those cultural practices we've lived with for thousands of years? They're all bullshit. Turns out there really are 50+ genders or whatever.

Idiots. I wish I could live long enough to see these people put in the same category as the Khmer Rouge.

Strong username to post content correlation. Also, I agree about wanting to see SJWs viewed as a past historical anomoly in the same category as the Khmer Rouge.

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - Que enspastic - 03-29-2018

Illuminati have kept this one under wraps for too long , cat’s out the bag

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - Scorpio Rising - 03-29-2018

Quote: (03-29-2018 05:59 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

From the comments section below the Independent article:
The interstitium has been recognized by anatomists for more the hundred years.

>""The current paper describes some morphological features which have been recognized earlier, but so far have not attracted major interest .

Any considerations by the authors beyond what has already been described in the literature are mostly speculative and not supported by hard data (e.g. impact on cancer treatment). The findings are not likely to profoundly change our understanding of human physiology, disease or treatment in the foreseeabe future.

These may be the reasons why the article failed to be published in a regular peer-reviewed scientific journal. Instead it was published in an open access journal were authors can have their work published, if they pay a "processing fee".

This pay-per-publication business model has become a major source of income for publishers and has spread widely during the past decade. Regular peer-reviewed journals in contrast have to rely financially on an apparently dwindling advertisement market. Many believe that the quality of articles published in open access journals does not compare favourably with the quality of papers published in regular peer-reviewed journals.

The following are the charges levied by Scientific Reports:

The following APC (plus VAT or local taxes where applicable) will be applied to papers accepted for publication:

£1,165 (UK)
$1,760 (The Americas, China and Japan)
€1,370 (Europe and rest of the world)

context is purely speculative.

The authors in their paper never claimed to have detected a new organ. This apparently is pure conjecture by the INDEPENDENT, who has shown a tendency in the past to send a message in headlines, which are not reflected in the articles which follow.""<<
Apparently all of this is going to be lost in for lack of a better word, the hysteria over this supposed earth shaking discovery. “The claim that it is a hitherto undiscovered organ, and the largest one ever at that, seems a stretch,” and quite a big one I'd say.

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - MKDAWUSS - 03-29-2018

It's also That Time of Year.

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-29-2018

I am proud to announce that I too have discovered a new human organ - that is also present only in females:

[Image: attachment.jpg38780]   

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - CynicalContrarian - 03-29-2018

The more we know, the more we discover that we did not know.

Although in this case, it may have been cause no one bothered to question the assumption of some schmuck from the 1850's.

Scientists discover a new human organ - that also is the largest one - Kid Twist - 03-29-2018

I hate to burst this bubble, but this is just definitional. We call this third spacing of fluid, we knew about it we just didn't feel the need to label it as an organ --- which by the way they point out is dubious in the very article.

There's a lot we don't know, but this isn't really a good example of it.