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For the Newbies - Keepiticy2 - 03-01-2018

Alot of guys seem to want to learn game because
1. They suck with women
2. They just had their heart broken
3. They were inspired by some super charismatic alpha male

But one thing that usually happen with game is people tend to go through a spectrum

Similar to this

I love women-----------------------------------------------------------------I hate women

A Little About me (skip to next paragraph if you don't care)
After years of being pretty good with women and now focusing on being a master of charisma and selling (a long LONG way to go) I'll admit that the i started out as a male feminist. After years of being a simp that was also luckily a star athlete I Was betrayed by feminist time after time after time. Cheated on really bad which put me into a depression, to which i lost my athletic and academic scholarship for basically giving up on school and life. I went through a rage (red pill rage) after discovering MGTOW, and focused on myself.

So back to this spectrum
I reached a point where i completely hated women! I was a textbook misogynist until i learned about female nature. After reading countless post on this forum, on other forums and hell YouTube comments i learned that my story happens VERY often. Now the problem with this spectrum is it isn't definite. Its different going forward than it is going back


1. I love women, they are queens, princesses, men are the reason for all of their failures
3. Women aren't princesses but we still must treat them with a higher respect. they are the mother of our children and been through alot
5. Women are people like me. there are good women and bad women.
7. Most women are whores and sluts,they use men and break them down to where no men trust them. they are the means to their own failures
9. I hate most women but there MUST and i mean MUST be some woman out there that is good
10. Kill all women, Make them slaves, they are worthless, all of them are whores and sluts.

10B. Kill all women, Make them slaves, they are worthless, all of them are whores and sluts.
9B. Hmm she seems genuinely nice and knows a bit about philosophy, maybe there is hope for 1 or 2 women
7B. Female nature is evil. But it's not their fault, Its the media and the way they were raised.
5B. Female nature is simply that female nature. Women have needs and desires and I as a man can give them what they need. But i still couldn't see myself befriending them
3B. Women are simply creatures of need who were told to act one way but their nature tells them otherwise. You can't fault them or shame them for how they are. they must be opportunistic.
1B. I understand and love women. They could never hurt me again.

Ofcourse men go all around this spectrum. I would be around a 6B personally.

I read somewhere a popular Stoic said "You can't be angry or insulted by the actions or words of man. That man lived a life you wouldn't understand even if he told 100% of his life." . The way i took that statement was as if he was saying a persons life and view of his life changes rapidly. eve if he told you with 100% detail his whole life you wouldn't be able to understand. This is because you are still viewing his life through your eyes, with all of your experiences.

The same with women. If a woman broke your heart, Rejected you, Hurt you etc don't take it personal because you will NEVER know why she did it. She might reject you because a joke that made her mad once in the past. Or hate you because you look like an ex or even a past enemy. Simply focus on being the best version of yourself, focus on being pleasant and not creepy. NOW WITH THAT SAID, this doesn't mean be a push over. Still take up for yourself and don't take any bullshit.

NEVER be an emotional tampon but rather be an oasis to her desert of problems. NEVER solve her problems but rather give her a temporary escape from them. This can be done with sex or fun experiences both of you would enjoy. With all the problems in the world today neither one of you guys should be stressed over each other's problems. Don't go to her with yours because you'll be seen as less valuable. and don't listen to hers. If she has to talk then listen for a while and attempt to take her mind off of it. Overtime she'll want you to solve her problems instead of being a vacation, when that moment comes then its time to go ghost. She'll be back!

Value system
The very basics of game is a woman has to value you for some reason. That reason is amplified if she can value you for a reason she could pottentially brag about

1. Being EXTREMELY attractive
2. Having amazing sex
3. Being filthy rich
4. Being very fun to be around
5. Making her feel special without being creepy
6. Having intense sexual tension (some girls like the anticipation more than actual sex)
7. Being absolutely hilarious
8. Being talented at something she can brag about (like singing)
9. Having fame (the higher the fame the better)
10.Smelling very nice (sometimes a great smell and good conversation is all you need)

Ofcourse this isn't in any particular order. Being fun doesn't necessarily mean just going places all the time. A fun guy could be a bad boy who she feels in danger with. Being smart in the right way could also be fun. It really depends on the girl but these things are things that you could work on. IF you can achieve all these things then great but AT-LEAST be known for one of them.

Alot of guys fail because their only value is being an emotional tampon or a guy who spends all their money on her on things that aren't fun. Rich guys are attractive because they can fund her "fun" lifestyle.

Most of Game and Pick up techniques are ways to either get this value or cheat this value. Pick up techniques create sexual tension that many girl desire (from the right guys). Ignoring a girl or treating a girl "bad" is a cheat that shows you have options and a life which portrays to her that you are valuable in some sense (curiosity kills the cat)........

ALSO again im no master, im pretty much a newbie that was lucky enough to have a lot of success with women. So studying up game and reading articles on this website is still a must. I could be wrong i could be right however the fact is don't take anything at face value. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH. I've read 20-25 books on game and charisma alone and read countless articles about this online. Do the research and learn

If you have any advice for newbies to the game reply below please

And any critiques of what i said is greatly appreciated. Im trying to get better also

And sorry for my grammar, im working on it.

For the Newbies - Montrose - 03-02-2018

Nice post. I like the oasis analogy.

I think it’s healthy for men to have at least some Anger against women. It’s unhealthy when that Anger turns to Hatred. It’s also inefficient; women are a force of nature like the sea or the weather. Storms are annoying but you shouldn’t put the blame for your shipwreck on the sea.

For the Newbies - Kentemo - 03-02-2018

Also still learning, and it's great to see a different perspective on this. Great post.

5. Women are people like me. there are good women and bad women.
This is what I believe right now, and hopefully will believe in the future as well, when my game gets better.
Don't really want to become bitter and angry because I believe all girls are sluts.

Anyway, I'll pm you, I'm curious what books have helped you improve your game.
Charisma is a good thing to have in other aspects of life as well.