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Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Keepiticy2 - 02-28-2018

I'm sure this has already been a topic but this is my favorite format on how to manage Women. I learn this theory in high school. This guy would have connections all over the city because he laid many girls. For example, he could get discount in high-end restaurants because he slept with the manager and kept a fairly good relationship with her.

So this set-up is based off Basketball.

Franchise Player
This is the girl who you actually kinda like. You may or may not want to date her but she's the closest to your heart. This may be the woman you want to take out on dates or talk about philosophy with. Or might simply be the girl you text and call all day. TYPICALLY she's the best looking and the most talented out the group. The most dependable and would be the one that causes the most damage if she ever decides to leave.

The Primary Scorer
This girl is the most sexually talented of the 5. She's the most dependable when it comes to sex and usually has a sex drive that can even scare you. She's also the one who you might try new things with or the one that might give you the best orgasms.

The Veteran
This is the none threating girl. The one that could actually help you get more lays. She's open to you talking to other girls and typically has a boyfriend/husband anyway. She's usually older and simply looking for a good time. She also has A wide wealth of knowledge.

The Support
This is a VITAL member of the team. The support is the girl who can cook for you, clean for you, be your emotional tampoon, buy you stuff, and even give you great sex from time to time. She's usually not as attractive or maybe just a "niche" type of girl. Not somebody you would be proud to show off. Typically

The Rookie
Usually younger (around 18-21) not as talented, but definitely willing. She gives a great energy and youth to any lineup. Not as dependable, not as loyal, but she is very moddable. You can form her into anything you desire with the right amount of charisma and talent.

These women, like any basketball player, can be traded, given fewer minutes, given less money (i rarely spend money on women anymore), And given a new role.

I'm still working on my grammar but felt this would be a nice addition to the Game forum.

If you have any type of line up or strategy on how to handle and manage multiple women, please post

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - fitness2569 - 02-28-2018

Good thinking. Harem management is vital

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Montrose - 02-28-2018

My plates fit nicely in these categories (except I have no rookie).
Franchise: crazy bitch #116 (although she seems to have disappeared of late)
Scorer: gfe #74 and serious girl #147
Veteran: #30 and #64
Support is my wife of course.
I think it’s missing ‘the girl you don’t particularly like but you call over once every 3 months because, why not?’

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Keepiticy2 - 02-28-2018

every good team has a bunch of no names on the bench, and that one 6th man who never really made the cut. the most women I juggled at one time was 12. and that was hell

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - treypound - 02-28-2018

Great breakdown, similar to something my best friend and I made up in college

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Investment Bro - 02-28-2018

I like the classifications, and especially enjoy the basketball analogy considering I love basketball. But I do disagree with a few things here:

First, I have always disagreed with the idea that your main chick should always be your hottest, or the most damaging if she leaves. Your franchise player should be as close to your day to day as possible, but she should be more along the lines of support system. Your franchise player is the girl who lays it on the line for you and supports your role as a man (team owner). If your main chick is the hottest, she will have a much greater degree of control over you. With your main chick, you want it to be known that she needs the relationship more than you. If she's the hottest, she's going to know you don't have better, and give you more shit for it.

She's supposed to be taking away problems, not creating them. The franchise player masks deficiencies on your team.

If you know you're banging some A+ strange on the side, and your B+ looks franchise player starts giving you trouble, you're a lot more apt to play it cool and keep frame, thus keeping your franchise player around.

Primary Scorer:

Having a freak on the side is a great idea. Usually this is someone that's married, or in a relationship and just wants to have really over the top sex on the side. My primary scorer is actually married. Plus, having a really freaky chick that'll do shit your main won't do is great for your outcome independence.

The Vet:

Ideally this is a hot chick that you banged in the past and for whatever reason have either stopped having sex with or have sex with infrequently. She should have good social connections, and you and her should have a friendly, but sexually charged vibe. Hitting on her around her friends is what you're looking for. She'll bring you hot chicks to be around because she knows your cool, and with her you'll already have social proof.

The Support:

I would argue that The Support shouldn't exist. Women you are having sex with should not be your support system. Not only is it a waste of time, using a woman as an emotional tampon prevents you from harassing your emotional energy to grow as a man.

The Bench:

The women here should be actively a part of the rotation and making contributions, but haven't earned their way into the starting lineup yet. They need more seasoning before they get moved up. These women are easy to trade, and easy to let go, because there's plenty of them.

The Rookie:

I'd change the wording of this to draft class. These are women you are actively scouting out to add to the roster above. They should be young, because honestly who wants to bag old bitches?

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Keepiticy2 - 02-28-2018

^ i agree with what you're saying, however, the support isn't just a emotional tampoon. A Support would be like the hippie girl from the first season of mad men or Ashton Kutcher friend off Spread. Somebody you have that you can come to when you're in need of help....or just hungry

for example my
Franchise player= is this 8/10 crazy chick who loves me to death (wrote about her in a stalker thread)

Primary scorer=was my rookie but she got out of control and turned into a sex slave for me (best sex i've ever had) was a 9/10 but now a 6/10 due to Anorexia

The Vet=This 30-year-old woman with 3 kids who helps me understand the game but also gives me great sex...7/10

The Support= This 31-year-old chef who feeds me and gives me money whenever I need it. She only wants sex in return 7/10

Rookie=This freshly turned 18 girl who has the nicest Smoothest body 9.5/10

Besides that, I agree with what you said

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - kaotic - 02-28-2018

There's been a saying like this for ages:

Get yourself a woman who is beautiful, young, smart, loving, rich, just make sure they never find out about each other!

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Distant Light - 03-05-2018

Although interesting analogy, I don't know how guys can run this in terms of time consumption...

My pornstar friend & her friend once told me how they managed their sex life back in their heydays. It was my template ever since prior to ,3 years monogamy.

I was "on call" and would hookup 1x every 2 weeks to 3-6 months. To this day was perfect setup of a sex life. Depending where I was I could text that I'm in area and pop by if I chose to. Some chicks banged like 2x in a year.

I still had flexibility to go home with 7 different girls in a night or be at home locking in sex dates...

One of my close guy friends I revealed to him that we can always focus on just having as much fun as possible because being "on call" you could fuck before or after.

Having a 5-6 gal rotation sounds cool BUT it results in a lot of time together. I spent more time with friends than chicks I was banging. Also it had highs and lows as some girls I'd bang every 2 weeks then just stop as life keeps flowing.

This is contrast to monogamy dealt with tons of stress and the whole perspective on sex changed from a recreational fun activity. It felt less like a celebratory bonding of shared experiences and more of a "well I'm pissed & horny yet stuck in a role".

Coining girls as part of a harem is still a loose term...

Whereas the wisdom gained from pornstar friends it was all about fun & good experiences. It's shocking how much you're positivity there was without any of the baggage.

Being single again, I'm maintaining "on call" till death

P.S...Will share analogy to those who do have an affinity for being with women. I'm too used to spending downtime exploring & growing. Social settings & sex is only 2 realms where it's a Destressor everything else just feels like I'm on heroin "hanging out". I remember one chick I ended up telling her we should stop seeing each other because it was much faster for me to bang a new woman than having to link up with her. (1 time had to get keys from her doorman and wait in her apt until she got home, 1st n last time ever did that)

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Keepiticy2 - 03-06-2018

i barely spend more than 15 hours max a week with girls, i usually give them an hour or 2 a days and be done. i work from home so its easy to balance life for me. Plus most of these girls have boyfriends and im the side guy so that works also

i like my alone time toooooo much for a girlfriend so i try to have 5 or so girls that i barely see (give them time to miss me and make the time we see each other AMAZING)........haven't failed me in my 10 years of doing it

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Steelex - 03-06-2018

Hats off to you guys who have time for that many women.

Typically if I don't regularly spend time with a chick, she gets the idea she isn't the one, and then flies off. Most of them want regular interaction, dates, ect. Chill once and then the next day it's "When do I get to see you again?!". I can't.

I really only like women for sex and as trophies.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - fitness2569 - 03-06-2018

I just started the "once a week method". Where i see my plates only once a week. One of my plates told me two days ago how she was playing with herself all week thinking about me fucking her while waiting on my text . I then tell her i might wait two weeks to text her again and she starts begging me not to.

Treating her like a piece of ass really turns her on. I wonder how many more girls i could have kept for a longer time if i only saw them once a week.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Montrose - 03-06-2018

The first few dates can be time consuming but once you get the machine started you can manage on one sex session a week plus the occasional date.

Women are quick to convince themselves that they are the one even when it flies in the face of evidence.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - kaotic - 03-06-2018

The once a week rotation works, BUT you need to stagger them so you have time for dates.

Having a girl on call or saying you "might" be able to see here tonight (after another date) seems to work the best.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Roardog - 03-07-2018

Some girls will put up with being a plate and others won't. Depends on them and their current life situation.
I've currently got a couple of girls who have been plates for 18 months and still going. One started to make noises about going out to dinner a while back so I put her on ice for a while and she hasn't brought it up since.

Other girls have dropped off or pushed for commitment and then left when I decline. Some have ended up finding a guy who will go steady with them and so moved on from me.
You have to accept that is part of the deal.

My rule is that I don't see a plate more than once every 2 weeks. If I saw them every week I wouldn't have time for other stuff like seeing new girls, my friends or playing sport.
Most of them I only text logistically but I use Snapchat to good affect by sending the same snap to multiple girls.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Zerdame - 03-07-2018

There are also countries where the term 'girlfriend' means much less than some other places. In Japan, a girlfriend is a girl you meet up, say once a week or once every two weeks and its a guaranteed sex. Sure, you could choose to spend more time with each particular girl but if not, doing a dinner or lunch date either at your place or outside is something most girls are comfortable with. J girls also text considerably lesser than other girls and are less of a pain in the ass. Even if they are, you could just 'break up' with them, they go pretty quietly too.

To keep them interested, I send them snippets of my life that I want to share. Just mass send a few interesting photos to generate a response until you get to the weekend or whenever you feel like one of them is floating away and you actually want to keep her around.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - The Alpha Virgin - 03-07-2018

Quote: (02-28-2018 04:42 PM)Montrose Wrote:  

My plates fit nicely in these categories (except I have no rookie).
Franchise: crazy bitch #116 (although she seems to have disappeared of late)
Scorer: gfe #74 and serious girl #147
Veteran: #30 and #64
Support is my wife of course.
I think it’s missing ‘the girl you don’t particularly like but you call over once every 3 months because, why not?’

Interesting. Are you in some kind of open-relationship or cheating on your wife or how does all that work out, what does your wife think about the other women you're seeing?

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Montrose - 03-07-2018

Cheating, she doesn’t know. I see some girls at lunchtime, some after work, and some on Sunday afternoon.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - godzilla - 03-08-2018

I'm all for abundance mentality but I don't know why you'd want to date 5 women at once.

Honestly, too much drama, BS, and money spent just to get your beak wet an extra time a week.

Keep it to 2 or 3 women and keep gaming on the side.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Keepiticy2 - 03-08-2018

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:11 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

I'm all for abundance mentality but I don't know why you'd want to date 5 women at once.

Honestly, too much drama, BS, and money spent just to get your beak wet an extra time a week.

Keep it to 2 or 3 women and keep gaming on the side.

agreed, the time is an issue. I rarely pay for dates, IN FACT, most of these girls have boyfriends, and tend to spend money they got from him on me.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Roardog - 03-08-2018

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:11 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

I'm all for abundance mentality but I don't know why you'd want to date 5 women at once.

Honestly, too much drama, BS, and money spent just to get your beak wet an extra time a week.

Keep it to 2 or 3 women and keep gaming on the side.

That's because you're looking at it wrong mate. You're confusing a plate with dating a girl when they are very different things.

Plates do not require the same effort that "dating" a girl does. Plates should be low maintenance girls that come over, chill, bang and then go home. Take them out every now and then to keep them happy. But overall low investment.

A girl you are dating is one you see as being STR/LTR material. One that you see as worth investing in.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - XXL - 03-09-2018

Easiest way is to have them all on the same place and game them all at once. Whether it's club bar or house party.

It's the opposite of dating. You meet a girl and invite her to hang out with your crew (mostly girls). You game them all and have fun with sexy topics all over the place. You're not the potential boyfriend you're the fun guy to let loose with.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Spartacus - 03-09-2018

kinda sick

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - godzilla - 03-09-2018

Quote: (03-08-2018 10:07 PM)Roardog Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:11 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

I'm all for abundance mentality but I don't know why you'd want to date 5 women at once.

Honestly, too much drama, BS, and money spent just to get your beak wet an extra time a week.

Keep it to 2 or 3 women and keep gaming on the side.

That's because you're looking at it wrong mate. You're confusing a plate with dating a girl when they are very different things.

Plates do not require the same effort that "dating" a girl does. Plates should be low maintenance girls that come over, chill, bang and then go home. Take them out every now and then to keep them happy. But overall low investment.

A girl you are dating is one you see as being STR/LTR material. One that you see as worth investing in.

Looks like your in Malaysia so while your opinion is valid it doesn't apply to Western Countries. Guys who are virgins could go over to those countries and bang a few chicks a year.

The time and effort it would take to have 5 low maintenance chicks on rotation in a Western County requires a ridiculous amount of effort unless you have some kind of status or looks angle going. It also probably requires you to bang a few chicks far below your value as well.

Take a look at the notch thread and you'll see that it regularly takes the best players 2-3 months to bang 5 women.

Girls aren't inherently low maintenance either, and it won't take a woman with some value very long to try to eat up some of your emotional time and money, which will evidently lead you to cut her off and spend more time and effort on finding a new chick.

Banging 5 different hoes at a time sounds great don't get me wrong but you're likely skimping on a lot of time you could be spending with your friends and your family. And also time finding new chicks, which is kinda the fun part for a lot of people trying to put up numbers.

Starting 5. How do you manage multiple women - Keepiticy2 - 03-12-2018

Quote: (03-09-2018 11:36 AM)godzilla Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 10:07 PM)Roardog Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:11 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

I'm all for abundance mentality but I don't know why you'd want to date 5 women at once.

Honestly, too much drama, BS, and money spent just to get your beak wet an extra time a week.

Keep it to 2 or 3 women and keep gaming on the side.

That's because you're looking at it wrong mate. You're confusing a plate with dating a girl when they are very different things.

Plates do not require the same effort that "dating" a girl does. Plates should be low maintenance girls that come over, chill, bang and then go home. Take them out every now and then to keep them happy. But overall low investment.

A girl you are dating is one you see as being STR/LTR material. One that you see as worth investing in.

Looks like your in Malaysia so while your opinion is valid it doesn't apply to Western Countries. Guys who are virgins could go over to those countries and bang a few chicks a year.

The time and effort it would take to have 5 low maintenance chicks on rotation in a Western County requires a ridiculous amount of effort unless you have some kind of status or looks angle going. It also probably requires you to bang a few chicks far below your value as well.

Take a look at the notch thread and you'll see that it regularly takes the best players 2-3 months to bang 5 women.

Girls aren't inherently low maintenance either, and it won't take a woman with some value very long to try to eat up some of your emotional time and money, which will evidently lead you to cut her off and spend more time and effort on finding a new chick.

Banging 5 different hoes at a time sounds great don't get me wrong but you're likely skimping on a lot of time you could be spending with your friends and your family. And also time finding new chicks, which is kinda the fun part for a lot of people trying to put up numbers.

its not hard trust me man, You just have to stay focus. I'm a firm believer that woman can smell the quality of a man. Once you have one girl the other 4 or so are easier.

It took me a week to lay 9 new girls once, my gf at the time cheated on me so I went on a rampage. These were all day game (i suck at night game)

My starting 5 at the moment mostly consist of girls I've met in the same month. My main girl, i've known for 3 years.