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Girl is stalking me - EmotionalGeek - 02-14-2018

About 6 months ago I met this girl in a club. We met few times and I finally fucked her and took her virginity. I fucked her 2 more times but she was very clingy and not pretty enough. So I break contact with her. She started to send me messages that she want to see me. I have ignored her. She started to write me a long messages that she understand it was her fault. Lately she sent me messages how much she loves me and she understand that I love her too.

Week ago she write me message that she want to see me. Later when I was at home I heart my door phone. I knew that it's her so I did not open. She stood there for 30 minutes, call me few times and send me messages. Yesterday it happened again but after 30 minutes someone let her in into the staircase. She was standing and knocking at my door for next 30 minutes. Sending me messages and calling in meantime. Later after 2 AM she sent me message that "Her hart is sure even though I do not answer".

This situation is getting ridiculous. I pretended that I do not exist up to this point but I'm thinking maybe it should be better to write her some message so she stops stalking me. What do you think? Do you have experience with crazy girls?

Girl is stalking me - Latan - 02-14-2018

Happened to me once.

After I broke up with her, she took some pills, ended up at the hospital, then came the next day to my door waiting for an hour.
I only answered one text : "Don't ever contact me again.", then blocked her number.
Was lucky, she did so.

In this situation, I think you should continue to play dead, her crazyness will cling on someone else quickly.

Girl is stalking me - Jetset - 02-14-2018

Sometimes stalking is about control, where the stalker is trying to aggressively force the other person to think about them and pay attention to them.

Other times, it's because they're simply emotionally-led and socially oblivious, believe their behavior is wanted, and maybe the person they're bothering has given them half-assed/incongruous signals and they aren't getting the hint. It's the extreme version of the coworker who finds weird reasons to ask you questions, because they're pretty sure you're just too shy to ask them out but maybe if they come by your desk again...

She says "it's her fault", maybe she really believes she can still save whatever great romance she imagines you're having if only you open the door to talk to her and she has a chance to say or do the right thing.

In both cases, it's very narcissistic behavior. Spending an hour waiting outside your apartment is way over-the-top. Personally, when I had one of these, I finally had to be very clear with her in writing that it was just sex, that I was done with the sex, that her behavior was extremely annoying, and that there was no romance and never would be. I think I may have been angry enough to refer to her as a "cum receptacle", which was probably not a good idea on my part, but she definitely stopped messaging me.

On the other hand, that worked with her because she imagined we were in love and she just needed to get the bandage ripped off. Might provoke far more crazy from some.

Girl is stalking me - Keepiticy2 - 02-14-2018

crazy girls are horrifying mainly because you don't know how far they'll take it. I've had girls key my car, hit my bumper off with a baseball bat, flatten all 4 of my tires, threaten my family, physically assault me, send my friends videos of us having sex, threaten to get pregnant just to keep me in their life, threaten suicide, actually cast voodoo spells on me, gave me a gift and called the police and told them i stole it from her etc etc. Its a scary thought. I'm dealing with a stalker now......My friend said the best thing to do is move or at least fake like you moved

Girl is stalking me - The Alpha Virgin - 02-14-2018

Take a photo while your cock is another woman's vagina make a finger to the camera and send it to her.

She should get the hint then.

Girl is stalking me - The Alpha Virgin - 02-14-2018

Quote: (02-14-2018 07:03 AM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  

crazy girls are horrifying mainly because you don't know how far they'll take it. I've had girls key my car, hit my bumper off with a baseball bat, flatten all 4 of my tires, threaten my family, physically assault me, send my friends videos of us having sex, threaten to get pregnant just to keep me in their life, threaten suicide, actually cast voodoo spells on me, gave me a gift and called the police and told them i stole it from her etc etc. Its a scary thought. I'm dealing with a stalker now......My friend said the best thing to do is move or at least fake like you moved

HA! Somehow I got a hard time believing that all that have happened to you. Voodoo spells? You should give the whole story.

Girl is stalking me - General Stalin - 02-14-2018

Is she latina?

Girl is stalking me - Montrose - 02-14-2018

Another strategy I have used is to accept all requests for a meeting, but be extremely cold (but polite) at each meeting. Very soon she loses her energy and gives up.

Girl is stalking me - Baphomet - 02-14-2018

Why does everyone keep feeding this obvious troll?

Girl is stalking me - Keepiticy2 - 02-14-2018

Quote: (02-14-2018 07:32 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (02-14-2018 07:03 AM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  

crazy girls are horrifying mainly because you don't know how far they'll take it. I've had girls key my car, hit my bumper off with a baseball bat, flatten all 4 of my tires, threaten my family, physically assault me, send my friends videos of us having sex, threaten to get pregnant just to keep me in their life, threaten suicide, actually cast voodoo spells on me, gave me a gift and called the police and told them i stole it from her etc etc. Its a scary thought. I'm dealing with a stalker now......My friend said the best thing to do is move or at least fake like you moved

HA! Somehow I got a hard time believing that all that have happened to you. Voodoo spells? You should give the whole story.

lol sad thing is this was mostly the same girl doing this.....she put all my dirty laundry and rotten chicken in a plastic bag and left it on my door step...its suppose to mean something (her family is from mobile, we're from Birmingham Alabama)

Girl is stalking me - EmotionalGeek - 02-15-2018

Story unfold. She wrote that her body is eager and on next message she wrote what she did with her fingers. I ignored her of course. I wonder if she was so fvcking horny or od she tried to bait me with sex.

Girl is stalking me - Palo_alto - 02-15-2018

This happened to me once. I made the mistake of letting the bitch in to explain I did not love her and was just sex. I spend the whole night try to kick her out afterwords. Neighbors involved, drama, chaos. Bad plan.

In the end and after she found another cock to jump into, she stopped bothering me.

Stay strong and don't open the door, do not contact her and keep ghosting. She will get tired of it eventually.

If you try to logically explained that you will never be with her, shit can get real serious (Rape accusations, violence, police involvement,etc...)

Since then I try to fuck them ho's in there place. I got a bit traumatized honestly. Sometimes my door bell rings and I still think she is coming to find me, LOL

Just stay chill and forget about that nutter

Girl is stalking me - pitt - 02-15-2018

I am dealing with one at the moment. I am glad I didn’t show her where I live. She calls her friends at 5 in the morning and tells them that she is in love with me and ask them to call me to speak to me about her (I have blocked her number).Some girls just give you red flags that they will be stalking you if you don’t give them the attention they want. They usually tend to ask a lot of questions, don’t have full time jobs, call you and text you all the time and get mad when you don’t reply to them quick enough, they want to know where you live, they fall in love real quick, they have a past of being violent to men, no father figure, etc. Soon as you see these signs, take precautions.

Girl is stalking me - The Alpha Virgin - 02-15-2018

But at least I think a girl like that must be very unlikely to cheat on you. And that's a very good trait.

Girl is stalking me - Jetset - 02-15-2018

Quote: (02-15-2018 05:36 PM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

But at least I think a girl like that must be very unlikely to cheat on you. And that's a very good trait.

Son, no. Just no.

Girls who have this type of obsessive personality are serial sluts every time, and when you catch them, count on them to slam their own head into a wall and tell the police you did it. Never stick your dick in crazy. Always let some other unlucky dude get saddled with this problem.

Like I said above, this kind of behavior is narcissism. They're only thinking about themselves, so never stop to ask if you actually want to answer the door or spend all day texting, and become angry when they don't get what they want. When she gets vagina tingles for somebody else, she won't think about your well-being then, either.

Girl is stalking me - Keepiticy2 - 02-15-2018

Quote: (02-15-2018 06:59 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (02-15-2018 05:36 PM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

But at least I think a girl like that must be very unlikely to cheat on you. And that's a very good trait.

Son, no. Just no.

Girls who have this type of obsessive personality are serial sluts every time, and when you catch them, count on them to slam their own head into a wall and tell the police you did it. Never stick your dick in crazy. Always let some other unlucky dude get saddled with this problem.

Like I said above, this kind of behavior is narcissism. They're only thinking about themselves, so never stop to ask if you actually want to answer the door or spend all day texting, and become angry when they don't get what they want. When she gets vagina tingles for somebody else, she won't think about your well-being then, either.
this is so true. the girl I mentioned was and is a super slut. The reason I tried to distance myself from her was because of that very reason......HOWEVER she would text me and call me constantly. if I block her she would text/call me from other numbers.....I still haven't found a permanent solution to this

Girl is stalking me - The Alpha Virgin - 02-16-2018

Quote: (02-15-2018 06:59 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Son, no. Just no.

Girls who have this type of obsessive personality are serial sluts every time, and when you catch them, count on them to slam their own head into a wall and tell the police you did it. Never stick your dick in crazy. Always let some other unlucky dude get saddled with this problem.

Like I said above, this kind of behavior is narcissism. They're only thinking about themselves, so never stop to ask if you actually want to answer the door or spend all day texting, and become angry when they don't get what they want. When she gets vagina tingles for somebody else, she won't think about your well-being then, either.

Ha, ok. Sounds about right, but I'm thinking this might have something to do with her being a virgin, so she put OP on a pedestal, worships him and got a huge oneitis. Because behaviours like this seem to be somewhat commo with a girl who had her virginity taken by a guy.

Girl is stalking me - Guitarhappy420 - 02-16-2018

I have found it beneficial to use a fake name, or a consistent nickname If you rather, and a cheap throw away cell phone without location set. Women do it too, right? I have found, in my experience, that most F will prefer to do you initially at their place where they feel safe so there's no real need to give out your home address. There's a lot of crazies out there and you have to protect yourself and provide for your own mental/legal/social well-being.

Remember this - people are problems, everyone comes with a complete set. And a lot of the little darlings we meet in clubs and online are bat cr*p crazy.

Girl is stalking me - Bienvenuto - 02-16-2018

Why not go to the police on this issue. Tell them it's harrassment and they will tell her to back off.

They do it for women all the time.

Girl is stalking me - Latan - 02-16-2018

Quote: (02-16-2018 02:49 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

Why not go to the police on this issue. Tell them it's harrassment and they will tell her to back off.
They do it for women all the time.

A guy stalks, while hoping to get sex.
A girl stalks, while hoping to get attention.
Going to the police will give her all the attention she craves, and the opportunity to potentially claim abuse / violence / rape.
I wouldn't give her that chance : as long as the police is concerned, I don't know her and have nothing to do with her.

Still, if someone went to the police (which I never did), I'd really like to have some feedback on it.

Girl is stalking me - asdfk - 02-16-2018

1. Don't take a girls virginity.
2. Don't take a girls virginity, use her a few times more even as you see she is catching feelings.
3. Don't harshly ghost after the above.

You have done damage which was unnecessary. Now you get to deal with the fallout. Good luck.

Girl is stalking me - Noir - 02-16-2018

- Tell her you have an STD and that she needs to get checked out.
- Move somewhere else
- Get a restraining order

Real talk, just deal with it. The more you ignore her, the more she is going to want you.

I had a similar situation and ended up fucking her friend and turning them against each other. They ended up dealing more with the emotional fallout of their friendship than focusing on me. Machiavellian and I felt bad but fuck, sometimes girls like this give you no choice.

Girl is stalking me - Guitarhappy420 - 02-16-2018

Going to the police could definitely backfire on you in a serious way. She can accuse you of anything, her word against yours. Restraining order? Never ever involve police in your private life. She will move on eventually. Learn to live with some discomfort - you brought it upon yourself by having poor judgement. We all make mistakes, just don't repeat the same one.

Girl is stalking me - Keepiticy2 - 02-17-2018

I agree with Noir, besides moving there's really not anything you can do. Girls are VERY manipulative.