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Bitcoin consolidation problem with Bitgo wallet - Printable Version

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Bitcoin consolidation problem with Bitgo wallet - Roosh - 01-21-2018

So in Bitgo I have about $100 worth of Bitcoin but it's not showing up in my balance. This is what their support said:


It looks like you might need to consolidate some of your unspents in the wallet before you can send this transaction.

This can be done in our API; here is the link to the section of the API that covers this:

The API has a shell function:

Available only as a local method (BitGo Express)

curl -X PUT \n-H "Content-Type: application/json" \n-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \n-d "{ "walletPassphrase": "$WALLETPASSPHRASE", "target": 1, "minConfirms": 1 }" \nhttp://$BITGO_EXPRESS_HOST:3080/api/v1/wallet/$WALLETID/consolidateunspents
So I'm guessing that I have to connect to "BitGo Express", change the walletid and passphrase to my own, and then run it?

I googled BitGo Express and here's what I found:

What is the easiest way I can do this consolidation?

Bitcoin consolidation problem with Bitgo wallet - SamuelBRoberts - 01-21-2018

What the hell is "Bitgo"?
Roosh, you always find the weirdest shit...

Bitcoin consolidation problem with Bitgo wallet - tapanar - 01-22-2018

Apparently you need to run your own bitgo express host, and send this command (after replacing the parameters) to it.

My advice is to not rely on 3rd parties to manage your crypto wallets.

Bitcoin consolidation problem with Bitgo wallet - jamaicabound - 01-22-2018

Buy a Trezor or a Ledger. Not only are you not reliant on a third party, you can use a Segwit address for lower fees, you can also select what fee you pay as opposed to an exchange or wallet platform dictating what fee you pay

Bitcoin consolidation problem with Bitgo wallet - Roosh - 01-22-2018

I've moved off of BitGo awhile back but still want my remaining coins.