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Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 01-14-2018

Ok so long story cut short.

Did 1350 approaches over 2016/2017 (mostly in 2016) and got a whopping ([Image: undecided.gif]) 8 bangs despite going on dates with over 55 girls.

This year in 2018 I want to focus as much as possible on quality and achieve hopefully not worse than 1 lay/100 approaches. That means not spam approaching at all but putting in great effort with each approach, ensuring my looks and style is as good as it can be (to my knowledge) following a good model like the London Daygame model for example and...

Recording sets with audio.

I actually did this before for dates as I believed that was where my biggest weakness lied. But this is what I do essentially:

You have have a voice recorder app (android version) on your smartphone and have in-ear (less conspicuous) earphones draped around the necklace hidden inside your t-shirt. You just open up the app and press start or stop recording. Your actual main phone is separate (you don't want the girl seeing a voice recording app when you take her number) of course.

Because it is not plausible at all to start and stop the recording app before and after each approach (especially when wandering around a mall) you typically let the app run the entire session. You will for example use apple notes to make a note of the time the recording was commenced as well as the start time of each approach so you can more easily locate each particular interaction when processing the data later.

Audacity is what you could use to do the processing as you can see the spikes which will obviously be the interactions.

It is working so far and I can say I am already deriving a lot of benefit from analyzing my approaches. However, it takes AGES to do because of all the time it takes to locate stuff on the software.

Does anyone know any software or even dedicated devices or specific dictophone designed to transfer data eg mp3s to laptops so you can easily start and stop before and after interactions with a discreet click of the button in your pocket? I think this will make all the difference when it comes to time efficiency. What about software? I do NOT share my files with anyone and is strictly for personal use so I don't do any editing (which is a time consuming ordeal even with audacity) so I think it is good enough for purpose.

Thanks to anyone who could help.

n.b.I do not do discreet video recording (on the watch or inconspicuous shoulder cameras) as useful as that would be when I could simply get a wing who knows his stuff to watch me from afar. Audio however is not so easy to hear or observe unless you get the wing to listen in too but anyway.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - ksbms - 01-14-2018

Recordr for Android. It uploads straight to cloud, it also allows to choose sampling quality so you can adjust file size. After an approach, I stop recording, save a file with a name so have smaller chunks, then hit the record button again. I edit with Ocenaudio, very simple process, easy to cut and paste, merge files, add fade in/out, etc.

I use a dedicated omnidirectional lavalier type mic properly mounted with a silicon sleeve (upside down to reduce plosives) with adhesive tape in lower part of the sternum, cables on two loops) or good quality in ear headphones with a mic. With the former quality, whilst 44kHz sampling, is second to none as long as the jacket isn't fully zipped up, otherwise sound muffled. It's kinda hilarious for you learn not to chew gum, eat or drink when in set.

It provides superb feedback, quickly I realized I spoke too slow, my voice was flat, I was doing too many uhms and yhms, and I was interrupting girls instead of letting them finish. Highly recommended.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - pancakemouse - 01-15-2018

I keep my phone in my jacket pocket, no external mic, and use Voice Recorder for Android, creating a new recording for each approach.

The audio from this method is good enough not to make it more complicated.

By the way, SoundCloud is great for uploading/annotating approaches and allowing your wings to leave comments on certain parts. Make sure to make the files private.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 02-17-2018


Hey man, seeing as a daygame campaign is coming up in a couple of weeks I want to be optimally prepared this time. I managed to break my AKG bluetooth headphones last night so basically on my shopping list is:
- This Recordr app - presumably if it is uploaded to a cloud it is fully encrypted right? I suppose it doesn't matter which app you use really.
- New pair of bluetooth headphones. The ones I had were (Y50 AKG or something like that) but decent. If you are listening to music you can click a button on it to pause which is good. What would be IDEAL is if you could click a button and it would pause the recording itself and create a new separate recording (rather than continue the same one). Then you wouldnt need to take out your phone before and after approaches. If anyone has any recommendations please let me know. I probably won't buy bluetooth in ear ones as I hear they are heavy on the ear
- Some stealthy video recorder. And by stealthy I mean as undetectable as possible. I figured maybe audio is not enough if I want to go all the way with my education. I was watching some Tom Torero POV approaches on youtube so this is kind of what I mean. Time synchronising the video to the audio might be a pain unless the video device records decent enough audio also.
- This 'dedicated omnidirectional lavalier type mic' - can you show me an example on amazon or ebay where I can find more or less what you are talking about?

Yeah Corsega I remember using soundcloud for those purposes. Good to mention

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - ksbms - 02-17-2018

Quote: (02-17-2018 01:44 AM)WannaBang Wrote:  

- This Recordr app - presumably if it is uploaded to a cloud it is fully encrypted right? I suppose it doesn't matter which app you use really.

I user Recordr (that's the right spelling, no penultimate letter) for Google Play Store. It's a well developed app, easy to use, good features, stealth recording mode.

Quote: (02-17-2018 01:44 AM)WannaBang Wrote:  

- Some stealthy video recorder. And by stealthy I mean as undetectable as possible. I figured maybe audio is not enough if I want to go all the way with my education. I was watching some Tom Torero POV approaches on youtube so this is kind of what I mean. Time synchronising the video to the audio might be a pain unless the video device records decent enough audio also.

I have Conbrov D088 HD Mini Pocket Digital Video Camcorder. It's much better than eBay Chinese pen recorders (they fall up after one day, buttons unresponsive and clunky, very low battery capacity). Conbrov records true 720ppi, battery lasts up to 5 hours, it's lightweight, button big and responsive, easy operation, easy charging. Best to wear in a pocket of navy blue or black shirt.

Either way, I wouldn't worry about girls spotting you recording them. First, they wouldn't even think a man would go to such lengths as to record interaction. Second, they will never carefully look you up and down, they look in your eyes and sideways. Third, even if a girl spotted it, you can say you use it in business settings. In the worst case scenario (I think odds are like 1/5000), you'll just lose a set. Now, a little intuition pump. I can guarantee, often after the approach, if someone asked you what colour was a girl's jacket, you wouldn't be able to tell, and that's a freaking big object in comparison. A sticking out pen with a little lens is virtually imperceptible.

Cognitive psychology of perception tells as that what is at play is called inattentional blindness. If you don't pay attention to something that is specifically on your mind, you won't see it. A more dramatic proof of this hypothesis is the following video:

Hilarious isn't it? A person switch seems even more dramatic, you can see it in action at 1:50 in.

In other words, don't worry about it. If people can't see a freaking gorilla, a curtain changing colour or a person switched for another, a girl will not suspect a tiny pen, even if she saw it, to be recording. She'll be so cognitively absorbed to answer your questions and process what is going on you could unzip your trousers, take your dick out and a girl still wouldn't notice!

Quote: (02-17-2018 01:44 AM)WannaBang Wrote:  

- This 'dedicated omnidirectional lavalier type mic' - can you show me an example on amazon or ebay where I can find more or less what you are talking about?

Recently I'm just using RHA (interestingly, it's Glasgow based company) headphones with a mic. The cable is very well made and fabric braided, the jack L shaped. Brilliant. The pro mic I've had, it's jack goes to shit. It's made by Røde, Lava+. I had two, both failed soon after I bought them. Having said that, I will be looking for one with better housing. An omnididrectional mic, professionally mounted (upside down to avoid plosives) will give you superb recording quality, especially if you want to post an audio on a website or YouTube. For personal purposes, good quality headphones will be just fine (my are RHA MA 450i, they're very robust and inexpensive).

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 02-18-2018

Nice one! Bought that video device. The headphones I have I think will be good enough as aside from being bluetooth, I can stop a recording using a button on the device itself (though it can't start recordings which would be super convenient)

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - Jagnum - 02-19-2018

I used to use a $8 usb stick (you can find them on Amazon) with voice recorder that I fit into the front pocket of my blazer or my dress shirt with a pocket. No phone, no nothing. Easy to plug it into my computer and find the file.

It's cringe-worthy when I listen to it today (my vocal intonation is awful, and conversation gets stuck on laptops), but I put up an edited version of one approach at a coffee shop a few years ago.


I got some solid advice.

So I'd open yourself up to posting one or two approaches on the forum, and getting feedback.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - Jagnum - 02-19-2018

Quote: (01-14-2018 03:59 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

and got a whopping ([Image: undecided.gif]) 8 bangs despite going on dates with over 55 girls.

Also - it sounds like your problem is not your approaches, but your dates.

This reminds me of numbers I used to be getting after Year 1 of game. Actually it was worse. I got 4 bangs from 40 dates.

I significantly changed how I ran my dates, what I said on my dates, and in the next year of tracking these numbers, I banged something like 10 girls from 30 dates. I don't track my numbers anymore because I don't have to.

Ended up writing a book on this topic. The forum rules suggest I shouldn't be promoting this in a post, so I'm not linking to it here. But if getting some insight into how to improve your dates would help, send me a PM.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 02-19-2018

I don't think its the dates necessarily. I banged over 25 girls from tinder and usually pretty quickly and the conversion ratio from online to a lay was significantly higher than daygame to lays. Therefore it is most likely my street game which is the problem combined with the fact I only approach 7s and above (tinder is for the 6+ range imo). The only reason I am torturing myself with cold approach is the opportunity to get a quality of girl I can't get from online.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - PapayaTapper - 02-19-2018

Quote: (02-19-2018 01:03 PM)Jagnum Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2018 03:59 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

and got a whopping ([Image: undecided.gif]) 8 bangs despite going on dates with over 55 girls.

Also - it sounds like your problem is not your approaches, but your dates.

[Image: f7FdEdG.jpg]

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - IntrovertSigma - 02-19-2018

Quote: (02-19-2018 02:57 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (02-19-2018 01:03 PM)Jagnum Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2018 03:59 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

and got a whopping ([Image: undecided.gif]) 8 bangs despite going on dates with over 55 girls.

Also - it sounds like your problem is not your approaches, but your dates.

[Image: f7FdEdG.jpg]

This is a well known problem with community guys who are not as good at escalating as they could be. They think the solution is to add more leads to their funnel but the solution is to set the correct frames (make sure that they know it's a date and you're not looking for a friend) early on and get better at closing.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 02-19-2018

Yep that's the point I was trying to make more or less. Actually the point was how to best improve my day game so I can discover how to optimally ensure the girls I date know exactly what this is all about. And the best (only) way to accomplish that is to record the sets using audio and video. If this is successful then the daygame approach to lay ratio should start to improve hopefully a great deal. We'll see how it goes.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - Skank_Hunt - 02-19-2018

Ultimately no one knows which stage has the most negative impact on your lays to dates ratio. If you get laid regularly on Tinder with 6s who know the score, right there you have more DTF girls coming out in the first place, while you have more Maybe girls in day game.

From start to finish (I said something like this before):

1. She gave out her phone number just to be polite but really had no intentions to see you again
2. She was excited by the approach but a weak Maybe girl at best, No girl at worst
3. She was too conservative to bang a random guy from cold approach
4. She was of too high quality such that the general ("+2 rule") did not apply as it would with lower quality from Tinder
5. She was bored and didn't mind a date, but weak intentions of making it go any further
6. Your initial approach conveyed a person that she didn't necessarily like that much, or other traits that caused her to put you in a No Bang box. This is the "initial approach wasn't good enough" argument
7. Your dates are not good enough for the quality of girls from day game and the state of mind they are in, both of which will be different from those of Tinder. Less DTF, less clear about what she wants, less clear about what YOU want with her, higher quality, more conservative etc. More No/Weak Maybe/Maybe girls than Yes girls you might get from Tinder.

The only way can be to approach it from both angles, the front end approach and the back end texting to arrange a date and the date itself (dates if in EE).

Example from failed dates of mine: In the US, if I get a date I just let her do all the talking, ask her a few questions, some of them deep, and sit back. The more she tells me and the occasional compliment I give her, the more she feels she knows me, the logic being that she would not tell just anyone about such serious and deep things. This seemed to work great in the US but there was a limitation of where certain girls had to be more actively "gamed", so a bit of "attraction material" I would use but my main goal is qualification and comfort. A natural friend told me the trick. But then I go to Poland and do the same thing, I'm expecting an easy run in from there but no, because she doesn't know much about me as she has been talking so much about herself. You cannot simply be a "man of mystery" as in the US because she has to know key facts about you, plus the dating process moves a lot slower with many chances for girls to flake in between dates (1 date bangs, very difficult with quality girls). I know by contrast to the US model someone like Krauser employs "most interesting man in the world" game to EE women. In the US this just got me blown out for being tryhard. The minute I just shut up and let her talk her shit and just handled logistics and escalation, it smoothed everything. In Poland it led to a "I still don't know who the fuck this guy is" syndrome, which provokes suspicion. On the other hand if I don't let her talk on the date, she will not qualify to me or feel enough comfort either. So it seems to be a balancing act.

That's why I think it's good you're documenting everything but don't go in with bias as to what particular point of the timeline you're doing something that prevents the bang. It could be at the front, could be at the back, could be multiple things at multiple points. I know that's how I would approach it with my failed dates. Back in the US the adjustment was simple: stop talking, let her qualify and reveal things about herself, all the while quietly moving closer to my place, then escalate. In EE I think the solutions might be a bit more difficult to pinpoint.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - The Catalyst - 02-19-2018

Quote: (02-19-2018 08:11 PM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

A natural friend told me the trick. But then I go to Poland and do the same thing, I'm expecting an easy run in from there but no, because she doesn't know much about me as she has been talking so much about herself. You cannot simply be a "man of mystery" as in the US because she has to know key facts about you, plus the dating process moves a lot slower with many chances for girls to flake in between dates (1 date bangs, very difficult with quality girls). I know by contrast to the US model someone like Krauser employs "most interesting man in the world" game to EE women. In the US this just got me blown out for being tryhard. The minute I just shut up and let her talk her shit and just handled logistics and escalation, it smoothed everything. In Poland it led to a "I still don't know who the fuck this guy is" syndrome, which provokes suspicion. On the other hand if I don't let her talk on the date, she will not qualify to me or feel enough comfort either. So it seems to be a balancing act.

I wonder whether UK/Aus/NZ is more similar to the US in that regard or more similar to EE. It's probably more similar to the US but that makes a lot of the Euro game models I follow terribly obsolete.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 02-20-2018


Yeah all of what you said makes sense. You know since learning about Bodi whom it turns out I actually met and had a beer with a couple of years back; I listened to him on Krauser’s podcast. The topic was r/k selection wilderness or something like that. Trying to be the alpha fucks but just not having the ‘advanced game’ needed to get there.

That’s where I am. I tried hard to be that alpha, sexy guy with big muscles and a leather jacket approaching directly and making sure to hold the girl’s hand for as long as possible – to ensure she knows exactly what I wanted. But the truth was that the DTF girls either rejected me or I messed up with them during dates. Most likely they didn’t take me seriously as someone they could imagine banging their brains out and simply didn’t have what it took. Conversely the majority of those 55 girls were 'likely' more relationship orientated and couldn’t handle my aggression and escalation. After a while I stopped going on more than 3 dates due to the immense frustration I’d feel after failing on the 4th. I was trying to be something I wasn’t too clumsily or unskilfully. This one daygame instructor told me that my greatest problem was I didn’t come across as a sexual threat and was harmless.

That isn’t to say I failed all the time – out of those 8 successful bangs, all but two were fuckbuddies and no more – indeed that kind of girl who is looking for fast r-selected sex that I was looking for this purpose. The other 2 were relationship orientated as evidenced by the 4/5 dates needed to bang them. So it does show I am doing something right at least.

But I want to record this shit because at this point there is no other possible way to improve beyond modifying my style somewhat or getting even more muscular/tanned. Not just approaches but dates as well though again I am sure the problem is I am just not number closing the DTF girls and am losing the relationship orientated girls because I come across as being too much of a mix of r and k selected which might mean my calibration needs major work.

With tinder I screen insanely hard using shirtless flexing photos and sexting majorly which has accounted for the majority of my bangs due to the extreme efficiency. Unfortunately most of them were not 7s and tinder is getting worse and worse all the time for me to the point where it will soon be completely useless so day game will be the only option left.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - Skank_Hunt - 02-20-2018

The whole r/k thing is not binary when you're gaming, it's not one or the other. I don't doubt that some girls in Poland and Ukraine where you were day gaming required a genuine "heavy r" position on the spectrum, but of your average normal girl in Poland, it can actually scare her away. We can only make the best educated guess as to what each "target" requires from us in order to most efficiently progress to the outcome we want. It's the whole, identify your target market, create the product (you), and sell the product (approach/date), all in a way tailored to your target market.

On Tinder for example you had such a high success rate because your target market was very well matched to the product, thus you didn't have to do much active selling to convert the prospect into a sale. In day game and in day game in other countries with varying cultures and many other factors, it takes experience to find out which type(s) of girls convert best for you. Or which "avatar" that you are trying to portray certain girls that you like would respond to best. If you look at Poland it can be confusing because by looking at guys walking with the prettiest girls, it would suggest that you have to be a short soccer hooligan like skinhead or tall skinny nerd or anywhere in between to appeal to the girls. But that is social circle based so you are missing the shared culture, shared upbringing, shared language, familiarity, etc., so you can't compete on that level. You have to find what is best for what type of girl by day time cold approach, and none of these polish guys with hot GFs would have a clue. They don't need to.

In Poland they don't want you to be a complete pushover (which a lot of social circle BFs there are, incidentally, but that's SC)... however that doesn't mean at all that you have to be shredded, tanned, with leather jacket, tattoos and skull ring etc. as well. In fact that will scare a lot of them away. Assuming your "game" can be congruent with this avatar, for the few girls you might gain special interest from with such an appearance, you might be throwing away a hell of a lot of other potential prospects.

You can be confident without displaying that you are an extremely heavily r skewed guy or worse, a guy who doesn't know what he is yet and who is trying (transparently to the girls, possibly) to appear as r as possible. Roosh may have mentioned this once IIRC, that the problem of many men in EE is "overgaming". We're so used to the heavy testing of the girls in the west along the lines of "are you alpha enough for me", and the whole "clown game" "cool guy" wit and charm which so often falls flat on its face due to language and cultural differences. Although westernization has changed attitudes for the worse and you will find more bitchy girls compared to 10 years ago, getting labeled as an overnight/pump and dump casanova is not a good thing as most girls aren't looking for that. As in Tinder to make success of that you would be heavily screening your target market for signs of openness to short-term adventure, that's why lone tourists were so susceptible to day game in London.

The whole "sexual threat" thing should be implied within your being. You don't tell her immediately that you want to bang her but any girl who is not retarded knows you're trying to initiate something from man to woman vs friend to friend. Within this you can still be friendly but remain a sexual threat. It's possible you may lose girls on dates by not escalating or trying to pull them fast enough, but I don't see how you can be a full blown sexual threat within the middle of the day without proper calibration. The best day game sets are smooth and the man to woman polarity is just there fizzing beneath the surface. Especially in EE I think maybe a lot of DG instructors might overdo it. The harder part at least technically is going through the 3-5 dates successfully and getting the bang.

Sometimes especially in EE countries where you see a lot of busted dudes with pretty girls, it's just enough to run basic game and not commit yourself too hard to r or k appearances or game. From there you can try and adjust according to the set what way to go not just in terms of r and k but everything else from the point you meet until the end.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 02-23-2018

Yeah Skankhunt, all very good points and very logical. Me likey! Once again the quest to reach intermediate level in 2018 begins. I have about a week left before I start this.

I realised that Conbrov didn't have a SD card included so just bought one as well as a camera watch resembling a sports band. The former I will use for approaches though I am going to have to invest in some shirts (as opposed to v-neck t-shirts which I normally wear) which have front pockets so it goes unnoticed. I know there is the whole gorilla in the basketball game but I don't want to be worrying about it when there are enough risks for my vibe as it is.

The watch camera will be for dates and it will be hilarious seeing how well that works.

Audio will be recorded as a back up for both just in case I get terrible video results. Out of the 206 dates I had between 2015 and 2017 I think I audio recorded only 15 or so and out of 1400+- approaches maybe 50 if even that.
This year its going to be damn nearly all of them because this is my final attempt to improve my shitty conversion rates once and for all. I don't expect to be a Nick Krauser with 'advanced game' nor do I aim to. 1/50 with 1/100 at the absolute maximum is what I am looking for. After that I can focus on other stuff in life with more clarity and peace of mind I think.

Can this ocenaudio (assuming you noted down approx start/stop times of approaches/dates in iphone notes or something) easily clip times blocks of interest from constant recordings and is it simple to batch them all together into one video?

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - ksbms - 02-23-2018

Quote: (02-23-2018 01:08 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

Can this ocenaudio (assuming you noted down approx start/stop times of approaches/dates in iphone notes or something) easily clip times blocks of interest from constant recordings and is it simple to batch them all together into one video?

You can easily cut, copy and paste to and from, stitch files as big as your computer's memory will allow (assuming there are no limitations of this program itself).

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 03-05-2018

Well day 1 complete! Was a complete cock up because didn't actually record the first hour though i had back-up audio running at least. For the 2nd run it turned out I have no coats with convenient pocket placement so the one pocket I did have was angled so the video was slanted. Worse still, my only successful set was completely blocked by the pocket flap^^ Much to learn I still have

Thanks ksbm! That program works a treat

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - Jagnum - 03-09-2018

Quote: (02-19-2018 02:44 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

Therefore it is most likely my street game which is the problem combined with the fact I only approach 7s and above (tinder is for the 6+ range imo). The only reason I am torturing myself with cold approach is the opportunity to get a quality of girl I can't get from online.

I recently realized that if you're only approaching 7s or 8s on the street, don't expect great conversions.

These girls are:

a) more likely to have a boyfriend
b) more likely to meet guys just in their social circle

While I've occasionally gotten a date from the 8s I meet on the street, and I've been street approaching for years, the majority of them will not give me their number, or give me a number and not meet for a date. Perhaps NYC is different, but outside of there, good luck.

The hottest girls the 7s and 8s I've taken on dates are those I've met at parties that I've been invited to. It might sound weird, but you have to be really friendly to total strangers, guys and girls, and couples, and married people.

I think the hottest girl I ever took on a date (this was when my 1st date game was not calibrated) was an artist who I met at an art party.

One Saturday in the summer, many years ago, I was headed to the bus stop to catch the bus downtown (this was before Uber Pool).

When I arrived to the bus stop at around 8 pm, there was one other couple there, maybe in their early to mid 30s. I got to chatting with them, I think they recently got married. They were both very friendly and we took the bus together to the central neighborhood. We got out at the same stop and I was giving them recommendations for which bars to go. The guy (a lawyer) was very friendly and told me him and his wife were having an art party in two weekends time at their house. They're inviting artists into their home to showcase their work, if I'd like to come. I told him that sounds awesome. I went two weeks later.

While most of the crowd was older (30s and 40s), there were quite a few hot girls who were friends with the one sexy artist, who was maybe 23 or 24. She was like half Colombian-half European, but grew up in the States, and just smoking. I ended up getting her number (somehow) and we met for a date the following week.

Eventually someone: a roommate, a random person you meet on the bus, a nice couple you have a chat with, will invite you to some party at someone's house or at an event space, and there will be hot girls there. This is the most likely way you're going to bang an 8, all else equal.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 03-15-2018

Thanks for the input Jangum! My general rule with daygame in order to avoid spam approaching is to only approach girls who iOI me (almost never happens) or girls who tug on my DNA - i.e. appear like a 7+ to me (could be a 6 to other guys). Tinder is for 5/6s imo.

Update! Seem to have finally got the hang of video recording. Anyone know any website (aside from youtube) I can privately upload the videos and share with specific people?

Also is there a program you guys can recommend which can cut and join videos just like that ocenaudio app for audio?

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - ksbms - 03-15-2018

Quote: (03-15-2018 02:49 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

Update! Seem to have finally got the hang of video recording. Anyone know any website (aside from youtube) I can privately upload the videos and share with specific people?

Also is there a program you guys can recommend which can cut and join videos just like that ocenaudio app for audio?

YouTube - you can make your channel private with a password by invitation only.

About stitching audio/video signal, I'll ask my friend who does it professionally, what he'd recommend.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - ksbms - 03-16-2018

Quote: (03-15-2018 03:33 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 02:49 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

Update! Seem to have finally got the hang of video recording. Anyone know any website (aside from youtube) I can privately upload the videos and share with specific people?

Also is there a program you guys can recommend which can cut and join videos just like that ocenaudio app for audio?

YouTube - you can make your channel private with a password by invitation only.

About stitching audio/video signal, I'll ask my friend who does it professionally, what he'd recommend.

He uses Adobe Premiere Pro - never used it but I guess with Lynda you can learn the basics in a couple hours and the workflow should be quite smooth. I guess for simple stitching almost any soft will do.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 03-20-2018

Cheers man, will look into that.

Best day game recording techniques and equipment? - WannaBang - 03-22-2018

It took a while but using Filmora I have finally video edited a good chunk of my approaches so far! Thanks to all who helped me in this thread! Here's hoping there will be good results...