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Books and movies with masculine leads - Printable Version

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Books and movies with masculine leads - oceanpua - 12-18-2017

What books and movies have strong male leads who would kill it in game if they dedicated their time to it?

Some characters that inspire me, personally:

- Most Humphrey Bogart movies (Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep)
- Le Samourai
- Raymond Chandler books (Philip Marlow series)
- Ross MacDonald books (Lew Archer series)
- Mickey Spillane books
- American Desperado

Curious what are on other people's lists...

Books and movies with masculine leads - Lordleon - 12-18-2017

Books: Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant.
Movies: Groucho Marx movies

Books and movies with masculine leads - Laska - 12-18-2017

Ben-Hur (both book and movie).
It Happened One Night.
Les Miserables, either the Liam Neeson movie, or the book.
Bridge on the River Kwai.
North By Northwest.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Batman Begins/Dark Knight.
A Man for All Seasons.
Rear Window.
From Russia with Love.
The Hunt for Red October.
Support your Local Sheriff.
Nicholas Nickleby.
Hamlet (Kenneth Branagh movie, or the play).
King Richard the Third.
Homer's Odyssey.
True Grit.
Second Hand Lions.
The Great Escape.

Books and movies with masculine leads - Rum - 12-18-2017

The Taming of the Shrew

Books and movies with masculine leads - Razgriz - 12-18-2017

The sea wolf by Jack London
One mans journey to find his masculinity and another's fight to be the biggest Alpha on the seas. One of my favorite books hands down.

Books and movies with masculine leads - Rocha - 12-18-2017

- Taras Bulba, both the movie(s) and the book.
- Bogdan-Zinoviy Khmelnitsky (2008)
- Brat 1 and Brat 2 (Sergei Bodrov's lead character)
- Dollars Trilogy, Dirty Harry, or whatever Clint Eastwood stars in it.
- Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, or whatever John Wayne stars in it.
- Once upon a time in the West, Nightwish or whatever Charles Bronson stars in it.
- Any Sean Connery's James Bond.
- Ray Liotta in Godfella's.
- Any of the Godfather trilogy.
- Cpt. Willard (Martin Sheen) in Apocalypse Now!
- George C.Scott in Patton
- Bravehaeart, Lethal Weapon, MadMax and most of Mel Gibson stuff.
- Most of Jean Paul Belmondo's (That man from Rio, Ho!, Borsalino)
- The Count of Monte Cristo (book and various film adaptations)
- Gone with the wind (Clark Gable's doing Rett Buttler), or most Clark Gable in general.
- All of Humphrey Bogart
- All of James Coburn
- All of Telly Savallas
- All of Richard Burton...

Books and movies with masculine leads - BadgerHut - 12-19-2017

The Godfather novel.

Tom Hanks as Captain Jim Lovell in Apollo 13 (or read the non-fiction book and read about a real masculine lead).

Books and movies with masculine leads - Hypno - 12-19-2017

Cape Fear from the early 90s has a good contrast between the hero, Nick Nolte who is beta, and the villian, Robert DeNiro, who is alpha. Its also good for two very interesting seduction scenes including a very young Juliett Lewis.[Image: Cape_Fear-1991-MSS-MovieQuiz_3208-12.jpg]

Books and movies with masculine leads - TigerMandingo - 12-19-2017

Tony Soprano

Books and movies with masculine leads - bgbusiness - 12-19-2017

Oh man, this thread is for me to answer...
The previous posters seem to be talking about some old stuff that I wouldn't resonate with.

People aren't going to mention the classics?
1. Pursuit of Happiness
- Very emotional, probably my top 3 movie of all time. Based on true story
2. Fight Club
- Nobody mention this?
3. Wall Street / Boiler Room
4. Hitch
5. Spread
- This is about some PUA (Ashton Kutcher) growing up rather than chasing chicks. lol
6. Founder
- About McDonalds
7. Focus
- A lot of psychology, pick up stuff in the movie. Was a thriller for me.
8. Limitless
- Not practical and the story is obviously a fiction, but it highlights a lot of points and shows a beta turning into alpha
9. Social Network
- entrepreneurial

Books and movies with masculine leads - BlackFriar - 12-20-2017

Forest Boundurant-Lawless

Books and movies with masculine leads - Robert Plant - 12-22-2017

Actually a TV show but The Last Kingdom.

Books and movies with masculine leads - Truth Tiger - 12-22-2017

Only Angels Have Wings
The Philadelphia Story
Meet Joe Black
-most films with Cary Grant
-anything directed by Howard Hawks