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Getting Back Into The Game After A Long Break - Abraxas - 09-21-2017

Hey guys,

First post in quite some time. I've dabbled in the seduction community for close to a decade now. Bought Robert Greene's books when I was 17 years old (I'm currently 29, turning 30 at the beginning of next year), and when I was 20 I acquired a copy of The Game and became fascinated with the culture. I've had many successes along the way (initiated sexual relationships with multiple girls through cold approach, have pulled strippers, etc). Most notably, I was absolutely obsessed with this one particular girl from the time I was 21. I am one of the rare cases where I actually ended up hooking up with and entering into a passionate relationship with a girl I had been fixated on for years, but after a year it ended it badly. During my time with her I acted out just about every sexual fantasy I had ever had up to that point in my life. We got back together off and on over the past few years and even as recently as this year we were texting back and forth and hanging out occasionally but I recently cut her off for her good after she flaked on a date 15 minutes before I was to leave to pick her up (she is notorious for this type of bullshit). So I've finally managed to rid myself of that baggage and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. However, with my 30th birthday approaching, I want to make this next decade one to remember. I lost many years to a serious heroin addiction (I didn't shoot up--only snorted--so I don't have any serious diseases or anything like that), but I've finally gotten that part of my life sorted out after an intense struggle.

As you might guess, my game is seriously rusty. I've been brushing up on some materials like Krauser's Daygame Mastery, Julien's PIMP series, and many of the new Love Systems videos with Cajun and Tenmagnet. I just have to start putting this stuff into action. I've been tanning and starting to work out again as my drug use left me looking like an emaciated corpse (I'm a generally decent-looking guy; only 5'8" but I would say I'm like a male 7; not any worse-looking than most of the well-known PUAs). Unfortunately I live in a sort of small area so I'm just wondering where I should start. I'm thinking about trying my hand with daygame at a local outlet mall within walking distance of my house. I just want to start getting laid on the regular with attractive young women. Not really looking for anything serious. Any tips for a guy that is "game-aware" but totally out of practice? I'd like to avoid making a fool out of myself and getting a reputation as a creep but at the same time I understand that rejection is part of the process no matter who you are. As Tyler says, I need to "get this handled" once and for all.

Thanks in advance,


Getting Back Into The Game After A Long Break - TIOT12 - 09-21-2017

If you are that worried about early rejection in your area, why not consider taking a trip to another neighboring city for the weekend and practice there to get your feet wet. You could also set your sights on starting out slow by only approaching girls that are alone instead of sets or ones that give you some type of IOI. Or you could instead work your way up in segments to build your confidence and comfortability. For example, this could be starting by simply giving a few girls compliments and walking away and slowly building up your approaches from there. But this depends really on your personality. Some people like to dip a toe in the water and others like to do a cannonball in the deep end. The key is to just take action and you will feel the high and in a couple of weeks, you will be focusing on different things.

Getting Back Into The Game After A Long Break - fitness2569 - 09-21-2017

Do 10 approaches a week for one month to break of the anxiety and game rust. Then analyze your progress after that. Make sure to apply the things you read daily, that will help them stick. Get out there and start living again bro

Getting Back Into The Game After A Long Break - Chicopicante - 09-22-2017

Yep, just approach approach approach. I am in a similar situation to you, lost some of my best years from smoking too much weed, all day every day. Good luck staying clean, you need your wits about you to fuck bad bitches in 2017.

Getting Back Into The Game After A Long Break - Abraxas - 09-22-2017

Quote: (09-22-2017 03:49 PM)Chicopicante Wrote:  

Good luck staying clean, you need your wits about you to fuck bad bitches in 2017.

No kidding. Fortunately I am confident that I will never touch the stuff again. I've said that before, but I honestly believe if a dealer walked in to my place right now with a kilo of top quality H and offered it to me for free I'd say "no thanks." I've been back and forth with that bullshit sooo many times at this point, and it always ends the same way (it's by the grace of God I'm not dead or in jail). Eventually something just clicked in my brain and I didn't want it anymore. Time to grow up. The type of man that I want to be isn't a heroin addict. It's fascinating the extent to which that shit depletes your testosterone; there were times when my sex drive was nonexistent, for years on end. Looking at a hot girl was like looking at an inanimate object. It was interesting in a way, from a scientific perspective, but I never want to be there again. Now that my body chemistry is back to normal my libido is through the roof and I am more determined than ever to start pulling consistently. I'm going to make damn sure I do some approaches this weekend. I was decent back in the day and I know I can do it again.