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Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Schmerzen - 07-06-2017

I love war movies, and they seem to be one of the few genres not infected with SJWism.

I liked Fury although that was more of a guilty pleasure I guess. I still need to see Hacksaw Ridge.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Paracelsus - 07-06-2017

Not really. That the subject of choice is one of the West's greatest defeats, one of the greatest military fuckups in history, about a wholesale retreat of defeated white men, rescued only by hordes of "ordinary folks" in shitty civilian boats, is telling.

I'm expecting a bunch of female, black, asian, and Muslim captains at the helm of the flotilla that comes to rescue the English troops.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - RIslander - 07-06-2017

Quote: (07-06-2017 08:18 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Not really. That the subject of choice is one of the West's greatest defeats, one of the greatest military fuckups in history, about a wholesale retreat of defeated white men, rescued only by hordes of "ordinary folks" in shitty civilian boats, is telling.

I'm expecting a bunch of female, black, asian, and Muslim captains at the helm of the flotilla that comes to rescue the English troops.

Ads for this film are nonstop on social media and it got a PG-13. You mailed it... Liberal propaganda.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - la bodhisattva - 07-06-2017

You're probably seeing a lot ads because this is a Christopher Nolan film. I've seen all but one (Insterstellar) of his movies and liberal propagandist isn't a term I'd use to describe him or his movies.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Sidney Crosby - 07-06-2017

Looking forward to "American made"

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - MrRoundtree - 07-06-2017

I will go see it because Dunkirk is a fucking awesome city where with the herring carnaval.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - uncledick - 07-06-2017

Christopher Nolan is not a SJW or even a Liberal for that matter. He is quiet about his personal beliefs, but through his movies I can't see anyone other than a person that leans right, with a slight libertarianism edge.

He is remarkable in the modern Hollywood sense as there are few directors like him. Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson and Peter Berg being the only other active conservative leaning directors I can think of (I'll throw Oliver Stone in there for his sometimes clear thinking).

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Captainstabbin - 07-06-2017

Quote: (07-06-2017 08:18 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Not really. That the subject of choice is one of the West's greatest defeats, one of the greatest military fuckups in history, about a wholesale retreat of defeated white men, rescued only by hordes of "ordinary folks" in shitty civilian boats, is telling.

I'm expecting a bunch of female, black, asian, and Muslim captains at the helm of the flotilla that comes to rescue the English troops.

SJWs are actually complaining that the movie isn't diverse enough. They'll always find an angle...another grievance.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - weambulance - 07-06-2017

I think WWII has been beaten to death, into a pulp, a liquid, and then a fricking vapor so all Hollywood is doing now is banging the ground where the corpse of WWII used to be.

So no, I'll not be seeing Dunkirk. I'm sick to fuck of war movies (and books) anyway, but WWII is the most overused subject matter in the history of fiction.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Disco_Volante - 07-06-2017

I'm curious how WWII movies will do with so much of the west being filled with foreigners now, who have no connection to the history the way many kids have grandparents who were involved in those wars in one way or another. Couple that with kids in school being removed from their own history and ancestors I wonder if demand will wane.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - RexImperator - 07-06-2017

I read a scathing letter from a British WW2 vet who said he wished they had let Hitler invade, given the demographic changes imposed on the country.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - weambulance - 07-06-2017

Quote: (07-06-2017 10:18 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

I'm curious how WWII movies will do with so much of the west being filled with foreigners now, who have no connection to the history the way many kids have grandparents who were involved in those wars in one way or another. Couple that with kids in school being removed from their own history and ancestors I wonder if demand will wane.

What, and let the holocaust and the evil Nazis start to fade from public memory? Come on now. Hollywood has values; it's not all about money.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Vicious - 07-06-2017

Given how little known the subject matter is I'm cautiously optimistic towards the movie. In a sense Dunkirk is a military blunder on both Allied and Axis side. The Allied due to the extreme loss of equipment and the Axis because of their inability to properly rout their opponent. Few other situations were as decisive in ending/prolonging the war. The only ones coming to mind are Stalingrad, Kursk and Midway.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Disco_Volante - 07-06-2017

The night before D-Day Hitler had taken sleeping pills so when the invasion started his aides were too afraid to wake him early, so by the time he woke up the allies had already taken beach heads.

I guess there were a huge amount of tank divisions nearby that could've probably stopped the invasion at the beach, but sat idling because Himmler didn't have direct control over them.

Also another commander returned to Germany on June 5th for his wife's birthday because he assumed they wouldn't invade during such shitty weather.

Hitler acted like an NFL owner calling plays in the redzone. So many times he ignored or over-rode the recommendations of his field generals.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Schmerzen - 07-06-2017

Quote: (07-06-2017 10:13 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

I think WWII has been beaten to death, into a pulp, a liquid, and then a fricking vapor so all Hollywood is doing now is banging the ground where the corpse of WWII used to be.

So no, I'll not be seeing Dunkirk. I'm sick to fuck of war movies (and books) anyway, but WWII is the most overused subject matter in the history of fiction.

I'm a huge nerd for WWII so I eat up anything having to do with it.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Captainstabbin - 07-07-2017

Quote: (07-06-2017 11:37 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Hitler acted like an NFL owner calling plays in the redzone. So many times he ignored or over-rode the recommendations of his field generals.

In the beginning he was like Steve Jobs, said some crazy thing he wanted, then let more talented and capable men figure it out.

Truth is, if he'd poured money into research and held off on actual military action for just 2-4 years, he'd have a much better chance of winning. The Nazi's would have had advanced rockets, jet fighters and possibly an atomic bomb from day one.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - puckerman - 07-07-2017

I couldn't care a less. World War Two was a complete and total disaster for the USA. The country gained nothing and lost a whole lot.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - dain_bramage - 07-07-2017

Churchill had to remind the country, in a speech to the House of Commons on 4 June, that "we must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations."[7]

I wonder if the Germans didn't pause they might have broken through and massacred the BEF forces there. The BEF were stuck in a pocket.

The BEF and other forces left behind quite a lot of equipment.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - britchard - 07-07-2017

Quote: (07-06-2017 08:18 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Not really. That the subject of choice is one of the West's greatest defeats, one of the greatest military fuckups in history, about a wholesale retreat of defeated white men, rescued only by hordes of "ordinary folks" in shitty civilian boats, is telling.

I'm expecting a bunch of female, black, asian, and Muslim captains at the helm of the flotilla that comes to rescue the English troops.

Stop with the hysteria. They're obviously not going to spin it in to 'whitey gets defeated' seeing as the conquerors were German, who were all white.

If you bothered to watch the trailers you would see a complete lack of any non-white actors (which would be correct at the time).

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Malone - 07-07-2017

Quote: (07-07-2017 01:09 AM)puckerman Wrote:  

I couldn't care a less. World War Two was a complete and total disaster for the USA. The country gained nothing and lost a whole lot.

If you're not trolling us, please expand.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - Vill@in - 07-07-2017

I will probably see it just because I like War movies and I actually find the propaganda they put in these movies amusing.

I still remember a scene in Saving Private Ryan near the beginning when US forces storm the beaches of Normandy and start using flame throwers on the Nazi gun nests/bunkers. Nazi soldiers are on fire and jumping out of them (obviously), but if you listen real close they are screaming like demons. Not screams of human agony, but almost like a supernatural monster that is in immense pain.

Ahh the subtleties of Jewish propaganda.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - willpill - 07-07-2017

Quote: (07-07-2017 10:11 AM)Vill@in Wrote:  

I will probably see it just because I like War movies and I actually find the propaganda they put in these movies amusing.

I still remember a scene in Saving Private Ryan near the beginning when US forces storm the beaches of Normandy and start using flame throwers on the Nazi gun nests/bunkers. Nazi soldiers are on fire and jumping out of them (obviously), but if you listen real close they are screaming like demons. Not screams of human agony, but almost like a supernatural monster that is in immense pain.

Ahh the subtleties of Jewish propaganda.

Don't shoot let em burn!

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - C-Note - 07-07-2017

I thought I read somewhere that one of the inspirations for the Dunkirk movie was the five-minute long single-take tracking shot in the film The Atonement. I posted it below. WWII movies have gotten much more realistic since Saving Private Ryan set the standard, so I'm hoping this one follows suit.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - RexImperator - 07-07-2017


I still remember a scene in Saving Private Ryan near the beginning when US forces storm the beaches of Normandy and start using flame throwers on the Nazi gun nests/bunkers.

IRL Flamethrowers weren't even used at Normandy.

Also, a lot of the "German" troops there weren't German but Ost-Bataillone.

Anyone looking forward to Dunkirk? - C-Note - 07-07-2017

Quote: (07-07-2017 11:06 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  


I still remember a scene in Saving Private Ryan near the beginning when US forces storm the beaches of Normandy and start using flame throwers on the Nazi gun nests/bunkers.

IRL Flamethrowers weren't even used at Normandy.

Where did you hear that flamethrowers weren't used at Normandy?