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How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - Printable Version

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How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - easternwomenrule - 03-31-2017

A great video by Jad T Jones! I've been gaming as long as Roosh but I still stuff this up at times!

From last week...

How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - General Stalin - 04-01-2017

Didn't watch the videos but rule of thumb is sort of treat them like your kid sister. Don't be a clown for their entertainment; instead tease them like you would a bratty younger sibling. The idea is to make them feel goofy and immature but not in a negative deprecating way. This instills a dynamic that you are the witty, mature, and in control one and she is the silly whimsical girl who ends up trying to prove her worth.

How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - Vitruvius - 07-30-2017

Quote: (04-01-2017 12:31 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Didn't watch the videos but rule of thumb is sort of treat them like your kid sister. Don't be a clown for their entertainment; instead tease them like you would a bratty younger sibling. The idea is to make them feel goofy and immature but not in a negative deprecating way. This instills a dynamic that you are the witty, mature, and in control one and she is the silly whimsical girl who ends up trying to prove her worth.

I wonder if having a younger sister subconsciously helps your game?

But yeah, I try to keep it light and tease them every time a good opportunity comes up.

How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - crdr - 07-30-2017

Master the backhanded compliment.
1.5 cups compliment 2 cups put down.
Not a hard rule. But experiment with the ratio.
Some chicks love a good dig. Some girls you have to be gentle.
But, you need both to shake her soul a bit.
Being too playful will friendzone you without knowing it.

How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - General Stalin - 07-31-2017

Quote: (07-30-2017 08:16 PM)crdr Wrote:  

Master the backhanded compliment.

A lot of dudes mistake the "neg" as straight up insulting a girl and thinking putting them down is going to elevate you make them think you are immune to their good looks or something. The thought process is wrong.

The "neg" us simply a PUA-term for teasing. Teasing being light-hearted friendly jest about a person.

You don't go up to a girl with big ears and be like "Hey their Dumbo, hear any good dog whistles lately?"

Instead you see a girl with a long dress and be like "Nice dress but why is it so short? Have some decency"

A girl spills a drink or drops something "Jeeze can't take you anywhere. You always this smooth?"

You see a girl fumbling with a bunch of cash putting it back in her purse "Did you bring enough for the rest of the class?"

These examples are a little corny but you get the picture. You aren't trying to make her feel bad, just tease her and have fun.

How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - MediumRare - 08-02-2017

Yeah I always think teasing is the best way to describe the right tone rather than negs.

Just always be looking for opportunities to bring some banter into conversations to keep it fun, and wherever possible make it at her expense.

You can't force it though or it be becomes try hard, just get yourself in a teasy, mischievous frame of mind and it comes.

Once you establish this dynamic, girls like it and sometimes start to help you by serving you up more opportunities to tease them.

One example I remember from this weekend when a girl stayed over. Just finished having sex and go to the kitchen naked to get a glass of water.

She follows in naked to get something from her bag and asks if I can make her a glass too.

I grab another glass from the draining board and fill it up.

As I turn around i hold up both glasses in front of her, exaggeratedly studying each for a second before handing her the bigger glass.

She turns and I start follow her out of the kitchen and as we're walking she looks over her shoulder at me and says "Awww babe, did you give me the bigger glass to be kind?"

This was actually the truth but from nowhere I just smirked and said "nah, that one just looked a bit dirtier than mine"

She loved it of course, closing her eyes, grinning wide and shaking her head saying "SUCH a fucking arsehole!!"

But she absolutely served it up for me to smash.

How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - Beyond Borders - 08-03-2017

Have to go against the grain on this one.

It's absolutely not necessary to avoid being "goofy" and "immature" at all costs. Don't become the dreaded dancing monkey on a constant basis, of course, but sometimes letting your guard down, not taking her or yourself too seriously, and not being so self-conscious that you can't act like a goof nails it perfectly.

The casual, cool James Bond type of playfulness is great for keep a woman on her toes and building/maintaining sexual tension, yes; on the other hand, a less serious style of humor is a great way to endear a woman to you and strengthen comfort and rapport, especially if you want to move the relationship beyond the fuck buddy stage.

I personally do both, based on the situation and my/her mood, and the girls have always loved it.

Caveat: I didn't watch the videos.

How To Be Playful With Women WITHOUT Coming Off As Goofy Or Immature - debeguiled - 08-03-2017

Combine the two.

Act goofy and immature.

Then tell her to grow up.