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Can you day game effectively in 10 minutes or less? - Printable Version

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Can you day game effectively in 10 minutes or less? - Thrill Jackson - 03-26-2017

Hello fellow RVFers

I'm studying for a rigorous certification exam and take 10 minute breaks every hour or so.

I usually study in public and I see a number of find girls from time to time. I want to game them but end up running short of time and I can tell I either don't build enough comfort before running GALNUC or I come off as a bit awkward when I'm trying to take a practice quiz and ramble at the same time.

I was thinking about buying Krausers book about direct day game but outside of doing that, what would be the most effective way to direct day game girls in coffee shops in 10 minutes or less?

Can you day game effectively in 10 minutes or less? - pelicanto8888 - 03-26-2017

Below are sources of direct and indirect daygame.
If time is the most challenging hurdle, how about a 20 minute break every 2 hours instead of a 10 minute break every 1 hour?
And if you are really so busy you can only spare 10 minutes then what the hell are you going to do with a phone number or whatever you get as you'll be too busy for a date.



Can you day game effectively in 10 minutes or less? - Thrill Jackson - 03-26-2017

Quote: (03-26-2017 03:49 PM)pelicanto8888 Wrote:  

Below are sources of direct and indirect daygame.
If time is the most challenging hurdle, how about a 20 minute break every 2 hours instead of a 10 minute break every 1 hour?
And if you are really so busy you can only spare 10 minutes then what the hell are you going to do with a phone number or whatever you get as you'll be too busy for a date.



I have studied the way Cal Newport has stated in his straight A book and it has been the most effective for me. A 20 minute break every 2 hours would be inefficient. Also, when I don't workout on Saturday morning I can stay up later on Friday for the date/bang.

Can you day game effectively in 10 minutes or less? - duedue - 03-26-2017

Not exactly for coffee shops but great stuff.

His smoothness makes me sooooooooo envious.