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Them "No Hookups" girls again - XPQ22 - 03-16-2017

I checked in on one of my eDating accounts the other day (I thankfully don't have a need to use the apps much anymore) and noticed this one nice looking yoga chick about my age had randomly hit me up asking if I was still interested in a date. The app log showed I'd had a brief conversation with her the better part of a year ago but it dead-ended and I'd forgotten about it.

Anyway, her profile has the usual "Not into hookups, looking for a connection, possibly soulmate" blah blah. Her pics definitely look like she's hawking her body, not her housewife ability, though.

Usually I pass on these kinds of chicks, but since she seems to be proactively getting in touch with me after such an enormous amount of time I feel I'd be silly not to take a shot.

Anyone with experience want to refresh my memory on how to play these girls who seem to be trying to have it both ways? Beyond the "if she says NO HOOKUPS it means she wants to HOOK UP" catchphrase? There's a good chance she'll flake, but even just for future reference.

Looks like she lives the better part of an hour away which actually helps, really just "hookup distance" honestly. Women who seem openly confused about what they want give me some trepidation - I'm certain to be ejecting if she seems too wackadoo.

Also, girls whose main photo isn't terribly clear and live far away give me the "I'm looking on the DL"-feeling. My profile seems to attract them, that's either good or bad, depending.

Them "No Hookups" girls again - kaotic - 03-16-2017

2 scenarios are in play:

- She literally doesn't want a one night stand since shes been fucked and chucked so many times online.

- It's a shit test that scares pussies away and she'll still fuck "the right guy"

Ignore those tag lines as if they were bullshit, get the number, play the game, assume the sale.

Actions always speak louder than words.

Hoes will always hoe.

Them "No Hookups" girls again - XPQ22 - 03-16-2017

Quote: (03-16-2017 05:16 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

2 scenarios are in play:

- She literally doesn't want a one night stand since shes been fucked and chucked so many times online.

- It's a shit test that scares pussies away and she'll still fuck "the right guy"

Ignore those tag lines as if they were bullshit, get the number, play the game, assume the sale.

Actions always speak louder than words.

Hoes will always hoe.

Thanks. It was almost not worthy of a post, just needed a little encouragement that "game on" was likely the correct answer.

If she comes through on the date but is resistant, I'll know soon enough. If she isn't, well, it must be what she was looking for. Hope she does - if the pics are representative of reality we got a nice wall-dodger on our hands!

Just have to remember not to "hang a lampshade on it" and ask silly questions about "what she's looking for." In general not even mentioning anything girls write in their app profiles at all has been a solid plan. I'm ignorant, I just remembered you seemed cool, we're here, aren't we?

Will report back if anything comes of it...

Them "No Hookups" girls again - kaotic - 03-16-2017

Quote: (03-16-2017 05:29 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Just have to remember not to "hang a lampshade on it" and ask silly questions about "what she's looking for." In general not even mentioning anything girls write in their app profiles at all has been a solid plan. I'm ignorant, I just remembered you seemed cool, we're here, aren't we?

Will report back if anything comes of it...

Avoid questions like these as much as you can. If a girl ever asks "what I'm looking for"

I straight up say, "Nothing."

Followed by, "I have 0 expectations of anyone until I meet them in person and get to know them"

If they ask in person:

"I'm not looking for anything until I get to know you a bit better and see how we vibe, besides, who likes to over analyze every little thing, you miss living in the moment"

Just play comfort game, escalate, and try and close.

You won't always win the first night, just make sure there's a round 2.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard:

"We're not having sex"
"I'm on my period"
"No Hook Ups"
"Looking for a relationship"

I ended up balls deep in all of them.

Them "No Hookups" girls again - General Stalin - 03-16-2017

Kaotic's interpretations and experiences (and comfort lines) 100% mirror mine. I have nothing to add other than more affirmation of the above analysis.

Them "No Hookups" girls again - RatInTheWoods - 03-17-2017

If her value in comparison with yours is higher, it's worth playing the "three date Kate game" to get the bang and evaluate from there.

High quality pussy is worth the work.

Just don't let her string you past three dates and friendzone/chump you.

Them "No Hookups" girls again - Vill@in - 03-17-2017

Yeah I wouldn't pay much attention to the "No Hookups" line. Think of it as a sort of online ASD tool.

Not to mention she hit you up.

I bet you bang her.