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Where would you go under these circumstances? - Gilly - 09-24-2016

I'm looking to hear some ideas / perspectives on what some of you guys would do if you were in my position, to help me formulate a plan of what to do these next few months. I just got out of an LTR with a hot Peruvian girl (spent 1.5 years or so there). I see this as an opportunity to do some things I wouldn't have been able to otherwise. I'm in Canada currently and have the means to go pretty much anywhere.

Some info about me:

Age: 23
Appearance: 5'10, 180 lbs Average to slightly above average looks, not fat but not in the greatest shape
Game Level: Beginner, I have 15~ notches but am also quite picky and have leaned towards forming short / long term relationships as opposed to one night stands. Most of my lays have been girls I've met on Tinder in Peru and would like to incorporate more day / night game.
Bankroll: High income through my online business ($200K+ per year last couple years in a row). Budget would be relatively modest comparatively as I like to save when I can. But $5k a month can easily budget towards this.

Overall, I'm looking at heading to a new place I've never been, and go from place to place as long as I choose to. Not Peru, as I've spent more than enough time there. I've always been majorly into latinas, so I'm leaning towards something like Bogota to start off, but would be open to other ideas. Who knows, I could end up in Asia and catch the yellow fever as I've read on here. Would just like to hear what you guys think, what you would do under my circumstances.

Also, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I haven't posted much (despite recommendations from some forum members) about my time in Peru, as a lot of info is already on the forum, and given my modest success game wise don't know how useful it would be.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Valentine - 09-24-2016

I'd go to Thailand for at least 6 months and get a ton of notches under my belt, for fun and sexual experience. Also enjoy a ton of scubadiving and rock climbing.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Pokerbaby - 09-25-2016

Poland or the Ukraine easily. Unless you don't like tall, fit white women.

Interestingly, some Polish women, I'd say about 10% look Spanish with dark features.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - erikak - 09-25-2016

23, making 200k online? I thought I was cool making 150k online at 34.

Try China.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - ponzored - 09-25-2016

That's a huge amount of cash. Which languages do you speak? Which passports/visas do you have access to?

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Dantes - 09-25-2016

23 and making 200k with Location Independence. You should put out a data sheet on how you achieved this at such a young age.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Gilly - 09-25-2016

Responding from phone so bare with me.

Canadian passport, I speak Spanish only, and as mentioned have a strong preference to Latinas. I really think I need to spend some time in South America first, and maybe sweep through Asia afterwards and/or EE afterwards.

Canadian passport, and I started an online business when I was 18 as more of a hobby not expecting to have such success. However spending tonnes of time on something coupled with a bit of luck has lead to me now being in the fortunate position I'm in today.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Gilly - 09-26-2016

Update: Going to start out with Bogota and work my way from there.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Vancity29 - 09-26-2016

Bogota is cool. Id reccomend Medellin myself just based off weather. With that kind of cash you will probably never leave Medellin. I know I wouldn't... Id buy a penthouse in Poblado. You would kill it. I would love to hear more info on your business.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Designate - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-25-2016 06:39 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

23 and making 200k with Location Independence. You should put out a data sheet on how you achieved this at such a young age.

I have known Gilly for some time now and can say with certainty he's not just big baller trolling here for the fuck of it. Walks the walk with regard to his lifestyle. Would recommend meeting him.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Off The Reservation - 09-26-2016


I would take a different approach to decide.

Whatever it is you are doing online there must be some component of it related to some country, or some aspect of it you can explore elsewhere e.g. if you are selling goods made in vietnam you should go there to visit factories in person, and stay on some impressive resort while doing so.

Imo, if you add the goal of growing your business or looking at new opportunities this could pay back tenfold and the trip can obviously still get you some new girls.

Rather than take for granted your success as partially due to luck, take drastic steps to grow and secure it now. If isn't growing or you aren't innovating it may flatten then drop off. Then all you may have to show for these next few months is a vacation to Bogota.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Gilly - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 10:37 AM)Vancity29 Wrote:  

Bogota is cool. Id reccomend Medellin myself just based off weather. With that kind of cash you will probably never leave Medellin. I know I wouldn't... Id buy a penthouse in Poblado. You would kill it. I would love to hear more info on your business.

I was in Medellin, was only there for a few days though. I was only solo there for a few days and I managed to get a couple dates with a couple hot girls (7.5-8+ I'd say). I didn't have enough time to escalate it much further. Actually nearly banged the 19 year old maid of my apartment who was a 7.5-8 IMO but I fell asleep while she was in the washroom. I could consider going to Medellin after Bogota perhaps.

Probably wouldn't buy a apartment in Poblado though anytime soon, I prefer to invest my money in other things like stocks, and actually just recently bought a house in Canada.

@Off the Reservation

Business is 100% online, no real affiliation to any country besides being registered in Canada, and I've saved a lot of money, work hard during the day, etc which would be the case wherever I go. My two best years were 2014 and 2015 (until now) out of my last 5 where I spent all my time in Peru.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Unchained - 09-26-2016

If I were you I'd go to Mexico City or Medellin

Where would you go under these circumstances? - BrewDog - 09-26-2016

If I had the ability to make 200 grand from anywhere in the world, I'd go see all of it. I see many people like this staying at hostels. There will be some dude that "works" like one hour a day online and then he just gets to fuck off the rest of the time. Permanent vacation.

Dude, you're young and can see it all with those resources. But Colombia is a great start. I've been all over and you can't beat Colombia for a fabulous time. Everyone has their own personal paradise, and Colombia is mine.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Unchained - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 05:33 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

If I had the ability to make 200 grand from anywhere in the world, I'd go see all of it. I see many people like this staying at hostels. There will be some dude that "works" like one hour a day online and then he just gets to fuck off the rest of the time. Permanent vacation.

Dude, you're young and can see it all with those resources. But Colombia is a great start. I've been all over and you can't beat Colombia for a fabulous time. Everyone has their own personal paradise, and Colombia is mine.

What makes Colombia so good? Is it simply the sheer number/ratio of beautiful women? I can see how if every girl is an 8+ how it would skew the dating market in men's favor.

Also isn't Colombia's popularity going to ruin how good it is?

Where would you go under these circumstances? - BrewDog - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 05:57 PM)Unchained Wrote:  

What makes Colombia so good? Is it simply the sheer number/ratio of beautiful women? I can see how if every girl is an 8+ how it would skew the dating market in men's favor.

Also isn't Colombia's popularity going to ruin how good it is?
I'm sure that the influx of gringos will surely ruin it like gringos have ruined Costa Rica.

But Colombia is the most beautiful shit I've ever seen. Even if the women were 3's, I'd still want to live there. But having great girls surely makes it even better. [Image: smile.gif]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRN5VpoL314UpMAh_K-uPF...jSO7zpZqEw]

[Image: guatape.jpg]

Sometimes I watch this video just to see this chick. She could pass for Colombian.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Travesty - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 06:21 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Even if the women were 3's, I'd still want to live there.

Well with enough beer they could make it to 6's for you anyways right?

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Tweezy - 09-26-2016

Incredible set up man. Props.

If I was you I would do a world tour tbt.

Start in Mexico and work my way down CA and SA. Then head out to SEA.

Spending 2 weeks or more in each country.

If you wanted to just stay in one place, can't beat Medellin. Women and weather.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - BrewDog - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 06:27 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 06:21 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Even if the women were 3's, I'd still want to live there.

Well with enough beer they could make it to 6's for you anyways right?
No, with enough beer, then the ones turn into threes.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Merenguero - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 05:57 PM)Unchained Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 05:33 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

If I had the ability to make 200 grand from anywhere in the world, I'd go see all of it. I see many people like this staying at hostels. There will be some dude that "works" like one hour a day online and then he just gets to fuck off the rest of the time. Permanent vacation.

Dude, you're young and can see it all with those resources. But Colombia is a great start. I've been all over and you can't beat Colombia for a fabulous time. Everyone has their own personal paradise, and Colombia is mine.

What makes Colombia so good? Is it simply the sheer number/ratio of beautiful women? I can see how if every girl is an 8+ how it would skew the dating market in men's favor.

Also isn't Colombia's popularity going to ruin how good it is?

Colombia is a big country, the vast majority of which gets few, if any tourists. Most of the tourists stick to Cartagena, Bogota, and parts of Medellin, in that order. It won't be ruined anytime soon, if it is ever ruined. Quality there isn't that great, despite guys both on and off the forum constantly raving about what knockouts the girls there are. Again, in a total of four weeks in Colombia, I saw one girl who would be in the top 1% worldwide.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Gilly - 09-26-2016

I really did like Medellin so maybe I will situate myself there after Bogota. I kind of like the cooler weather so I just want to see what bogota has to offer. World tour is definitely on my to do list, just think I would like to get a few Colombian notches beforehand. Just bought a suit today and am planning to get rid of most of my clothes (maybe keep like 4-5 of my favourite sets) and I will be off hopefully next week.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - BrewDog - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 06:40 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

.Quality there isn't that great, despite guys both on and off the forum constantly raving about what knockouts the girls there are. Again, in a total of four weeks in Colombia, I saw one girl who would be in the top 1% worldwide.
When you live in the States, a Colombian 5 is an American 7. Maybe the Colombians can't match up with Eastern Europe, but they're still pretty badass.

I'd post a couple of nice Colombian 7's that I dated, but I think it's not allowed here. And a Colombian 7 is an American 12.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Merenguero - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 07:06 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 06:40 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

.Quality there isn't that great, despite guys both on and off the forum constantly raving about what knockouts the girls there are. Again, in a total of four weeks in Colombia, I saw one girl who would be in the top 1% worldwide.
When you live in the States, a Colombian 5 is an American 7. Maybe the Colombians can't match up with Eastern Europe, but they're still pretty badass.

I don't know. A few years ago I was banging this girl there who local guys were constantly telling me was a knockout and kept asking me where I met her. For me, she wasn't great at all and I even think that her sister looked better than her. Maybe my tastes are a little off. Or maybe not.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - Suits - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 06:27 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 06:21 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Even if the women were 3's, I'd still want to live there.

Well with enough beer they could make it to 6's for you anyways right?

The beer I drink is better than banging a 6.

Where would you go under these circumstances? - BrewDog - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 07:27 PM)Suits Wrote:  

The beer I drink is better than banging a 6.
The beer I drink is slightly better than drinking piss from a boot.