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Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - philosophical_recovery - 09-09-2016

Cerno link below. I'm not pulling the full text here as I encourage reading on fellow member's site for the entire post. Just leaving some interesting tidbits.

Fox News Analyst and Clinton Operative, Douglas E. Schoen, Accepted Millions of Dollars to Agitate for War with Russia


In a remarkable conflict-of-interest, Fox News analyst and former Clinton operative Douglas E. Schoen has failed to disclosed to readers that he’s been paid millions of dollars from Ukrainian agents to incite a war between the United States and Russia. Before inciting war with Russia, Schoen worked for Bill Clinton and brokered meeting (for $40,000 a month) between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire oligarchs.

This shocking story reveals an entangled web of foreign money, propaganda, and a complete lack of ethics and transparency at Fox News.

Douglas E. Schoen has been paid millions of dollars by Victor Pinchuk, Ukranian oligarch, former member of Ukrainian parliament, and George Soros confederate.

Quote:Schoen Wrote:

Putin has a clear strategy that has propelled him to military victory in Crimea, and he holds strong positions in Syria and Ukraine. He is on a mission to advance Russian interests around the world and reestablish Russia as a global superpower. We are doing nothing to stop him, and our politicians have no serious plan for the future.

Douglas E. Schoen has served as a pollster for President Bill Clinton. He has more than 30 years experience as a pollster and political consultant. He is also a Fox News contributor and co-host of “Fox News Insiders” Sundays on Fox News Channel at 7 pm ET. He is the author of 12 books. His latest is “The Nixon Effect: How Richard Nixon’s Presidency Fundamentally Changed American Politics” (Encounter Books, February 2016). Follow Doug on Twitter @DouglasESchoen.

Quote:Cernovich Wrote:

Foreign money controls U.S. media.
Even Fox News is on the take.

Until Fox News and all media outlets require their guests to disclose financial conflicts of interest, you must assume everything you read or hear was bought and paid for.

The mainstream media is dead. There are almost no real journalists left. Even analysts at Fox News are nothing more than paid mouth pieces of oligarchs and billionaires.

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - komatiite - 09-10-2016

I am pretty shocked that Peter Schweizer never wrote about Victor Pinkchuk in Clinton Cash, he has donated gigantic sums of money into the Clinton Foundation. I looked around online and The Weekly Standard said he has donated up to 29 Million! He has a company in Ukraine called Interpipe which has its paws in steel milling all sorts of products that are critical in the oil and gas industry, ranging from OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) which includes tubing, casing and drill pipe to get that oil out of the ground, to pipeline steel and railway wheels, to get the product to market.

Interpipe has been involved in two pretty big scandals. The first was discovered in early 2014 as seen in the NYT article in Mike's column:
[Image: GTh4taN.jpg]
Interpipe was selling OCTG in the States at a price lower than market value, undercutting the American mills. That NYT article is very illuminating, good journalism there (surprising for them!).

The second scandal was unearthed by Newsweek, wherein Pinchuk was directly dealing with Iran while sanctions existed, as follows


Enemies of Hillary Clinton waiting to discredit her bid for the White House are likely to seize on news that one of the biggest benefactors to the Clinton Foundation has been trading with Iran and may be in breach of US sanctions imposed on the country.

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine. Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

The fourth richest man in Ukraine, Pinchuk owns Interpipe Group, a Cyprus-incorporated manufacturer of seamless pipes used in oil and gas sectors.

Newsweek has seen declarations and documents from Ukraine that show a series of shipments from Interpipe to Iran in 2011 and 2012, including railway parts and products commonly used in the oil and gas sectors.

Among a number of high-value invoices for products related to rail or oil and gas, one shipment for $1.8m (1.7m) in May 2012 was for “seamless hot-worked steel pipes for pipelines” and destined for a city near the Caspian Sea.

Both the rail and oil and gas sectors are sanctioned by the US, which specifically prohibits any single invoice to the Iranian petrochemical industry worth more than $1m.

However, US sanctions laws are complex and, in certain areas, ill-defined.

Interpipe may qualify for penalties due to the mere presence on American soil of North American Interpipe Inc, its United States subsidiary.

The US authorities can also penalise non-American companies with no base in the US at all which it judges to be working counter to its foreign policy, as happened to Zhuhai Zhenrong, a Chinese oil company, in 2012. Being denied access to US markets and the US banking system could prove catastrophic to Interpipe, given that accountancy giant Ernst & Young has raised questions over its viability.

The person in charge of this list of non-US companies is the Secretary of State, who between 2009 to 2013 – the period during which Pinchuk’s company was trading with Iran – was Hillary Clinton.

In November 2014, the now-retired Republican congressman, Steve Stockman, wrote to the US Department of the Treasury, questioning Interpipe’s dealings with Iran.

Newsweek has seen a copy of that letter, in which Stockman refers to a “body of evidence” detailing “exports from Interpipe to Iranian entities” that “may have contravened US sanctions to Iran”.

Pinchuk is considered to be one of the world’s foremost collectors of contemporary art. He counts Sir Elton John and Bill Clinton among his close friends and the Ukrainian owns a house in central London, which he bought for a record-breaking £80m.

Pinchuk became particularly friendly with Bill Clinton. In 2010, he invited the former president to his 50th birthday party in the French ski resort of Courchevel. In return, Pinchuk attended Clinton’s 65th in 2011, and was a guest at the inauguration of Clinton’s Presidential Library. The Clintons spoke at Pinchuk’s Yalta European Strategy conference, which seeks integration between Ukraine and Europe.

Both Interpipe and the office of Victor Pinchuk deny violating the regime of sanctions placed on Iran.


Surprisingly, Pinchuk faced ZERO consequences for these actions. The reason obviously is that Hillary was the SOS during the scandals (although the Commerce department opted not to penalize Interpipe in mid 2014, the product dumping happened during Hillary's reign as SOS up to 2013). And yes, Mike is right, Pinchuk is a close friend of George Soros, working hard to 'democratize' Ukraine. It just shows that if people like Soros and Clinton are enabling the shady business practices of people like Pinchuk in the oil industry, they clearly don't give a damn at all about Global Warming, only exerting as much control over the American side of this industry by crippling it economically. Just like how Obama lifted the sanctions on Iran and is enabling the 'blockade' of the North Dakota pipeline on that 'Burial Ground' those Native Americans happened to discover a week ago -- all a ploy to keep the US industry down and promote Middle Eastern oil. Quite the rabbit hole here...

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - komatiite - 09-20-2016

Update -

[Image: b4wtxIW.jpg]

Very cool! Hope Mike takes up Hannity's offer to come on!

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - El Chinito loco - 09-20-2016

Quote: (09-20-2016 12:08 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Update -

[Image: b4wtxIW.jpg]

Very cool! Hope Mike takes up Hannity's offer to come on!

Big question as to whether or not Hannity will make good on that if Mike shows up. I'm guessing Hannity is making such a bold challenge because he's hedging his bets on Mike not showing up.

There's a broad media blacklist on Mike for rustling too many globalist jimmies. Hannity might be able to create an exception there for him to show up but it still seems doubtful.

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - Phoenix - 09-20-2016

^ Fuck all that.

The real question is whether or not DangerAndPlay will graciously accept Mr Sean Hannity's request for a consultation with their CEO.

This reverence to mainstream programs and news shows has to be fought tooth and nail. There should be no excitement about a manosphere figure, including Roosh, going on a mainstream TV show. That reverence empowers the enemy. The free internet is helping kill the mainstream media, and if anything manosphere figures should only appear in the enemy's court under the strictest of scrutiny.

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - komatiite - 09-20-2016

Phoenix I don't see anything wrong with posting that interesting Tweet by Hannity. Hannity is totally in the tank for Trump and will do absolutely anything to see him elected. Other than Lou Dobbs, I can't think of any mainstream media personalities who are fighting so hard for Trump. Did you read Cernovich's blog post where he has that doctor give a diagnosis of Hillary?
Here is the post:
I mentioned this in a prior post here on RVF but I listen to Hannity on the radio all the time and I shared recently:
So Hannity is going mainstream with Cernovich's work by sharing his physician's analysis with his millions of listeners.

I don't see the problem with Hannity offering Mike a chance to come on his show, he may as well put a face to the name of all the work he has been broadcasting to his viewers thus far. Like it or not Hannity has some crazy reach, he is on radio 3 hours a day plus has a FOX primetime show, he is the most powerful pro-Trump voice out there and is shockingly open-minded for fresh perspectives (see Julian Assange interview two weeks ago). Mike's work will often only be credited by Gateway Pundit and very infrequent links on Drudge, I think this is fantastic to see one of the biggest pro-Trump voices getting the recognition to give his take on Hannity's show, it's a great way to expose his work to less internet-literate people who don't follow the Twitter action on a daily basis...

We will see how it unfolds...

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - Gmac - 09-21-2016

Quote: (09-20-2016 01:36 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Phoenix I don't see anything wrong with posting that interesting Tweet by Hannity. Hannity is totally in the tank for Trump and will do absolutely anything to see him elected. Other than Lou Dobbs, I can't think of any mainstream media personalities who are fighting so hard for Trump. Did you read Cernovich's blog post where he has that doctor give a diagnosis of Hillary?
Here is the post:
I mentioned this in a prior post here on RVF but I listen to Hannity on the radio all the time and I shared recently:
So Hannity is going mainstream with Cernovich's work by sharing his physician's analysis with his millions of listeners.

I don't see the problem with Hannity offering Mike a chance to come on his show, he may as well put a face to the name of all the work he has been broadcasting to his viewers thus far. Like it or not Hannity has some crazy reach, he is on radio 3 hours a day plus has a FOX primetime show, he is the most powerful pro-Trump voice out there and is shockingly open-minded for fresh perspectives (see Julian Assange interview two weeks ago). Mike's work will often only be credited by Gateway Pundit and very infrequent links on Drudge, I think this is fantastic to see one of the biggest pro-Trump voices getting the recognition to give his take on Hannity's show, it's a great way to expose his work to less internet-literate people who don't follow the Twitter action on a daily basis...

We will see how it unfolds...

This 1000%. Do it Mike.

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - komatiite - 09-22-2016

I don't see this in the MSM but it relates to the theme of Mike's Schoen piece where the US is enabling aggression against the Russians. Not sure where else to post it, doesn't really relate to Trump or Clinton, and probably doesn't require a new thread. Interesting nonetheless:


U.S. House Approves Lethal Weaponry For Ukraine

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. House of Representatives has backed legislation that calls for supplying Ukraine with lethal weaponry in its fight against Russia and separatists in the eastern Donbas region.

Тhe bill, which passed unanimously on a voice vote on September 21, is the latest effort by Ukraine's staunchest supporters in Washington to bolster its military forces.

Kyiv has repeatedly requested from Washington more advanced weaponry -- such as Javelin antitank missiles -- to aid its fight against separatists.

But President Barack Obama's administration has resisted, fearing it would escalate the fighting.

Instead, the administration has limited its supplies to things like flak jackets, night-vision goggles, and radar that helps locate where mortars are fired from.

The legislation, which goes to the U.S. Senate for consideration, also aims to increase funding to counter Russian propaganda.

This is the bill from Congress: (From Sept 14)

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - Samseau - 09-23-2016


Not sure where else to post it

Politics lounge is a good place for random stuff like this.

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - komatiite - 10-30-2016

Been keeping an eye on schoen ever since Mike made that blog post, still a frequent guest on Hannity. Maybe Hannity saw a bit of hope in him. He is! Still not voting Trump but he has DISAVOWED the WITCH

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - weambulance - 10-30-2016

Huh. Two days ago Schoen was on Hannity howling about how he wants Hillary to win, even after the FBI announcement.

He says he's known the Clintons since 1994. Knowing how twisted and corrupt they are, how could he possibly be their friend and supporter for so long anyway? It boggles the mind.

Cernovich calls out Fox News Analyst for accepting $$$ from foreign entities - komatiite - 10-30-2016

Well as Mike pointed out he has been making the big bucks as the intermediary between Pinchuk and the Clinton Crime Cartel so was probably compensated enough to look the other way. Perhaps his Globalist masters see the writing on the wall and have instructed him to start making amends to Trump indirectly? Who knows. These people are fucked in the head, completely soulless