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Sexodus:Millenial men have less sex than ever.Millenial women have more sex than ever - Printable Version

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Sexodus:Millenial men have less sex than ever.Millenial women have more sex than ever - seniol - 08-08-2016

A new study has revealed that despite the hookup culture created by Tinder et al, young people are actually having less sex than the generation before them. A quick google search reveals journalists desperate to explain this phenomena in a politically correct manner.

The journalists blame various factors: they say we're too busy, they say it's because we're living at home, they say we're more aware of the dangers of STDs.

I looked through all of these, seeking the elephant in the room. None of them used the "f" word. Page searches for "feminism" returned zero results.

Which brings us to the amusing truth. Milo Yiannopolous, always ahead of everyone else, predicted and explained this sexual exodus years ago.

The truth of the matter is incredibly simple. Feminism has ruined the Western woman.

Tumblr, the blogosphere, and the MSM tell men that in order to win a woman's affections, you must become a goony beta weenie with no self respect who does everything that women tells him to do. This creates a short supply of good men.

Meanwhile, these same sources tell women that men are a bunch of animals who want to savagely beat them and rape them.

Bitter older women past the wall rant about how men are the enemy who must be hated, creating an anti-male circlejerk.

In order to conform to the groupthink, as women so often do, younger women pile on and agree to their man-hating sentiments.

In solidarity with their unfuckable foremothers, they cut their hair short, get fat, and become equally unfuckable, somehow convincing themselves that this is what they "want." This flies in the face of what women really want - to be protected and nurtured in the company of high-quality men.

Meanwhile, feminism has ruined things on the other side of the aisle, too. Men are looking at the product of this cultural virus and saying "yeah, these people aren't worth fucking," and sticking to their porn and video games.

A simple cost/benefit analysis of the dating market reveals a whole lot of the former, significantly overshadowing the latter. Maybe you'll really hit the anti-lottery and get a false rape claim and have your life ruined.

Maybe you'll play the long retard game, get married, and lose everything in a divorce. Or, even on a smaller scale, maybe you'll just discover that these fucking cunts aren't any fun to be around.

The result of this loser's game is that lots of desperate young people are ending up alone. Men become unfuckable beta weenies. Women become unfuckable, neurotic cunts. Everyone loses.

TL;DR: Millennials are fucking less. Feminism is to blame. Don't be a beta weenie. Don't surrender your life to a neurotic cunt who doesn't appreciate you.

Edited for clarity, taken from
(written by gekkozorz, TRP endorsed contributor)

Sexodus:Millenial men have less sex than ever.Millenial women have more sex than ever - The Beast1 - 08-08-2016



Sexodus:Millenial men have less sex than ever.Millenial women have more sex than ever - seniol - 08-08-2016

This thread is based 6 different articles with proofs.

The thread you pasted has just 1 article, and it is from February.

I thought posting in a thread that is half a year old is called "gravedigging" and is against rules?

Sexodus:Millenial men have less sex than ever.Millenial women have more sex than ever - The Beast1 - 08-08-2016

1. In American we sort our dates by MM-DD-YYYY. That thread was opened on august 2nd. Change your CP settings to match the date to the goofy euro way of doing things.

2. Even if you wrote a master's thesis with 100 different citations and made it 50,000 words in length, it should still go in the already opened thread.

3. Contrary to what other forums do, grave digging is encouraged here. It's also apart of the forum rules:

3. Use the forum search engines before posting. Don't be lazy--poke around first before you start a new thread.


Any other questions?

Sexodus:Millenial men have less sex than ever.Millenial women have more sex than ever - General Stalin - 08-08-2016

To expand on Beast's perfect explanation, we highly encourage reviving old threads here because unlike many other message boards, RvF has untold amounts of pure gold content in tons of topics dating back years and years that often get forgotten about. We don't sticky them because then the first several pages of each forum would just be stickied topics. Instead we encourage reviving them so we can re-read and add to the content and so newbies can learn from it.

Sexodus:Millenial men have less sex than ever.Millenial women have more sex than ever - seniol - 08-08-2016

Ok, understood, thank you