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If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Rush87 - 04-23-2016

Allow me to preface:

For the past year I have been seeing an attractive Polish girl [Non exclusive on my part], who cooks, cleans, has no social media presence, a great personality, is eight years my junior and was a virgin prior to meeting me…

Despite this, and despite the fact that this just might be the only unicorn that I ever encounter… I am going to break her heart and I am going to move on to the next girl, which brings me to the topic at hand…

People like me [And I presume many others] discuss and complain about the decline of the female population and justifiably so… But what happens when we meet a girl, who, by all objective standards fits the bill? What happens when we discard the very girl we aspire to meet?

Personally, this is a topic which has had me conflicted to my core. I talk the talk, but in this scenario I most definitely won't be living up to my end of the bargain and walking the walk. So I open it up to the forum… If you were to meet your unicorn, what would you do?

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - lovejoy - 04-23-2016

Depends where you are in your life, in most cases you won't realize you have met one until well after the fact, or even be ready to lock one down...Sadly they don't stay that way, menopause often changes them physically and mentally into someone you know longer recognize....I met mine at 32, she was 21, for two years I made her jump through every hoop I could think of and she passed them all. I married her, had a great marriage that lasted 24 years and had two great kids.... Boom... at 44 she hits menopause and goes "Eat Pray Love".

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Selembao - 04-23-2016

I once met my unicorn when I had no game and I learned a lot from that experience.

Most important: It's okay to let her know you're serious about her, but DO NOT put her on a pedestal. Also, no matter how broke she is, don't give her money.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - BassPlayaYo - 04-23-2016

Isn't the whole concept of a "unicorn" all about putting a woman on a pedestal?

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - El Chinito loco - 04-23-2016

I'm not afraid to admit that i'd marry a girl that qualifies as a true unicorn. That's why unicorns are so rare since i've never actually met one before. A true unicorn in my opinon also has a personality to fit that criteria. She's good wife material, period.. guys talking about pedestal and all that probably met a girl who fits the superficial criteria (virgin, good family, ok personality) but was honestly lacking in moral integrity or other factors. If you feel wary or have to constantly game a bitch to keep her in check then she's not a unicorn in my opinon. A true unicorn is someone who really does fit your personal criteria and complements your personality to a T and somehow adds value to your life..

I think it's a big mistake to look at all aspects of marriage as negative or just plowing endless fields of pussy as the end all be all. There's definitely more to it than that

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - muscless - 04-23-2016

I would stick with the unicorn cause its very hard to find another. If you don't want to marry and have kids, break it off tho. Just don't bring her back to the west.

You could always keep her around and bang other bitches.

If you ask me banging bitches is fun just like partying but in the long term it means nothing.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - R_Niko - 04-23-2016

Quote: (04-23-2016 08:50 AM)lovejoy Wrote:  

Depends where you are in your life, in most cases you won't realize you have met one until well after the fact, or even be ready to lock one down...Sadly they don't stay that way, menopause often changes them physically and mentally into someone you know longer recognize....I met mine at 32, she was 21, for two years I made her jump through every hoop I could think of and she passed them all. I married her, had a great marriage that lasted 24 years and had two great kids.... Boom... at 44 she hits menopause and goes "Eat Pray Love".

menopause at 44? Goddamn, that's rough. One more reason to never marry, although since you got her at 21 I figure it was still worth it.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - General Stalin - 04-23-2016

Likely marry her and put babies inside of her.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Phoenix - 04-23-2016

Quote: (04-23-2016 08:24 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

People like me [And I presume many others] discuss and complain about the decline of the female population and justifiably so… But what happens when we meet a girl, who, by all objective standards fits the bill? What happens when we discard the very girl we aspire to meet?

Maybe don't. Maybe let it be and focus on something else.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Sidney Crosby - 04-23-2016

Sounds like you should impregnate her.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - johnbozzz - 04-23-2016

I met my unicorn once. Trust me, all girls have flaws. All of them.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Oz. - 04-23-2016

[Image: dont-scream.png?1307684399]

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - ryanf - 04-23-2016


If you met your unicorn what would you do?

I haven't, nor have you, so don't worry about it.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - SirTimothy - 04-23-2016

I'd marry her and have kids. I mean a unicorn is a perfect girl, who would always keep herself looking good, never divorce, always stay loyal, cook and clean, believes what you believe, supports what you do, etc. Only problem is that theory is many times not like real life, and no one is perfect.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - frenchcorporation - 04-23-2016

[Image: giphy.gif]

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - TheOllam - 04-23-2016

Unicorns IRL are Rhinos

[Image: unicorns.jpg]

Get married, get her pregnant, and deal with all the unintended consequences that come with modern marriage today. In the west it's systemic, institutionalized failure with a 50% divorce rate, and 99% misery rate.

From the other side of the table, you too will also be a huge disappointment to her at some point in the future no matter how awesome and alpha you are.

On the Upside, you will regret either marrying her or not marrying her so at least you break even there. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Anabasis to Desta - 04-23-2016

I don't think a year is a long enough time frame to be able to judge a woman's character. Atleast not the an extent where you can tag her as marriage material and a unicorn. Have you been through tough times together? Has she stuck with you when it would have made perfect sense for her not to?

If you deem her to be of good moral character and consider her your unicorn why not keep her around as your main girl and sneak out for a ONS every once in while until you either put a ring on it or decide she's not meant to be your wife.

Whatever you do, please don't break her heart. You'll just end up ruining her for another guy who's actually serious about getting married & having kids.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Brian Shima - 04-23-2016

Fuck her til the wheels fall off..but I get bored after a few weeks with girls that I like. [Image: wink.gif]

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Dantes - 04-23-2016

Those of us who had the fortune of having a good mother who fostered a loving relationship with our father will ultimately be disappointed in our current times with the notion of a unicorn. They don't exist and believing in such a fallacy only sets up us for a headache. However, there are a few good, feminine and nurturing women out there. Having many years of experience in Game, if I found such a woman, I would have to have some strong reasons as to considering the termination of such a relationship.

You should state your reasons for such a consideration. Also, how hot is she?

I have still only met a handful of men who have broken up with a woman that meets your description when they are in the 8 plus range.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - DamienCasanova - 04-23-2016

Fuck her right in the pussy

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Tactician - 04-23-2016

Spend a year checking if she's really a unicorn.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - philosophical_recovery - 04-23-2016

I've met my unicorn multiple times.

Each time, it was a different girl.

After I snapped out of it, I realized how mistaken I was. Sometimes, I don't fall for the same tricks and avoid the same red flags, but other times I do. Pussy does that to you some times.

If I met an agreeable girl that cooked for me and did all the things you are saying, I am not going to lie, I would probably be getting pretty careless with rawdogging, pulling out in time, and would probably end up knocking her up by "accident". Is there risk? Yes. I am convinced that I could deal with it.

But I'm not you and you're not me. I don't recommend necessarily having kids with her. Are you experiencing buyer's remorse already? I've felt that many times.

But you took her virginity. Your risk is very low. The times that's happened to me I had a girl that was loyal to the end, until I really did break their hearts. I'm just glad that the first one I remember seems to have kept a level head, married well, and never contacted me again.

Other "unicorns" I've met, that were "virgins" or not, ALWAYS attempted to contact me again after they got hitched, even after they squirted out babies with the other man. To that end, I've come to strongly value loyal virgin girls. You can never tell what will really make an alpha widow. It could be one dick, one time only.

Proceed with caution, but don't worship her.

Figure out if the life you could lead with her makes sense.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - LongDongSilver - 04-23-2016

I would mount it.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Cobra - 04-23-2016

Do you think there is even a possibility, however remote OP, that she is NOT a unicorn but rather that you have oneitis?

I have met way too many girls who I thought were unicorns only to find out later that it was my own perception that caused them to appear as such rather than pure reality.

My humble advice is to reconcile the two, however difficult it may be. From the sounds of it, it will not be easy.

If you met your unicorn what would you do? - Easy_C - 04-23-2016

Married one. The catch is, that the previous poster's advice was spot on. You have to NOT pedestalize them at all...and you won't know for sure unless it's a "slow burn" relationship rather than a "love at first sight" relationship.

Just take your time, treat her well, and make sure that you're evaluating her holistically. Every girl is going to have something about her that you dislike. The question is if it's something that will get in the way of having a great household.

My advice? Keep getting to know her better and ask yourself very critically "how good of a mother is this girl going to be?" That's your answer.