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The cannibalism of the Left - R_Niko - 04-16-2016

The thread on sex selective abortion got me thinking about this topic. I've heard the term "cannibalism of the left" bandied about by people like Gad Saad, Mike Cernovitch, Milo Yiannopolous, Lauren Southern, etc. For those who don't know, it refers to the fact that the whole leftist/SJW ideology is so rife with contradictions that eventually it becomes like the snake that swallows its tail.

Using the example of sex-selective abortion (intentionally aborting female fetuses in favor of trying again for a male):

1) most leftists believe it is always a woman's choice to seek an abortion if she chooses to do so, and that any attempt to dissuade her is a violation of her rights

2) most leftists believe we live in a patriarchal society that unfairly underprivileges women from birth, and that steps need to be taken to rectify this

.... clearly leftists run into a contradiction on this matter, since telling a woman not to abort a female fetus would be a violation of her rights.

Here's one I came up with re: the Bill Cosby rape scandal:

1) most leftists believe we live in a rape culture where powerful men are able to use their power to get away with abusing women

2) most leftists believe we live in a racist society where the legal system unfairly targets black people, and that a wealthy black man is especially likely to be targeted by a racist police force or society at large, ie "a black man can't get ahead".

.... It's been suggested that Cos is the victim of 2). So which is it leftists: did a rich man use patriarchy to abuse women, or is an innocent black men being set up by a racist system?

What are some other examples you can think of?

The cannibalism of the Left - bigrich - 04-16-2016

I think the Cosby example is interesting. Cosby was accused and then blocked from doing business in Hollywood. Bryan Singer was accused of throwing orgy parties with underage boys and he is still directing blockbusters. SJWs ignored Singer and blasted Cosby. I brought up the contradiction in the Slate comment section and was called anti-gay.

Another great example of SJW confusion is the case of the lesbian woman who went to a sperm bank, ended up having a black child and the sued the sperm bank.

The cannibalism of the Left - Delta - 04-16-2016

Conflict between feminist activists and black rights activists (e.g. Bill Cosby, Jameis Winston, OJ Simpson cases) is classic. But nowadays a new intra-leftist conflict archetype is emerging on college campuses. Just look at the never ending Onion-esque stories of campus SJW activists lambasting their administrations for every absurd "microaggression" and "cultural insensitivity" they can come up with, and dreaming up unreasonable lists of demands with ominous warnings for if they are not met.

Are college administrators conservative? Of course not. I think it's safe to say they're almost all at least moderately liberal. But that's not enough for the deranged SJWs on college campuses who recently feel emboldened to wear their craziness like a badge of honor. Many liberals I know are disgusted by these pathetic freaks.

The cannibalism of the Left - Wutang - 04-16-2016

A big one I can think of is between feminists and transgender activists. Feminists try to minimize any differences between men and women and insist that if one group generally tends to be better at a certain activity then the other it can't be due to any sort of innate differences and is only due to outdated cultural standards that were conjured out of thin air. Except for the most delusional feminists, they'll admit that men are physically stronger but will still maintain that there is no significant differences between the mind of a man and the mind of a woman. Transgender activists on the other hands insist that there is such a thing as a male mind and a female mind. They like to refer to studies in neuroscience that show that a transgender person has a brain structure similar to the gender that the transgender person claims to feel like he is which shows that there are hardwired differences in between male and female brains. If they are indeed these differences this also implies that men and women are indeed geared towards different ways of thinking.

The cannibalism of the Left - Sean - 04-16-2016

It's the History of Now. The left has no intellectual integrity nor the intellectual fortitude to actually form coherent ideas. I present fat acceptance.

Moochelle is forcing school districts to pare down their menus from sugar, fat, etc. Bloomberg mandates that 16oz pop can't be sold, etc. However, Ashley Graham gets the SI cover, that "beauty" commercial showing 4 fat chicks was run, "Plus is Equal!!".

So you can't eat enough of what you require to be fat because fat is bad.... but fat is equal and you need to love it!!!11!11

The cannibalism of the Left - Delta - 04-16-2016

Quote: (04-16-2016 11:27 PM)Sean Wrote:  

It's the History of Now. The left has no intellectual integrity nor the intellectual fortitude to actually form coherent ideas. I present fat acceptance.

Moochelle is forcing school districts to pare down their menus from sugar, fat, etc. Bloomberg mandates that 16oz pop can't be sold, etc. However, Ashley Graham gets the SI cover, that "beauty" commercial showing 4 fat chicks was run, "Plus is Equal!!".

So you can't eat enough of what you require to be fat because fat is bad.... but fat is equal and you need to love it!!!11!11

The reconciliation there is that being fat isn't caused by eating too many calories, it's caused by genetics... which presents yet another conundrum, as leftists are typically the ones denying the impact of genetics in most facets.

The cannibalism of the Left - R_Niko - 04-17-2016

Quote: (04-16-2016 11:36 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2016 11:27 PM)Sean Wrote:  

It's the History of Now. The left has no intellectual integrity nor the intellectual fortitude to actually form coherent ideas. I present fat acceptance.

Moochelle is forcing school districts to pare down their menus from sugar, fat, etc. Bloomberg mandates that 16oz pop can't be sold, etc. However, Ashley Graham gets the SI cover, that "beauty" commercial showing 4 fat chicks was run, "Plus is Equal!!".

So you can't eat enough of what you require to be fat because fat is bad.... but fat is equal and you need to love it!!!11!11

The reconciliation there is that being fat isn't caused by eating too many calories, it's caused by genetics... which presents yet another conundrum, as leftists are typically the ones denying the impact of genetics in most facets.

"genetics and race don't matter one bit but anyway I'm looking for a sperm donor since I want to be a single mom and it has to be a tall white man with a 130 IQ"

The cannibalism of the Left - R_Niko - 04-23-2016

breastfeeding moms versus trannies:

"When we think about breastfeeding, the image that comes to mind — the one pushed on us by society, medical professionals and the media alike — is that of a mother nursing her newborn baby. Brochures, websites and PSAs promote the picture of a woman lovingly looking at her child as the baby suckles at her breast. The language accompanying this imagery is inevitably gendered, specific to cisgender women who are nursing a baby that they themselves gave birth to."

Read more:

The cannibalism of the Left - bigrich - 05-06-2016

I was reading Slate on and found an article that adds to the current trend of mainstreaming of pedophiles. I am trying to understand the mindset that wants to punish men who have not been convicted of a crime but wants to free the stigma of sex with minors.

Here is the article:

The article details the life of man who was convicted of having sex with a boy who has become an advocate for people convicted of such crimes. He is funded by George Soros, which the article calls an honor. The the guy is now back in prison for trying to groom a teenage boy.

The cannibalism of the Left - odesseus - 05-06-2016

Read that Slate article front to back. It is the most sinister piece of normalizing propaganda I have seen yet. Pedophiles are garbage - period. I hope it's the hill the progressive movement finally dies on.

The cannibalism of the Left - Burt Gummer - 05-06-2016

The left is also always cannibalizing itself.

Each generation gets more radical and decries their teachers as racists who don't believe in equality.

At the end of the day they are all just useful idiots who will be genocided by their controllers once their revolution takes place.

The cannibalism of the Left - Geomann180 - 05-06-2016

[Image: attachment.jpg31410]   


The cannibalism of the Left - Rigsby - 05-06-2016

The problem is the left are caught in a big bubble. If you are in that bubble, be it through academia or the arts etc. it is virtually impossible to 'identify' with any other viewpoint other than 'Left'.

There are mechanisms in place. Shunning, ostracisation and 'no-platforming' to name just a few. You certainly won't get promotion. But worse than that, you won't be revered or loved. It's everything to be revered and loved, to the lefty types. Having no center of their own, their self-worth comes from the tacit approval of others.

So, they have created a temporal world where no dissent is allowed. This makes it incestuous. This is obviously very unhealthy to anyone, but for some reason they seem oblivious to the inherent cancer of their little system.

Yet, human nature will out. Egos will abound. Shit will 'happen' and pretty soon you've got the same petty shit that happens everywhere else, but causing massive fallout due to its confined and restricted space. A bit like a bomb being more powerful when it is enclosed in a tighter space.

So, the left end up eating themselves. They turn on each other. What was once a petty ego squabble is now a Social Justice Matter for the courts of public opinion. Well, not public opinion so much - that would involve everyone left and right alike - no, more like the court of Lefty opinion. Only they can judge each other. By their own petards ye shall know them.

First it's the passive thing of not inviting you to the party, then it gets worse, much worse. Before you know it, you have a team of 20 Mata Haris working feverishly around the clock, getting battle plans in order to track you down, just to chat you up and lull you into a false sense of security, before they cry 'rape, rape', for daring to look at the breasts they have just flaunted and flubbered into your unsuspecting face. "I always knew he was a pervert" the herd will cry. "I knew the first time I laid eyes on him" said others. And all for what? For daring to suggest a 'possible' alternative viewpoint.

There will be no alternative viewpoints in lefty land, not until it suits someone higher up's agenda. Then the useful idiots will come into play.

Yes, the left is a treacherous beast, and yes it will eat itself, but just like Commander Cockroach in the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, says: There's plenty more where they came from - send in the next battalion of troops!

The cannibalism of the Left - Rigsby - 05-06-2016

Quote: (05-06-2016 03:49 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  


Geomann180, you should have included the full screenshot of that little post. It said:

The Left is a fetid, ravenous ouroboros that feasts greedily while screaming "No True Scotsman!" between hearty mouthfuls of its own flesh.

There's also a dark side!


Things are pretty good for them so far, as they have been gaining and building their power base for a while, and these are the good days for them, seeing the work of their lifetime come to fruition. It feels good, and they are enjoying their little day in the sun.

Soon now, any day, the puppet masters are going to pull the rug the other way and snap their shackles back, and they will then know what they are: slaves, unwitting slaves who have been used to do their master's bidding. When that day comes, you are going to have a lot of very pissed off lefties on your hands. It won't be pretty.