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Killshot Thinktank - dispenser - 03-14-2016

Most of the time it isn't worth getting into a protracted argument with a leftist, but there are people in the political center who are persuaded by far left talking points and arguments.
Sometimes people on the right are genuinely stumped by academic leftist insults and insinuations; it's like being cursed at in a foreign language.

The purpose of this thread is to pool our resources and come up with short, devastating rebuttals that don't require much effort to use, as well as to create new, bold assertions that move us from defence to attack.

Secondary purpose: take down Shitlibs by making their methods of argument seem obvious and mechanical, the way Chris Christie devastated Rubio by showing up his reliance on memorised bullshit.


I'll start with what I call the Freudian Sneer.

Lib: You don't like illegal immigration? You're a racist. You're a racist because a Mexican must've shoved you when you were a child or something.

Notice the leaps of insinuation. First they attribute you feelings you don't have, then they attribute feelings to those feelings, getting more petty and childish all the way down. They conjure up a life story full of you being beta. Mock them on that. Call them out as daydreamers.

Lib: You don't like illegal immigration? You're a racist. You're a racist because a Mexican must've shoved you when you were a child or something.
You: What is this, a Russian novel? // Are you writing a book about me? // Is that what the gossip rags say?

Lib: You don't want gay marriage? You must be a homophobe. You're a homophobe because you're secretly gay.
You: You wish. // You can dream. // Sure thing Dr. Freud. Tell your mother I said hi. // I'll be coming out of the closet as a liberal soon, but first I'm voting for Trump.


Lib: Black Lives Matter!
Trump: All lives matter.

Lib: Will I get paid the same as a man?
Trump: You'll get as good as pay if you do as good a job.

Practically every Trump policy is a new, bold assertion that puts the left on the defensive.
"We're going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it!"
He is the master, we are the humble apprentices.

Killshot Thinktank - dispenser - 03-15-2016

Hades and iop890 bringing the heat to Kasich:

Quote: (03-15-2016 12:48 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2016 12:40 AM)Hades Wrote:  

I'd go with "Chump-change Kasisch" or some other such silly nickname.

That was the best one I could come up with. "Kasisch" doesn't really rhyme with anything.

John "Dirty Money" Kasisch sort of has a ring to it. Yeah this is a tough one.

Trying it out.

[Image: Clipboard02.jpg]

Killshot Thinktank - I DIDN'T KILL MY WIFE - 03-15-2016

Don't even try to debate that ridiculous talking point. Just make your reply even more ridiculous. ArguntumAdAbsurdum.

Lib: You don't want gay marriage? You must be a homophobe. You're a homophobe because you're secretly gay.

- Yes and KKK followers were secret blacks
- Yes and Nazis were secret Jews.
- Yes and rapists are secretly feminists.

Killshot Thinktank - MMX2010 - 03-15-2016

Ask a liberal whether they think Christianity is a flawed system that needs to purge itself of some really stupid ideas. When they agree, insinuate how stupid they are for saying people are racist against Muslims - but don't tell them why. Let then stew in the fact that you know they are really stupid.

Killshot Thinktank - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-15-2016

Here's the only answer you need:

"See, comments like this are EXACTLY why Trump is so popular. His opponents have nothing to offer except some buzzwords.

Killshot Thinktank - Liberty Sea - 03-15-2016

Quote: (03-15-2016 03:41 AM)I DIDNT KILL MY WIFE Wrote:  

- Yes and rapists are secretly feminists.

No, it should be: Feminists are secretly rapists (since supposedly they're so anti-rape)

Killshot Thinktank - MMX2010 - 03-15-2016

One liners:

Feminism is a war against pretty women and happiness.

If Bernie supporters are so unique, why can I always tell who they are just by looking at them?

Killshot Thinktank - Gopher - 03-15-2016

Bernieperson: "Donald Trump is a racist."
Me: "Why do you think that?"
Bernieperson: "He wants to ban all muslims."
Me: " 'Muslim' isn't even a race."
Bernieperson: "You know what I mean."
Me: "Even the French are kicking out the muslims..."
Bernieperson: "Oh yea."

Killshot Thinktank - Paracelsus - 03-15-2016

Quote: (03-15-2016 10:46 PM)Gopher Wrote:  

Bernieperson: "Donald Trump is a racist."
Me: "Why do you think that?"
Bernieperson: "He wants to ban all muslims."
Me: " 'Muslim' isn't even a race."
Bernieperson: "You know what I mean."
Me: "Even the French are kicking out the muslims..."
Bernieperson: "Oh yea."

Bernieperson: "Donald Trump is a racist."
Me: "Why do you think that?"
Bernieperson: "He wants to deport Hispanic immigrants."
Me: " 'Hispanic immigrant' isn't even a race."
Bernieperson: "You know what I mean."
Me: "Even the Germans are having problems with immigrants..."
Bernieperson: "Oh yea."

Killshot Thinktank - dispenser - 03-16-2016

I've seen variations on this idea elsewhere, but this one is the punchiest:

Quote: (02-24-2016 02:00 AM)captain_shane Wrote:  

"I'm moving to Canada if Trump becomes president."
"What about Mexico?"
"I don't want to live in Mexico, it sucks!"
"Me either, that's why I'm voting for Trump!"

Killshot Thinktank - Paracelsus - 03-16-2016

"I'm moving to Canada if Trump becomes president."
"If Clinton wins I'm going to Mexico. I can make more money running drugs and Democrat voters there."