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Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - JayR - 02-11-2016

This guy's been in jail since last Thursday, just got sprung today.


The alleged incident occurred overnight Saturday. The victim told police that Ballinger brought her to his bedroom and locked the door at 2 a.m., according to court documents.

He "brought" her there? Maybe he dragged her by her hair. I guess she has no agency. Locked his bedroom door? At 2:00 a.m.?? GUILTY!


Ballinger tried to have forcible sexual intercourse with her, the court documents say. He's also accused of forceful oral sex and using his hands to sexually abuse her.

The victim refused, telling Ballinger that she was "not interested" and "too intoxicated," the court documents say.

"Tried?" "Forcible?" "Using his hands?" "Not interested?" "Too intoxicated?"

Oh, so many questions about all of the above...

Of course, Psi U activities are now suspended at Cornell (does this sound familiar, ahem UVA), and Ballinger is not allowed on campus, so his life is pretty much on hold (ahem Nungesser).

If this guy raped a girl in his fraternity bedroom, then fuck him, but my Spidey sense is calling bullshit here.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - JayR - 02-11-2016

Quote: (02-11-2016 01:21 AM)JayR Wrote:

This guy's been in jail since last Thursday, just got sprung today.


The alleged incident occurred overnight Saturday. The victim told police that Ballinger brought her to his bedroom and locked the door at 2 a.m., according to court documents.

Ah, "the victim." No "alleged" necessary, right? GUILTY!

He "brought" her there? Maybe he dragged her by her hair. I guess she has no agency. Locked his bedroom door? At 2:00 a.m.?? GUILTY!


Ballinger tried to have forcible sexual intercourse with her, the court documents say. He's also accused of forceful oral sex and using his hands to sexually abuse her.

The victim refused, telling Ballinger that she was "not interested" and "too intoxicated," the court documents say.

"Tried?" "Forcible?" "Using his hands?" "Not interested?" "Too intoxicated?"

Oh, so many questions about all of the above...

Of course, Psi U activities are now suspended at Cornell (does this sound familiar, ahem UVA), and Ballinger is not allowed on campus, so his life is pretty much on hold (ahem Nungesser).

If this guy raped a girl in his fraternity bedroom, then fuck him, but my Spidey sense is calling bullshit here.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Phoenix - 02-11-2016

Obviously didn't read the recording your bangs thread.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Only One Man - 02-11-2016

This sounds to me like he tried to rape her in his room, she called the cops pretty much right away, and he was arrested. This doesn't sound like a case where he banged her a few times and kicked her to the curb, and then she publicly accused him of rape six months later as revenge. When a girl calls the cops immediately and the guy gets arrested for rape/attempted rape, I tend to lean towards believing her side unless/until there is some other information.

What about this is making your spidey sense call bullshit here?

Edit: Whoops. Looks like he turned himself in to police a few days after the alleged sexual assault, he wasn't arrested that same night. Doesn't really say why or how it happened that way. There doesn't seem to be enough info yet on this to have any sort of opinion one way or the other.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - eatthishomie - 02-11-2016

He tried to escalate sexually = "OMG HE TRIED TO RAPE ME!!!!!111"

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Centurion - 02-11-2016

Quote: (02-11-2016 01:44 AM)Only One Man Wrote:  

When a girl calls the cops immediately and the guy gets arrested for rape/attempted rape, I tend to lean towards believing her side unless/until there is some other information.

[Image: j1LAWT5.gif]

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Only One Man - 02-11-2016

Quote: (02-11-2016 01:56 AM)Centurion Wrote:  

Quote: (02-11-2016 01:44 AM)Only One Man Wrote:  

When a girl calls the cops immediately and the guy gets arrested for rape/attempted rape, I tend to lean towards believing her side unless/until there is some other information.

[Image: j1LAWT5.gif]

Yea. Same as anyone else who immediately reports a crime. False rape accusers don't typically call the cops right away.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Centurion - 02-11-2016

Quote: (02-11-2016 02:05 AM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Quote: (02-11-2016 01:56 AM)Centurion Wrote:  

Quote: (02-11-2016 01:44 AM)Only One Man Wrote:  

When a girl calls the cops immediately and the guy gets arrested for rape/attempted rape, I tend to lean towards believing her side unless/until there is some other information.

[Image: j1LAWT5.gif]

Yea. Same as anyone else who immediately reports a crime. False rape accusers don't typically call the cops right away.

Wrong variable. You want to know the ratio of real accusers to false- which is abysmal. Other than retardness, there isn't a downside for them to go to the cops.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - 66Scorpio - 02-11-2016

The devil is in the details. The allegation seems that he fingered her and forced her face onto his crotch, all while she was saying no, then he tried to fuck her. The information is rather limited in the article, but nothing particularly raises a red flag that she is concocting the story out of whole cloth. However, I always wondered about "forceable oral sex"; I mean, if she just keeps her mouth shut, the penis isn't going in, so unless he was threatening her or he started getting rough after she initially consented to blow him, I don't know how that could have played out. It's a he said she said and we will have to see how it plays out.
Suspending all the frat activities (other than operating their residence) seems stupid and more a way of threatening all the frat members so that they will self police rather than any real concern about safety after the fact.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Gustavus Adolphus - 02-11-2016

Even if her teeth were soaking in polident on the night stand, I've never considered it intelligent to try and shove my dick in the mouth of the disinterested.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Sonoma - 02-11-2016

She got upset at something and called the cops while still drunk.

She says she went over and he tried to have sex with her and she said no. They didn't have sex. They didn't have oral sex. It's a nonstory

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Captainstabbin - 02-11-2016


The victim refused, telling Ballinger that she was "not interested" and "too intoxicated," the court documents say.

Two things:

Who comes back to a guy's room at 2am and isn't interested in sex? Was she expecting an intellectual conversation?

Saying "I'm too intoxicated" doesn't sound like someone who's too intoxicated for sex. Too intoxicated for sex is being so drunk that she can't say no...usually because she's passed out.


In a statement, Cornell University President Elizabeth Garrett said: "I am deeply disturbed by the allegations of sexual assault involving the president of Psi Upsilon. Sexual violence has no place at Cornell, and if these allegations are substantiated, those involved will be held accountable."

Fuck the college president for trying to inject her name into the story. She's trying to attention whore based on a girl's alleged rape.

Also, "if these allegations are substantiated, those involved will be held accountable." - no shit dumbass, because he'll be in prison.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - muscless - 02-12-2016

We never heard his side of the story!

He was trying to escalate... he fingered her and tries to get head. She said no... sounds like he stopped there! There was no force of rape, been beaten, or bruises (real rape).

When a guy escalates from kissing or touching its sexual harrassment today. This college (drank 2 much) is bullshit... ive been raped at least 100+ times by a woman if you want to call escalating rape. I've been pass out drunk heaps where she goes for a ride on me.

If i say no and there is a force of injury on both of us, mark it down as rape but until then, escalating isn't rape!

Fuck in Sweden if the condom breaks and you cum in her, its rape! They need to get rid of this 'sugar coated,' version of rape!

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - JayR - 02-12-2016

muscless, the link in your post is about the Mark Pearson case, not the Cornell/Ballinger case.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - eradicator - 02-12-2016

Maybe the girl in this will start carrying around her mattress.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - JacksonRev - 02-12-2016

He locked the door?!! In a Fraternity!!?

No shit. I always locked my door at the end of a drinking night, girl or no girl. Unlocked doors are how you get fucked with by drunks. Not to mention, what person can't get out of a locked door from the inside?

Bullshit story. Guy escalated, girl shot it down. Girl left. Girl cries drunk crocodile tears.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Captainstabbin - 02-12-2016

Quote: (02-12-2016 11:36 AM)kleyau Wrote:  

Bullshit story. Guy escalated, girl shot it down. Girl left. Girl cries drunk crocodile tears.

Guy says, "Then get the fuck out and walk home!" Then throws her out of the house. Girl concocts a revenge plot on her way to her dorm.

That's the part that set her off, the dude probably kicked her out if she wasn't going to bang.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - MdWanderer - 02-12-2016

I was in a fraternity in college and this was one of the reasons I was terrified to push for sex with any girl at the time and rarely got laid because of it. One attempted rape or rape accusation will not only screw you over, it can bring the entire fraternity down.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - nomadbrah - 02-12-2016

Let me get this straight:

Drunk girl goes with drunk guy to his room at 2 am in the morning.

Guy does a bit of foreplay, girl decides for some reason she doesn't want to sex, she leaves.

How is this in any way, shape of form - attempted rape? It should be laughed out of court. If this led to conviction, any one of you could at any time be sentenced for attempted rape if you had a girl over and tried to kiss her.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Game_Started - 02-12-2016

Guess she didn't understand the "chill" part of Netflix and chill.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Captainstabbin - 02-12-2016

Quote: (02-12-2016 01:12 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Let me get this straight:

Drunk girl goes with drunk guy to his room at 2 am in the morning.

Guy does a bit of foreplay, girl decides for some reason she doesn't want to sex, she leaves.

How is this in any way, shape of form - attempted rape? It should be laughed out of court. If this led to conviction, any one of you could at any time be sentenced for attempted rape if you had a girl over and tried to kiss her.

From my reading, she claims he tried to force her head onto his dick and fingered her against her protests. The lack of any evidence of this is the reason he wasn't arrested and probably will be found not guilty - the school's punishment for the fake rape is another story.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - Nalka - 02-13-2016

In this case we really don't have enough information to arrive at a educated guess one way or the other. The article is very short on details.

"Ballinger tried to have forcible sexual intercourse with her, the court documents say"

That could mean anything from feminist BS like making out with her after she said she was not interested, all the way up to pining her down and trying to stick the dick in by force.

Since we don't have much to go on, it's time to read between the lines:

Rule number one is the media will allways try to make an incident bigger and more dramatic than it is. In the case of rape that means painting the guy as guilty as possible. Even if there is no direct feminist fuckery going on with the article in question the media in general wants to push stories, a non-event is not proffitable.

If we observe the way the article is written we see confirmation of rule numer one: "The victim told police that Ballinger brought her to his bedroom and locked the door..." Locking doors is standard procedure in frat houses particularly so if someone is going to have sex. Trying to make everyday procedure into something sinister. Also notice "the victim" not "the alleged victim". Clearly the article is trying to paint the guy as guilty. Something to keep in mind for the next key paragraph.

Since the article is trying to push the guy being guilty we can also deduce rule numer 2: If there was any additional evidence in the court documents against the guy they would have included it in the article. So if she had for example screamed for help. It would be in the article. Since it is not, that means she did not screem for help. We can also conclude that at 2am on a saturday there were plenty of people at the frat house. Help was readly avilable if she needed it.

Now we get the the crux of the matter: "Ballinger tried to have forcible sexual intercourse with her, the court documents say. He's also accused of forceful oral sex and using his hands to sexually abuse her" If we read those sentences with the traditional meaning, (actual fisical force against her resistance) they don't make any sense. If the guy was holding her down and forcing his way in, her first instinct would be to screem for help. This would also leave marks and torn clothes. If he was actually preventing her from leaving the room he would have been charged with kidnapping or false imprisonment, which he was not charged with. Looks like we are dealing with the feminist definition then, in which case those few sentences could mean just about anything or nothing. Could be that she did not resist at all or even say "NO" and they will still call it "forcible sexual intercourse" because she had said earlier "not interested" so everything that happens after is rape because it lacks consent.

Next the article says "The victim refused, telling Ballinger that she was "not interested" and "too intoxicated," the court documents say" That is quite a strech. We know that she did not say "NO, STOP IT RIGHT NOW" or "LET ME GO, I'M LEAVEING" because of rule 2. What she actualy said is just the most token of possible token resitance. Most woman who are DTF are going to show more ASD than that.

Since there is no mention of when she went to the police we can conclude that it was not directly after "getting away" (rule 2) If she really was being held agianst her will she would have gone the moment she got free.

I can't really say what happened that night for sure or why she accused the guy of rape. What happened might even be enough for a conviction with the insanely expanded definition of rape. The only thing we know for certain is that a real attempt to rape by force against her resistance did not happen here.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - JayR - 02-13-2016

You have done an excellent job of articulating what was behind the Spidey sense I mentioned in my original post. Well done.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - JayR - 05-23-2016

He's suing Cornell. Is the restraining order an attempt to prevent Cornell from booting him from the university? So he can at least graduate?

Add this lawsuit to the onslaught of cases making universities hurt where it $counts$ for railroading male students with these kangaroo courts.

Cornell Frat President Accused of Attempted Rape - LeoneVolpe - 05-23-2016

Men are going to have to start learning "legal game," in which "escalating" will be redefined as convincing a girl to sign a consent form. A successful "close" will be averting public humiliation and legal consequences for trying to get your dick wet.

Oh, and instead of sending "+1" texts to inform friends of a new notch, you'll be sending "-1" to indicate a dropped charge.