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How much time do you spend in game ? - Printable Version

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How much time do you spend in game ? - zuma - 12-26-2015

Since October I have been less active with everything related to game. Mostly because of workload, travel, hobbies and some boredom toward game. I'm not in any kind of LTR but I see time to time some girls - 3 different ones - and it's fine for me.

I was trying to remember on September how much time I was spending for everything related to game, in the end it was pretty insane when you think about it.

If I take a normal week:

- Online game : 20 min to 2 hours per day

Could be just checking Tinder, to get into conversation with new prospects or just having some quick chat with already known girls to set up dates or meetings.

- Daygame : 0 min to 15 min

I don't do daygame for the purpose; only if I have the opportunity on my way to work or when shopping

- Night game : 4 hours to 8 hours

Twice or once per week I was going out. From 22 to 2.00. Sometimes it started at 20 and ended at 5 in the morning.

- Dating : 3 hours to 8 hours

Dates with new girls, always in the evening, 2 - 4 dates per week. Could last one hour or 4 hours depending how it went.

- Banging : 8 hours per week

I mean, banging girls I already know. Usually twice per week with two different girls. From 20 to midnight, time to watch a movie, going out sometimes, or just lay in bed and practicing.

- Social media : 1 hour per day

Browsing rooshv' forum and other things related to game

I don't mention the money involved as well in alchool, activities, restaurants, etc. I am living in Poland, it's affordable.

When I stopped going out (now only once per month usually, for a special event like a birthday of a friend of mine, etc.), dating girls every week or spending time on Tinder, basically I realized how much time I was spending on such stuff. Sometimes for a results that's not amazing - banging chicks 6s and 7s.

Now I became more selective, I only go to a date when I am really attracted by a girl and I am very distant with the ones that don't show strong interests or are hard to catch even if they are stunning.
Surprisely, getting away from too much game gave me more opportunities regarding quality women. I spend more time on what I like, to developp my skills or whatever and I don't have the feeling of the urge to find new girls. I think women can feel that, my interactions have been better lately.

What about you? How much time do you spend per week in game?Do you have any thoughts about changing your habbits or have you witnessed any change when you step back a little from game ?

How much time do you spend in game ? - Stimulus - 12-26-2015

Quote: (12-26-2015 07:47 AM)zuma Wrote:  

Surprisely, getting away from too much game gave me more opportunities regarding quality women. I spend more time on what I like, to developp my skills or whatever and I don't have the feeling of the urge to find new girls. I think women can feel that, my interactions have been better lately.

Abundance mentality causes this.


What about you? How much time do you spend per week in game?Do you have any thoughts about changing your habbits or have you witnessed any change when you step back a little from game ?

I'm just a newbie so I have to start spending all those hours into just learning game and practicing it (still in doubt about opening a 'personal' thread for this). So as I do have quite a lot of free hours right now, starting from 2016 this will change and game will be one major part of my life thus spending a lot of time on it.

How much time do you spend in game ? - Pride male - 12-27-2015

I spend too much time reading about game than actually gaming girls.