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New Spike Lee film Chi-Raq - YoungBlade - 12-04-2015

My friend is a movie reviewer for the college newspaper, and invited me along on one of his viewing trips. The film is the latest Spike Lee project, "Chi-Raq", a modern retelling of Aristophanes' comedy, "Lysistrata".

Stylistically, it was wonderful. The rhyming, metered speech of the actors' dialogue reminds one of the theatre, which was the goal, of course. The colors, music, and dance draw one in. But that is, of course, the aim of propaganda.

The whole thing was rife with SJW propaganda. Such as describing the death of a young girl by a stray bullet during gang violence as a product of politicians' connections to the NRA (though the gun in the film is said to be illegal in the same breath as they condemn the NRA).

However, they had to give up one important SJW narrative: the idea that all men are rapists.

If one is familiar with Lysistrata, it is a comedy in which the women of Greece aim to end the Peloponnesian War by means of withholding sex. The eponymous character is also the star of Chi-Raq, convincing women around the world, including sex workers, to stop having sex with men until there is peace. Ignoring that women rarely work together like this (which is necessary for most SJW narratives), and ignoring that porn would continue to exist even after the porn stars stopped working (lightly mentioned in the film), what is to stop men, especially the violent men whom these women are focusing on, from raping these women? In the film, it is only after they gain global female support and hole up in a national armory that the rest of the world's men are affected. But at the beginning, when it is just the girlfriends of thugs trying to keep up this vow, what is stopping their men? Yet the idea of rape is not even discussed in the film. The men try to seduce their women to no avail. Men are helpless when women simply say no.

And this, my friends, is when the holes in the narrative grow wider. In order for the rest of their rhetorical propaganda to flow, they had to give up a key tenet of their narrative.

The tale is ending soon. The tide is turning. Stay strong.

New Spike Lee film Chi-Raq - Eskhander - 12-04-2015

So he appropriated another culture's story? How dare he. I am literally shaking.

New Spike Lee film Chi-Raq - Fitzgerald - 12-04-2015

The Greeks believed women to be more sexually driven and lewd than men. In the original play, the women kept trying to sneak away to go fuck their husbands. I wonder if that made it into lee's version.

New Spike Lee film Chi-Raq - The Truth - 12-04-2015

I live in a town relatively close to "Chiraq", so I'm pretty familiar with the whole deal, especially with the controversy it's generating.

It's funny because he's facing some major backlash from his very own people, the SJW crowd. (It's pretty bad over there- some of the most culturally Marxist people I've ever talked to were from the University of Chicago.)


"If somebody is going to do a Chicago movie and call it Chi-Raq it needs to be somebody from Chicago."

Sounds a lot like the SJW crap about how white people can't talk about black people's issues because they aren't black or how men can't talk about women's health issues, etc. etc. But they use that as a cover and never really talk about WHY it got that nickname in the first place and why it's such a crazy dangerous place in the first place

But the part that really gets me is how these Chicago rappers are also criticizing the film.

[Image: chief-keef-ak47-fe.jpg]

Model citizen and renowned scholar Chief Keef, pictured above on the left, disagrees with the film.


Chief Keef voiced his displeasure on Twitter: “Damn Spikey,” he tweeted. “Chiraq isn’t defined enough on that movie! It should be showing what’s really going on.”

The irony is that Chief Keef, the best known rapper from Chicago in recent times, literally got popular by playing up the Chiraq image, getting in trouble with the law over guns, gang related murders connected to him, etc. (Side note, I actually enjoy a lot of good hip hop music, but Chief Keef is just garbage). They obviously had no respect for their community when they were doing all that shit before, but when a dude from New York makes a movie about it it's suddenly disrespectful to their community's image.

I just really get a lot of enjoyment watching these people attack each other. Professional victimhood is a tough line of work I guess.

New Spike Lee film Chi-Raq - El Chinito loco - 12-05-2015

Spike Lee is the original SJW before it became mainstream.

I remember when he was whining about Clint Eastwood in the media when Clint was making Flags of our Fathers and came at him with accusations of not putting enough black people in the film. I suppose maybe Spike wanted black people in Letters from Iwo Jima too. Maybe Dave Chappelle could pop up in a few scenes with Ken Watanabe in a tunnel in Iwo Jima in a random scene somewhere.

Try watching some of Spike Lee's films sometime. They are laughable if you have even absorbed the slightest red pill insight.

I used to actually think a few of his movies were interesting but in hindsight they are nearly all nonsense. Even Malcolm X is loaded to the tits with far left crap.

New Spike Lee film Chi-Raq - YoungBlade - 12-05-2015

Quote: (12-04-2015 10:41 PM)Fitzgerald Wrote:  

The Greeks believed women to be more sexually driven and lewd than men. In the original play, the women kept trying to sneak away to go fuck their husbands. I wonder if that made it into lee's version.

Not particularly, though the men do come up with "Operation: Hot and Bothered" where they blast slow jams and strip for the women, who defeat this "evil plan" by using earplugs made for artillerymen found in the armory.

New Spike Lee film Chi-Raq - YoungBlade - 12-05-2015

Though race is a significant theme of the film, let us not forget, gentlemen, the important point.

They had to give up a core tenet of their narrative: that men are all rapists.

We are winning.