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How do you deal with PC work environments? - the Thing - 11-29-2015

I work in the IT industry. Senior level developer.

I used to work for the most red pill firm there probably is where I live. I had to change jobs because the firm was having financial issues. Even though they told me their finances had improved a bit and offered me my job back when I told them I found another job, I didn't take it because (a) even though the firm could afford to pay me, their finances are still not that sound and (b) the new job pays more. (not like 5-6% but 50% more.)

I now work for the most PC firm that's probably out there. (My immediate superior is gay and took his husband's last name in marriage so think about it) I want to keep this job for a while to save up some money, so I can move to somewhere warmer and less liberal (thinking SEA) and fund my living costs until I start generating income there.

Wondering how the other 9-5 slaves here deal with not taking their morning dose of the red pill.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - presidentcarter - 11-29-2015

Go to work in the morning, do the minimum amount of work to stay "above average" in most review metrics, and leave as early as you can each day. If you have down time at work, browse RVF or work on a side project. Spend it planning your next step. Be known as the quite guy that's hard to read but polite and likable enough.

Don't let it get to your head and don't take any of the negatives home with you. It's just a job, one that you will leave sooner or later.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - Dalaran1991 - 11-30-2015

Quote: (11-29-2015 05:36 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

leave as early as you can each day

Can you elaborate? If you leave early wouldn't people say "he's lazy/not hardworking/not a good one to keep"?

I'm in a very very similar situation (only guy in a team of 20 girls) so I woild love these advice!

What Im doing is staying exactly above average (not the last to come to work but not the first; and not the first to leave work but definitely not the last either)

How do you deal with PC work environments? - The Beast1 - 11-30-2015

Honestly working in a PC workplace isn't that difficult. The only time PC work places become an issue is when the limp wristed brigade want to off you for some petty reason.

Just know your audience. Only discuss bland topics. Drop subtle red pill knowledge when necessary.

Hit the gym before work and show up at 9:30. Get the tasks done, be a solid work, and bounce when the work is done. If you have free time use it to take on more work.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - Designate - 11-30-2015

Keep your eyes on all roads that lead you to $ and your long term goals and focus on nothing else.

Never make a regular habit of eating lunch or sitting around the water cooler with fellow co-workers. These should be rare occurrences. Never be too available or accessible in general.

If you work in a busy area of your city, break-up your day by grabbing lunch or a coffee and day game a bit.

If it's possible, try and travel 3-4 times a month for business. Being in and out of the office helps limit any excessive interaction with co-workers.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - WestIndianArchie - 11-30-2015

I've given up on trying to get people to try Ubuntu.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - RatInTheWoods - 11-30-2015

Thank god I work mining and heavy industry.

Working there will give you he-breasts

How do you deal with PC work environments? - Hannibal - 11-30-2015

How do you deal with PC work environments? - the Thing - 11-30-2015

Quote: (11-30-2015 04:26 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  
  • Keep your mouth shut.
  • Do an amount of work that looks like you're above average but it the absolute minimum amount of work you're willing to put in to keep your job.
  • If you are truly working in a PC environment, do not fraternize or shoot the shit with your coworkers.

Thanks, except that's not really going to fly because I've already made the impression (which they also confirmed) that I'm a brilliant mind that needs to improve on his Jante Law, and if you don't know what Jante Law is, read this.

I feel like they are already expecting me to take an active role in socializing with the company. I've been invited to a bunch of events already. I don't care if they are PC or not as long as I move forward in my career and I'm not judged for what I think, I can just go with it.

My last job was the complete opposite of this. "Hey I need to go to Russia for a week because I'm sick of my live in GF and there are a bunch of girls I found on VKontakte that I gotta bang" was how I asked for a week off. I was in a team with a bunch of Latinos and pussy was all we talked about. I'll have a hard time just adapting.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - the Thing - 11-30-2015

Quote: (11-30-2015 12:31 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

I've given up on trying to get people to try Ubuntu.

I use Ubuntu Server on all the VPS servers I manage. Though on the desktop OS X fulfils all my UNIX needs with a bit of Macports on the side, plus I need Xcode so I don't really bother.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - LE50 - 11-30-2015

Quote: (11-29-2015 05:28 PM)the Thing Wrote:  

I work in the IT industry. Senior level developer.

I used to work for the most red pill firm there probably is where I live. I had to change jobs because the firm was having financial issues. Even though they told me their finances had improved a bit and offered me my job back when I told them I found another job, I didn't take it because (a) even though the firm could afford to pay me, their finances are still not that sound and (b) the new job pays more. (not like 5-6% but 50% more.)

I now work for the most PC firm that's probably out there. (My immediate superior is gay and took his husband's last name in marriage so think about it) I want to keep this job for a while to save up some money, so I can move to somewhere warmer and less liberal (thinking SEA) and fund my living costs until I start generating income there.

Wondering how the other 9-5 slaves here deal with not taking their morning dose of the red pill.

I work in a different field but I know exactly what it means to be in a PC environment.

I took a different approach to what others have suggested. When you're good at what you do and the company relies on you to do your work you can get away with surprisingly many things.

It was never conscious for me, but it pretty much turned out to be a game of "how much can I get away with before they have a legit reason to fire me?".

When you have options and your world doesn't end if you lose a job then why put on a mask?

I mean don't call out the chubby HR assistant for being ugly in front of 3 people, but there are still LOTS of ways to remain true to your character while others don't really have anything solid to get to you.

Be clever in the way you word your rebuttals, act like it means nothing, always smile (not to please, but to disarm) and if shit hits the fan say: "Look, I absolutely don't understand why you are reacting this way, but if I offended you, I'm really sorry. Just tell me what I did and I'll be sure to never repeat it."

Men can do the puppy eye show as well.

It's not my favorite thing in the world, but if that's what it takes to keep a job I'm not keen on losing then what the hell. No one can stay mad at me if I don't want to.

And before all the alphas on the forum come out to tell me "that's not masculine". Well, working 9-5 on a computer isn't either. But we do it because it's the least terrible option in this world.

So yeah, that's what I do. I make it a game, a social experiment.

Tunes your senses. Keeps you entertained.

Ask your boss why he gave up his last name and then say: "I couldn't imagine such a thing. What did your father say?"

That's the kind of stuff I'm into. 1) It's waaay too personal and out of line but 2) no one can touch you for such a silly comment

The caveats are obviously that your boss isn't able to make your life a living hell just because he wants to. You got to think about who holds what kind of power over you. Then just be smart.

At least that way your soul doesn't disintegrate one day at a time.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - jake1720 - 11-30-2015

May I ask what PC work environment stands for (Literally sitting at a PC all day?).

How do you deal with PC work environments? - Peregrine - 11-30-2015

Quote: (11-30-2015 08:32 PM)jake1720 Wrote:  

May I ask what PC work environment stands for (Literally sitting at a PC all day?).

Politically correct.

All of the advice so far ensures you stay a cog in the system. Play the game.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - Glaucon - 12-01-2015

The first law of the club...

Do not talk about the red pill. Act professional. In IT a lot of people are introverted so if you act like a quite type it does not look out of place.

I work in a PC IT environment as well. I come in, do my job, and I do not give a fuck anything else outside my responsibilities. I have 2 colleagues who are semi red pill and I can talk about a lot of thing, the others are engage professionally. I do not have to be friend to everyone to be able to work with them.

I learned that those who want to learn seek out the channels to get info. So there is no reason to preach red pill to those who do not appear to be seeking it. The saying "When you are ready the teacher appears" is very true.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - YossariansRight - 12-01-2015

Learn the skill of compartmentalism. Put your work in a box and forget about it when you're not there.

The other thing I did when I was in the corporate world was to schedule work around my life. IOW, work was "that thing I did" around living and enjoying my life.

As far as how you should act/behave: Be to the point. Always be professional. And >>NEVER<< give out any details about yourself, your beliefs or your life in general. When some nosey fuck asks you: "How was your weekend!" Reply with: "Same old, same old.", or some other benign non-speak like that.

You're going on vacation? Nosey fuck asks: "Where are you going?" Reply: "I think I'm doing a 'staycation'." or some shit like that.

Company functions: Make yourself unavailable as much as possible. "That sounds great, but I have a prior appointment. Maybe I'll stop by later." Of course you don't.

Ultra liberals, even more than everyone else, are >>ALWAYS<< sizing you up. Give them as small of a target to aim at as possible.

I was in IT for a while as well (about 2 years) and for me it was a toxic environment. Full of even more of the PC shit than most other industries. I GTFO and have never looked back.

Take their money and use it to fund your plans, period.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - YossariansRight - 12-01-2015

Or skip most/all of the bullshit an outsource your job. You'll have way more play time.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - Dusty - 12-01-2015

I have millennial "know it alls" at work who point and sputter about the latest thing Trump says or whatever. The snark is strong. Wannabe Jon Stewarts or Rachel Madcows. Lot's of uptalk. It can drive me nuts.

I decided the best thing to do is ignore it. Close my door when they are talking about it. Don't get sucked into discussions. It's not worth it. Just stick to work related topics, or pleasantries. Keep my outside life and opinions to myself while at work.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - YossariansRight - 12-01-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 11:44 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

I have millennial "know it alls" at work who point and sputter about the latest thing Trump says or whatever. The snark is strong. Wannabe Jon Stewarts or Rachel Madcows. Lot's of uptalk. It can drive me nuts.

I decided the best thing to do is ignore it. Close my door when they are talking about it. Don't get sucked into discussions. It's not worth it. Just stick to work related topics, or pleasantries. Keep my outside life and opinions to myself while at work.

That's probably 80% of a "work survival skill set" there. Think "vanilla".

The Millennial shitheads are the worst. They combine stupid & arrogant into a nearly impenetrable combo, which makes dealing with them mostly torturous.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - Dusty - 12-01-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 12:16 PM)YossariansRight Wrote:  

The Millennial shitheads are the worst. They combine stupid & arrogant into a nearly impenetrable combo, which makes dealing with them mostly torturous.


And you will never "convert" them so there's no point getting your blood pressure up engaging with them.

Besides, the HR rules are on their side. Try arguing with them with facts about illegals or refugeehadist and you'll find yourself sitting across from some obese HR official.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - the Thing - 12-01-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 01:06 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Try arguing with them with facts about illegals or refugeehadist

Rookie mistake. Here's what recently happened (not at this job)

On a coffee break, someone said "Hey Thing, did you know that the Swedish government is giving each refugee an 14,000 SEK/month allowance?"

I was getting the rant cannon ready to rip a big one, then another guy said "Really? That's so little, Sweden is an expensive country, they should be getting more."

Wow, they should? 14,000 SEK (roughly $2000) is a little less than what I pay in income tax each month, I work 45 hours a week to feed not only myself but also one of these cunts while they sit on their asses and do nothing and you mean I should be paying more?

I bit my lips, cracked a smile and walked away. No point in arguing if the other guy's not listening.

Edit: I can go on and on about this. I want the government to get me in touch with whichever specific refugee I'm funding so he can at least clean my house and cook me dinner while I'm away. Because the situation as it is, is almost like I'm married to some useless, unemployable fat whore and, ... oh wait.

Don't want to derail the thread, just a PS

How do you deal with PC work environments? - Dusty - 12-01-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 01:16 PM)the Thing Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2015 01:06 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Try arguing with them with facts about illegals or refugeehadist

On a coffee break, someone said "Hey Thing, did you know that the Swedish government is giving each refugee an 14,000 SEK/month allowance?"

I was getting the rant cannon ready to rip a big one, then another guy said "Really? That's so little, Sweden is an expensive country, they should be getting more."

[Image: bill-oreilly-flips-out.jpg]

How do you deal with PC work environments? - YossariansRight - 12-01-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 01:06 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2015 12:16 PM)YossariansRight Wrote:  

The Millennial shitheads are the worst. They combine stupid & arrogant into a nearly impenetrable combo, which makes dealing with them mostly torturous.


And you will never "convert" them so there's no point getting your blood pressure up engaging with them.

Besides, the HR rules are on their side. Try arguing with them with facts about illegals or refugeehadist and you'll find yourself sitting across from some obese HR official.


How do you deal with PC work environments? - aeroektar - 12-01-2015

I work on a boatyard in a blue collar town, its the complete opposite of a PC work environment, we regularly shit on liberals, BLM, gays, etc.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - PolymathGuru - 12-03-2015

I was in a PC environment. I got up and quit suddenly without a word. I just punched out and went to the beach.

Quote: (11-30-2015 12:31 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

I've given up on trying to get people to try Ubuntu.

I use ubuntu with an LXDE, KDE and Unity desktop interface. Also, you forgot to type WIA. You should be banned for that heresy.

How do you deal with PC work environments? - StudebacherHoch - 12-03-2015

In this age, it's best just to say as little as possible.