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Hungarian PM exposes the billionaire Soros for pushing illegal muslim invasion of EU - Printable Version

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Hungarian PM exposes the billionaire Soros for pushing illegal muslim invasion of EU - bronet - 11-20-2015


The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban exposed the hungarian billionaire George Soros,
criticizing the support he has given to the muslim illegal refugees from the Middle East heading to Europe

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said that George Soros, a hungarian billionaire living in United States, was responsible for the ongoing refugee crisis.

Hungarian PM exposes the billionaire Soros for pushing illegal muslim invasion of EU - Belgrano - 11-20-2015

This has already been discussed numerous times in the Migrant invasion thread, for example:


Hungarian PM exposes the billionaire Soros for pushing illegal muslim invasion of EU - bronet - 11-20-2015

W2eu is reported to be part of the Open Society network funded and funded by George Soros, the multi-billioniare with an obsessive hatred of ethnic Europeans and Christianity. When Soros isn’t helping to flood Europe with immigrants, he also plays a key role in inciting hatred in the USA by funding professional grievance operations such as #BlackLivesMatter, and of course he is central to pushing Ukraine into confrontation with Russia. He also helped fund the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ that destabilised the Middle East and helped facilitate the rise of ISIS.


Hungarian PM exposes the billionaire Soros for pushing illegal muslim invasion of EU - bronet - 11-20-2015

The Migrants invasion of Europe thread has 202 pages, I was not able to read them all.

I think this information that Soros was the main initiator and financial sustainer of the muslim illegal invaders in Europe this autumn is very important

Hungarian PM exposes the billionaire Soros for pushing illegal muslim invasion of EU - brick tamland - 11-21-2015

Part of 'unplugging' is realising that the ruling elites have a master plan. One tell tale is how quickly things happen when it's show time - for example 'dictators' being deposed decades after coming into power (were citizens twiddling thumbs all this time?); The fast spread of 'epidemics' around the world which cause panic but are just as quickly contained and not again heard about for years. There are many examples.
PS Soros is untouchable.