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White Knighting on the London Underground - Paracelsus - 11-11-2015


A social experiment on the London Underground nearly ended in violence when several angry men rushed to help a "groped" woman and nearly hit her apparent attacker.

The mock sexual assault took place on the crowded tube carriage with a blonde actress feigning distress as a lecherous man pressed up against her.

"Can you not touch me, you know that's sexual assault. Excuse me, you can't be doing that," the actress pleads aloud.

She tries to avoid her fellow thespian by moving toward some unknowing commuters, shouting: "Excuse me! Stop!"

The actress tells the strangers she does not know the man, but the leering man tells them: "I want to touch her."

As the scene plays out over a minute, another passenger leaps from his seat to intervene, charging the apparent sexual assailant, ready to give him a bloody nose.

Another passenger steps in to protect the woman from her attacker and the situation becomes tense and dangerous, causing the actress to break character. She pulls the pin and tells the marks they're in a social experiment.

By way of clarification, here's what our "damsel in distress" looks like:

[Image: 111115_tube_art1.jpg]

I'll spare you the video, but the most significant part to me is that, despite there being both men and women present on the car, it's only men who step forward to stop the fake indecent assault. Not one female passenger even looks up from her phone while this is going on.

Admittedly to me this seems a bit of a mixture between White Knighting and someone doing the decent thing to step in and stop an assault against another person, but the punchline of this story comes in the video's ending:


But someone had already pulled the trains emergency brake prompting the police to be called.

"That's a bit fucking stupid then," one passenger says.

"We are trying to raise awareness of sexual assault on trains because a lot of the time people see it happening and nobody says anything," the woman tells them.

These idiots were going for a "10 hours walking in NYC" effect, hoping nobody would get involved in the staged event ... and their social "experiment" proves entirely the opposite.

This incident, insofar as it is an "experiment" -- i.e. an attempt to prove a proposition -- proves that when this shit happens on trains, men will, in fact, step forward to stop a total stranger from being "sexually assaulted". There is no water at all in the assertion that "a lot of the time people see it happening and nobody says anything."

The irony, though. The smartest bloke on the train is the one who says it's fucking stupid to do this -- mainly because of 'Boy Who Cried Wolf' syndrome. Next time this happens blokes will be less inclined to intervene for fear of being made to look like a fool.

White Knighting on the London Underground - cascadecombo - 11-11-2015

Give them what they want for they know not the consequences that entails what they recieve.

White Knighting on the London Underground - aphelion - 11-11-2015

In a healthy society, this sort of white knighting is admirable. The reason we reject white knighting is because we live in an unhealthy society where white knighting is systematically taken advantage of.

White Knighting on the London Underground - britchard - 11-11-2015

To be honest, obvious perverts like this guy was pretending to be have it coming really. The true shock should be that now woman stepped in to help her.

Even worse, the fact that the emergency stop was pulled due to a fucking social experiment. I'd be seriously pissed off if that happened.

White Knighting on the London Underground - Feldeinsamkeit - 11-11-2015

Quote: (11-11-2015 03:23 PM)britchard Wrote:  

To be honest, obvious perverts like this guy was pretending to be have it coming really. The true shock should be that now woman stepped in to help her.

Even worse, the fact that the emergency stop was pulled due to a fucking social experiment. I'd be seriously pissed off if that happened.

I just hope that the SJWs that set this "experiment" up get fined for the improper use of the emergency stop handle.

White Knighting on the London Underground - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 11-11-2015

Quote: (11-11-2015 01:57 PM)aphelion Wrote:  

In a healthy society, this sort of white knighting is admirable. The reason we reject white knighting is because we live in an unhealthy society where white knighting is systematically taken advantage of.

This is absolutely true. I'll even go a little farther and say that in a healthy society, a lot of blue pill behavior is the right thing to do. It's not good to be a doormat or to fall into a woman's frame, but a lot of things like oneitis, white knighting, devoting yourself to care for your wife, etc., are all good and right.

The only reason these are bad and stupid now is because anyone doing them is likely to be scorned and taken advantage of for doing so.

White Knighting on the London Underground - kaotic - 11-11-2015

I can't wait for something like this to backfire and the guy gets his ass beat or worse the girl gets shit from women.

White Knighting on the London Underground - Roosh - 11-11-2015

Would bang and would grope.

White Knighting on the London Underground - Latinopan - 11-11-2015

If men in Europe would defend their countries like the defend this woman, the whole migrant invasion would not exist.

White Knighting on the London Underground - HeyPete - 11-11-2015

I wonder if she was a Rosie O'Donnell-looking bitch would these fellas leap to their feet and be ready with a fist?

White Knighting on the London Underground - Constitution45 - 11-12-2015

They did another video like this. Where the same woman is being 'slut shamed' and some hipster feminist knocks the man out cold with a glass bottle. London has a lot of obnoxious idiots like this. They usually come from sheltered backgrounds and don't really understand real life. Although london has a low murder rate it still has a nasty underbelly something bad could happen to these sjws if the wrong people felt slighted

White Knighting on the London Underground - Saweeep - 11-12-2015

To be fair to Londonders, there are a lot of "alpha male" type characters swanning about on the tube after work.

One of the most legendary stories from recent years in the City is from some crummy protestors attempting to storm Barclays Investment bank and the dudes who worked there rolled up their shirts and met them in the lobby and top of the escalators and beat the shit out of them.

White Knighting on the London Underground - VincentVinturi - 11-12-2015

"Social Experiment" = Fancy sounding excuse to do idiotic things in public and post it on YouTube to raise "awareness".

What women wouldn't speak up about an obvious grope?

To say nothing of a dude saying aloud "I want to touch her" and following her down the car.

Bogus straw man issue aimed at painting men as perma-creeps in need of an ass beating by the nearest other men whenever a woman makes a scene.

White Knighting on the London Underground - Constitution45 - 11-12-2015

Quote: (11-12-2015 10:17 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

To be fair to Londonders, there are a lot of "alpha male" type characters swanning about on the tube after work.

One of the most legendary stories from recent years in the City is from some crummy protestors attempting to storm Barclays Investment bank and the dudes who worked there rolled up their shirts and met them in the lobby and top of the escalators and beat the shit out of them.

There was a video shown earlier in the year, where one of these investment banker types in a suit tried to tackle a jewellery robber who had a machete.

Saying that you never know who is an off duty police officer or Territorial army type. I reckon a fair number of them work in the square mile.

On another note, shows how these feminists don't have any real problems, so they actually have to make them up in these pretend fantasy scenes. For example the one where the middle class white guy is telling a random woman in the street that she has to obey him because she is dressed like a 'slut'.

Do they still think we live in the 1950s, if anything a woman dressing conservatively is radical nowadays, marrying an amish guy that is radical. besides it was laughable how the daily mail picked up on it and presented it as a real story.

White Knighting on the London Underground - joost - 11-12-2015

Quote: (11-11-2015 06:01 PM)HeyPete Wrote:  

I wonder if she was a Rosie O'Donnell-looking bitch would these fellas leap to their feet and be ready with a fist?

Nobody would grope her.

White Knighting on the London Underground - eradicator - 11-12-2015

Quote: (11-11-2015 06:01 PM)HeyPete Wrote:  

I wonder if she was a Rosie O'Donnell-looking bitch would these fellas leap to their feet and be ready with a fist?

who would bother to sexually assault a rosie odonnell?

White Knighting on the London Underground - ChickenLover9T9 - 11-12-2015

Quote: (11-11-2015 05:50 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Would bang and would grope.

"M'Lady, might I grope?"
"Miss, may I touch you intimately?"
"Dearest maiden, might I initiate the banging procedure (as per my work of ISBN ############# pp. ### for your reference)?"

Just remember, Roosh, bro, anything other than an enthusiastic YES, preferably followed by modal confirmation such as "I will" or "I shall", preferably followed by a reasonably accurate repetition of your initial proposition such as " might certainly grope" or " may initiate said procedure" (and this positive response, at least YES, again preferably followed by the aforementioned modal confirmations, confirmed every ten (10) minutes EXACTLY) means that the lady does NOT consent. Thanks for understanding bro. Glad to see these bros on the train are very much aware of the correct policy; they have been inducted well. Keep on keepin' on my fellow bros.

What is probably disappointing to the authors of the experiment is the fact that it was ALL BROS stepping in to defend and women at best were unaware and at worst cowered in fear, very much willing for another woman to experience what she screams about on social media to no end. The silence from the women on the carriage spoke volumes. Yet they may attend feminist rallies and protests and each squeal as loud as a pig. When it comes down to it, though, correct or not, the vast majority of women do not have the backbone or honor to defend what they claim to believe in so strongly.

Personally, call me callous but I would not have stepped in. I know there are going to be plenty of bros on the carriage, so she is likely not in any tangible danger. Another man is as we have seen far more likely to be willing to seriously physically harm another man in public than a woman, but this works both ways; the staged attacker could have been carrying a weapon and is more likely to harm me if I woo woo while he is running his god awful game. I owe this woman nothing, nor does she owe me anything. If I am not inclined to initiate a conversation with the goal of an intimate relationship, I would not interact with her in any meaningful capacity. I will be and have been "close friends" with women who have either introduced me to her friends or in other ways helped me to get with other girls. But if a female is not a blood relative and is not doing that, well why would you talk to her? Even worse, why would you (potentially) risk your life for her? I would actually not mind talking/listening to and helping out the women who are good to me. But for a random woman on a carriage? To put in any kind of effort? No. To risk my life? Hell No. It's not personal, just neutral as she would not act if a random man put a gun to my head. Heck most women would probably just freeze in fear if a random man put a gun to her boyfriend's head, it's not their fault that they are weak willed. Deep deep down these woo woo bros want to bang just as much as the "attacker" does, they are simply running very different strategies. All male parties have one thing in common, though: they are running absolutely shit game.

I will admit that I personally could not run London Underground game consistently, it would be too great a drain on my happiness and sanity, so while their game is shit I probably couldn't do any better in the long-run on the cramped subway. I find best open air streets and light-hearted day time festivals where the women can go anywhere they please and social interaction can blend in completely so I don't get you know woo woo all the time. Sometimes I need a break from my bros woo woo. This one time I did initiate a conversation with a chick on the subway as I genuinely needed directions, I then continued with small talk but her face started to boil with fear/rage/I don't know what. #TRIGGERED! Suddenly out of nowhere she got up and ran to another carriage. There were other men sitting in seats all around and nobody attacked me. Indirect and socially calibrated is becoming all the more necessary in certain countries.

White Knighting on the London Underground - Tuthmosis - 11-12-2015

I've said it before it and I'll say it again: always run the Thirst Metric on a dude's so-called heroics. If he would do the same thing for a non-boner-test-passing chick or an old person (the most disrespected and often truly deserving demographic in the West) then it's legitimate act of a good citizen. Otherwise, it's just a guy trying to get pussy like everyone else--except, worse, because it's often at the expense of an innocent guy just putting in work (not groping a random bitch, of course) and disingenuous.

And what's with bitches and their "social experiments" proving the same shit over and over again?

Guys want pussy, especially if the broad is cute, young, and/or easy, more or less in that order.

No shit, Marie Curie, Jr.

White Knighting on the London Underground - Paracelsus - 11-12-2015

[Image: 111115_tube_art1.jpg]

On reflection I'm a little disturbed at how aroused she appears to be by the prospect of random men beating the snot out of her collaborator.

White Knighting on the London Underground - ChickenLover9T9 - 11-12-2015

Quote: (11-12-2015 11:06 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Otherwise, it's just a guy trying to get pussy like everyone else--except, worse, because it's at the expense of an innocent guy just putting in work (not groping a random bitch, of course) and disingenuous.

I've always been a believer that if a man is putting in work then fair dues go to him. (By this of course I just as Tuthmosis mean proper attempts at game not just groping etc.) Those who have struggled and who know how hard cold approach can be tend to appreciate the effort it takes. Those who have no real conscious idea but are still primally driven towards beautiful young women try to scrape whatever they can. Whiteknighting is probably the most common instinctive strategy men have, or at least exhibit nowadays.

I have returned a $500 phone to an old lady once, running to the front of the bus as she got off. I ran outside the corner store to return a similarly valued phone to a guy my age. He seemed surprised and was definitely not used to being treated in such a way. I've not yet had it where a woman has left a very valuable phone in my possession (they are glued to them nowadays), but if I did I'm not sure I could muster up the energy to return it. I'd just leave it probably. If that makes me a dick I'm not sure, but I tend to try (obviously in vain) to redress the public whiteknighting balance and help those who aren't typically helped as much.

Tuthmosis makes a good point that I have noticed as well: old folks even in the west with all the welfare benefits we do have, are in social terms just left to die off and any social interaction with professionals is not entirely authentic and many are starved of any real social interaction especially those with few family members around or family living at a great distance. The best thing to do for someone of that age is to just be a genuine friend, if they have no one else. But young men spend more time/money/energy whiteknighting or tipping camgirls who shove plastic objects up their assholes. And they call Roosh and his ilk degenerate?

White Knighting on the London Underground - innocent21 - 07-29-2016

So I suppose we don't live in a rape culture after all!

White Knighting on the London Underground - AnonymousBosch - 07-29-2016

Quote: (11-11-2015 08:21 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

I'll spare you the video, but the most significant part to me is that, despite there being both men and women present on the car, it's only men who step forward to stop the fake indecent assault. Not one female passenger even looks up from her phone while this is going on.

Doesn't surprise me at all. Women despise women who are far more attractive than them. You'll never see more drama in a workplace than once a beautiful woman joins the staff, which is why Human Resources are staffed with obese trolls to make sure this doesn't happen, if they can help it.

There's no doubt in my mind that an ugly social justice warrior would ignore a traditionally-beautiful woman being dragged into a dark alley right in front of them, perhaps even with a small twinge of pleasure and satisfaction.

They needed to use a plainer actress.

White Knighting on the London Underground - OCZ - 07-30-2016

I wonder what could happen if they did this in New Dehli or Islambad hahaha. Why not make social experiments in those countries?

White Knighting on the London Underground - CynicalContrarian - 07-30-2016

Quote: (07-29-2016 05:55 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Doesn't surprise me at all. Women despise women who are far more attractive than them. You'll never see more drama in a workplace than once a beautiful woman joins the staff, which is why Human Resources are staffed with obese trolls to make sure this doesn't happen, if they can help it.

There's no doubt in my mind that an ugly social justice warrior would ignore a traditionally-beautiful woman being dragged into a dark alley right in front of them, perhaps even with a small twinge of pleasure and satisfaction.

They needed to use a plainer actress.

Reminds me of the article detailing a British women setting up a female only film production company.

Company wound up failing due to all the gossiping & drama queens.
Girls getting jealous & envious because one chick would walk into the office with a new Louis Vuitton bag & so forth.

White Knighting on the London Underground - innocent21 - 07-30-2016

Quote: (07-30-2016 10:41 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Reminds me of the article detailing a British women setting up a female only film production company.

Company wound up failing due to all the gossiping & drama queens.
Girls getting jealous & envious because one chick would walk into the office with a new Louis Vuitton bag & so forth.

Can I have a link?