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Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - WalterBlack - 11-06-2015

No woman 'totally straight', study says


Gay women tend to be exclusively sexually attracted to women, while straight women are more likely to be aroused by both sexes, a study says.

Researchers asked 345 women about their sexual preferences and compared these with their arousal levels when shown videos of attractive men and women.

They found 28% of straight women were mostly aroused by their preferred sex, compared with 68% of gay women.

The University of Essex study concluded that no woman is "totally straight".

Study findings 'amazing'

The new study, led by Dr Gerulf Rieger from the University of Essex and published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, measured the arousal of women using eye tracking devices and direct measures of physiological sexual response.

Previous studies had already suggested that straight women were aroused by both sexes when tested, but researchers had never looked at whether the same was true for gay women.

Dr Rieger said the study's conclusion that women who identified as being completely gay were much more aroused by their preferred sex was "amazing".

He said their sexual arousal patterns were much more similar to men, whose responses tend to very accurately mirror their stated sexual preferences.

Dr Rieger said: "In the past we thought it was true of all women that they were aroused by both sexes. The fact that it appears this is not the case is amazing."

'More complex'

Dr Rieger said it was not known why gay women were more often only aroused by their preferred sex, but he believes it may be to do with the amount of testosterone female babies receive in the womb.

It was possible, he said, that women who experienced testosterone early in pregnancy had sexual behaviours that were more similar to men, but this has not yet been proven.

He said tests showed similar behaviours occurring in monkeys.

Dr Rieger said the wider conclusions of the study was that, while the majority of women identified as straight: "Our research shows that, when it comes to what turns them on they are usually bisexual or gay, but never totally straight".

However, he added the research did not necessarily mean women were repressing their true sexual preferences, but that their sexualities were simply more complex than men's.

"When it comes to straight women and sexual arousal there is such a disconnect between what a woman tells me and what her body does.

"It suggests that it's a different world for women when it comes to their sexualities."

Do you guys agree with this? I've asked a lot of women that I've banged of they like girls and the vast majority have said No.

I think some of the findings agree with some RVF posters stating that high T women are more sexual.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Repo - 11-06-2015

Most women have at least expiremented at some point whether or not they admit it in my experience.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Repo - 11-06-2015

The question you should ask isnt if they like girls, but have you expiramented with a girl before.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Wutang - 11-06-2015

The sexuality of women when it comes to gender preference isn't as fixed as men's from what I observe. I've heard lots of girls who describe themselves as straight and who have only been romantically involved with men say they would like to get freaky with another girl just to see what it's like. I doubt you'll find as many self-identified heterosexual guys wanting to "experiment" with another man.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Bill - 11-06-2015

There are other interesting findings like that there is basically no vaginal orgasm only clitoral orgasm. It makes sense as the vagina has almost no nerve cells. So basically classic sex is not much fun for them. That´s why the psychological component is so important.

The clitoris is kind of a small version of a penis. So things are weird down there.

Also in the animal kingdom the female animals sometimes get pissed off quite easily when having sex. It´s sometimes dangerous for the male animals.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - 262 - 11-06-2015


Researchers asked 345 women about their sexual preferences and compared these with their arousal levels when shown videos of attractive men and women.

In other not-so-new-news, straight women don't get off on porn. They get off mostly on men's behavior ("confidence"), such as by reading "50 Shades of Grey." Edit: Krauser said it best in a tweet - "The body of infield evidence collected by 15 years of PUA is far more reliable and valid than anything social science produced on seduction"

Also, Western media seems to be promoting this "study" as part of a Disney "Frozen" narrative - "girls, go for girls, instead of those guys with their evil penises of DEATH."

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - RexImperator - 11-06-2015

It's been mentioned in other threads that women are also aroused by watching dogs and monkeys have sex. This has been documented in psychological studies where they put a probe in the vagina.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Conscious Pirate - 11-06-2015

The issue of female sexual orientation fluidity has been discussed many times on this board, so I won't comment on that.

What i will comment on however, is the blatant efforts of our guidance counsellors (hack journalists) to legitimise the gay agenda once again. And this time, to sell it as a more honest orientation.


Dr Rieger said it was not known why gay women were more often only aroused by their preferred sex



Dr Rieger said the wider conclusions of the study was that, while the majority of women identified as straight: "Our research shows that, when it comes to what turns them on they are usually bisexual or gay, but never totally straight"..."When it comes to straight women and sexual arousal there is such a disconnect between what a woman tells me and what her body does."

A very sneaky way of telling us that gay women have much more integrity when it comes to their choice of partner than those "complex" (read: we don't want to know about hypergamy) straight women.


Dr Rieger said the study's conclusion that women who identified as being completely gay were much more aroused by their preferred sex was "amazing".

He said their sexual arousal patterns were much more similar to men, whose responses tend to very accurately mirror their stated sexual preferences.

Oh yes, must be the T. Gimme a break.

While I'm not suggesting that there may not be higher T levels in lesos I AM suggesting that this has more to do with female herd mentality. In my experience, when a girl goes to the dark side, she jumps in with both feet first. That is to say, they will completely change their social circle & lifestyle to fit in to the new gay identity that they are wanting to be a part of. I am more inclined to think that these lesbians are "more aroused by their preferred sex" firstly because they actually have a preference, & secondly because they are trying damned hard to be lesbians.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - kaotic - 11-06-2015

[quote='262' pid='1143572' dateline='1446844969']

Researchers asked 345 women about their sexual preferences and compared these with their arousal levels when shown videos of attractive men and women.

Women are aroused by anything, not just women.


New Documentary Finds Women Turned On by Pretty Much Anything

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Paracelsus - 11-06-2015

I saw this one and started looking for my Bullshit Meter. The study basically draws its theories off the idea that pupil dilation tells us when a person is turned on.

Maybe you've heard this one before?

[Image: blade-runner3.jpg]

Thing is, pupil dilation is a modern form of entrail-reading. Our pupils dilate for any variety of mental activity, be it mathematical calculation, sleepiness, introversion, race bias, moral judgment, autism, depression, and schizophrenia. It thus is damnably hard to isolate pupil dilation to identify whether you're getting turned on or not.

The same theory, that pupil dilation tells us whether men like to fuck cunts or butts, was tried out back in the sixties.

The Fruit Machine was an attempt to root out homosexuals from the Canadian civil service. Didn't work then, mainly because of methodology issues and because they didn't acknowledge the existence of more than one form of sexuality.

Have fifty years of intervening time made much difference to this new quest for what we might call The Slot Machine?

Not especially. Gerulf Rieger, the same scientist responsible for the above "groundbreaking" experiment has been pushing this idea for years. But the last experiment he did along these lines, in 2012, which you can find here --

--found that sexual orientation correlated with pupil dilation to erotic videos of their preferred gender, but the trend was only apparent when averaged across subjects, and only for male subjects. While pupillometry shows promise as a noninvasive measure of sexual response, they concluded, “not every participant’s sexual orientation was correctly classified” and “an observable amount of variability in pupil dilation was unrelated to the participant’s sexual orientation.”

That experiment, in other words, doesn't show that pupil dilation in women means they'll fuck anything that caters to their ego and has a moderately rigid y axis, it just shows that pupil dilation is not a reliable test for sexual orientation in women at least. It's borderline snake oil sales, and presumably being done so Rieger can keep pushing his gender orientation argument. Never mind also that Rieger wisely keeps his tests small so they don't mean shit: 340 people is not statistically significant no matter how he slices it. And I've yet to see anyone replicate the results of this test without Rieger among the scientists running it, which is a serious alarm bell to me.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - WalterBlack - 11-06-2015

Quote: (11-06-2015 03:56 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

The sexuality of women when it comes to gender preference isn't as fixed as men's from what I observe. I've heard lots of girls who describe themselves as straight and who have only been romantically involved with men say they would like to get freaky with another girl just to see what it's like.

I knew a woman who confessed that she would sleep with women behind her boyfriend's back. She started dating another guy and she told him she wanted to bring girls in, but this dumb fuck saud no. She said it was purely sexual and she only liked men on an emotional level.

Quote: (11-06-2015 03:56 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

I doubt you'll find as many self-identified heterosexual guys wanting to "experiment" with another man.

I think this guy has "experimented" so many times he can open his own fucking science lab...

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Days of Broken Arrows - 11-06-2015

We knew this from a study several years back that I kept mentioning on here. The New York Times did an article on it in 2009 called "What Do Women Want?"

The question is: What does it mean for us? The answer is: Not anything good.

The reason is that we now live in an age of liberal morals about homosexuality. If women can, they will. The fact that women can now fall back on women makes it that much harder for the average guy to land one.

Off the top of my head, I can count at least five feminine women I know who were "seduced" (i.e. recruited) by masculine dykes who became their de facto "husband" or boyfriend substitute. I know you all have seen this too: The impressionable and/or troubled girl who previously dated only guys but then falls into the clutches of a woman who looks and acts liked a man.

This, to me, is a problem. I'm older and not even that outgoing anymore. So if I know five such women, how many must there be? This adds up. That means there are a whole lot of guys out there today who don't have mates, but who would have had them in my era.

Liberal societies do not benefit men -- as Heartiste and Roosh have pointed out time and time again. This is another example of why. I used to be cool about this, but now it galls me to see the parents of these women cheering them on in Facebook comments as they pair up with fat freaks of nature.

If I weren't such a nice guy, I'd post photos of all five women here as examples of what can go wrong. None are women we'd refuse*, yet we're not gonna get the chance to do even that.

I used to laugh when people talked about gays "recruiting." I still do laugh when the talk turns to grown men. Unless it's prison, I don't see them recruiting straight guys. But I do see this among women and it's getting more and more disturbing the older I get.

* Just for the record, these women are: A 21-year-old blonde I knew at my local supermarket (just recently went to the dark side with an older, odd-looking dyke with kids), the sister of one of my friends, the daughter of a friend, a woman who works for my brother, and a 20-something Persian girl I met writing an article.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - zombiejimmorrison - 11-06-2015


She said it was purely sexual and she only liked men on an emotional level.

These rationalizations don't make much sense and they usually come from damaged girls who are massive sluts. A high quality girl with values would never spout this sort of hamster speak. If there are girls who are purely lesbians, then are girls who are completely straight. This is just gay propaganda.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Tim in real life - 11-06-2015

Man, I am personally getting fed up and annoyed with this goddamn wankershit. The fact this sex study is indeed from England is more than enough to question the legitimacy of this study, especially when England DID give the world Victorianism, whose legacy lives on as white female feminism.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - azulsombra - 11-06-2015


Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - azulsombra - 11-06-2015

Quote: (11-06-2015 08:15 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  


This study was done in England on 345 (largely white)women.
Their ages arent even mentioned in the article. Any one thats had sex with an English women and then traveled and experienced ANY other type knows that English women are a special breed. Normal for them is abnormal elsewhere.

Hard to call these results "groundbreaking" or "conclusive" as if they speak to the inherent sexual preferences of your average female human. We could easily do this same study in Morocco, Ethiopia, Thailand or Brazil and get completely contradictory results. Yawn.

Article should be changed to 'No Woman at Essex University is straight'

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - WalterBlack - 11-06-2015

Quote: (11-06-2015 07:24 PM)zombiejimmorrison Wrote:  


She said it was purely sexual and she only liked men on an emotional level.

These rationalizations don't make much sense and they usually come from damaged girls who are massive sluts. A high quality girl with values would never spout this sort of hamster speak. If there are girls who are purely lesbians, then are girls who are completely straight. This is just gay propaganda.

She's married now and claims she has given up girls...

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Dr. Howard - 11-06-2015

Quote: (11-06-2015 03:19 PM)Repo Wrote:  

The question you should ask isnt if they like girls, but have you expiramented with a girl before.

agree its all in the phrasing...deniability remember.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Suits - 11-06-2015

I've been familiar with this area of science for some time now. That's why, when two years ago, the pastor's wife at my parents very conservative church took a lesbian lover, broke up her family and ruined her children's life, it didn't surprise me at all.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - The Father - 11-06-2015

Quote: (11-06-2015 03:19 PM)Repo Wrote:  

The question you should ask isnt if they like girls, but have you expiramented with a girl before.

Exactly. They all say "no" when you ask them if they "like" girls, because when you ask them that they hear "are you a dyke?".

But most girls, when I ask them "Have you ever had sex with a girl?", give the exact same reply: "I made out with a girl once, but it was on a dare". I believe they made out with a girl, I don't entirely believe it was just because it was "on a dare", and I'm not sure in all cases it ended with making out.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - AneroidOcean - 11-06-2015

Quote: (11-06-2015 04:13 PM)Bill Wrote:  

There are other interesting findings like that there is basically no vaginal orgasm only clitoral orgasm. It makes sense as the vagina has almost no nerve cells. So basically classic sex is not much fun for them. That´s why the psychological component is so important.

The clitoris is kind of a small version of a penis. So things are weird down there.

Also in the animal kingdom the female animals sometimes get pissed off quite easily when having sex. It´s sometimes dangerous for the male animals.


Perhaps you're thinking of the review released by the father-daughter team of researchers in Italy, Drs. Vincenzo and Giulia Puppo?


But to back their assertions regarding the correct terminology to use, the Puppos employ no actual subjects or data and instead use 12 diagrams, 11 of which come from their own previous publications (the 12th is from Wikipedia).


Other experts disagree.

"Puppo is ignorant of, or dismisses, published evidence showing that applying mild pressure to the clitoris, vagina, or cervix activates distinctly different regions of the sensory cortex," said Barry R. Komisaruk, a distinguished professor of psychology at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey.

Women with spinal injuries who have no sensation of the clitoris can still feel sensation in the vagina and cervix, Komisaruk told Reuters Health in email.

The Puppos dispute peer-reviewed, published evidence without performing research to test or refute that evidence, he said.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Sombro - 11-06-2015


The University of Essex study concluded that no woman is "totally straight".

From experience, I can say no woman is totally lesbian either.

Anecdotal, of course, and not that it matters in the big picture. bfd

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - Wutang - 11-07-2015

Quote: (11-06-2015 06:59 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2015 03:56 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

The sexuality of women when it comes to gender preference isn't as fixed as men's from what I observe. I've heard lots of girls who describe themselves as straight and who have only been romantically involved with men say they would like to get freaky with another girl just to see what it's like.

I knew a woman who confessed that she would sleep with women behind her boyfriend's back. She started dating another guy and she told him she wanted to bring girls in, but this dumb fuck saud no. She said it was purely sexual and she only liked men on an emotional level.

I was going to add that the girls I'm talking about also have talked about how they weren't really interested in dating women - only guys. Any attraction they had to women was almost purely physical. One of the girls who is the one the most physically attracted to women out of the group of girls I'm talking about even specifically mentioned how she only had romantic and emotional feelings for males. Funny thing is that she had a boyfriend at the time and for the entirety of their relationship they never had full on sex but she still seemed pretty into him.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - alexdagr81 - 11-07-2015

Quote: (11-07-2015 01:25 AM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2015 06:59 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2015 03:56 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

The sexuality of women when it comes to gender preference isn't as fixed as men's from what I observe. I've heard lots of girls who describe themselves as straight and who have only been romantically involved with men say they would like to get freaky with another girl just to see what it's like.

I knew a woman who confessed that she would sleep with women behind her boyfriend's back. She started dating another guy and she told him she wanted to bring girls in, but this dumb fuck saud no. She said it was purely sexual and she only liked men on an emotional level.

I was going to add that the girls I'm talking about also have talked about how they weren't really interested in dating women - only guys. Any attraction they had to women was almost purely physical. One of the girls who is the one the most physically attracted to women out of the group of girls I'm talking about even specifically mentioned how she only had romantic and emotional feelings for males. Funny thing is that she had a boyfriend at the time and for the entirety of their relationship they never had full on sex but she still seemed pretty into him.

I have read similar sentiments with "bisexual" pornstars or even ones that only do lesbian scenes. They have romantic feelings for men but get physical with women. Here there's that element that it isn't real sex if there isn't a real dick.

Scientific Study says "No woman is "totally straight"" - MrXY - 11-07-2015

Based on my observations, I am convinced that the majority of women have bisexual tendencies. Women's sexuality is more contextual and on a spectrum than men's. Guys who doubt this I suspect just haven't delved deeply (heh) into the subject.

This topic has been an interest of mine for years, and I have discussed it with many women, some I was banging, some I just went on a date or two with, some were friends or acquaintances I can't give exact statistics of course, but definitely a majority have told me that they have engaged in one of more of the following: dated a girl, sex with a girl, kissed a girl, had not but was willing to experiment with a girl, fantasized about sex with girls, or watched lesbian porn.

A common technique I use to introduce the subject is a joke:

"What's the difference between a straight girl and a bi girl?"

Her: "I don't know"

"Three strawberry daquiris"

I suggest you try it, and when you deliver the punchline, watch her face. Most often what you will see is not just a laugh, but a knowing smirk. She knows what you mean because she has had that experience or has heard stories from other girls.

Another way to broach the subject is to bring up porn and ask her what types of scenes she likes. Some will volunteer than they like lesbian scenes and a lot of others will admit it when specifically asked in a nonshaming way. It's really surprising how many straight women get off to lesbian porn.

I agree that the attraction to women from mostly straight women is usually entirely sexual. They want relationships with men but have occasional cravings for a woman. Even girls who outright fuck other girls have told me they would never have a real relationship with a girl because "they are too crazy." Well, who knew?