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"Being Gay used to be fun" - PolymathGuru - 11-02-2015

Trigger Warning
There is some homosexual intercourse discourse in this post
I was watching a youtube video by a gay dude and decided to post a transcript. I think it can have some interesting additional insight. The reason why I am not posting a link or the video is for the following reasons.

1) He hates ROK
2) He displays his fat man titties on video with them jiggling from time to time.
3) We shouldn't be supporting this guy with more views.

I'll highlight some points I want bring out.


Being gay used to be fun.
Being gay used to have a rebellious element.
Being gay meant you could come to completely different standards from the straight community.

Being gay used to mean you could live a completely different life. You could be separate from the straight community. And it was fun. You could be as overtly sexual as you wanted. And it was fine. Yeah, it was segregated, but it was fun. Straight people used to complain how overtly sexual gay men were, but guess what, we were. And I think there was some jealousy there.

Pride parades used to have a lot nudity. Late 80s early 90s, it had a lot of nudity. It used to be people groping each other and making out on the floats. There weren’t something you would bring your children to because they might see something and “Oh, we can’t show out kids that”, you know, that was the attitude during those times. And as gay people got more and more accepted, that started to change. But back when we were able to have this viewpoint where we lived this completely different life than straight people. Back when that was the thing, so many people were like we want to prove were just like everyone else. We were so tired of being treated so different and yet we celebrated being so different. But the more that gay people got accepted, the less different we started to act. Now you go to a pride parade and everything is very safe. It’s a family friendly thing. It’s a family oriented, uh, parade now. Maybe not in San Francisco with things like fullesome fair or something like that. But that’s not the pride parade.

Gay Bars in the early 90s. Overtly sexual, All of them used to be overtly sexual. Especially if you went to a leather bar. Lots of groping, lots of touching, lots of come ons, lots of hitting on people, lots of people making out, and you used to go to the back area and everyone was sucking each others dicks. And now, now its something like, the eagle, I’ll take the eagle. The eagle now if you go in there, and you do more than give a peck on the lips, uh, someone will pull you aside and say “no we can’t do that. Someone might report it to the city and the city ordnance says that you can’t have displays of public affection in a place that serves alcohol. If you want to do that, go to the bath house, the designated sex spot. Where you get to see posters everywhere of make sure you don’t get aids. Here have these free condoms with a drag queen on the front of the condom.” gay bars used to be fun. There weren’t these worries that well we need to act like what straight people are supposed to act like. It was all about having fun. And now, wheres the fun.

Wheres the fun in the pride parades. There is no rebellion left, that’s done. Once the rebellion is gone, we’ll be just like everyone else. Were so proud to be just like everyone else. And to me, the pride parade used to be something of well celebrate how different we are.

Even though we complained that people are treating us like we are different we would still in actuality celebrate how different we were. Now, you know, now gay marriage is the thing, its gotten more so this way. Now we are under the standards of a monogamous relationship and adopt some children and go for the white picket fence and blah blah fucking blah. Go for the straight standards. What happened? Its almost like, you know someone with curly hair wanting straight hair and when they finally get straight hair exactly as they always wanted they realize oh, I guess curly hair was kind of cool. And the other way around you know. You don’t know what you got until its gone. And let me tell you something its certainly gone. Most of the gay areas in some many different cities, you know, theres not that much left. Tacoma used to have, you know, there was one point where five gay bars, Tacoma, had five gay bars. Now there is one. You got the mix but that’s the mix. And people certainly don’t make out there. Someone might, you’ll see a hug.

Theres, and everyone is scarred to make sexual charged comments anymore. What happened? You know? And now that these sort of social justice warriors, the new type of social justice warriors, radical feminist standard is going all over the place, you know. Those same standards are being pushed onto straight men are being pushed, you know, inadvertently being pushed onto gay men. Are people going to realize it? How far will it go. The whole social justice warrior, new thing, new feminism, its all about complaining about everything and not having any fucking idea how to have fun. We don’t know how to have fun anymore. We don’t know how to enjoy ourselves anymore. We’re too busy being offended by everything.

So as I said, being gay used to be fun. It doesn’t seem that way anymore. I wonder if anything can be done about that. Or whether we are going down this road of prudishness based off statistical data and gender studies. Sociology for the win, right?

Some important highlights about the video.

1) "The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality."-Heartiste
This video reinforces what Heartiste said some time ago. It is being spread also in homosexual relationships. The point of homosexuality was to create a safe space for male hypersexuality. Since women would never fuck at rates that men do, homosexuality allowed for it. ALL MALES are being subject to heartiste's quote.

2)"Being gay used to mean you could live a completely different life."
Homosexuality was never intended to be equal to hetrosexual relationships. They were the anti-establishment. Now it is about political pawning. Their anti-establishment attitudes were being rewritten as oppression. It then became the way of not leveraging gay voters but "oppression sympathizers" voters who could easily make up 30% of voters.

In the words of my sister when the supreme court legalized gay marriage, her opinion on the issue was "It is cool." It doesn't matter that marriage is a contract and not a right. It doesn't matter what repercussions there were. She liked it and supported it because it was "cool".

I also hate how people try to compare slavery to gay marriage. Its an insult to make that comparison. One deals with a contract. The other deals with explicit human ownership of people.

"Being Gay used to be fun" - Paracelsus - 11-02-2015

I started to compose a reply to this, and then I realised something: I don't give a fuck.

I don't care that buttfuckers are having an identity crisis because they have nothing to rebel against and nothing to define themselves by.

I don't care that buttfuckers who would have their cocks cut off and their arses impaled with red hot pokers in more "primitive" parts of the world are bewailing the loss of their Western sex clubs.

I don't care that buttfuckers with a low T content are scared of having to take up beta family responsibilities.

I don't care that buttfuckers' shitty parades are no longer any fun.

I don't care that buttfuckers are annoyed that the same shitty worldview that "liberated" them is the same shitty worldview that is now imprisoning them.

In short: Woe Unto Thee, O Sodom.

"Being Gay used to be fun" - Sooth - 11-02-2015

I see it as a joke now. Homosexuality has lost everything that attracted the freaks there in the first place.

Milo Yiannopoulos talked about it on a Joe Rogan podcast.

He said he hates what has become of the modern homosexual because it's no longer the deviant lifestyle that he desires. He mentions with spite his gay neighbours who have a house, a car and a dog together, all married up etc. He then joked about coming out out as straight because straight white men are getting the most hate and attention now, not being allowed to just have sex with girls, but no one cares what homos do.

I'm just hoping pedophiles aren't the next "in" thing.

"Being Gay used to be fun" - The Beast1 - 11-02-2015

Awe you're sad that your culture has become mainstream of watered down?

Boo fucking whoo

"Being Gay used to be fun" - Tim in real life - 11-10-2015

I've always gotten the impression that "homosexual = gay" in the Anglo context started circa Victorian England: yes, the same time period when and where:

--false Jack the Ripper accusations preceded concurrent spike in false rape accusations

--where sexually frustrated and desperate men decided to take extreme measures to sexually pleasure themselves

--literally jumping ship for pussy was an option

--being in the British Royal Navy means "you're homosexual"

"Being Gay used to be fun" - Surreyman - 11-13-2015

Quote: (11-02-2015 05:56 AM)Sooth Wrote:  

He said he hates what has become of the modern homosexual because it's no longer the deviant lifestyle that he desires. He mentions with spite his gay neighbours who have a house, a car and a dog together, all married up etc.

Exactly. Notice how he mentions the free condoms and aids posters in the bath house. Never mind that gay men have about 5-10 times the rate of STDs that straight men have. That's a real issue(caused by so much unprotected sex), and he just wants to ignore it so he can keep his self-destructive lifestyle.

What he doesn't realise is that the reason homosexuals are accepted by the majority of people (in my country at least) is because they are perceived to be just normal people who want to get a mortgage, a dog and a car.

Being a crack-addicted, VD-ridden rentboy isn't 'exciting', it's repulsive. No matter how permissive our society becomes it will always be repulsive, this writer is crying because he's realised this.

"Being Gay used to be fun" - BodiPUA - 11-13-2015

Never take seriously a single word that comes out of a woman or homsexual's mouth. Its only use is as meta-analysis.