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NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - easternwomenrule - 10-26-2015

I've broken a couple of my fingers and after surgery my doctor said i have to rest my hand for 8 weeks. No heavy lifting or else it might dislocated and i have to wait twice as long.

I can't work so I'm trying to pass the time (2 weeks now). I'm watching aĺlot of TV and playing video games but Im also starting to eat junk food and drink a bit. I can feel the depression starting to kick in cause i can't do much. I'm also starting to wake up late cause i dont have much to look forward too.

What are some constructive things i can do to keep my moods up and work on myself and grow. In the past, if i seriously injury myself at the gym i start to fall into these bad habits but i want to break this cycle.

Any suggestions would be good!

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - nek - 10-26-2015

I've been in a similar situation before, here's just a few things.

For one: Cut out the bad shit (toxic food and videogames).

Physical things to do: There's lots, from plyometrics to rope skipping to shadow boxing (if you don't have the technique, now's the time to learn it). Work on your mobility and flexibility as well.

Mental: Study a language or any challenging subject really. Know anything about welding or programming? Learn it. Brush up on cooking clean and healthy meals.

Spirit: Kill people with kindness. Make them feel good about themselves. Engage people in the way you'd like to be engage. Realize how you can add value to people's life and know what it means to be a "good" person (I say this in quotes b/c some people confuse this with being the stereotypical "nice guy". This is not what I mean).

Reconnect with nature. I know this sounds like some new age shit but it works.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - The Lizard of Oz - 10-26-2015

A few things. First, health basics:

1. First, drinking, smoking and eating junk food will slow down the healing process, so you should avoid them during this period for that reason alone.

2. Do not allow yourself to wake up late. Find a morning schedule that works for you and stick to it through this time. If you have the money, you might want to get a light box and use it during this period to stay on a regular schedule. This is especially appropriate at this time of the year (assuming you are in the Northern hemisphere) and will serve you well going forward, even after you're healed.

3. Get the supplements that I suggested in this post:

Quote: (03-24-2014 09:00 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

slubu, get all of the following (these are all in powder form, ideally absorbed):

Mix them in 12oz of water every morning and take 2 of these with the drink:

Also, get a slow cooker and make a lot of bone broths for gelatin and collagen.


Now, as far as how to pass the time. There is nothing particularly wrong with watching TV, but why not get a good long book that you can read during this period? Tucking into a book can be very enjoyable and its continuity gives time a different sense as you keep reading it from one day to the next. 8 weeks is a very good period of time over which to read a few books at leisure.

For the same reason, rather than watching TV in a random way, it's better to get a few seasons of a TV show that builds a narrative and builds characters from one episode to the next. A particular favorite of mine is a show made some years ago called The Shield, a great show about LA cops. But of course there are many others, pick something that would suit your taste and just watch it in order, from the first episode of the first season and onward. Don't glut, pace yourself so that you only see one or at most two episodes a day. That is a great way to enjoy a great art, and to structure your time.

Finally, make sure you take some walks (dress warmly and protect your hand, obviously). Don't stay indoors all day long; take the time to go outside. If there is a coffee shop you like, go there every day and hang out for an hour, maybe even meet some people there (but don't drink too much coffee, not a good idea for recovery or for maintaining a regular schedule).

That should be good enough for a relaxing and enjoyable period and a full recovery.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - Kabal - 10-26-2015

1. Jelq (with your other hand)
2. Teach yourself a language by listening to music, looking up the lyrics, and Google Translate (most of my Spanish listening comprehension skills came from doing this during my last few months at my previous job)
3. Khan Academy for Stastistics/Math Courses
4. Read novels such as Lolita and Moon is a Harsh Mistress online, which I also did as I was winding down at my old gig

Coincidentally, I also spent about 8 weeks this year seat/bed-ridden due to injury.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - Thomas the Rhymer - 10-26-2015

You need to pick a project and run with it. Whether it's learning a language, writing a short story, listening to podcasts, starting a fiverr gig, or whatever.

Wake up early in the morning, dress nicely, pack yourself a lunch, and go somewhere to work on your project, like a library or coffee shop. Daygame whenever you need a break or spot a good opportunity, and use your project and your injury as conversation fodder if you run out of things to say. (God has blessed you with an awesome daygaming prop - at some point a chick will want to know what happened to your hand, especially if you get all mysterious about it. Just don't bring it up first.)

It's important to stay out of the house as much as possible, if you can.

As for food, since you are not working you may as well teach yourself how to make food from scratch.

You need to keep working out. At the very least you can do body weight squats, or even put a bit of weight in a backpack and use that to add some resistance. If you don't have weights, fill some bottles with water (1 liter of water is about 1 kilogram) and put that in the backpack. There are lots of calisthenics things you can do, and in fact this is a great opportunity to focus on leg work (which most people avoid).

This is a great opportunity for you to do something cool and fun and challenging and to hit on chicks, please don't waste it on tv and video games. In fact, maybe ask someone to take your tv away from you for the duration of your recovery so that it can't distract you. Without a tv, you'll start doing something interesting from sheer boredom, you won't even need any willpower for it.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - Suits - 10-26-2015

Are you allowed to fuck?

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - Indy - 10-29-2015

Stuck inside with broken fingers? I broke my tibial plateau and required surgery. I had a 12" incision, a plate, and ten screws. I was banging two days after my staples came out (two weeks after surgery) and out drinking and gaming women in a wheelchair within a month.

If you're on any anti-boner meds, stop those and switch to Ibuprofen several hours before consuming alcohol or banging.

I sympathize though; surgery is painful. But locked inside two months with a few broken fingers? Meh...

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - void - 10-29-2015

Congratulations, you gained 2 months of involuntary freedom. Learn a language, do whatever the fuck you procrastinated in the last years that is possible.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - easternwomenrule - 10-30-2015

Thanks for the advise guys!

I'm limiting TV and video games to about 1-2 hours a day instead of all day long. I hate wasting time, it lowers my mood. I started reading some books, learning to cook better and I joined a school to learn Thai which is making me feel better by being constructive.

I also feel better waking up early instead of sleeping in and forcing myself to eat healthy. I also bought my first Juicer and I'm flooding my body with nutrient which is helping me stay in a good mood. Juicers are fucking great where it's taking a bit of time trying out all the different recipes!! [Image: smile.gif]

For exercise, i've just been using my old exercise bike for now. Any kind of mid/heavy lifting or impact (jogging, banging), I'm unable to do at present.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - Thomas the Rhymer - 10-30-2015

Quote: (10-30-2015 06:26 AM)easternwomenrule Wrote:  

I'm limiting TV and video games to about 1-2 hours a day instead of all day long. I hate wasting time, it lowers my mood. I started reading some books, learning to cook better and I joined a school to learn Thai which is making me feel better by being constructive.

I also feel better waking up early instead of sleeping in and forcing myself to eat healthy. I also bought my first Juicer and I'm flooding my body with nutrient which is helping me stay in a good mood. Juicers are fucking great where it's taking a bit of time trying out all the different recipes!! [Image: smile.gif]

For exercise, i've just been using my old exercise bike for now.

[Image: giphy.gif]

As a supplement to your language school, I highly recommend

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - el mechanico - 10-30-2015

So, you have to stay in the house for a couple of broken fingers huh?

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - roberto - 10-30-2015

8 weeks 'housebound'? Never mind the broken fingers, it sounds like you need a job...

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - Virtus - 10-30-2015

House arrest game

Get an ankle monitor (police kind) off amazon (so you can return it) and post pix of yourself showing off the monitor with your mug smiling and thumbs up on your favorite dating site. spam bitches with "sup" and then have them come and bring you shit from the store when they come over. do not forget to order a mega pack of condoms

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - RatInTheWoods - 11-03-2015

Dude a couple of busted fingers doesnt make you housebound.

You got some time off work, great. Now get out the house and enjoy life.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - Svoboda - 11-03-2015

Quote: (10-30-2015 11:37 AM)Virtus Wrote:  

House arrest game

Get an ankle monitor (police kind) off amazon (so you can return it) and post pix of yourself showing off the monitor with your mug smiling and thumbs up on your favorite dating site. spam bitches with "sup" and then have them come and bring you shit from the store when they come over. do not forget to order a mega pack of condoms

This [Image: idea.gif] is hilarious.

Why not go on a trip? Being stuck with broken fingers at home, or being stuck with broken fingers in a beautiful place, or a pussy paradise. I know what I'd prefer.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - jamaicabound - 11-03-2015

Any skills you've been wanting to learn? Whether its youtube video creation, a foreign language, affiliate marketing, etc. I know you can't really type or take action in that sense but you can watch a lot of youtube vids and educate yourself on the topic

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - easternwomenrule - 11-05-2015

Quote: (10-30-2015 09:09 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

So, you have to stay in the house for a couple of broken fingers huh?

For all the soft cocks that haven't broken bones and had surgery. The first to 1-2 weeks you basically have to sit on your ass and let shit heal.

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - easternwomenrule - 11-05-2015

Quote: (10-30-2015 11:20 AM)roberto Wrote:  

8 weeks 'housebound'? Never mind the broken fingers, it sounds like you need a job...

Its the only reason I came back to the broken West is to work for 3 months then head back to the East!

A bit hard being a labour with a broken hand. These 2 small screws holding my fingers togther. If I exhaunt too fast, my fingers will come off and i have to go under again and it would take more then 8 weeks to heal.

Might have to work in the office with all the betas once my hand clears up! Can't wait to get out the fuck out Australia and be around REAL women!!!

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - el mechanico - 11-05-2015

Soft cocks? How exactly did you mess your hand up?

What does " exhaunt too fast" mean?

NEED HELP!! House bound for 8 weeks! - Pyrrhic victory - 11-05-2015

I smashed two fingers between an 80 and 90 pound dumbbell because some idiot let their dumbbell roll to my incline bench.

Had to get it pinned Together. You should stay immobile as the slightest incorrect movement or bump will reset the fracture or break. Then you may have to do procedure all over again.

It sucks. stay at home , eat some soup and learn a language.

I started studying Portuguese.