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Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Printable Version

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Are you a father, or do you want to be? - scrambled - 09-28-2015

Gotta preserve those endangered family names, like 'Smith' and 'Patel', let them not disappear from the earth. Trouble is, having offspring won't preserve your paternal line for long either, eventually all lines die out, usually in 4 generations or so, with only daughters born, etc.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Thaitanium - 09-28-2015

Im 33 and have no idea. I do know what is holding me back is the potential costs of raising kids and the freedom you lose. I got 4 different vacations lined up in the next 7 months and enjoy spending my money on that. I've read somewhere the costs of raising a kid until their 18th year are at least 100.000 euros. That's a lot of money to spend on other things.

Also, if I look around me at people with kids I just get annoyed by all the little shit these kids do and the fact you are always busy with them. Seems they don't have any time for themselves.

That said, I am a teacher so I see kids the entire day already, but there is always a small feeling inside me that being a father is something you should be doing. So who knows in a few years...

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Akula - 09-28-2015

Quote: (09-27-2015 08:08 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

In the past year, I've been getting strong urges to impregnate women, to the point where I no longer trust myself to be careful during sex. When a girl told me the other week that she would keep any baby if I accidentally impregnated her, I became more interested in her. An accidental pregnancy in the past would have been a nightmare scenario, but now I wouldn't mind it as long as the girl wasn't a slut.

I think this is happening for a couple reasons:

1. My resources are secure enough to raise a kid (in Eastern Europe)
2. I'm getting older
3. I see more value in family than before
4. I'm bored of sterile interactions with women

I'm not the first one to have this "problem": thread-7138.html

Anyone else been bitten by the urge? I know in the manosphere it is said that having children is "slavery" or something similarly negative, but it's getting harder to deny my natural urges to have them. I set up a poll above to get an idea where the forum stands on this. I know several guys are already dads.

I have been feeling this urge for the past few years and recently it's reached an almost 'crescendo' type level where I feel it's "now or never" and am sizing up every woman for wife/motherly traits. My notches have gone way down and I no longer have late nights out at the club where I bring home some girl but rather day game mostly in order to find the higher quality girls and not knock up some slut.

I definitely feel like if the girl is nice, feminine, compatible, good mother material etc. I will actively just blast away in order to get it over with.

It's weird but there are 2 girls now that I've selected who are good candidates and I seem to be so focused on them that it's becoming harder to game others and I have to push myself to do it.

Quote: (09-27-2015 09:03 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

When I was rawdogging some chick in the Philippines, this little voice in my head said "go ahead and blast inside her... impregnate her."

yeah I get that voice too and had it with a girl who I rawdogged earlier this year who I knew wasn't quite up to snuff but I still did it anyway...almost like it's uncontrollable on some level...

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Oz. - 09-28-2015

The only reason I'm not a father is because I need to get a varicocele operation, shit I already have someone in mind too. I would want more than one kid though and not all with the same girl.

Clearly I don't plan on doing this in America.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Excelsior - 09-28-2015

Quote: (09-27-2015 08:08 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

In the past year, I've been getting strong urges to impregnate women, to the point where I no longer trust myself to be careful during sex. When a girl told me the other week that she would keep any baby if I accidentally impregnated her, I became more interested in her. An accidental pregnancy in the past would have been a nightmare scenario, but now I wouldn't mind it as long as the girl wasn't a slut.

I think this is happening for a couple reasons:

1. My resources are secure enough to raise a kid (in Eastern Europe)
2. I'm getting older
3. I see more value in family than before
4. I'm bored of sterile interactions with women

I'm not the first one to have this "problem": thread-7138.html
Quote: (09-27-2015 09:43 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

I think it's normal and follows human biology and evolutionary psychology for a man to want to settle down more and have a child as he enters his late 30's on into his 40's. I think Roosh is experiencing this, I know I'm starting to feel it a little at the age of 31 which still isn't even that old. I'm just not that into going out 2-3 nights a week, staying up late, getting drunk, being hung over, etc., it takes a toll on your body and over all health mentally and physically. Also I'm just not feeling the effort it can sometime take to pursue girls that aren't that awesome and that I'm not that excited about.

You guys got to this point a lot later than I did. I wrote the opening post that Roosh quoted above when I was 20, and I had the same mindset well before that time. I've never trusted myself to be careful during sex.

I've also never enjoyed the sterile nature of sex in the Western world. Sex without procreation, the possibility of procreation, or at least a partner you'd seriously want to procreate with, just has this air of pointlessness to it in my view. Yeah, it is pleasurable, but it feels sterile in a way that just doesn't sit right with me and never has. I see attractive women engaging in it exclusively and I just can't help but feel that it is a waste.

Like Roosh, I find it very attractive and I tend to express more interest when women express a desire to have children (especially my children). I feel that there is no greater compliment a woman can pay you than a willingness to bare your child, given the importance of the act and the sacrifice it takes for her to do it for you.

On the other hand, I find it to be a huge turn off when a woman expresses a desire not to have kids. I find it outright insulting when a woman expresses a desire not to have my children specifically (be it because she feels I'm of the wrong background or whatever).

These realities have kept me from fully enjoying the hookup culture here to the extent that I think it can be enjoyed. As I noted above, I don't really love sterile interactions with women, and all too often I feel that such interactions are all I can really get in this society. Women who a) want to be mothers and b) would actually make decent mothers are downright uncommon, especially at my age and in the environments I'm in (high-ranking schools in very progressive northeastern academic hotspots). They would consider the idea of having my child to be a disaster in their lives, and that bothers me. Maybe it shouldn't bother me so much, but it does. It always has. It just contributes to the sterile nature of the sex here that I don't like.

Part of me wishes I hadn't come to this mindset at such a young age, but I realize that I did so in large part because of my upbringing and it probably couldn't be helped. I come from a culture in which my viewpoints are quite normal, and I'm not ashamed of them.

Quote: (09-28-2015 01:18 AM)LINUX Wrote:  


Few things annoy me more than condescending anti-natalism. Most of those "suggested alternatives" are easily exposed for how empty they are, but I'm not going to bother.

The notion that there does not exist a good reason to have children is asinine. If you don't want kids then, by all means, don't have them. Just don't run around trying to convince people you are logically or morally superior for doing so. You're not.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - PolymathGuru - 09-28-2015

I'll become a father once I find the women that learns to kotow to her master.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - kaotic - 09-28-2015

Another great conversation was about this here as well:


I was at a friends baby shower last week, being around so many women with children freaked me out a little. One of my friends wives put her child in my was just a weird feeling.

I feel like I don't have a connection with children as if they were no existent.

I don't know if that part of me has checked out, or completely stigmatized from banging so many girls and see how women truly can act (this forum is an affirmation of this).

We talk alot about child support, divorce rape, nightmare mothers, etc. We do focus on the negative (granted there is SOME positivist).

I can honestly say, maybe I'm just scared ? I don't think the player lifestyle has completely eroded my thoughts on having children.

I might be in the same boat as Sam is - maybe I'm just seeing and thinking about worst case scenarios.

I need to secure myself better, maybe move out of the states, finding a quality girl here is a needle in a haystack when it comes to one bearing your children.

I'd love to hear more about this and peoples views.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - greekgod - 09-28-2015

10-4 on becoming a father. To go down the RP Path and only to turn around and utilize those skills just to fuck sluts until the end of time is selling yourself short. The world needs more men rearing kids and not good lil' boys who procreate because Bachelor Degree Becky wants to upload baby pics on Instagram.

All that being said, I'm 27 and became an uncle in March. My brother and I see eye to eye on many things but he is still very BP. I don't bother conversing with him about said principles because I am still only 18 months into this journey. However, I have decided that I will be toe the line and attempt to be as big of influence on that kid as possible. I wrote out a list of lessons for him as he enters adulthood and gets ready for college. His parents, as it stands now, will condition him to believe "happy wife, happy life". I suspect my brother will change his tune on this as the novelty of marriage wears off and he sees things for what they truly are.

Another reason for writing out this list was to see what lessons I would teach my son(s) down the road. It is by no means complete but a WIP that will evolve. Feel free to critique it.

Alright, bud, these are some rules and ideas a young man should consider as he begins his ascent to self actualization. Your parents are intelligent and have done very well. However, they are left leaning and believe in ideals as opposed to seeing the world for what it is. I imagine by the time you review this you will have been indoctrinated with so many ideas that don’t serve your purpose in life. And make no mistake, your purpose in life is to MAXIMIZE YOUR LIFE, wield your power, be of value, and live for yourself. Hopefully, along the way you are able to help others advance their lives. However, I just want to be clear, living for others is slavery.
1.Maximize your appearance; first impressions matter and in addition to showing someone you are well dressed what a sharp appearance tells the world is how you view yourself. Walk down the street in a baggy suit and then two hours later walk down the street in your tailored suit, youll notice and feel the difference. In accordance with this, the most important part of looking good is fit. Find a tailor and invest in that relationship, it will pay for itself many times over.
2.Stay in shape, don’t get fat. Its 65% diet and 35% activity. If your diet is off, you are off. There is no reason to be fat, ever. Learn to cook. The best way to stay fit is through active legs. This could mean soccer, deadlifts & squats, etc but they are your biggest muscle groups thus they burn the most fat. A solid house starts with a sturdy foundation, same with your body. Lastly, body weight exercises will build more strength than free weights.
3.Words tell you someones intentions, actions tell you someones reality. The sooner you learn this, the quicker you can read the environment around you and start capitalizing on it.
4.If you can sell, you will always have a job. Additionally, skills get you in the door and connections will get you on the VIP list for as long as you want.
5.No one ever lost out of women chasing money but you will lose countless opportunities chasing women. In other words, a female compliments your life and should never be the focal point. Also, women are never stop complaining. Even if you somehow manage to solve every problem, they will still bitch. Now you know.
6.People are not equal in terms of value, capability, intelligence, and potential. They all deserve humanity, a chance for a nice life, and opportunity. However, do not confuse equal opportunity with equal results and capability.
7.Avoid politics, its all bullshit.
8.Financial security is achieved by having either leverage or equity. Financial slavery is achieved by working for someone else your whole life.
9.Less is always more.
10.The most important lesson you must learn and internalize is to not be externally motivated or influenced. If you are externally influenced, you are a puppet that doesn’t have your own values. You may have fun but you are playing someone elses game. If you have an internal foundation, you will glide through life as your own guide, not societies plaything.
11.Don’t get married, there is no upside for you. have kids, create a family, but why do you need the government to validate this? Unless divorce laws have experienced a serious overall you only stand to lose.
12.Its not racist if its true.
13.Men and women are different. Embrace being a man so a woman can embrace you.
14.To this point, the modern world will tell you a lot about attraction and talk about “feelings” and other soft shit. The reality is, its much simpler than that. Attraction comes down to screening for lineage progression. This is why “jacked douchebags” get chicks. Because they have size and if something goes down, they can protect the women. Its all dominance. Subconsciously, a chick is thinking “if this fucker knocks me up and I’m on the sidelines for 9 months, can he protect, feed, and nurture me while I’m pregnant? And then when our baby is born, how fit is he to provide care, shelter, protection, resources, and opportunities for our offspring?” If you understand this, you can save yourself a lot of hassle in long run and have a lot of fun in your youth. Be a leader
15.NO COVERT CONTRACTS. Read No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover. Something tells me your dads collection of rom coms will make it a necessity for you to read this book.
16.The sunk cost fallacy is real and applies to much more than business opportunities. Think about this.
17.Under no circumstances do you argue or associate with feminist. They hate men and are a drain on your precious time and energy.
18.Always be more invest in yourself as opposed to how others may view. Billions of humans have come and gone in our history; being overly concerned with others perceptions of you is a recipe to ensure you achieve nothing of significance.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - therealpoder - 09-28-2015

I'm 29, at the verge of being 30, and I do not feel any strong urges to be a father yet. In fact, I think I would dread being a father now.

I think the reason for that is, out of women I have banged, (which I admit does not come close to a lot of the guys on this forum), there not a single one of them that I think are wife or mother material.

The women I have banged, with the exception of one or two, are sluts. With a lot of these girls I did not have to take them on a date or spend any money on them at all and I was able to bang them a short while after meeting them. And after the bangs these girls would not contact me again or would not respond after I contacted them. They acted like they did not even know me. I can guarantee that they probably behaved this way with many other men. Why would I want a woman like that as the mother of my kids?

There's seems like there is no in between for me: either I bang a girl quickly and then never hear from her again or I try to do traditional dating, which fails by the woman not contacting me even if the date went well.

And the thing about it is that they did not seem like sluts; they seemed like normal girls. But in our society, this behavior is considered to be normal. Girls are so slutty nowadays that they can't even be bothered with a FWB relationship; it's only a one time thing with them. This toxic society makes marriageable women scarce. If I were to have kids (I don't believe in bring bastards into the world), I think I would have to travel abroad.

Have I gone on dates with "nice" girls? Sure. But these relationships did not work out for one reason or another.

I admit that I do not live in the best city for dating (DC), but based on the experiences I have read from other forum members, I don't think the quality of women would be that much better if I moved to another US city.

On the other hand, I have talked to fathers and while some talk about their kids like they are the greatest thing in the world, other fathers, although they love their kids, make their kids seem like a burden.

I spoke to my mother not too long ago and she mentioned to me that if you find the right woman marriage can be great and if you raise your kids rights and are lucky, your kids can turn out great too. However, she told me that once you get married your life is over since you have to give up a lot of things you want to do to be a good husband and father. She concluded by saying that if I don't get married or have kids, I'm not missing out on anything. I think I believe her.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - forever_beta - 09-28-2015

Roosh, the best thing you can do for yourself is get a realistic picture of what being a parent actually involves. Be sure you have the funds and are ready to have a more settled and stable life. Make sure you are ready to make a HUGE sacrifice in your lifestyle and time to devote to this. Yes you could just impregnate and then dump them mostly on the woman, but is it even worth having them at all in that case? In the end you will find that no matter how well you prepare yourself, everything everyone told you about parenthood is an understatement. Kids are not easy, no matter how wealthy you are.

Make sure you find a loving and nurturing woman who will take care of the family. Make sure she cooks so that your kids will be raised healthy. She should also be at least intelligent enough to take an active role in their education, encouraging and simulate the kids intellectually and not just dumping them in front of the TV. Also consider choosing a mother from a culture where the woman's parents/relatives will be willing to take an active role and help with child care. Not only does this make your life orders of magnitude better and more affordable, the kids also get to grow up with an extended support network of loving family instead of being isolated and alone like we are here in good old white america. The best for the kids is a woman that stays home, but that means all of the financial burden will be on your shoulders and in America its insanely expensive.

There aren't many subjects out there with as much bullshit as parenthood so screen carefully in doing research. This includes the gushing female sentimental vagina fantasies about the greatness of children along with the bitter angry woman and family hating material that comes out of the manosphere. There's very little good unbiased advice on the topic so in the end you have to decide for yourself what the right kind of involvement is and what is and is not your responsibility.

As for me, I did it too early without first having wild years to go and slay pussy all over the globe and so far its brought me nothing but existential misery and regret. If I could go back I would not do it until maybe later in life after 40 if at all. I won't repeat my moans and groans here as you can find them already if you search for my posts. For what its worth I've said a lot about marriage, family, and my situation already.

BTW guys, sex is great but nothing compares to the feeling you get cumming inside of her with all intention of impregnating her.. That being said, its not worth it unless you really want it and are ready to make the sacrifices without regret.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - MKDAWUSS - 09-28-2015

Men have biological clocks just like women.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Oz. - 09-28-2015

Quote: (09-28-2015 10:34 PM)MKDAWUSS Wrote:  

Men have biological clocks just like women.

[Image: 78WrbYS.gif]

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - JuanQuinQuin - 09-28-2015

Quote: (09-28-2015 03:25 PM)Oz. Wrote:  

The only reason I'm not a father is because I need to get a varicocele operation, shit I already have someone in mind too. I would want more than one kid though and not all with the same girl.

Clearly I don't plan on doing this in America.

Varicocele. LOL, I haven't heard that in a long time. Que Muela es esa Come Gorda. JAJAJA.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - PainPositive - 09-28-2015

It seems to be a point of contention with some people on the forum that not having kids is an easier way of life. I can't help but agree when I see what my father went through having kids with the wrong woman. Who thinks raising kids and choosing a woman is easy though?

I think it all comes down to having the right woman to bear your children. A good woman essentially raises your children for you and a bad women is just another child that needs raising.

I've seen "wife hunting" threads before but do we have any about how to select a good woman (red flags, green flags), where to find her by city, and a rating system based on child bearing qualities? That would be something I'd be interested in reading.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - PapayaTapper - 09-29-2015

Quote: (09-28-2015 10:34 PM)MKDAWUSS Wrote:  

Men have biological clocks just like women.

The following men (and age they fathered their last children) would disagree with you

Luciano Pavarotti, 67
Pablo Picasso, 68
Yasser Arafat, 71
Jacques Cousteau. 72
Rupert Murdoch, 72
Charlie Chaplin 73
Tony Randall, 78
Anthony Quinn, 81
Saul Bellow, 84

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Stack Thornehawk - 09-29-2015

So we've uncovered it in conversation, this is nature enacting what was intended for us, from our loftiest of dreams down to our basest of desires. We must have children, we must continue the human race, yes you've all heard this before, for to not due this would surely lead to extinction. The narrative is an evolution of a banking scheme that existed over 200 years ago and is still ticking, now it is interfering with human affairs on a global scale and dissecting our future into profits and dividends. Ever the diseased equalist's seek to create a utopia of degeneracy, a wretched colony of lethargic lemmings, a waste of the human potential curbed for the feelings of those that nature did not qualify to pass on their genes such as the "special interest groups" of today's media. The plot to undermine the natural alpha male and keep the natural alpha male powerless and forgotten are all a part of this fiendish agenda. Without the current system of fiat money, there would be no obstruction blocking the ambitious males from propagating their litter-to-be, this I believe. I would already be a father to multiple children in several countries were it not the case, and especially back in the states.

*sigh* We can discuss and contemplate this forever, but I would rather scheme and take action to solidify a point in human history where things that have been going wrong can begin to look up. I desire to be a father above most of my life's goals, and I think it is rearing itself in my subconscious because I have not fulfilled it yet, while the rest of my desires, i.e. success, strong foundations, superb health and strength, intellectual acumen, are always in front of me regardless.

Does anyone else on here wonder about this? Perhaps the source of all the problems which I mentioned should be dealt with before it trumps all human ability for significant procreation (where it matters)

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - kaotic - 09-29-2015


Absolutely solid guideline.

[Image: potd.gif]

+1 repped

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Oz. - 09-29-2015

Quote: (09-28-2015 11:26 PM)JuanQuinQuin Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2015 03:25 PM)Oz. Wrote:  

The only reason I'm not a father is because I need to get a varicocele operation, shit I already have someone in mind too. I would want more than one kid though and not all with the same girl.

Clearly I don't plan on doing this in America.

Varicocele. LOL, I haven't heard that in a long time. Que Muela es esa Come Gorda. JAJAJA.

Do you have a problem with what I wrote? Are you trying to sound cuban too? I've been told by two urologists already I need an operation if I want to have kids, I'm pretty sure they're more experienced than you.

Regardless if you do have a problem you can just straight up pme and we can resolve it.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Menace - 09-29-2015

el mechanico I had to lol at the Shopkins comment. [Image: biggrin.gif] I'm knee deep in season 3. Have you got her any limited editions? Today she asked me if she could get a Kiplinger backpack. $160 for some stupid backpack? Hell no.

Roosh, from my personal interactions with you, I'm of the opinion that you'd be a great father. Children do need stability and a home base, so the vagabond playboy lifestyle is not a great one for them. My situation with my kid is unusual, so I am able to have both, although not without significant sacrifice. The key is really to find a suitable mother. Even though I split up with mine, in terms of parenting it's all pretty solid.

Despite what what we may think, having children is normal.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - el mechanico - 09-29-2015

For those who don't know...

[Image: attachment.jpg28310]   

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Laner - 09-29-2015

My son just hit six months and is doing great. He is now in the 95% for height and weight so he seems to be continuing on with my genetic heritage. He looks like my dad, which I hear is common. Thinking about that is interesting, that often grandkids are the carrier of the closest genetic makeup perhaps? Anyways its great because my dad has essentially chosen his successor even though he has grandsons older than my son. They are tight, my son stonefaces my father more than anyone trying to out alpha him his the family joke.

I have written about being a new father on some other threads and not much has changed mentally since I wrote them. One thing I will say though is that I want more kids. I would absolutely want the same woman for my second child, but she is quite adamant about only having one. So fellas, be sure to understand their could be a very real limitation on having kids due to this.

Its hard to screen for this in a mother. A woman might want 7 kids like my cousin, but have her 6th one die at one year old and now she is done at 5. Or have a hemorrhage of the uterus and almost die giving birth to her second daughter, like one of my closest friends, taking away her husbands dream of having a son.

Being financially sound only gives a certain peace of mind as well. Its possible to raise good kids in poverty, it would just make things more stressful. But waiting until you have private school money socked away to have them is backwards. Having kids makes a man want to work smarter and not necessarily harder. Working harder means spending less time with my son, which is not why I had him in the first place.

I went through what Roosh was feeling about 2013 when I was 34, now here I am just turned 36.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - EL CHAPO - 09-29-2015


Are you a father, or do you want to be? - rudebwoy - 09-29-2015

Laner - can you link some of the other posts regarding your son.


Are you a father, or do you want to be? - realologist - 09-29-2015

I've been thinking about how to respond to this properly. I am a father and have a 2 year old son and another child on the way with the same woman.

There are many misconceptions about what it takes to raise a child though. The money amount of overblown. If you are spending as much money as what is recommended by parenting books, other media publications and child support than I feel you are failing.

You don't need to spend that much money especially early on. The most important thing you need to spend with your child/children is time. That's what you will sacrifice the most with a child and you have to be willing to do that or you won't be a good father.

An example my friend called me Wednesday and wanted me to go to New York City over the weekend with him. Free place to stay for weekend. All I would have had to pay for was the flight, food and other expenses. Normally I would jump on this but had obligations with my son.

Those are the type of things I sacrifice. Time, spontaneous plans and trips. Everything has to be planned out ahead of time due to my son. You lose this due to your role as father. You are the rock of the family, you are the role model, strength and wisdom of the family. Without you it crumbles. Look at single mother households.

There are benefits as well. If you fulfill your role as father properly your children will love you like no woman other than your own mother can. That feeling is amazing after the usual quick relationships with empty whores. With your children there is a real human connection that Western Society lost long ago.

Are you a father, or do you want to be? - Laner - 09-29-2015

Quote: (09-29-2015 02:58 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Laner - can you link some of the other posts regarding your son.




