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Out of action for a while - Summer Blizzard - 08-22-2015


So the basic story is that i was a bit of a computer nerd in school but from 17-21 was pretty prolific with women (a combination of being 6'4 by that point, having style - girls would actually complement how good i smelled or how trendy/good my clothes looked and mainly i'd say having confidence upon finding out that girls were into me at that age) mainly due to MSN being piss easy to pull from.

So i'm 26 now and between 21 and now i let myself go quite a lot (working on that) among other things and so i've been out of the game and out of practise.


I'm mainly opening this thread for 2 reasons..

1) I need to open better, so suggestions

2) I had 2 girls that came to nothing (never ended up meeting) but i think my text game was poor and so i want a review of what i did wrong so to speak and how i can improve.


Conversation 1..

Hey Tracy, i'm x, 25 and live in Leeds. Where you from?

Her: Castleford

Me: Cool, How old are you?

Her: 19, you?

Me: Cool, 25. Do you work or are you in college?

Her: No, you?

Me: Uni. What are you interested in/enjoy doing?

Her: No, i'm with my mate - Not sure why she said that

Me: Cool. You single i presume?

Her: Yeah

Me: Good, got a pic i can see?

Her: No

Me: You shy or outgoing?

Her: Shy

Me: Cool, how tall are you? What kind of guys do you go for?

Her: I don't know

Me: You free tonight? Meet me. 6pm. City center. We'll go to starbucks or a bar.

Her: Not until 11.30. Wait, in Castleford?

Me: You wanting fun or a new boyfriend?

Her: No, don't want a bf. Would you regard this as her stating she wants sex.
Me: Cool. You doing anything tomorrow?

Her: No.

Me: Meet me tomorrow evening then.

Her: You come into Castleford.

Me: Yup. Train station.

Her: Ok.

Me: You got a pic on facebook?

Her: No

Me: How shy are you? You like a guy in control?

Her: No, i like girls. Joke i assume.

Then checked out each others pics.


Conversation 2

Me: Hey, it's x from POF. How are you?

Her: Ok, just at my brothers.

Me: Cool. Just off to gym, text me a pic.

Her. Plz!

Me: Yes, My apologies.

Her: Lol (sends pic)

Me: Pretty

Her: Hate having my pic taken.

Me: Why?

Her: Cos i don't think i look good

Me: My attitude is that whatever you don't like about yourself can be changed. Hence why i'm gyming it.

Her: Not always true

Me: Not always but a lot of the time.

Her: I still hate having my pic taken no matter what i looked like

Me: Fair enough

Her: More confident since losing 3 stone

Me: Good, when you free?

Her: How long you been going gym?

Me: Bla.. What you interested in/enjoy doing?

Her: Blaa..

Me: Cool. Shall we take a walk ending at a pub (one of her enjoyments)

Her: Gonna give you a chance to run now, i am best mates with my ex and he is protective.

Me: That's fine, a non issue unless we get serious

Her: Just thought i would let you know.

Me: Why'd you break up?

Her: Grew apart

Me: Why's he still protective then?

Her: We're soulmates if you believe that kinda thing Stinks of still being into him

Me: Okay

Her: He's no threat

Me: Cool, when you free then?

Her: Bonfire tomorrow if your interested.

Me: Prefer a private drink. Had no intention of meeting the group so to speak

Her: Ok

Out of action for a while - 1026 - 08-22-2015


In the name of Game, I commend you for trying to improve yourself, its a long hard road, but on RVF, you're never alone...

Texting off my mobile so I can't throw those "quotation boxes" for specific reference.

As you can see, I'm not highly repped but I'll advise where I can.


You need to open better, in terms of Day Game, Text Game, what exactly?
If you're talking about Day Game, there are loads of forum threads dealing with Day Game approaches.
That you can look for them in own your own time, very educational stuff.

If you're talking about Text Game, bro really don't sweat it.
You haven't met the chick, its a really long road to getting the bang.
Your introduction seems sufficient.

Conversation #1.
Waaay too many interview style questions
A couple are enough for you to calibrate & guess at who you are dealing with.
But you asked way too many, point in case, girl #1s one word replies convey disinterest
You are asking the same questions that 20 others are blitzing her with in a week
I don't blame her lack of interest

When she said "No I'm with my mate" - I assume she misread & thought you were asking if she's interested in doing something with you. She declines, in her mind, a rejection
Its downhill from here

More interview style questions without much investment from her

Then you drop this bomb "What kind of guys are you into?"
What does it matter, assume that you are the kind of guy she is into & behave as such, don't question her, as if your going to mimic what ever description she puts in word for word.

You say "You wanting fun or a boyfriend"...
Bro, we do not ask those questions, do you want to be her boyfriend? The 'wanting fun' part is kinda sketchy so soon, especially over text.
Her reply... I don't see that as an indicator of her wanting sex, just an indirect decline of either offer.

Yet more interview style questions...
Then you redirect another meet-up question
Here you lose frame by agreeing to meet her in her territory, completely giving up on your original plan on front of her eyes.
I personally suggest, you state that you're coming to Castleford for other reasons (business, work, friends, shopping, etc) & then in coincidence, you'll meet her afterwards.

More interview style questions...
Then you say "Do you like guys in control?"
Of course she does, but very few girls will appreciate such a thinly veiled sexual innuendo from a dude she doesn't know.
Be the guy in control, then you won't have to ask what she thinks.

Conversation #2.
Much better flow to this conversation
She seems more keen & compliant
Which makes your Text Game look far better

As for her ex, I think I'll take her words "He is not a threat" - for what it is.
Dude should probably sign up to RVF if he's thinking bout locking her down... I digress.

I second your call to not hit the bonfire.
Social Circle Game works best when its YOUR Social Circle & not hers
You could end up in so many dire, awkward, embarrassing, uncomfortable & not to mention dangerous situations by rocking up there
Her soul mate could be hosting the BBQ, with you on the menu.

Added Notes
Ill defer to the forum, but you may very be pushing for the meet-up too soon for their liking.
Personally I give it a week or two, or I pull the trigger immediatley if the girl shows visible interest (as with girl #2)

With such things, if you have to ask twice, your dead in the water, as in dismembered & floating.

Brother man, 2 Text Game leads are not going to cut it. This is a numbers game!

Search through & read the forum threads, the above statement I posed to you will be drilled into your psyche.

You need to start going out at night, wrastling drunk sluts at clubs, doing day time approaches, going to more parties & if you persist with Online Game, you need at least 10-20 new leads a week to get anywhere near a meet-up leading to a bang.

The veterans on here will say "Come back when you have approached 100 new women"
For you I'd even go on to say "Come back when you've hustled up 100 new leads".

Further than that, you may be rusty, but 2 dead-end conversations with online hamsters that lead nowhere is not a big enough sample size. You need 50x number output.

You seem to have had it going, get more practise in, chase down more leads, get more meet-ups, numbers etc. Hit the gym, work on your fashion where you can & I promise you, the glory days shall return.

Apologies on text &/or grammar mistakes

All the best


Out of action for a while - Tex - 08-22-2015

Your second conversation was hands down better than your first, but it still looks to me like you weren't able to separate yourself from the generic lame guy trying to text a girl (which is a key component of text game). For example, in the second conversation you opened with "how are you?" which is a very weak opener (and every now and then a game killer) in my experience.

What was the first conversation from? Was it from POF? Either way it was weak, because it reflected very little game and a lot of impulsive messages a typical low value guy would convey. Not saying you're that kind of guy, but the generic messages and constant pushing with questions to get the conversation going makes the girl think you are.

Both times, you don't sufficiently put off a "player" feel. By that, I mean girls you text should get the impression that you don't want or need a serious relationship. Text game is just as much about what not to do as what to do, and you never want to make it seem like you are looking for a LTR--even if you are. It just seems to put girls off, and really it should, because at that point you're just texting the girl. It's 100% casual at that point.


Her: No, don't want a bf. Would you regard this as her stating she wants sex.
Me: Cool. You doing anything tomorrow?

For example, here is a girl who's signaling that she definitely wants something purely casual. Could that change? Naturally. It always happens. But she is shutting down the possibility that you pursue any relationship, and that's because you shouldn't even hint at it.

Really, you shouldn't even mention serious relationships in early text game at all unless she brings it up. And at that point you should just bat that shit down. When you mention "a non issue unless we get serious" in the second exchange, it could be construed that that is an option for you. Even if it's obvious that that isn't what your saying, girls smell it as beta.

You do a couple of things right, like avoid the group bullshit with the second girl, and you cut to the chase. What I think you really need is 1) flavor and flair, 2) more aloofness and casualness, and 3) better awareness of shit tests (because some of what these girls say, like that girl demanding you say please could be seen as one, and the second girl jerking the conversation from what you were talking about when she asked about the gym could be seen as one too).

I would read the following:

A great resource for what to emulate in terms of text game:
(Go to page 10 to see how Lucky navigates a "group trap" similar to the one thrown at you)

Read what Samseau says about inner game here:

Terse text game and how you can use it to tighten the holes in your game:

Read a couple of the critiques of other guys on the forum in general to see what applies to you (this goes beyond text game):

Funny example of some text game that, if anything, keeps you from going insane trying to please women (which always ends up repulsing them and hurting your chances):

Some good text responses for when in doubt:

When you've decided you're texting a slut, spit some direct game like this:

Just an idea for adding some flair and setting yourself from the rest of the guys out there is to use gif and pictures to compliment your terse game. An example:

A short thread, but a few good pointers of being concise and bold in order to cut out the fat and not be boring while texting:

Hope that helps. The main points of text game are being above the role of catering to women. You need strong inner game and should be self-contained. Don't reach too far for girls.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

Out of action for a while - Cronus - 08-22-2015

Yeah, your texting needs some work. The first girl must be a real catch.

Here are some pointers:

- Stop asking so many questions. The first conversation was an interview. Save those for the date. When you go into question mode, think about how you can turn it into a statement. Instead of asking her for her age, tell her she looks like your stereotypical college girl/nerd/whore/whatever.

- Don't dive into her life through text. Make it a goal to not go personal and talk about subjects that will make her comfortable. A funny picture is my go-to when I run out of steam.

- Make her comfortable before you ask for a pic. If it's your first time texting her, you're diving in too quickly. Ease the cat a bit.

- Don't fall into her frame. In #2 you stated, "My attitude is that whatever you don't like about yourself can be changed. Hence why i'm gyming it."
When she said "Not always true" your answer should have been a neg. Don't give her the satisfaction of one upping you.

- Wait somewhere between 10 minutes to 1 hour when texting. You're a busy man who doesn't wait around. Let her feel that vibe.

- Drag out your questions. Start talking about whatever you asked more in depth. This is called rambling. If she's not biting, the maximum number of texts on the same subject should be two. Any more and you're dragging out an unwanted subject.

- She should WANT to talk to you. If she's giving you short responses like #1, skip her. Women are masters of displaying disinterest. Pick up on it and don't waste time/ energy.

- Don't ask her what type of guys she goes for. You're trying to validate yourself.

- Don't ask her if she has a boyfriend. That's not your problem.

- Protective boyfriend = shit test. Tell her you have a protective hamster that can smell fear.

Overall, both these girls played hard to get. Good move on avoiding the bonfire trap. Your texting game will improve. I suggest you get a Tinder to sharpen your skills.

Out of action for a while - Summer Blizzard - 08-23-2015

I'll reply properly when on the computer tonight but Cronus's protective hamster cracked me up.

Also notice girl 1 apparently expressed disinterest.. But did agree to meet me.

Out of action for a while - Summer Blizzard - 08-26-2015

"You need to open better, in terms of Day Game, Text Game, what exactly? "

I was referring to online. I need an opener that will work on the mass market so to speak but is not simpy 'hi, how are you'.


Great links, will read.


Will remove the subject of relationships and what kinda guys she's into.