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Friendzoning yourself for social circle game - Hendrix90210 - 06-22-2015

I've never been interested in non-romantic 'friendships' with women. The only time I have experienced them, they have been a result of my failure to adequately generate attraction and close, the involuntary state of 'friendzone', which happened to me a couple of times when I was blue-pilled and younger.

The problem I have now, is that while I have a few plates, they are all potential (or current) bangs, and I wouldn't want to stuff them up by having them around eachother, and have one of them want to PDA etc. I want to create more of a 'social circle', so I can invite my buddies around for drinks and have 5-10 women I can invite for atmosphere and social proof, other than girlfriends.

Maybe I'm just being greedy with plates and need to step up approaches, and use the individual early stage leads to come to a single event and go from there. I just think there must be a better way than this, such as deliberately signalling non-romantic intentions, meeting her friends and accessing an instant pool of several women.

Has anyone had any success outside of a university environment with getting into a 'group' of women that has a shared interest, vibe or culture that can be used for nights out etc?


Friendzoning yourself for social circle game - General Stalin - 06-22-2015

Needs to be moved to Game forum.

Friendzoning yourself for social circle game - The Great Basilisk - 06-22-2015

I've been thinking about this as well. I have a few girls that are pretty good looking and that i have banged in the past. Could i turn these girls into social proof? The problem is that they may still have feelings for me and me hitting on others chicks in front of them might cause a shitstorm.

Friendzoning yourself for social circle game - SvaMp_ - 06-22-2015

Very interesting, all these gay guys getting hot girls are from social circles, they are gay and get a lot of women friends from that. Personally I allways try to bone whatever attractive female I get contact with so never had that. Might have been a wiser investment

Friendzoning yourself for social circle game - germanico - 06-22-2015

The "friendzone" comes when a girl you are romantically/sexually interested in, sees you as nothing more than a "friend".

Having a friend of the female kind does not "friendzone" makes.

So, the question is "Is making friends with women good for social circle game?"

Yes, it is. Go mingle.

Friendzoning yourself for social circle game - capote - 06-22-2015

Very interesting topic.

Its much easier to pull off in a University setting with the dorm/house parties etc.

One guy I know is very active in Expat groups in my city (mostly via Fb) and he has built a huge social circle simply by going to these events several times a week. Most of his social circle is young expats, exchange students and au-pairs that forms a amorphous group consisting of many attractive young talent always looking to party. Don't know how successful he is with these women and doesn't seem to be the case. This could be the reason why he is so popular - girls want to party/hang out/dance with him but in a "safe", non-sexual way.

And this is the caveat in my opinion - if you bang one of the girls in your social circle (or her friend), news will spread like wildfire and soon you'll be "that guy".

Very interested to know how to pull this off..