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Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Printable Version

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Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - speakeasy - 06-15-2015

I have a Twitter account I set up long ago but haven't made a single tweet nor do I ever go on it. I'm really out of the loop with Twitter and how it works and what all the tags and shit mean.

I know it has value for marketers and such, but is there any good use for it outside of that? I follow interesting people and pages on FB already. So I'm not sure Twitter would add any new value for me there. But maybe there are other things it's useful for that I'm not aware of?

edit --

I also recently "discovered" Pinterest. I used to think it was just some site for girls to post photos of shoes and flowers. But I actually like it a lot. I have look books for everything from men's style to graphic design to photography. If I need some inspiration it's all right there. I had folders on my computer I was using for that purpose before but it's cool to just have it in one central place I can access anywhere.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - dasher - 06-15-2015

It can be useful to get quick updates about something that you wouldn't otherwise be able to get.

Say if the forums went down, Roosh would post something to the RVF or his own twitter giving some details (malicious attack, data center died, etc).

Also can be fun to troll feminists if you've nothing better to do.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - storm - 06-15-2015

You can contact any individual, no matter how famous.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 11:48 PM)dasher Wrote:  

It can be useful to get quick updates about something that you wouldn't otherwise be able to get.

Say if the forums went down, Roosh would post something to the RVF or his own twitter giving some details (malicious attack, data center died, etc).

Also can be fun to troll feminists if you've nothing better to do.

Pretty much it. Information tool as RVF or other guys from the 'sphere put up links to news and shit. You can also keep up what guys are up to. Instant messaging gives you a tool to communicate.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Suits - 06-16-2015

I don't have an account and probably never will, but it's probably fun if you want to troll feminist dumb-asses or you are promoting your product.

However, if your life is more complete because you post daily updates about your activities, you probably need to make your life more interesting until you don't feel like doing that any more.

If you need a Twitter account to share your deep thoughts, you probably just lack quality male friends to discuss these matters with.

I could see the value in having an account just to get Tweets from particularly entertaining users.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Drazen - 06-16-2015

I use it to keep up with stuff I want to keep up with. From NBA updates, trade rumors to people posting funny jokes to travel logs, motivational insights, event happenings, etc.

Its very useful as a tool to keep up to date with what you want to do.I rarely tweet, I use it more as a news feed to keep up with my preferred curated content.

I even won entrance to a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit launch party through a twitter contest.

If you are an "influencer" meaning you have a strong following, you can get all kinds of free shit from marketers. Free meals, free clothes, free electronic gadgets, access to private parties and events, etc. I am not on that level, but for some people (usually hot girls) its a hustle and its profitable for them.

Oh yeah, I also use it to tweet out Uber promo codes every so often I've had probably $300 in referral credits from uber from doing basically nothing.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - KorbenDallas - 06-16-2015

It's worth it to have an account. Even if you only use it once a week. Politicians can be hilarious. Usually whenever a politician sends out some sort of self-promoting tweet the only people who bother to tweet back are people who hate them, this can be pretty entertaining. Doesn't matter if its Rand Paul, Obama, Cameron, or whoever.

That's a plus about Twitter I guess. It gives the everyday person a voice to speak to the powerful. Also, there are a lot of funny parody accounts and joke accounts. If you set up an organized profile geared to your interests, I think its worth it. You don't have to use it that often either. It's not like facebook where its almost a competition to have the most interesting life, it's very low stress. You can forget about it for six months, and then come back to your account, and if you've set it up well, can become informed on a lot of interesting people or friends you've forgot about over the last six months.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Chaos - 06-16-2015

I never post anything.
I use Twitter as my daily news feed of things I'm interested to keep myself updated with.
More or less everybody has twitter these days so it's a pretty easy way to stay updated.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - LeeEnfield303 - 06-16-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 11:55 PM)storm Wrote:  

You can contact any individual's Twitter-monitoring minion, no matter how famous.


Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - h3ltrsk3ltr - 06-16-2015

Myself and other people I know have used it as a marketing tool. It's decent for networking.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Gmac - 06-16-2015

I banged a few fan-girls / groupies off twitter a few years back when I was maintaining my old blog. Not bad I think for a very minor pseudo manosphere celeb at the time.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - scorpion - 06-16-2015

Yes, there are good reasons to be on Twitter, most of which have already been mentioned in this thread. But there are also good reasons to not be on Twitter, chief among them the fact that Twitter is ground zero for our modern culture of inanity, pointless bickering, attention whoring, shallow thinking and mental clutter. Absent the strictest self-discipline, Twitter is almost certainly going to distract you from other more productive activities you could be pursuing. At best, it's most likely just going to provide you cheap entertainment. At worst, it's going to actively make you stupider, shorten your attention span and increase your stress levels.

Really, what's the point? Why do I give a shit what celebrities are Tweeting about? Even less, why do a give a shit about what some random person is Tweeting about? I simply do not want to clutter my mind with their nonsense. At the end of the day, the vast majority of the shit that is written on the internet is completely pointless and you lose nothing by not reading it. Give up on this mistaken notion that you will be "missing out" if you aren't following Twitter feeds and reading whatever the latest stuff is posted there. You aren't missing anything of importance. On the other hand, by indulging in Twitter you are missing out on living your life in the real world unencumbered by the mental clutter and bullshit that is an inevitable product of the "Twittersphere".

Most people are far too nonchalant about what goes into their minds, just like they are with what goes into their bodies. In either case, the old truism applies: garbage in, garbage out. Just as a physical diet of cheetos will turn you into a lard ass, a mental diet of Twitter will turn you into a shallow thinker and communicator.

And before I hear the objection about how guys only use Twitter to find interesting articles to read, I ask again: who the fuck cares about another article? I can give you a hundred books to read that you'd gain infinitely more from than just another random article from the internet. The problem is not finding valuable things to read, the problem is finding the time and discipline to read them. Twitter does absolutely nothing to address this problem, and indeed actively makes it worse by reducing attention spans. With the only exceptions being men who actively use Twitter as a tool for business self-promotion, I think the vast majority of men are personally better off ignoring it entirely (along with social media in general).

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - General Stalin - 06-17-2015

Quote: (06-16-2015 07:39 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Yes, there are good reasons to be on Twitter, most of which have already been mentioned in this thread. But there are also good reasons to not be on Twitter, chief among them the fact that Twitter is ground zero for our modern culture of inanity, pointless bickering, attention whoring, shallow thinking and mental clutter. Absent the strictest self-discipline, Twitter is almost certainly going to distract you from other more productive activities you could be pursuing. At best, it's most likely just going to provide you cheap entertainment. At worst, it's going to actively make you stupider, shorten your attention span and increase your stress levels.

Really, what's the point? Why do I give a shit what celebrities are Tweeting about? Even less, why do a give a shit about what some random person is Tweeting about? I simply do not want to clutter my mind with their nonsense. At the end of the day, the vast majority of the shit that is written on the internet is completely pointless and you lose nothing by not reading it. Give up on this mistaken notion that you will be "missing out" if you aren't following Twitter feeds and reading whatever the latest stuff is posted there. You aren't missing anything of importance. On the other hand, by indulging in Twitter you are missing out on living your life in the real world unencumbered by the mental clutter and bullshit that is an inevitable product of the "Twittersphere".

Most people are far too nonchalant about what goes into their minds, just like they are with what goes into their bodies. In either case, the old truism applies: garbage in, garbage out. Just as a physical diet of cheetos will turn you into a lard ass, a mental diet of Twitter will turn you into a shallow thinker and communicator.

And before I hear the objection about how guys only use Twitter to find interesting articles to read, I ask again: who the fuck cares about another article? I can give you a hundred books to read that you'd gain infinitely more from than just another random article from the internet. The problem is not finding valuable things to read, the problem is finding the time and discipline to read them. Twitter does absolutely nothing to address this problem, and indeed actively makes it worse by reducing attention spans. With the only exceptions being men who actively use Twitter as a tool for business self-promotion, I think the vast majority of men are personally better off ignoring it entirely (along with social media in general).

I repped you for this but clicked accept without writing a note. Anyway great commentary on the voluntary mental sedation of people by way of social media. I have spoken out many times on here about my hatred of social media/smartphone dependence. This is the modern day couch potato. People are just meat with eyes barely satiating themselves by absorbing shallow entertainment.

Anyway all cynicism and misanthropy aside - I manage a band and recently started my own business and recognize that Twitter is kind of important for promoting both those things, but I'm terrible at it. I don't know the etiquette an don't really have the "social media" mindset. This may be better suited for the Lifestyle forum but if anyone has pointers for me that'd be great.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Easy_C - 06-17-2015

Entertainment and that's about it.

The exception is if you are self employed. In that case you NEED a Twitter account, if for nothing more than to help with SEO. If you're feeling particularly courageous you can also use Twitter to cause a "controversy bomb" which is a marketing technique where you deliberate troll the SJW's on Twitter in order to get your name out there, as Protein World did very effectively in the UK.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - General Stalin - 06-17-2015

Quote: (06-17-2015 09:48 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Entertainment and that's about it.

The exception is if you are self employed. In that case you NEED a Twitter account, if for nothing more than to help with SEO. If you're feeling particularly courageous you can also use Twitter to cause a "controversy bomb" which is a marketing technique where you deliberate troll the SJW's on Twitter in order to get your name out there, as Protein World did very effectively in the UK.

See I feel like trolling people and gaining traction via controversy may be the easiest route to make a name and be noticed - I just need to get into that mode of operation.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Pride male - 06-17-2015

I am not on twitter but here is one good reason. To troll and have a laugh at celebrities. These sites always have me in stitches.

On the real though it makes sense if you're a celebrity. I dont have one but some friends do. Dont know what's the point if you have only 14 or so followers. As far as pussy chasing I dont know if twitter is any help.

Is there any good reason to be on Twitter? - Easy_C - 06-17-2015

Quote: (06-17-2015 10:08 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2015 09:48 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Entertainment and that's about it.

The exception is if you are self employed. In that case you NEED a Twitter account, if for nothing more than to help with SEO. If you're feeling particularly courageous you can also use Twitter to cause a "controversy bomb" which is a marketing technique where you deliberate troll the SJW's on Twitter in order to get your name out there, as Protein World did very effectively in the UK.

See I feel like trolling people and gaining traction via controversy may be the easiest route to make a name and be noticed - I just need to get into that mode of operation.

You're not mistaken. That's how Tucker Max got his fame and money: