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Bizarre French Language Site Documenting Contemporary Sex Lives - Printable Version

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Bizarre French Language Site Documenting Contemporary Sex Lives - philosophical_recovery - 06-15-2015

Somehow this found it's way on my radar. I've provided some loose translations for what I think are interesting. In gist, there are several separate articles going over the key dates of different person's sex lives. I only picked two, but there are more.

The first one I saw was this:


« Je vous propose la perspective de ceux qui ne baisent pas, ou plutôt n’arrivent pas à baiser. »
"I give the perspective of those who don't fuck, or rather never fuck."

He recounts his first relation with a women, at 20, which was a prostitute. His thinking at the time before he goes is:


J’ai eu ma première relation sexuelle à vingt ans. Je me disais :

« Non, là, ça ne peut plus durer. J’ai vingt ans. Je n’ai jamais couché avec une fille. Et si une fille tombe amoureuse de moi, je dois savoir comment faire, ne pas passer pour le puceau

"No, this can not go on. I'm 20. I have never slept with a girl. And if a girl falls in love with me, I must know how to do it, and not pass for a virgin."

He describes his first time with the prostitute. Apparently this becomes a hobby. Five years later, he finds websites on internet seduction, which he devours:


Je reviens en France vers ma vingt-cinquième année. Là, ça ne peut plus durer. J’ai un déclic. Il faut que ça change, que je change. Je trouve des coachs en séduction sur Internet. Je dévore littéralement les articles. Ils t’apprennent comment parler aux filles, les séduire, avoir un « life style », comment donner l’apparence d’être intéressant, bien s’habiller…

The websites instruct him how to talk to girls, how to seduce them, to have a "lifestyle", how to have the appearance of being interesting, to dress well...

His first time having sex, without paying, is through Badoo:


C’est grâce aux applications de rencontre, notamment Badoo, que j’ai eu ma première relation sexuelle non payée. La fille cherchait des coups d’un soir, une fois par mois. On a tchaté, ça a collé, elle m’a dit de venir chez elle.

He chats with the girl, they have a little conversation and she invites him over.


Je suis arrivé un peu trop tôt, elle a pris une douche, avant de sortir en robe de chambre. Elle a capté que je n’étais pas à mon aise. On a maté un film et, deux heures après, on s’est embrassé, peloté, avant de se jeter l’un sur l’autre. Je lui ai fait un cunnilingus. Apparemment, ça lui a beaucoup plu. Je savais comment faire car j’avais lu un e-book sur la question.

La fin n’a pas été très satisfaisante. Elle a atteint l’orgasme vite et m’a laissé en plan. J’ai dû me finir à la main. C’est un vrai problème, ça, je suis tardif et on me l’a reproché plusieurs fois. On parle des éjaculateurs précoces mais jamais des tardifs. Il y a même une prostituée qui a refusé de me voir, la troisième fois, parce que je la « fatiguais » trop. Comment ça se traduit ? Je finis quasiment toujours à la main.

When he gets there, she had taken a shower, and saw that he was not at ease. So, she put on a film, and it took two hours for him to get going. He starts out by eating her pussy, which he had purchased an e-book on for technique.

The end, however, was not good for him, because she came quick and he couldn't come. He had to manually rub one out. One of the prostitutes that he saw regularly, in fact, refused to see him for a third time because he was too fatiguing.

I hate the stories of incels anywhere, but for some reason this was more painful because he is a frenchman and apparently is so used to his own hand that he can't enjoy sex. It's unsaid, but I'm guessing that the girl he met over Badoo was probably either unattractive, fat, or both, and couldn't compare to porn or the prostitutes.

There are several other articles on the site, including one of a girl who is 25 years old and has had 27 lovers:


C’est ce qu’elle a dit aux derniers mecs qu’elle a rencontrés, principalement grâce à l’application Tinder, ses « coups d’une fois » qui ponctuent son quotidien sexuel depuis quelques mois :

« Je ne cherche pas quelque chose de sérieux. Je pars vivre un an à l’étranger. Ce que je veux, avec toi, c’est du sexe et qu’on s’amuse. »

This girl has met most of her last men with tinder, which have been one night stands. Her quote listed is: "I am not looking for something serious. I'm leaving to live for a year abroad. This is what I want with you: sex and for you to amuse me."

It goes on to describe when she lost her virginity at the age of 14 with a friend in her social circle. Then, she describes the most exciting time of her life:


La fois la plus excitante, c’était lors d’un contrat en entreprise, à Paris. Depuis plusieurs mois, cet homme, la quarantaine, appuyait son regard à la pause clope. Vers la fin de mon contrat, j’ai décidé de lui envoyer un mail via la messagerie interne. Je lui ai dit que je voulais le baiser, je lui avais jamais parlé avant. On s’est vu un peu plus tard, pause clope encore, il a cherché à me connaître, un peu gêné, puis il est remonté à son bureau. Il m’a envoyé un message : « As-tu déjà baisé dans l’entreprise ? »

Dix minutes plus tard, il m’a posée sur la cuvette fermée des toilettes et il m’a prise en levrette. Ce fut le moment le plus excitant de toute ma vie. Il m’a dit, vers la fin, que ma génération était bien plus hard sexuellement que la sienne. Je l’ai pris comme un compliment.

A man in his forties would often gaze at her during the cigarette breaks at her contract company. At the end of her contract, never having spoken to him before, she send him a message over the internal system that she wanted to kiss/fuck him (I'm not that fluent, can't pick up on the subtleties here if she was extremely direct). Anyway, he's hammering away at her doggystyle 10 minutes later, which she calls the most exciting moment of her life. Afterward, he tells her that her generation is much more sexually hard(ened) than his, which she takes as a complement.

I don't think there's anything new here other than the voyeuristic aspect of it all, but it's interesting to note the concepts of game are reflected worldwide, as well as what we have seen in our own lives, but from the perspectives of another culture. Any other francophones here might find more of the articles interesting.

In particular, I found the sharp contrast between the loser incel that has to pay prostitutes to get laid and the careerwoman fucking everyone on Tinder and random office men to be particularly harsh. However, the concept of "five minutes of alpha" lasting forever in a woman's mind is clear, here. All it took was a mere suggestion of a 20ish attractive woman for a 40ish year old man to fuck her brains out in the bathroom, which she will remember fondly as she is scooping up the remnants of the incels and betas 5 to 10 years later, after her looks have faded.